Δευτέρα 31 Οκτωβρίου 2022

Έλτσε - Χετάφε 0-1 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Μόντσα - Μπολόνια 1-2 (video) Σέριε Α

Χαντς: «Η ενότητα και η άμυνα είναι τα δυνατά μας στοιχεία»

Hunts: "Unity and defense are our strengths"

The elements that distinguish this year's PAOK were highlighted by Jalen Hands speaking on the ERT3 show "Jambol".

Ανανεώνει το συμβόλαιο του Λόμποτκα η Νάπολι

Napoli renew Lobotka's contract

In agreement with the 27-year-old midfielder, Stanislav Lobotka, the Napoli team has come!

NBA: Οι Σίξερς θα πληρώσουν ακριβά την παράβαση κανονισμών πριν από τη Free Agency

NBA: Sixers will pay dearly for rule violation before Free Agency

The Sixers violated NBA rules by starting negotiations with Tucker and House early and were punished by losing two draft picks.

Λίβερπουλ: Έχει την πλήρη στήριξη της διοίκησης και δεν σκέφτεται το ενδεχόμενο παραίτησης ο Κλοπ

Liverpool: He has the full support of the management and Klopp is not considering the possibility of resigning

A publication by the German "Sky Sports" rules out the possibility of Jürgen Klopp being fired from the Liverpool bench, while the German coach is not thinking about resigning either.

Τζόκοβιτς και Αλκαράθ έμαθαν τους αντιπάλους τους στον 2ο γύρο

Djokovic and Alcaraz learned their opponents in the 2nd round

I learned their opponents in the 2nd round of the Paris Masters Novak Djokovic and Carlos Alcaraz, who will face Maxime Cressy and Yoshihito Nishioka respectively.

Παίκτης της εβδομάδας του ΝΒΑ ο Γιάννης!

Giannis is NBA player of the week!

Giannis Antetokounmpo from the East and Cy Gilgeous-Alexander from the West are the NBA's top players of the second week!

Live Streaming.22:00 Elche - Getafe 0-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.22:00 Elche - Getafe 0-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Ανατόλι Κάρποφ: Στο νοσοκομείο ο θρυλικός Ρώσος σκακιστής

Anatoly Karpov: In the hospital the legendary Russian chess player

Former World Chess Champion, Russian Grandmaster, Anatoly Karpov was found unconscious near the State Duma of Russia. Posts about an attack, statements about an artificial coma and... denials.

Live Streaming.21:45 Monza - Bologna 1-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 Monza - Bologna 1-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Βερόνα - Ρόμα 1-3 (video) Σέριε Α

Μπίλαν: «Περιμένουμε ένα δύσκολο παιχνίδι με τη Ρίτας»

Bilan: "We expect a difficult game with Ritas"

Peristeri has a difficult task in the Basketball Champions League, facing Ritas Vilnius in Lithuania, on Tuesday (1/11, 19:30, Cosmote sport 4), for the 3rd matchday of the competition.

Συνεχίζει τις προπονήσεις ο Καραλής

Karalis continues training

Emmanuel Karalis will continue his preparation with his father, Haris Karalis.

Ομόνοια - Ανόρθωση 2-0: Μπρούνο και Κακουλής έβαψαν πράσινο το ντέρμπι του ΓΣΠ

Omonia - Anorthosis 2-0: Bruno and Kakoulis painted the GSP derby green

Omonia defeated Anorthosis 2-0 in the GSP, thanks to goals from Bruno and Kakoulis. Yannick Ferrara's team overtook that of Famagusta and rose to eighth place in the Cypriot league.

Ελ Καντουρί: «Να νικήσουμε τα επόμενα τρία παιχνίδια, αν θέλουμε να ελπίζουμε σε κάτι»

El Kaduri: "We must win the next three games if we want to hope for something"

Omar El Kaduri emphasized after PAOK's defeat by AEK yesterday that if the Northern Bighead wants to hope for something good, it will have to win the next three games.

Τσάβι: «Πρέπει να πιστέψουμε στην ομάδα - Θα κατακτήσουμε τρόπαια το 2023»

Xavi: "We have to believe in the team - We will win trophies in 2023"

The need for faith in the team, but also the belief that Barcelona will win trophies, was expressed by Xavi in ​​his statements before the "blaugrana" match with Plzen.

Στο Κατάρ ο Μαρτίνς για να ολοκληρώσει τη συμφωνία του με την Αλ Γκαράφα

Martins is in Qatar to finalize his agreement with Al Gharafa

Pedro Martins is in Doha to complete his move to Al Gharfa, replacing Andrea Stramazzoni on the team's bench.

Λος Άντζελες Κλίπερς: Δε θα αγωνιστεί ούτε κόντρα στους Ρόκετς ο Λέοναρντ!

Los Angeles Clippers: Leonard won't even play against the Rockets!

The Los Angeles Clippers want to get back to winning ways, but they will need to do it without Kawhi Leonard against the Houston Rockets!

Τέλος ο Αγραβάνης από τη Νάπολι

Finally, Agravanis from Napoli

Dimitris Agravanis did not renew his partnership with Napoli until the end of the season, since he chose to remain free and seek his fortune elsewhere.

Στάικος: «Oι ''Ζωσιμάδες'' μας έσπρωξαν σε μεγάλη νίκη»

Staikos: "The Zosimades pushed us to a great victory"

Apparently satisfied with PAS Giannina's big upset victory over Asteras Tripoli, Thanasis Staikos appeared at "Zosimades".

Φουλ αποδοκιμασίες για Μεταξά στα Γιάννενα – «Ο κόσμος ξεχνάει γρήγορα»

Full disapproval for Metaxas in Giannina – "People forget quickly"

The fans of PAS Giannina greeted Heraklis Metaxas with boos and slogans, who responded through his statements.

Κλοπ: «Εάν η Νάπολι συνεχίσει έτσι, θα φτάσει τελικό»

Klopp: "If Napoli continue like this, they will reach the final"

Jurgen Klopp admitted that "Napoli have the best form in Europe", which he said, does not allow Liverpool to "make extensive changes to their line-up".

ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα - Αστέρας Τρίπολης 2-1

PAS Giannina - Asteras Tripoli 2-1

Asteras Tripolis took the lead with Regis in "Zosimades" but Thanasis Staikou's changes brought about ups and downs with Balan and Fofana finding the net and giving PAS a valuable three points (2-1) "hurting" Heraklis Metaxas who was condemned on his return.

Γιατράς: «Must win παιχνίδι με το Αμβούργο για τον Προμηθέα»

Giatras: "Must win game against Hamburg for Prometheus"

Prometheus welcomes Hamburg Towers for the 4th matchday of the EuroCup and Makis Giatras referred to the criticality of the match against the Germans.

Ολυμπιακός: Ο Μίτσελ θα περιμένει τον Μπα

Olympiakos: Mitchell will wait for Ba

Usain Ba will try to overcome his left ankle injury ahead of the derby.

Χωρίς τον ΜακΚένι με Παρί ΣΖ και Ίντερ η Γιουβέντους

Juventus without McKenney with Paris Saint-Germain and Inter

Juventus will be without the services of McKenney as he struggles with a right thigh injury.

Πογιέτ: «Βραζιλία και Αργεντινή τα κορυφαία φαβορί για τον τίτλο στο Κατάρ»

Poyet: "Brazil and Argentina the top favorites for the title in Qatar"

The opinion that Brazil and Argentina are the two favorites to win the Mundial was expressed by the Uruguayan coach of the national team, Gustavo Poyet, in his statements to the French News Agency (AFP).

Live Streaming.19:30 Verona - AS Roma 1-3 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Verona - AS Roma 1-3 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Καρυπίδης: «Δεν περίμενα ότι θα αλλοιώνονται ξεδιάντροπα τα αποτελέσματα ακόμα και από το VAR»

Karipidis: "I did not expect that the results would be shamelessly altered even by VAR"

The strong man of PAE referred to the goals of his team, the war he is facing, the mistakes he made, while he sent a message to the fans of Aris.

Ρούμπεν Αμορίμ: Ο νέος “Special One” της προπονητικής

Ruben Amorim: The new "Special One" of coaching

In just a few years in coaching, Ruben Amorim has become one of the most notable and sought after young coaches in football.

Επίσημο: Ανανέωσε το συμβόλαιο του Πιόλι η Μίλαν

Official: Milan have renewed Pioli's contract

Milan announced the renewal of its cooperation with the 57-year-old technician, Stefano Pioli, until the summer of 2025!

EuroLeague: Μία μέρα νωρίτερα το Φενέρμπαχτσε - Ερυθρός Αστέρας, διαθέσιμοι Ιτούδης, Καλάθης για το Ελλάδα - Λετονία

EuroLeague: One day earlier Fenerbahce - Red Star, Itoudis, Kalathis available for Greece - Latvia

One day earlier than originally scheduled, Fenerbahce - Red Star will be played for the 7th matchday of the EuroLeague. The said development will allow Dimitris Itoudis and Nick Kalathis to be available for Greece v Latvia (11/11, 19:00), as part of the 2023 World Cup windows.

Άρης: Παίρνει 300 εισιτήρια για το Περιστέρι

Aris: He gets 300 tickets for Peristeri

Aris will have the support of his fans in the match (8/10) with Atromitos in Peristeri as he will receive 300 tickets.

Μουντιάλ 2022, Γαλλία: Ο Πογκμπά χάνει οριστικά το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο

World Cup 2022, France: Pogba misses the World Cup for good

Paul Pogba's lawyer, Rafaela Pimenta, announced on Monday (31/10) that Paul Pogba will permanently miss the 2022 World Cup after suffering a new muscle injury.

Ολυμπιακός: Σοκ με Βαλμπουενά!

Olympiacos: Shock with Valbuena!

The French superstar of Olympiakos, as he announced via social media, will need to remain out of action for 8 weeks.

Live Streaming.18:00 Giannina - Asteras Tripolis 2-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.18:00 Giannina - Asteras Tripolis 2-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Σοκ στην ΑΕΚ: Θλάση ο Βίντα - Μάχη για να προλάβει το Καραϊσκάκη

Shock at AEK: Vida is crushed - Battle to catch up with Karaiskakis

Shock at AEK with Vida who has suffered a contusion in the left adductor.

Κλοπ: "Ακόμα ξυπνάω στον ύπνο μου με το δεύτερο γκολ της Λιντς"

Klopp: "I still wake up in my sleep with Leeds' second goal"

Jurgen Klopp emphasized that it is still too early to judge Liverpool, his players and himself, and at the same time, in the press conference ahead of the match against Napoli, he said that he sees the second Leeds goal that cost his team in his sleep.

Οι ενδεκάδες στο ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα-Αστέρας Τρίπολης

The elevens in PAS Giannina-Asteras Tripoli

The chosen ones of Thanasis Staikos and Heraklis Metaxas became known for the match between PAS Giannina and Asteras Tripoli.

Γράφει ιστορία ο Γιουλ: Στην πεντάδα των παικτών με τα περισσότερα εύστοχα τρίποντα στην ACB (vid)

Llull makes history: In the top five players with the most accurate three-pointers in ACB (vid)

Another special achievement for Sergio Yul, who passed Rafa Martinez and is now in the Top 5 players with the most three-pointers in ACB history.

Μπουφόν: «Σκέπτομαι το… μετά εδώ και 10 χρόνια»!

Buffon: "I'm thinking about it... after 10 years"!

Gianluigi Buffon gave an interview and talked about his future while also making a prediction for the winner of this year's Champions League.

Αντσελότι: Κινδυνεύει με ποινή τεσσάρων αγωνιστικών για τις «αιχμές» προς τη διαιτησία

Ancelotti: He risks a penalty of four matches for the "tips" to the referee

Carlo Ancelotti spoke of "invention" in the penalty attributed to Marco Asensio and is now at risk of being banned from the bench for up to four matches.

Ιστιοπλοΐα: Πολυπληθής η ελληνική συμμετοχή στο Παγκόσμιο Techno 293

Sailing: The Greek participation in the World Techno 293 is numerous

The participation of Greek boats in the world championship TECHNO 293 and TECHNO 293 PLUS in the categories of men-women, young men-young women, teenagers-youths and boys-girls, which will be held in Limassol, is very large.

Ο Ντόντσιτς πόσταρε τον ύψους 2,18μ. Μπολ Μπολ και έκανε χειρονομία πως είναι κοντός

Doncic posted the height of 2.18m. Bol Bol and made a gesture that he is short

Luka Doncic is not afraid of anyone...

«Κουφή» έμπνευση Λουίς Ενρίκε: Πικέ και Ράμος στην προεπιλογή της Ισπανίας για το Μουντιάλ!

"Deaf" inspiration Luis Enrique: Pique and Ramos in Spain's pre-selection for the World Cup!

Spain's pre-selection for the World Cup is said to be a double surprise. According to "Marca", Ramos is included, but also Pique (even though he has retired from the national team)

Στίβος: Αρχίζουν καμπ οι πρωταθλητές των αποστάσεων

Athletics: The distance champions start camp

Today (31/10) a distance training camp starts, for sportsmen and women who are preparing for the national team's in-stadium competitions.

Αποστολάκης: «Ο Παναθηναϊκός είναι ομάδα του Γιοβάνοβιτς»

Apostolakis: "Panathinaikos is Jovanovic's team"

Stratos Apostolakis spoke in the best words about Ivan Jovanovic's work at Panathinaikos.

Ασημένιο μετάλλιο στο παγκόσμιο ο Παπαδημητρίου, τέταρτη η Γκιτέρσου!

Papadimitriou wins silver medal at the world championships, Gitersou fourth!

The U19 world champions in the mixed relay biathle (running - swimming) Nikolas Papadimitriou and Artemis Gitersou also proved in their individual events that their success in Madeira, Portugal is not accidental at all, as, in two highly competitive events, they took the place in their category second and fourth place in the world respectively!

Πάλι τραυματίας ο Λουκάκου: Χάνει το ματς με την Μπάγερν Μονάχου

Lukaku is injured again: He misses the match against Bayern Munich

Another injury for Romelu Lukaku, with the Inter striker missing the match against Bayern Munich.