Δευτέρα 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Έντουαρτνς για Τάουνς: «Πονάει που δεν είναι εδώ ο αδερφός μου» (vid)

Edwards on Towns: 'It hurts that my brother isn't here' (vid)

The Timberwolves just before the start of this season decided to trade their 9-year player Karl-Anthony Towns for Julius Randle and Donde Devicenzo of the Knicks, with the former teammates of "KAT" expressing shock.

Το απίστευτο πέρα-δόθε του Σπάρταλη σε Ρόδο και Αθήνα για το Stoiximan Super Cup με τον Ολυμπιακό και το ματς Κυπέλλου με τον Παπάγο

The incredible back-and-forth of Spartalis in Rhodes and Athens for the Stoiximan Super Cup with Olympiakos and the Cup match with Papagos

Athens, Rhodes, Athens, Rhodes and Athens again. This was the route followed by 18-year-old Stefanos Spartalis to attend the Olympiakos team in the Stoiximan Super Cup, but also to compete with Papagos in the match against Psychiko for the Greek Cup.

Ολυμπιακός: Προπονήθηκε για πρώτη φορά ο Γιαζιτσί, επιστρέφει ο Μασούρας

Olympiacos: Yazitsi trained for the first time, Masouras returns

Yussuf Yadzhitsi held his first training session at Olympiakos and is starting work, so that he can immediately enter the plans of Mendiliber. Masouras returns with Braga.

Ο Μπρίτζις δεν ανανεώνει από τώρα στους Νικς - Περιμένει για μεγαλύτερο συμβόλαιο

Bridges not renewing as of now with Knicks - Waiting for longer contract

Mikal Bridges could sign a new two-year contract with the Knicks, but he wants to wait so he can renew for more.

ΠΑΣ Λαμία - Πανσερραϊκός 1-2 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights 6η Αγωνιστική Super League 1 2024-2025

Φεράντο: «Κερδίσαμε ένα ματς ‘τελικό’ για εμάς»

Ferrado: "We won a 'final' match for us"

Juan Ferrado insisted that Panserraikos will compete in all matches of the Stoiximan Super League as if they were finals after the victory in Lamia.

Ανακοίνωσε την απόκτηση του Σεμπά ο Πανιώνιος!

Panionios announced the acquisition of Seba!

The announcement of the former Olympiakos winger, Seba, was announced by Panionios.

Μάτζικ: «Αυτό είναι το "κλειδί" για να γίνει σπουδαίος κόουτς ο Ρέντικ»

Magic: "This is the 'key' to Reddick becoming a great coach"

Magic Johnson made statements and addressed JJ Reddick, who is preparing for his first season as head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Ολυμπιακός: "Δεν έχουμε προβεί σε καμία παράτυπη ενέργεια"

Olympiacos: "We have not taken any illegal action"

Olympiacos responded with its own announcement to that of Athenian, noting that it did not fall into any irregularity in the match between them for the Greek Women's Cup.

Σατσιάς: «Πολύ αυστηρή η αποβολή μας - Δικαιούμασταν τουλάχιστον τον βαθμό»

Satsias: "Our dismissal was very strict - We deserved at least the point"

The statements of Marinos Satsias after Lamia's home defeat by Panserraikos.

Καρμιώτισσα: Απέκτησε ως δανεικό τον Παναγιώτη Ανδρέου από την Ομόνοια

Karmiotissa: Acquired Panagiotis Andreou on loan from Omonia

Panagiotis Andreou was loaned to Karmiotissa on loan from Omonia, as announced by the "greens"

Λαμία - Πανσερραϊκός 1-2

Lamia - Panserraikos 1-2

Curtain on the 6th round of the Stoiximan Super League with the match between Lamia and Panserraikos, with the visitors winning 1-2

«Σας θέλουμε όλους δίπλα μας»: Το κάλεσμα της ΑΕΚ Betsson BC για το ματς με τη Μακάμπι Ραμάτ Γκαν

"We want you all by our side": AEK Betsson BC's call for the match with Maccabi Ramat Gan

AEK Betsson BC has issued a statement calling on the team's fans to support Dragan Sakota's squad in tomorrow's European game against Maccabi Ramat Gan.

Live Streaming.22:00 Bournemouth - Southampton 3-1 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.22:00 Bournemouth - Southampton 3-1 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time  

Live Streaming.22:00 Villarreal - Las Palmas 3-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time.

Live Streaming.22:00 Villarreal - Las Palmas 3-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time.

«Καμπάνα» 6 μηνών στον Σαμουέλ Ετό

"Bell" 6 months to Samuel Eto'o

Cameroon Football Federation (Fécafoot) president Samuel Eto'o has been handed a six-month ban from all of his country's national level matches for his conduct during a U20 Women's World Cup match, it was announced on Monday (30 /9) FIFA.

Οι ξέφρενοι πανηγυρισμοί στο γκολ του Πιερό και η αποθέωση στον Ηλιόπουλο: Η παρακάμερα της ΑΕΚ από το ντέρμπι!

The frantic celebrations of Piero's goal and the apotheosis of Iliopoulos: AEK's side camera from the derby!

See everything that happened at OPAP Arena in the derby between AEK and Panathinaikos. From the explosion of the bench in Piero's goal to the apotheosis of Marios Iliopoulos.

Ουεμπανιάμα: «Δε θα έχω 2 και 3 ευκαιρίες σε κάθε ματς - Πρέπει να αποδείξω πράγματα»

Uebaniyama: "I won't have 2 and 3 chances in every match - I have to prove things"

Victor Uebanyama made statements and talked about the new season in the NBA, emphasizing that he will not have many opportunities in every match and that he must show things on the floor.

Live Streaming.21:45 Parma - Cagliari 2-3 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 Parma - Cagliari 2-3 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Ανακοίνωσε Μπονέλο ο ΠΑΟΚ

PAOK announced Bonello

Abby Bonello will be PAOK's new winger for this season.

Μάρκανεν: «Αγνοούσα τις φήμες για το μέλλον μου - Έχω "αγκαλιάσει" τον ρόλο του ηγέτη»

Markkanen: "I ignored the rumors about my future - I have embraced the role of leader"

Lauri Markkanen spoke about the... transfer series of the summer emphasizing how he tried to ignore what was being written about him. He also emphasized that he enjoys being the leader of the Jazz.

ΔΕΑΒ: Πρόστιμο 10.000 ευρώ στην ΑΕΛ για το ματς με την Καβάλα

DEAB: 10,000 euro fine to AEL for the match with Kavala

With a monetary fine of 10,000 euros, the DEAB punished AEL for the serious incidents caused by its fans at the expense of police forces.

NBA, Εμπίντ: Έχασε 13 κιλά με σκοπό να παραμείνει fit στα play off

NBA, Embiid: He lost 13 kg in order to stay fit for the playoffs

Joel Embiid will appear much... lighter next season, with the aim of staying healthy in the NBA play offs.

Ο Μπαλοτέλι διαπραγματεύεται τη μεταγραφή του σε ομάδα τρίτης κατηγορίας της Ισπανίας

Balotelli is negotiating a move to a Spanish third-tier club

Mario Balotelli has been free for several months now and Intercity are looking to make the big splash, with the Spanish third division side having entered into negotiations with 'Super Mario' for his signature.

Επίσημα στην Ομόνοια ο Γιόβετιτς

Jovetic is officially in Omonia

Omonia have announced Stefan Jovetic, completing a major signing just before the transfer window expires.

Ολυμπιακός: Η «ερυθρόλευκη» παρακάμερα από τον πρώτο τίτλο της σεζόν (vid)

Olympiacos: The "red and white" side camera from the first title of the season (vid)

Olympiacos won the first title of the season, defeating Panathinaikos Aktor in the Super Cup final and uploaded a video of what the cameras did not show.

Αργεντινή - Εκουαδόρ: Χάος σε αγώνα Κ16 - Μπουνιές, ξύλο και... κυνήγι με σημαιάκια κόρνερ (vid)

Argentina - Ecuador: Chaos in a U16 match - Punches, wood and... hunting with corner flags (vid)

Sad images from Latin America, where the young players of Argentina and Ecuador turned the field into... a ring.

ΠΑΟΚ: Παραμένει αμφίβολος ο Κόλεϊ, μόνιμα εκτός Τόμας και Τσιφτσής

PAOK: Koley remains doubtful, permanently out of Tomas and Tsiftsis

On Monday (30/9), Omar Koley underwent treatment and his condition will be re-evaluated on Tuesday (1/10), while Brandon Thomas and Antonis Tsiftsis remain out of training.

Νίκη Βόλου - ΠΑΟΚ Β' 1-1 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Super League 2

Μάντσεστερ Σίτι: Δεν είναι έτοιμος ακόμη ο Γκιντογκάν, σύμφωνα με τον Γκουαρδιόλα, χρειάζεται χρόνο επαναπροσαρμογής

Manchester City: Guidogan is not ready yet, according to Guardiola, he needs readjustment time

Ilkay Guttogan may have returned to Manchester City after a year away, but his short spell at Barcelona has reportedly affected him, according to Pep Guardiola.

Καλαμάτα - Παναργειακός 2-1 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Super League 2

Πεναρόγια: «Είμαστε στον σωστό δρόμο - Για αυτό δεν έπαιξε ο Ερνανγκόμεθ»

Penaroya: "We are on the right path - That's why Hernangomez didn't play"

Juan Peñaroja made statements and referred to the absence of Uili Hernangomez from the game against Granada, while underlining that the "blaugranas" are on the right track for this point of the season.

Live Streaming.20:00 Lamia - Panserraikos 1-2 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.20:00 Lamia - Panserraikos 1-2 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Αθηναϊκός: "Παράτυπη η δωδεκάδα του Ολυμπιακού στο ματς του Κυπέλλου, συνειδητά δεν κάναμε ένσταση"

Athinaikos: "Olympiakos' starting line-up in the Cup match was irregular, we consciously did not object"

On Monday afternoon (9/30), Athenaikos issued a statement regarding the Cup match against Olympiakos, stressing that the red and white team's lineup was irregular.

Παναθηναϊκός: Πρόταση για να γίνει επαγγελματική η διαιτησία και να υπάγεται στον ΕΣΑΚΕ

Panathinaikos: Proposal to make the refereeing professional and come under ESAKE

Through its announcement, Panathinaikos stood on the part of the Greek arbitration and proposes that the KED should now be subordinated to ESAKE instead of the EEC.

Νέο συμβόλαιο στον Μπερνάλ μέχρι το 2029 από την Μπαρτσελόνα

New contract for Bernal until 2029 from Barcelona

Barcelona extended Bernal's contract until 2029.

Σάκοτα: «Έχουμε φιλοδοξίες για διάκριση στο BCL»

Sakota: "We have ambitions for distinction in the BCL"

AEK starts its duties in the BCL tomorrow (1/10-19:00), with the home match against Ramat Gan and its coach, Dragan Sakota, states that his team has set a high bar in the competition.

Ανακοίνωσε Βραζιλιάνο γκολκίπερ ο Λεβαδειακός

Levadeiakos announced a Brazilian goalkeeper

Levadeiakos announced the acquisition of Lucas Anaker.

Στην Ουντινέζε κατέληξε ο Σολέ που είχε απασχολήσει τον ΠΑΟΚ

Sole, who had worked for PAOK, ended up at Udinese

Udinese player should be considered the 24-year-old Frenchman Oumar Sole, who was on the transfer radar of PAOK some time ago.

Παβάρ: "Ο Γκριεζμάν ήταν ο απόλυτος ηγέτης, είναι σκληρό όταν φεύγουν τέτοιοι παίκτες"

Pavard: "Griezmann was the absolute leader, it's hard when players like that leave"

Antoine Griezmann's decision to call an end to his huge career with the French national team has left many of his fellow Blues heartbroken, with Benjamin Pavard hailing him as a legend and role model.

Καλαμάτα - Παναργειακός 2-1: Η Μαύρη Θύελλα το έκανε ξανά, πήρε δεύτερο συνεχόμενο τρίποντο στις καθυστέρησεις

Kalamata - Panargeiakos 2-1: Mavri Tyella did it again, got a second consecutive three points in the delays

With Hieronimos Barales taking over from Nicolas Dighini, Kalamata celebrated for the second consecutive matchday in Super League 2 the victory (2-1) in stoppage time, with Panargeiakos being the victim this time.

ΠΑΟΚ: Επίσημα Παβλένκα

PAOK: Official Pavlenka

PAOK announced the acquisition of Jiri Pavlenka, who signed for 1+1 season and took the jersey with No1.

Ο Χάρισον Μπαρνς μαθαίνει κατά τη διάρκεια δηλώσεων τον θάνατο του Μουτόμπο

Harrison Barnes learns during depositions of Mutombo's death

Harrison Barnes learns during depositions of Mutombo's death.

Σοκ στο παγκόσμιο μπάσκετ: Πέθανε ο Ντικέμπε Μουτόμπο

Shock in world basketball: Dikebe Mutombo died

Shock in world basketball, as it became known a while ago, the legendary Dikebe Mutombo breathed his last at the age of 58.

Έκπληξη στην Ρεάλ με Μπαπέ - Είναι στην αποστολή για το ματς με την Λιλ

Real surprise with Mbappe - In squad for Lille match 

Kylian Mbappe, injured in left thigh last week in La Liga, will be in Real Madrid's squad for the trip to Lille ahead of the clash (2/10) in the 2nd matchday of the Champions League.

Επίσημο: Στον Asteras AKTOR ο Μακέντα!

Official: Macheda is in Asteras AKTOR!

Asteras AKTOR announced the acquisition of Federico Macheda.

Καβάλα - Εθνικός Νέου Κεραμιδίου 0-0 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Super League 2

Πλήγμα για Μονακό: Νοκ άουτ για σχεδόν έναν μήνα ο Καλάθης

Wound for Monaco: Kalathis knocked out for almost a month

Nick Kalathis misses Monaco matches for the next 3-4 weeks.

Νεϊμάρ: Επέστρεψε και προπονήθηκε για πρώτη φορά μετά από έντεκα μήνες

Neymar: He returned and trained for the first time in eleven months

For the first time in eleven months, Neymar took part in team training with the rest of the Al Hilal squad and is now counting down his return to the pitch.

Η Μπάγερν θέλει τον Άλισον για διάδοχο του Νόιερ

Bayern want Alisson as Neuer's successor

The management of Bayern Munich is looking for the successor of the 38-year-old Manuel Neuer, who is expected to retire from the field at the end of the season.

Με μία επιστροφή η αποστολή της Εθνικής Ελλάδας για Αγγλία και Ιρλανδία

With one return, the Greek national team for England and Ireland

Ivan Jovanovitch announced the Greece National Team for the games against England at Wembley (10/10) and Ireland at Karaiskakis, for the 3rd and 4th matchday of the Nations League.

Γιακουμάκης: Γκολ ή ασίστ ανά 53 λεπτά!

Giakoumakis: A goal or an assist every 53 minutes!

Giorgos Giakoumakis reached 5 goals in the Mexican league knowing the apotheosis for the frequency with which he finds the net with Cruz Azul!

Τιμπό Κουρτουά: «Πονοκέφαλος» στη Ρεάλ, μένει εκτός για τουλάχιστον δύο εβδομάδες

Thibaut Courtois: "Headache" at Real, he is out for at least two weeks

Thibaut Courtois has suffered an injury to the abductor of his left foot and will remain in the pits at least until the end of the national team break.

Μπαρτσελόνα: Επιστρέφει στις προπονήσεις ο Ντε Γιονγκ μετά από σχεδόν έξι μήνες

Barcelona: De Jong returns to training after almost six months

Almost six months after his injury, Frenkie de Jong is preparing to return to Barcelona training.