Παρασκευή 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Σέλτικς - Σανς 123-110: Παράσταση για ένα ρόλο στο TD Garden (video)

Celtics - Suns 123-110: Performance for a role in TD Garden (video)

The Boston Celtics remembered their glorious years and leveled at home against the Phoenix Suns (123-110), which were far from what they have shown this season.

Χαμός με τον κορωνοϊό στην La Liga – Ο «χάρτης» των κρουσμάτων

Doom with the coronavirus in La Liga - The "map" of cases

There are currently 101 cases of footballers in La Liga.

Ο κορωνοϊός… ανέβαλλε ματς και στη Ligue 1

Coronavirus… also postponed matches in Ligue 1

Many problems in all countries.

The postponement of the match of the 20th match of Ligue 1, between Angers and Saint-Etienne, was announced by the organizing authority of the French championship, due to the many cases of coronavirus (19 in total) that have been detected in the hosts.

Live Streaming.22:00 Indiana Pacers - Chicago Bulls 106-108 (video) NBA Eastern European Time

Pacers - Bulls 106-108: "Execution" to "Zero" by DeRozan (video)

The Chicago Bulls reached six consecutive victories, thanks to the buzzer beater achieved by DeMar DeRozan in the victory over the Indiana Pacers (108-106).

Μπράιτον : Κοντά σε Κοζλόβσκι

Brighton: Near Kozlowski

Brighton are close to acquiring young midfielder Casper Kozlowski from Polish Pogon. Kozlowski is the youngest player to ever play in the Euro.

Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης: Ο Σιμεόνε θέλει Βλαχοδήμο!

Atletico Madrid: Simeone wants Vlachodimos!

The former Panathinaikos goalkeeper is ready for a big transfer to Atletico.

Ίντερ : Γκίντερ από Γενάρη

Inter: Gider since January

Inter are moving for the acquisition of the German central defender Matthias Ginder of Gladbach.

Γιουβέντους: Πινσόλιο και Αρτούρ θετικοί στον κορονοϊό

Juventus: Pinzolio and Arthur positive for coronavirus

Juventus have announced two cases of coronavirus, Pinsolio and Arthur, who are expected to miss the first game of the year against Napoli on January 6.

Μπάγερν Μονάχου : Προς Βενετία ο Κουζάνς

Bayern Munich: Cousins ​​to Venice

Everything shows that the French midfielder Michael Kouzans is leaving Bayern Munich for Venice.

Παίζει κανονικά απέναντι στην Άρσεναλ ο Κανσέλο παρά την επίθεση που δέχτηκε

Cancello is playing normally against Arsenal despite the attack he received

Joao Cancello, who was attacked by four robbers at his home, said he was ready for City's New Year's match against Arsenal in London.

Παναθηναϊκός – Νέο θετικό κρούσμα, πέντε οι υγιείς παίκτες πλέον

Panathinaikos - New positive case, five healthy players now

Another positive case was announced by KAE Panathinaikos.

Μάντσεστερ Σίτι: Ρεκόρ βαθμών στο αγγλικό πρωτάθλημα μέσα σε ένα ημερολογιακό έτος

Manchester City: English league points record in a calendar year

Another top spot for Manchester City, who broke the record with the most points in a calendar year in the history of the English league!

Υπό πίεση ο Ρανιέρι στη Γουότφορντ, έχει 8 ήττες σε 10 ματς

Ranieri under pressure at Watford, has 8 defeats in 10 games

The fact that Watford counts 8 defeats in the last 10 games, has brought pressure and controversy to Claudio Ranieri.

ΑΕΚ: Διαγνώσθηκαν τέσσερα κρούσματα κορονοϊού

AEK: Four cases of coronavirus were diagnosed

In the last tests carried out by AEK, four cases of coronavirus became known and all three concern Union football players.

Προμηθέας: Τελειώνει ο Χάρης Γιαννόπουλος

Prometheus: Haris Giannopoulos is finishing

Harry Giannopoulos is expected to be a past member of Prometheus Patras.

Live Streaming.20:00 Boston Celtics - Phoenix Suns 123-108 (video) NBA Eastern European Time

Celtics - Suns 123-110: Performance for a role in TD Garden (video)

The Boston Celtics remembered their glorious years and leveled at home against the Phoenix Suns (123-110), which were far from what they have shown this season.

Κοεντράο : Αντίο στο ποδόσφαιρο επιλογή έκπληξη για την καριέρα του

Coentrao: Farewell to football surprise choice for his career

Fabio Coentrao finally said goodbye to football and made the surprise of choosing a career for the future. He will become a fisherman.

Ο Γκιγέρμο Αμπασκάλ στο προπονητικό τιμ της Βασιλείας

Guillermo Abascal in the Basel coaching staff

Guillermo Abascal, who passed from the bench of Volos this season, continues his career in the coaching team of Basel.

Περιστέρι: Διαγνώστηκαν τρία κρούσματα κορονοϊού

Peristeri: Three cases of coronavirus were diagnosed

KAE Peristeri announced that three cases of coronavirus were detected in athletes of the team of the western suburbs.

«Προς Καβαλίερς ο Ρόντο – Στους Λέικερς ο Βάλενταϊν»

"Rondo to the Cavaliers - Valentine to the Lakers"

The Los Angeles Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers are one breath away from the final exchange deal for Razon Rondo and Denzel Valentine.

Ελ Παΐς : Προπονητής της χρονιάς ο Άμπελ Φερέιρα

El Pais: Coach of the year Abel Ferreira

The newspaper from Uruguay El Pais distributed its awards as every year and gave the title of the best coach in South America to the first coach of PAOK, Abel Ferreira.

Βαλένθια - Εσπανιόλ 1-2 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Πέντε κρούσματα στον Ατρόμητο

Five cases in Atromitos

Atromitos announced five covid cases on Friday.

The outbreak of Covid also hit Atromitos, which a few hours before the change of time announced five cases in the standard control.

Κλοπ: «Έχουμε τρία νέα κρούσματα κορονοϊού σε ποδοσφαιριστές»

Klopp: "We have three new cases of coronavirus in footballers"

An alarm has been sounded in Liverpool a few hours before the start of the derby with Chelsea after the detection of three cases of coronavirus.

Κορονοϊός: Νέο ρεκόρ με 40.560 νέα κρούσματα σήμερα στην Ελλάδα - 76 νεκροί και 627 διασωληνωμένοι

Coronavirus: New record with 40,560 new cases today in Greece - 76 dead and 627 intubated

EODY announced 40,560 new cases today in Greece. 627 intubations, 76 deaths of our fellow citizens from coronavirus. What is the situation in Attica and Thessaloniki, according to NEWS24 / 7.

Συμφωνία Μοράτα - Μπαρτσελόνα, σκέφτεται και… Οριγκί η Γιουβέντους

Morata - Barcelona agreement,Origi or Juventus are also thinking

Barcelona got the "yes" of Alvaro Morata and now Juventus must find a striker. Strong names and the outsider.

Basket League: Επίσημη η αναβολή της 12ης και της 13ης αγωνιστικής

Basket League: The postponement of the 12th and 13th games is official

ESAKE officially announced the postponement of the 12th and 13th games of the Basket League.

Live Streaming.17:15 Valencia - Espanyol 1-2 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.17:15 Valencia - Espanyol 1-2 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Φοβερές ατάκες από τον αθλητικό διευθυντή της Γκέτεμποργκ για την προσφορά του Γιάννη Ανέστη

Terrible outbursts from the sports director of Gothenburg for the offer of Giannis Anestis

Praise from the sports director of Gothenburg for Giannis Anestis.

Giannis Anestis may not continue his career in Sweden, especially in Gothenburg, but it is clear that he left the team as a friend.

ΑΕΚ – Χωρίς προβλήματα η τελευταία προπόνηση του 2021

AEK - The last training session of 2021 without problems

The last training of AEK for 2021 ended unexpectedly.

Παναθηναϊκός: Αποχαιρέτησε το 2021 με δουλειά στο Κορωπί

Panathinaikos: He said goodbye in 2021 with a job in Koropi

The Panathinaikos players trained for the last time in 2021, a few hours before the change of time and now renewed their appointment to continue the work, for Sunday.

ΕΟΚ: Μεταθέτει κατά δύο εβδομάδες το πρόγραμμα, τηλεδιάσκεψη τη Δευτέρα (3/1) με όλες τις ομάδες

EEC: Postpones the program by two weeks, teleconference on Monday (3/1) with all groups

The EEC is planning an online meeting with groups of national categories on Monday (3/1) in view of the Board of Directors on Tuesday (4/1). The possibility of postponing races by two weeks is visible.

Μπουφόν: «Δεν έφταιγε ο Κριστιάνο που άλλαξε το DNA της Γιουβέντους»

Buffon: "It was not Cristiano's fault that he changed Juventus' DNA"

Realizing the impact of the statement he made some time ago about Cristiano and Juventus, Gianluigi Buffon tried to correct the impressions ...

Ουόριορς: Ο Κερ προορίζει για βασικό τον Τόμπσον

Warriors: Kerr intends Thompson as a key player

Steve Kerr clarified that Clay Thompson will be a key player when he returns to the floor for the Golden State Warriors.

Ο Τζέκο και άλλοι δύο με κορωνοϊό στην Ίντερ

Dzeko and two others with a coronavirus in Inter

Three cases of coronavirus were detected in Inter after the last test performed on the team.

Άρης: Η ανασκόπηση του 2021 από τον Μάντζιο (video)

Aris: The review of 2021 by Maggio (video)

Akis Mantzios made the review of 2021.

Aris was very strong in 2021, he had an excellent presence last season and shows that he will continue to be just as competitive.

«Ο Σάκχοφ θα φύγει από την ΑΕΚ στο τέλος της σεζόν»

"Sakhof will leave AEK at the end of the season"

Yevgeny Sakhov's contract with AEK expires in the summer and it is unlikely that he will be renewed, as they emphasize in Ukraine.

Παναχαϊκή: Καρέ μεταγραφών με Μαστραντωνάκη

Panachaiki: Transfer frame with Mastrantonaki

The transfer - return of Andreas Mastrantonakis to its staff was announced on Friday (31/12) by Panachaiki.

Ο Θωμάς Μαύρος μέσα στον «ναό»: «Ένα τεράστιο έργο, ένας τόπος ιερός» (vid)

Thomas Mavros inside the "temple": "A huge work, a sacred place" (vid)

AEK bids farewell to 2021 with a shocking interview of Thomas Mavros inside the "Agia Sofia - Opap Arena" under the pillar with his photo.

Ο Κάρτερ κάνει «poster» τον Γιάννη στην κορυφή του Top5 (vid)

Carter "poster" John at the top of Top5 (vid)

A few games in the early hours of the NBA, with Wendell Carter offering the best phase, with ... the victim being Giannis.

Τσέλσι: Δυσαρεστημένος ο Τούχελ με τον Λουκάκου

Chelsea: Tuchel unhappy with Lukaku

Thomas Tuchel appears unhappy with what Romelu Lukaku has said about Chelsea's competitive situation.

Τέσσερα κρούσματα Covid-19 στον Ιωνικό

Four cases of Covid-19 in the Ionikos

Tests in Ionikos showed four cases of Covid-19 within the club.

Ολυμπιακός: Θετικός στον κορωνοϊό ο Πιέρ Κούντε

Olympiacos: Pierre Coude is positive for the coronavirus

The Cameroonian federation has announced that Pierre Coude and three other national team players are positive for the coronavirus.

ATP Cup 2022: Πρεμιέρα το Σάββατο με «μάχη» Τσιτσιπά - Χούρκατς στο Σίδνεϊ

ATP Cup 2022: Premiere on Saturday with "battle" Tsitsipa - Hurkats in Sydney

Greece against Poland on New Year's Eve in Sydney and Stefanos Tsitsipas against Hubert Hurkacs.

Τηλεδιάσκεψη στην EuroLeague, αναθεωρεί το πρωτόκολλο κορονοϊού

Teleconferencing in the EuroLeague, revises the coronavirus protocol

EuroLeague Basketball will hold a teleconference next Monday 3/1 where the possibility of a revision of the protocol for Covid-19 and the data that apply to the way the coronavirus affects the organization will be on the table.

Άρης: Άλλα τρία κρούσματα στους κίτρινους, έφτασαν τα έξι συνολικά

Aris: Three more cases in the yellows, reached six in total

The coronavirus is spreading in the team of Aris after after a new test in which all the members of the football department of the yellows were subjected, three new cases were detected, to now reach a total of six.

Μέντες: «Είναι ευτυχισμένος στην Γιουνάιτεντ ο Ρονάλντο»

Mentes: "Ronaldo is happy at United"

A position on reports that want Cristiano Ronaldo to be in search of his next football station was taken by statements made by Jorge Mendes who clarified that CR7 is happy at United.

Τέσσερα κρούσματα κορωνοϊού στον Παναιτωλικό

Four cases of coronavirus in Panaitolikos

The coronavirus "knocked on the door" of Panetolikos, with the team of Agrinio counting four cases.

Ζαλγκίρις: Επίσημα τέλος ο Ντράγκιτς

Zalgiris: Officially Dragic

Zoran Dragic officially left Zalgiris.

Zoran Dragic is officially from Zalgiris.

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ - Μπέρνλι 3-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ