Πέμπτη 30 Απριλίου 2020

Το πλάνο του ΟΦΗ ενόψει επιστροφής στις προπονήσεις

OFI's plan to return to training

OFI has designed all the planned procedures to gradually return to training.

ΛεΜπρόν: «Θέλουμε να τελειώσει κανονικά η σεζόν»

LeBron: "We want the season to end normally"

LeBron James stressed that NBA players want the season to end as soon as conditions allow.

Μουρίνιο: «Δεν είναι τραυματίας ο Κέιν, αλλά είναι διαφορετικό το να παίξει ποδόσφαιρο»

Mourinho: "Kane is not injured, but it's different to play football"

Jose Mourinho explained the data for the injured of the team.

Τότι: "Δεν μας εγκατέλειψε ο Σαλάχ, κράμα Πίρλο-Γκατούζο ο Τονάλι"

Totti: "Salah did not abandon us, alloy Pirlo-Gattuso Tonali"

In an interview, Francesco Totti revealed the reason why Roma lost Salah in 2017 while dedicating hymns to his compatriot, Sandro Tonali.

Σκέψεις να μείνει ο Άρης στον Γουλιέλμο

Think of Aris staying in Doulielmos

After the meeting of the members of the board of directors of Aris, the thought of KAE finally staying with Dimitris Goulielmos fell on the table, since now the problems seem insurmountable.

Ακυρώθηκε και το Diamond League της Λωζάννης

The Diamond League of Lausanne was also canceled

The Diamond Athletics League of Lausanne will not be held either, following a relevant decision by the WA.

Ο Αρντά Τουράν γυρίζει στην Γαλατάσαραϊ, εννέα χρόνια μετά

Arda Turan returns to Galatasaray nine years later

Arda Turan returns to Galatasaray nine years later, most likely to end his career.

Ξεκινάει στο τέλος Μαΐου το πρωτάθλημα στην Πορτογαλία!

The championship in Portugal starts at the end of May!

The resumption of the Primera Liga championship has been announced by the Minister of State and Economy of Portugal, Pedro Sisa Vieira.

Απάντηση της Λίβερπουλ στον Δήμαρχο!

Liverpool's response to the Mayor!

Contrary to the resumption of the Premier League, the mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, and the Reds ... responded!

Περιμένει το Πανελλήνιο στίβου ο Δουβαλίδης

Douvalidis is waiting for the Panhellenic track and field

Costas Douvalidis came from excellent performances in the indoor track and was expecting something better in the open games.

Νιώθει ότι είναι… περιζήτητος ο «πράσινος» Ντεσόν Τόμας

He feels that the "green" Deson Thomas is wanted

It can mean a lot, it can mean nothing. However, it can only be written as a reaction from Deson Thomas, who either enjoys the noise around his name or is determined to find himself in other states. The American, although committed to a contract with Panathinaikos, made an enigmatic tweet.

Ο Ντέλε Αλι αποφάσισε: Μεγαλύτερος αντίπαλος της Τότεναμ η Τσέλσι

Dele Alli decided: Tottenham's biggest opponent is Chelsea

He described Chelsea and not Arsenal as Tottenham's biggest opponents in statements made by Dele Alli.

Βιέρι: «Δεν έπρεπε να γίνει το Γιουβέντους - Ίντερ»

Vieri: "Juventus - Inter should not have happened"

Christian Vieri expressed the opinion that the decision to hold Juventus-Inter was wrong at the time when the ... eruption of the corona in Italy had begun.

MotoGP: Το Γκραν Πρι του Άσεν ακυρώνεται μετά από 75 χρόνια

MotoGP: Assen's Grand Prix is ​​canceled after 75 years

For the first time since 1945, this year's MotoGP World Championships will be held without the Dutch Grand Prix at the Asen circuit.

Προπονείται πλέον με μπάλα και μάλλον προλαβαίνει να επιστρέψει ο Αζάρ

He is now training with a ball and Hazard will probably be able to return

Smiles at the Real Madrid camp, which sees its player re-enter full swing, after the fracture in the right fork last February.

Άρης: Προτεραιότητα η παραμονή του Ένινγκ

Aris: Enning's priority is a priority

The management of Aris has made the priority of Michael Enning's stay on the team's bench a priority.

Χάκετ: «Υπάρχει σεβασμός με τον Ιτούδη»

Hackett: "There is respect for Itoudis"

One of the most successful transfers in the Euroleague was that of Daniel Hackett in CSKA Moscow, with the Italian having a great year with Dimitris Itoudis.

Δίνει… σύνταξη στον Πίστσεκ η Ντόρτμουντ!

Dortmund is giving a pension to Piscek!

Borussia is expected to offer Lucas Piscek a new contract, which will complete his career in Dortmund, as they write in Germany.

Κατηγορούν τον Κριστιάνο ότι διέρρευσε τα τεστ του Ντιμπάλα για να μην γυρίσει στην Ιταλία!

They accuse Cristiano of leaking Dybala's tests in order not to return to Italy!

Who leaked that Paulo Dybala is still positive in the coronation? Is it Cristiano Ronaldo who does not want to return to Italy?

«Στο μυαλό του Βέρνερ υπάρχει μόνο η Λίβερπουλ»

"There is only Liverpool in Werner's mind"

Liverpool seems to be the absolute favorite to acquire Timo Werner, despite the reports of the last few days that involved Bayern Munich in the trick to claim the player.

Ράκιτιτς: «Θέλω να παίξω ξανά και είμαι έτοιμος να ρισκάρω γι’ αυτό»

Rakitic: "I want to play again and I'm ready to take a risk on that."

The Barcelona ace says he is so desperate to play football again that even the crown prince doesn't seem to be intimidated.

Επίσημο ενδιαφέρον της Μαλάτιασπορ για Ιντέγε

Malatyaspor's official interest in Ideye

Malatyaspor has returned for the acquisition of Brown Ideye as, according to Turkish media, it has formalized its interest in the 31-year-old striker.

Τετάρτη 29 Απριλίου 2020

Οι ομάδες συμφώνησαν για οριστική διακοπή στην Α2

The teams agreed on a permanent suspension in A2

In a teleconference, the A2 teams agreed that the championship should be stopped permanently.

Κερ: «Νιώθουμε ότι η σεζόν τελείωσε»

Kerr: "We feel like the season is over"

Steve Kerr said the atmosphere at the Golden State Warriors is reminiscent of summer and offseason.

«Θέλει Γκριεζμάν, Βιδάλ και 90 εκατ. ευρώ για Λαουτάρο η Ίντερ»

"Inter want Griezmann, Vidal and 90 million euros for Lautaro"

Inter's demands from Barcelona for the transfer of Lautaro seem to have exceeded all limits, despite the fact that the Argentine clause is at 111 million euros.

Κορονοϊός - Σουηδία: Επανέναρξη την 1η Ιουνίου με ματς Κυπέλλου

Coronarivus - Sweden: Restart on June 1 with a Cup match

Football begins again in Sweden with the quarterfinals of the Cup, scheduled for June 1 after an announcement by the federation.

Σίτι: Πιέζει τη Μπαρτσελόνα για Νέλσον Σεμέδο

City: Pressures Barcelona for Nelson Semedo

City are pushing for Barcelona to acquire Nelson Semedo and are putting Joao Cancello on the table. See what is reported in the report of the Catalan newspaper "SPORT".

UEFA: «Παρί και Λυών θα συνεχίσουν κανονικά στο Champions League»

UEFA: "Paris and Lyon will continue normally in the Champions League"

The UEFA side has assured that Paris Saint-Germain and Lyon will be able to play normally in the Champions League in August and even in another country, despite the ban on matches in France.

Κορωνοϊός: Άγγιξε τις 100.000 ο αριθμός των κρουσμάτων στη Ρωσία

Coronarivus: The number of cases in Russia has reached 100,000

In the last 24 hours, 108 patients died and 5,841 people became ill.

Εμπαπέ: «Είδωλα μου Ρονάλντο και Μέσι»

Mbappe: "My idols Ronaldo and Messi"

Killian Mbappe praised Kristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi and revealed that they are his idols.

Ποδοσφαιριστής πέθανε προσπαθώντας να πετάξει το χαρταετό του

Footballer dies trying to fly his kite

An incredible tragedy has shaken the Brazilian football family, with a 21-year-old player dying from an accident caused by his kite.

Ιμόμπιλε: «Μπορώ να τρέχω στο πάρκο, αλλά όχι στο γήπεδο;»

Immobile: "Can I run in the park, but not on the pitch?"

Concerned about some of the contradictions in the measures announced by the Italian government, said Ciro Immobile.

Κορονοϊός: Αισιοδοξία στην UEFA για την επιστροφή στη δράση!

Coronarivus: Optimism in UEFA for returning to action!

The president of the UEFA medical committee has claimed that it is "definitely possible" for the 2019-20 season to resume.

Ο Μπαλοτέλι αποκάλυψε τι ήταν αυτό που χάλασε τη συμφωνία του με την Γιουβέντους

Balotelli revealed what was wrong with his agreement with Juventus

Mario Balotelli revealed that he was a breath away from moving to Juventus in the summer of 2012 after Manchester City, with the deal breaking down at the last minute, Milan.

Γουότφορντ: Ανακοίνωσε επίσημα Γκουέγ

Watford: Officially announced by Guge

The young midfielder from France, Pape Guge, is officially a member of Watford from noon on Wednesday, a few hours after the announcement of the final of this season in the French championships ...

Η Τότεναμ είναι ο πιο ακριβός σύλλογος της Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Tottenham are the most expensive club in the Premier League

Tottenham are the most expensive club in the Premier League, beating Manchester United.

Σπανταφόρα: «Δεν αποκλείεται η Serie A να ακολουθήσει το παράδειγμα της Γαλλίας»

Spantafora: "It is not ruled out that Serie A will follow the example of France"

Italy's Sports Minister Vincenzo Spandafora believes the resumption of the tournament seems unlikely, leaving open the possibility that Serie A will follow France's example.

«Μάβερικς και Σπερς ενδιαφέρονται για τον Καμπάτσο»

"Mavericks and Spurs are interested in Cabazzo"

Real Madrid's Facudo Cabazzo is said to be in the sights of the Mavericks and the Spurs.

Μπερτομέου: "Θα κάνουμε τα πάντα για να τελειώσει η σεζόν"

Bertomeu: "We will do everything to end the season"

The intention to complete the season if there are the necessary guarantees for everyone's health was expressed in the Russian Media by the President and Executive Director of the EuroLeague, Jordi Bertomeu.

«Στο στόχαστρο της Νιουκάστλ ο Φαν Ντε Μπεκ»

"Fan de Beck in Newcastle's sights"

Mohammed bin Salman's imminent activism will change Newcastle's level overall.

Άμπε: «Αδύνατο να διεξαχθούν οι Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες εάν υπάρχει ακόμα πανδημία κορωνοϊού»

Abe: "It's impossible to hold the Olympics if there is still a parody pandemic"

The Prime Minister of Japan has made it clear that it will be impossible to host the Tokyo Games next year unless the coronation pandemic is stopped.

Μπράνκο: «Όραμα του Σαββίδη να μπει ο ΠΑΟΚ στα 20-30 κορυφαία κλαμπ»

Branko: "Savvidis' vision for PAOK to enter the top 20-30 clubs"

Every two days there are discussions about the planning of PAOK, as Mario Branco stated in the middle of his homeland.

Κομπανί στη διοίκηση της Άντερλεχτ: «Πρέπει να φύγει ο Βράνιες»

Kompany in Anderlecht administration: "Vranjes must leave"

The pandemic has put Anderlecht in a very difficult position financially, looking for ways to save money where it can. "So he wants to get rid of some heavy contracts and especially players who are not counted for the new season.

Τρίτη 28 Απριλίου 2020

Ευρωλίγκα: Περπέρογλου, Τόμας και Λοτζέσκι στο TOP-20 της δεκαετίας με φάσεις… αυτοθυσίας! (video)

Euroleague: Perperoglou, Thomas and Lodzeski in the TOP-20 of the decade with phases of self-sacrifice! (video)

Euroleague tributes continue in the best moments of the last decade…

Έτσι θα γίνει το restart του ελληνικού αθλητισμού

This will be the restart of Greek sports

The clubs are waiting for the announcements of the lifting of restrictions on sports, pending the announcement of the Government.

Κορονοΐός: Η Στεάουα Βουκουρεστίου έσπασε την καραντίνα με προπόνηση

Koronarivus: Steaua Bucharest broke the quarantine with training

Although the Romanians are in strict quarantine and under house arrest, Steaua broke him and trained in threes in the center, under the supervision of the coach.

Τον Τόμπκινς της Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης θέλει η Φενέρμπαχτσε

Fenerbahce wants Tobkins of Real Madrid

Fenerbahce may no longer have a full wallet, but its agents do not stop looking at players from the top shelf. The first target for the Turkish team is Real's Trey Tombkins, whose contract expires this year, but it will not be an easy case, as the Madridians have made a very good offer in order to keep him in their team.

Τελικά μπορεί να έχουμε Γερμανικό Γκραν Πρι εφέτος στη Formula 1

Finally, we may have a German Grand Prix this year in Formula 1

Formula 1 is in contact with the German track in Hockenheim in order to complete its reshaped calendar, while Imola, where the last Grand Prix took place 14 years ago, has also announced its interest.

Κορονοϊός: Έτσι θα γίνονται οι προπονήσεις των παικτών του ΝΒΑ

Koronarivus: This is how the NBA players will be trained

Long way to the other side of the Atlantic until normalcy comes, as training will now (when the facilities open) be very different from what the NBAers were used to.

Μάντσεστερ Σίτι: Προετοιμάζεται για… καραντίνα

Manchester City: Preparing for quarantine

Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola and at least 7-8 players in the starting line-up are likely to be placed under house arrest for two weeks after returning to England for the resumption of the league, according to the Times.