Πέμπτη 31 Μαρτίου 2022

Αρμάνι Μιλάνο - Μονακό 63-72: Ο Τζέιμς καθάρισε την πρώην ομάδα του (video)

Armani Milano - Monaco 63-72: James clears his former team (video)

With Mike James and Doda Hall giving a show in Milan, Monaco took the victory over Armani (72-63) and gave Olympiakos the opportunity to finish at least third with a victory over Barcelona.

Λάσο: «Μας κόστισε η κακή εκκίνηση στο παιχνίδι»

Lasso: "It cost us a bad start in the game"

Pablo Lasso stood in the bad start of Real in the game in his statements immediately after the match with Panathinaikos.

Πρίφτης: «Καλό αποτέλεσμα απέναντι σε μία καλή ομάδα, συνεχίζουμε για το πρωτάθλημα»

Priftis: "Good result against a good team, we continue for the championship"

Dimitris Priftis stood by the importance of the victory in view of its continuation in the Greek championship and the playoffs in his statements immediately after the match.

Μακάμπι - Βιλερμπάν 92-73: Όλο και πιο κοντά στην πέμπτη θέση η ομάδα του Τελ Αβίβ (video)

Maccabi - Villeurbanne 92-73: The Tel Aviv team is getting closer to the fifth place

Comfortable dominance for Maccabi, who beat Villarreal 92-73 to rise to 15-11 and continue to push Anadolu Efes for 5th place in the regular season of the EuroLeague.

Παναθηναϊκός - Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης 87-86: Γλυκιά η τελευταία γεύση στο ΟΑΚΑ με νίκη επί της "Βασίλισσας" μετά από 4 χρόνια (video)

Panathinaikos - Real Madrid 87-86: Sweet is the last taste in OAKA with a victory over "Vasilissa" after 4 years (video)

The last home game of Panathinaikos OPAP in the EuroLeague left a very sweet taste. The greens made one of their best appearances this year and took the victory against Real Madrid (87-86) for the first time in almost four years. Great night for George Papagiannis, who closed the night with 18 points, 10 rebounds and 5 blocks!

Σούπερ φιλικό Λίβερπουλ - Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ στην Ταϊλάνδη τον Ιούλιο

Super friendly Liverpool - Manchester United in Thailand in July

Liverpool and Manchester United will start their summer tour with a big derby in July in Bangkok.

ΠΑΟΚ - Ολυμπιακός 3-2: Στον τελικό ο Δικέφαλος μετά από τρελό ματς

PAOK - Olympiacos 3-2: In the final, Dikefalos after a crazy match

In a semifinal with many variations, PAOK prevailed over 3-2 sets of Olympiakos and qualified for the Cup final where they will face Finikas Syros.

Live Streaming.21:45 Olimpia Milano - Monaco 63-72 (video) Euroleague Eastern European Time

Armani Milano - Monaco 63-72: James clears his former team (video)

With Mike James and Doda Hall giving a show in Milan, Monaco took the victory over Armani (72-63) and gave Olympiakos the opportunity to finish at least third with a victory over Barcelona.

Νιόπλιας: «Πολλές φορές ψάχνουμε δικαιολογίες που δεν υπάρχουν»

Nioplias: "Many times we look for excuses that do not exist"

The OFI coach spoke about the upcoming match (2/4) with Lamia, while he claimed that many times his team is looking for excuses that do not exist.

ΠΑΟΚ: Στη Ρουμανία λόγω Covid o Μιτρίτσα, χαμόγελα για Κρέσπο

PAOK: In Romania because of Covid o Mitrita, smiles for Crespo

With the presence of the international football players, today's training of the PAOK football players took place in view of Sunday's match against Panathinaikos on Alexandras Avenue, in the context of the 3rd play-off match.

Γουέστ Χαμ: Σώθηκε από θαύμα ο Λαντσίνι έπειτα από σοβαρό τροχαίο!

West Ham: Lancini was miraculously saved after a serious car accident!

West Ham star Manuel Lancini was miraculously saved after a serious car accident near the training center.

Live Streaming.21:05 Maccabi Tel Aviv - Lyon-Villeurbanne 92-73 (video) Euroleague Eastern European Time

Maccabi - Villeurbanne 92-73: The Tel Aviv team is getting closer to the fifth place

Comfortable dominance for Maccabi, who beat Villarreal 92-73 to rise to 15-11 and continue to push Anadolu Efes for 5th place in the regular season of the EuroLeague.

Live Streaming.21:00 Panathinaikos - Real Madrid 87-86 (video) Euroleague Eastern European Time

Panathinaikos - Real Madrid 87-86: Sweet is the last taste in OAKA with a victory over "Vasilissa" after 4 years (video)

The last home game of Panathinaikos OPAP in the EuroLeague left a very sweet taste. The greens made one of their best appearances this year and took the victory against Real Madrid (87-86) for the first time in almost four years. Great night for George Papagiannis, who closed the night with 18 points, 10 rebounds and 5 blocks!

Απόλλων Σμύρνης: «Καλούμε τους φίλους του Παναιτωλικού να μην έρθουν στο γήπεδο»

Apollon Smyrnis: "We call on the friends of Panetolikos not to come to the stadium"

Apollon Smyrnis announced to me that he issued and clarified that tickets will not be available for the guests in the match with Panetolikos.

Σαμπάολι: «Τραυματίας ο Μίλικ, δεν ξέρω ποιους θα έχω στην διάθεση μου»

Sampaoli: "Milik injured, I do not know who I will have at my disposal"

Marseille coach Jorge Sampaoli spoke ahead of the match against St. Etienne, while he also made a report on the first match against PAOK next Thursday.

Αλ Κελαϊφί: «Ο κόσμος πεθαίνει κι εμείς μαλώνουμε για την ESL»

Al-Kalaifi: "People are dying and we are fighting over ESL"

Amazing statements by Nasser Al Kelaifi regarding the Super League plan - "They forget that football is a social contract".

Ολυμπιακός: Προπονήθηκαν Βατσλίκ και Ρέαμπτσιουκ

Olympiacos: Vatslik and Reabciuk trained

The preparation of Olympiacos in view of the match with AEK continues with several players returning after the obligations they had with the national teams of their countries.

Ο Ντιρκ Νοβίτσκι επέλεξε τους 10 κορυφαίους Ευρωπαίους στην ιστορία του NBA

Dirk Nowitzki has selected the top 10 Europeans in NBA history

The top 10 Europeans in NBA history were chosen by Dirk Nowitzki, without putting himself in the top or second top five.

Η… 10άδα του Παναθηναϊκού κόντρα στη Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης

The… 10th team of Panathinaikos against Real Madrid

With only 10 available players, Panathinaikos will line up in the match against Real Madrid (31/3, 21:00).

Πήγασος Πολίχνης - Φοίνικας 2-3: Αγχωτική πρόκριση για τους Συριανούς στον τελικό

Pegasus Polichnis - Finikas 2-3: Stressful qualification for the Syrians in the final

Finikas Syros found it dark against the fighting Pegasus Polichnis, but finally prevailed 3-2 sets and qualified for the Cup final.

Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης: Πωλείται ο Ασένσιο

Real Madrid: Asensio for sale

The management of Real Madrid has changed its attitude and is ready to enter the discussion for the transfer of Marco Asensio.

Ατρόμητος: Κανονικά ο Χατζηισαΐας

Atromitos: Normally Hatziisaias

Atromitos' preparations for Saturday's away game for the second game of the Super League Play out continue, with Chris Coleman watching several players return.

Σπανούλης: Τον βραβεύει η Αρμάνι Μιλάνο στον αγώνα με τη Μονακό

Spanoulis: Armani Milano awards him in the match against Monaco

Vassilis Spanoulis is expected to be present in tonight's (31/3, 21:45) match between Armani Milano and Monaco and is expected to be awarded by the hosts for his contribution to basketball.

FIFA: Δεν αποβάλλεται η ομοσπονδία της Ρωσίας

FIFA: The Russian Federation is not eliminated

It is recalled that FIFA and UEFA have decided to exclude all Russian teams

Μένει στην Τσέλσι ο Αθπιλικουέτα

Athpilicueta lives in Chelsea

Cesar Athpilicueta will remain a resident of London, as his contract with Chelsea was automatically renewed for another year.

Απίθανο να βρεθεί η Ιταλία στο Κατάρ

Unlikely to find Italy in Qatar

FIFA described the scenario of Italy being in Qatar as unlikely and utopia.

Πάλη: Στον τελικό του Ευρωπαϊκού η Πρεβολαράκη

Wrestling: Prevolaraki in the European final

Another gold or silver medal will be received by the Greek wrestling, through Maria Prevolaraki

Σισέ: «Δεν είμαστε ακόμα πρωταθλητές έχουμε άλλα οκτώ ματς»

Cisse: "We are not champions yet, we have eight more matches"

Pape Cisse, speaking on the television network "beIN Sports" referred to the qualification of Senegal in the finals of the World Cup as well as to the effort of Olympiacos in the Greek Championship.

Μπαρτσελόνα: Ανατροπή με Ντεμπελέ

Barcelona: Overthrow with Dembele

It seems that the possibility of Usman Dembele staying in Barcelona is open.

FIFA: Ανέβηκε στην κορυφή η Βραζιλια που… εκθρόνισε το Βέλγιο!

FIFA: Brazil climbed to the top που dethroned Belgium!

Neymar and his company are considered the No. 1 football force at the moment!

Μπαρτσελόνα: Κρόιφ και Αλεμάνι συναντήθηκαν με τον ατζέντη του Ρίντιγκερ για τη μεταγραφή του

Barcelona: Cruyff and Alemanni meet with Riddiger's transfer agent

Barcelona are interested in acquiring another Chelsea defender, as Antonio Riediger's agent met at a hotel in Barcelona with Matteo Alemanni and Jordi Cruyff.

Μπαρτζώκας: «Δύσκολα οι Φαλ και Σλούκας για Μπαρτσελόνα, θα δούμε για τους υπόλοιπους»

Bartzokas: "It is difficult for Fal and Sloukas for Barcelona, ​​we will see for the rest"

George Bartzokas stressed, among other things, that Fal and Sloukas will probably not be available for tomorrow's (1/4) match between Olympiacos and Barcelona.

Τιμωρία και ποινή έδρας για την Μαρσέιγ

Punishment and home punishment for Marseille

Marseille was fined and blocked by two organized fans with the background of the next home game for the French championship.

Επέστρεψε ο Ιωαννίδης στον Παναθηναϊκό

Ioannidis returned to Panathinaikos

With Ioannidis being integrated in today's (31/03) training session of Panathinaikos and Makenda-Ludqvist doing individual again, the preparation for PAOK continues.

Ηρακλής: Ο Ρότεν τραυματίστηκε κατά την αποχή από την προπόνηση!

Iraklis: Roten was injured during the abstention from training!

The Hercules players are away from the team's training for the 4th day and during sports, Tony Rotten injured his knee and will undergo examinations!

ΠΑΟΚ: "Φεύγει το καλοκαίρι ο Μίτριτσα" γράφουν στη Ρουμανία

PAOK: "Mitrita is leaving in the summer" they write in Romania

The Romanians talk about decisions already taken by PAOK in the case of Alexandros Mitrita and estimate that he will not continue in Toumba. What are the current data for the 27-year-old extreme midfielder.

Πρωτοφανές περιστατικό: Δρομέας έριξε μπουνιά σε συναθλητή λίγο πριν τον τερματισμό (vid)

Unprecedented incident: A runner punched an athlete shortly before the finish (vid)

Incredible incident in school races when one athlete punched another a few meters before the finish.

Φέτελ: Η Aston Martin ανακοίνωσε ότι θα αγωνιστεί στο GP της Αυστραλίας

Vettel: Aston Martin has announced that it will compete in the Australian Grand Prix

Sebastian Vettel will race for the first time this season in Formula 1, as Aston Martin has announced that it is ready to participate in the Melbourne GP.

«Ο στενός κύκλος του Μπαπέ προσπαθεί να τον πείσει για ανανέωση με την Παρί»

"Mbappe's close circle is trying to convince him for a renewal with Paris"

The environment of Killian Mbappe is happy with the latest proposal of Paris Se Germain and tries to convince the French star to remain a resident of Paris.

Ινφαντίνο: "Το Μουντιάλ της Ρωσίας ήταν επιτυχημένο, αλλά δεν δημιούργησε διαρκή ειρήνη"

Infantino: "Russia's World Cup was successful, but did not create lasting peace"

Gianni Infantino told the 72nd FIFA Congress, among other things, that the 2018 World Cup in Russia was a success, but did not create the conditions for lasting peace in the wider region.

Λεβερκούζεν: «Δεν πωλείται ο Σικ»

Leverkusen: "Sick is not for sale"

Despite the interest of Bayern Munich, Leverkusen is not discussing the transfer of Patrick Sick.

Η Αλγερία θα ζητήσει να επαναληφθεί ο αγώνας μπαράζ με το Καμερούν

Algeria will ask for a rematch with Cameroon

The Algerian federation will make an official request to repeat the match with Cameroon!

Εκτός Εθνικής Σουηδίας λόγω... ΤΣΣΚΑ ο Γερέμπκο!

Outside the National Team of Sweden due to ... CSKA, Gerebko!

Jonas Jerebko will not play again with the jersey of the Swedish National Team due to his agreement with CSKA!

Ολυμπιακός: Μόνο με… θαύμα Σλούκας και Φαλ

Olympiacos: Only with the… miracle of Sloukas and Fal

It will be very difficult for the two players to play against Barcelona (1/4, 21:00).

Αγουέρο: Είχε πρόταση από την Ίντερ Μαϊάμι για να επιστρέψει στην αγωνιστική δράση

Aguero: He had a proposal from Inter Miami to return to competitive action

Sergio Aguero expressed his desire to return to action, emphasizing that being off the field is something he does not like.

Με το βλέμμα στην κορυφή ο Μεντβέντεφ

Medvedev with his eyes on the top

Daniel Medvedev is fighting tonight for a place in the semifinals of the Miami Open and in the ... penthouse of the world ranking.

Παναθηναϊκός: «Ξημέρωσε ιστορική μέρα - Γήπεδο μέχρι το τέλος του 2024!»

Panathinaikos: "A historic day has dawned - Stadium until the end of 2024!"

Botanical 2024! PAE Panathinaikos gave a statement about its intentions regarding the stadium, talking about a "historic day".

Τετάρτη 30 Μαρτίου 2022

Απόλλων Πάτρας – Λαύριο 72-62: Ακόμα πιο κοντά στην παραμονή οι Αχαιοί

Apollon Patras - Lavrio 72-62: The Achaeans are even closer to stay

The team from Patras prevailed with 72-62 over Lavrio and took an important step for their stay in the Basket League.

Ρουμπέση: «Περήφανη για τα κορίτσια μου»

Roubesis: "Proud of my girls"

National team coach Antigoni Roubesis said she was proud to win the LEN Trophy.

Εθνικός - Ντουναϊβάρος 14-9: Ο «Αυτοκράτορας» της Ευρώπης!

National - Danube 14-9: The "Emperor" of Europe!

National team, team! The girls of the National wrote history in Greek polo. They took a walk in the 2nd final against Dunaivaros (14-9), paired the victories and celebrated the conquest of the Len Trophy, second in the history of the division!