Δευτέρα 31 Μαΐου 2021

Φαν'τ Σχιπ: «Πάντα αναζητούμε παίκτες που προκαλούν θετικές εντυπώσεις»

Van de Schip: "We are always looking for players who make a positive impression"

The new appearances in the mission of National Greece were mentioned by John Van de Schip.

Συγκινημένος ο Μαρτίνς: "Είναι δύσκολο να ζω μακριά απ' την οικογένειά μου"

Martins excited: "It's hard to live away from my family"

The coach of Olympiacos gave a long interview to Nova channels. Pedro Martins addressed many issues in his three years at the Red and Whites.

«Λύγισε» την Μπασκόνια για το 1-0 η Βαλένθια!

Valencia "bent" Baskonia for 1-0!

Dubljevic's two shots at 5.5 "before the end and Vives's defense to Henry at the end, gave Valencia the victory (87-86) over Baskonia, for the 1-0 in the playoffs!

Λουτσέσκου: «Αυτός ήταν ο λόγος που έφυγα από τον ΠΑΟΚ…»

Lucescu: "That was the reason I left PAOK…"

Speaking to foreign media, Razvan Lucescu referred to the reason why he left PAOK two years ago.

Λάτσιο: Στροφή στον Σάρι

Lazio: Turn to Sari

Lazio technical director Igli Tare met Mauricio Sari in an attempt to persuade him to take over the technical leadership of the Rome team.

Η Ναόμι Οζάκα αποχώρησε οικειοθελώς από το Roland Garros: "Πάλεψα με την κατάθλιψη από το 2018 κι έπειτα"

Naomi Osaka left Roland Garros voluntarily: "I struggled with depression from 2018 onwards"

Apart from the French Open, Naomi Osaka, who left voluntarily after previously explaining that she struggled for a long time with depression because of what happened after her victory over Serena Williams at the US Open 2018 (video).

«Ο Παναθηναϊκός ενδιαφέρεται για τον ΜακΛιν»

"Panathinaikos is interested in McLean"

Panathinaikos is reportedly examining the case of Tre McLean who is playing in Peristeri.

Η Λειψία «βλέπει» Λακρουά για αντικαταστάτη του Κονατέ

Leipzig "sees" Lacroix as a replacement for Konate

Leipzig is seriously considering the case of Maxans Lacroix to replace Conate who went to Liverpool.

Επίσημο: Ανακοίνωσε Τικίνιο ο Ολυμπιακός

Official: Olympiacos announced Tikinio

Olympiakos player is officially Tikinio Soares, with the 30-year-old striker signing a three-year contract with the "red and whites".

Άρης: Αντίπαλοι στα μέτρα τους, αλλά και ζόρικοι στο Conference League

Aris: Opponents in their measures, but also strong in the Conference League

Thessaloniki has passable opponents in Europe, but there are several pitfalls.

Nτέιβις: Χάνει το Game 5 κόντρα στους Σανς!

Davis: Loses Game 5 against the Suns!

Anthony Davis will not play in Game 5 of the Lakers with the Suns, which puts the Lakers in a very difficult position.

Euro: Με Σακίρι, Σεφέροβιτς και Τζάκα η Ελβετία

Euro: Switzerland with Shakiri, Seferovic and Jaka

Switzerland with Sakiri, Seferovic and Jaka

With all its possible names, the final list of the Swiss national team for the final phase of the European Championship.

Ο Κουν Αγουέρο στα μπλαουγκράνα: Υπέγραψε και φωτογραφήθηκε στο «Καμπ Νου»!

Koon Aguero in Blaugrana: Signed and photographed at "Camp Nou"!

Koon Aguero signed ... live his two-year contract with Barcelona and then wore the Blaugrana jersey and pressed "Camp Nou" for the first time!

Παρελθόν από τη Σάσαρι ο Ποτσέκο!

Pozzecco is from Sassari!

Sassari's coach's past is Gianmarco Pozzecco.

End of an era in Sassari, which announced the end of the collaboration with the technician Gianmarco Pozzecco!

Στα 28 εκατ. ευρώ το deal της Μίλαν για Τομόρι

At 28 million euros, the Milan deal for Tomori

Ficagio Tomori will continue his career in Milan, with Chelsea putting 28 million euros in its coffers! Four departures.

Ο ΠΑΟΚ πάει για έξι μεταγραφές σε πρώτο χρόνο

PAOK goes for six transfers in the first year

PAOK is looking for two full-backs, a central midfielder, two wingers and a striker before the start of its European obligations, which will start two weeks later than originally planned.

Συμφωνία Μαρσέιγ - Γκεντουζί, απομένει η Άρσεναλ

Marseille - Gentuz agreement, Arsenal remains

Closer to Masalos, the "cut" by Artetas midfielder

Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες: Με αρνητικό τεστ στις εξέδρες

Olympic Games: With a negative test on the stands

The Japanese decided to have a presence of fans on the stands of the stadiums at the Olympic Games.

ΑΕΚ: Και τώρα φουλ για στόπερ και φορ!

AEK: And now full for stoppers and for!

AEK puts forward two more additions after the acquisition of Stankovic.

Μπόνιεκ: “Δεν έκανε ούτε μια ευκαιρία η Μάντσεστερ Σίτι”

Boniek: "Manchester City did not make a single chance"

Zbigniew Boniek harshly criticized Manchester City for its appearance in the Champions League final.

Αστέρας Τρίπολης: Φουλάρουν για μεταγραφές

Asteras Tripolis: They are full for transfers

The people of Asteras Tripolis have put down their transfer planning.

MVP της Serie A ο Λουκάκου – Καλύτερος επιθετικός ο Κριστιάνο!

Serie A MVP Lukaku - Best striker Cristiano!

Romelu Lukaku became the most valuable football player of the season in Serie A. Top striker Cristiano, best goalkeeper Donnarumma.

Με 16 η προετοιμασία της Εθνική για το Super Final του World League

With 16 the preparation of the National for the Super Final of the World League

Theo Larandos announced the 16 players who will participate in the preparation of the National Women's Polo for the Super Final World League.

Ολυμπιακός: Υπέγραψε ο Τικίνιο

Olympiacos: Ticino signed

Olympiacos completed the great transfer of the Brazilian striker, who has a three-year contract.

Εγινε η έκπληξη: Αυτός είναι ο αντίπαλος του Τσιτσιπά στον δεύτερο γύρο

The surprise happened: This is Tsitsipas' opponent in the second round

The Spaniard, Pedro Martinez, made the surprise and eliminated Sebastian Corda with a 3-0 set. Iviras, No. 103 in the world, will be on the street of Stefanos Tsitsipas.

«Συναγερμός» στην Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης, δύο παίκτες θετικοί στον κορωνοϊό

"Alarm" at Real Madrid, two players positive for the coronavirus

Problem shortly before the start of the ACB playoffs for Real Madrid, as two players from Pablo Lasso's team tested positive for the virus. The great risk in case of a third case.

Αγουέρο: «Ήρθα στη μεγαλύτερη ομάδα του κόσμου»

Aguero: "I came to the biggest team in the world"

In his first statements as a Barcelona player, Sergio Aguero claimed that he would now play for the best team in the world.

Κοντά στην Μπαρτσελόνα ο Ταρζέφσκι!

Tarzevski is close to Barcelona!

In advanced discussions with Barcelona, ​​it is said to be Caleb Tarzhevsky of Armani Milano!

Προς διάλυση η Χίμκι, εκπνέει η διορία για συμμετοχή στη VTB League της σεζόν 2021/22

Khimki is about to dissolve, the deadline for participation in the VTB League of the 2021/22 season expires

Khimki is close to breaking up, as a few hours before the deadline for the application for participation in the VTB League of the 2021/22 season expires, it has no financing plan.

Εφές: Αποθεωτική υποδοχή στο αεροδρόμιο

Efes: Reservoir reception at the airport

The reception of the Turkish team with a band.

Several Efes fans gathered at Istanbul airport to welcome the European champions.

Ο Ολυμπιακός διαψεύδει κατηγορηματικά για Φορτούνη

Olympiacos categorically denies Fortouni

Olympiakos took a position on the "exchange" of Fortounis, talking about "science fiction scenarios".

ΑΕΚ: Ξεκίνησαν οι αποχωρήσεις, φεύγουν οι ξένοι

AEK: The departures have started, the foreigners are leaving

The situation in AEK seems to have reached the point of no return and the American players have already started to leave the team.

Copa America: Ούτε στην Αργεντινή η διεξαγωγή του τουρνουά

Copa America: The tournament is not held in Argentina either

The possibility of postponing this year's Copa America is now visible, following the recent decision of CONMEBOL.

Μπερτομέου για την «κίνηση των 7»: «Οι ομάδες κάνουν κουμάντο!»

Bertomeu for the "movement of 7": "The teams are in command!"

In his usual meeting with journalists before the final, the president and executive director of the Euroleague, said he was optimistic about the return of the fans in the new season, described as "secret" the headquarters of the next Final 4 and ruled out the scenario of the closed league.

Όμπλακ: «Κανένας δεν μπορεί να δει το μέλλον»

Oblak: "No one can see the future"

Jan Oblak spoke about his future which remains uncertain!

Παρί: Στα 80 εκατ. ευρώ οι απαιτήσεις της Ίντερ για Χακίμι

Paris: Inter demands for Hakimi at 80 million euros

Negotiations between Paris Saint-Germain and Inter for Hakimi continue, with the Italians asking for ... a staggering 80 million euros.

Οι Ντουράντ, Χάρντεν και Ίρβινγκ σημείωσαν μαζί 104 πόντους και έγραψαν ιστορία

Durand, Harden and Irving together scored 104 points and made history

Kevin Durand, Kyrie Irving and James Harden had no chance of letting the Nets lose in Game 4 to the Celtics.

«Μάχη του ΠΑΟΚ με τον Ερυθρό Αστέρα για Πρίγιοβιτς»

"PAOK battle with the Red Star for Prijovic"

According to the Serbs, PAOK has firmly entered the game of acquiring Aleksandar Prijovic, who has the number one goal of the Red Star.

«Έκλεισε» στην ΑΕΚ ο Στάνκοβιτς! (vids)

Stankovic "closed" in AEK! (vids)

The AEK jersey is promoted by Cican Stankovic! Salzburg accepted the proposal of the "Union" and its main goalkeeper will defend the yellow and black home from next year.

Ρόμα: Κοντά σε συμφωνία με Ικάρντι

Roma: Close to an agreement with Icardi

The Italian club wants to include the Argentine striker in its potential, while the team's coach, Jose Mourinho, agrees with this acquisition.

Εκδικάζονται το μεσημέρι οι ενστάσεις του Προμηθέα

Prometheus' objections are being heard at noon

At noon, Prometheus' objections to the match with Lavrio will be heard and it is quite possible that the decision will be made immediately.

Φερέιρα: «Περιμένω να απολυθώ από την Παλμέιρας»

Ferreira: "I am waiting to be fired from Palmeiras"

Palmeiras was defeated by Flamengo and Ferreira, between serious and funny, said that he is waiting for his dismissal due to the mentality of the Brazilians.

Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης: Αιχμές του Ζιντάν προς τη διοίκηση

Real Madrid: Zidane peaks towards the administration

Zinedine Zidane left tips against the administration of Florentino Perez, for his departure from the technical leadership of Real Madrid.

Ολυμπιακός: Η πρόταση για Φορτούνη και η «ερυθρόλευκη» απάντηση

Olympiacos: The proposal for Fortuni and the "red and white" answer

Besiktas is interested in Costas Fortounis, with Olympiakos submitting its own proposal to the Turkish team.

ΑΕΚ: Θέλει και φουλάρει για τον Στάνκοβιτς στο τέρμα (vid)

AEK: He wants and scarves for Stankovic at the end (vid)

AEK wants and will get a goalkeeper, proceeding to acquire the Bosnian, naturalized Austrian, key goalkeeper of Salzburg,Cican Stankovic!

Πανιώνιος: Η πιο σημαντική νίκη μέχρι την επόμενη

Panionios: The most important victory until the next one

Panionios took another step for the first time and now holds the luck in his hands despite the war he has accepted.

Οι στιγμές του 2012 και του 2021 στο σφύριγμα της λήξης των τελικών

The moments of 2012 and 2021 in the whistle of the end of the finals

In 2012 he was in ... hostile territory, in Munich. This year, in Porto, where everything ... was blue.

Τούχελ: Αποκάλυψε πόσες μεταγραφές θέλει!

Tuchel: Revealed how many transfers he wants!

Thomas Tuchel does not want ... much! He will be satisfied with 2-3 transfers!

Μπρούμα: Η δήλωση του μάνατζερ του – Τι θέλει ο Ολυμπιακός

Bruma: The statement of his manager - What does Olympiacos want

Bruma became the subject of discussion in the Netherlands for Eindhoven, stating what Olympiacos wants.

Παναθηναϊκός: Ο Αλαφούζος θέλησε να φέρει τον Τερίμ

Panathinaikos: Alafouzos wanted to bring Terim

Giannis Alafouzos is said to have contacted Fatih Terim, in order to take over the technical leadership of Panathinaikos.