Τετάρτη 31 Ιουλίου 2019

Τότεναμ - Μπάγερν Μονάχου 2-2 κ.α 6-5 πέναλτι (video) φιλικός αγώνας

ΑΕΚ – Μπασακσεχίρ 0-0 (video)

AEK - Basaksehir 0-0  (video)

AEK made many mistakes against Basaksehir (0-0) at the OAKA, but had an international goalkeeper who kept the score at night.

Χατ-τρικ ο Μπενζεμά, αλλά «έμπαζε» πάλι η Ρεάλ (video)

Benzema's hat-trick, but Real is still playing (video)

Real beat Fenerbahce 5-3 for the Audi Cup.

Live Streaming.21:30 Tottenham - Bayern Munich 2-2 FT 6-5 pen. Friendly Matches Eastern European Time

Παντελίδης: «Αντιμετωπίζουμε κάθε παιχνίδι με την ίδια σοβαρότητα»

Pantelidis: "We treat every game with the same seriousness"

The positive and negative aspects of Mars since the first game against AEL Limassol have been taken into consideration by Savvas Pandelidis, as he said in a rematch.

Live Streaming. 20:30 AEK Athens - Basaksehir Istanbul 0-0 (video) Friendly Matches Eastern European Time

AEK - Basaksehir 0-0  (video)

AEK made many mistakes against Basaksehir (0-0) at the OAKA, but had an international goalkeeper who kept the score at night.

Επίσημο του Φαντ Σιπ στην Εθνική από την EΠΟ

Van Sip official at National by

Van  Sip Season in the National Team!

Δίνει εισιτήρια στην Κύπρο ο Άρης

Aris gives tickets to Cyprus

The fans of Aris give the fans a chance to watch the match with AEL Limassol.

Eθνική Γυναικών: Οι «εκλεκτές» για το τουρνουά στην Κίνα

Article CoverWomen's National: The "Chosen" for the Tournament in China

The Women's National Team will compete in the China International Tournament (16-18 / 8) and Vassilis Maslarinos will select the players to attend the team's first gathering.

Παουλίνιο: «Εξαιρετικές συνθήκες στην ΑΕΚ, στόχος το πρωτάθλημα»

Paulinio: "Excellent conditions in AEK, league goal"

Absolutely justified by his choice to continue his career at AEK, Paulinio says.

Η ακριβότερη μεταγραφή στην ιστορία της Ατλέτικο

The most expensive transcript in Atletico's history

Among many suitors Joao Felix decided to choose Atletico Madrid because of Diego Simone's coach.

Κόβαρικ: «Πιστέψαμε ότι θα μπορέσουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε τον Ολυμπιακό»

Kovarik: "We believed we would be able to deal with Olympiacos"

Read the statements made by Victoria Plzen's ace for yesterday's match with Olympiacos.

Διέρρευσε βίντεο του Πεπέ με τη φανέλα της Άρσεναλ

Article CoverVideo of Pepe leaking with Arsenal jersey

The announcement of Nicolas Pepe's transfer to Arsenal should be considered a matter of hours.

Παραμένει στην Αργεντινή ο Σκαλόνι

Scaloni remains in Argentina

Lionel Scalloni will remain in Argentina's technical leadership as the country's federation considers his work on the bench as successful.

Ανοίγει τα χαρτιά του ο Φερέιρα

Ferreira opens his papers

PAOK began its preparations for the clash with Ajax, aiming for a clear victory in Tuba's first match.

Αυτά έδωσε ο Ολυμπιακός στην Ελλάδα

That's what Olympiacos gave in Greece

The reds have added 200 points to the UEFA rankings of our country, which remains 16th.

Πήρε Τερκί η Ξάνθη

Xanthi got Terki

Xanthi announcement of the acquisition of Mehdi Turki.

Turki, the 12th in Xanthi.

Στα υπόψιν του Παναθηναϊκού ο Κυριακίδης

In the mind of Panathinaikos Kyriakidis

Upon his return from the Netherlands, Panathinaikos is expected to… talk about the rest of the transcript and move on to designing as soon as possible George Donis the roster he wants.

Αρμάνι Μιλάνο: Στα 30 εκατ. ευρώ το μπάτζετ της μαζί με τους φόρους!

Armani Milan: At 30m euros its budget along with taxes!

Armani Milan is expected to have a huge budget for the 2019/20 season, as Italian media report that it will reach 30 million euros with taxes!

Τρίτη 30 Ιουλίου 2019

Ο Ολυμπιακός διέλυσε με μπαλάρα και τεσσάρα την Πλζεν (video)

Olympiacos broke up Plzen with a ball and four (video)

In a triumphant way the Reds leveled Plzen 4-0 in the second leg and qualified for the Champions League 3rd qualifier to face Basques.

Ανακοίνωσε Αντριάν Λόπεθ η Οσασούνα!

Announces Adrian Lopez Osasuna!

The acquisition of Adrian Lopez was formalized by Osasuna.

Ξάνθη: Νίκη με ανατροπή στο φινάλε

Xanthi: Victory by overturning the final

Another victory for Xanthi during the preparations for Pravets.

Γκολομέεβ: "Μπορώ το ολυμπιακό μετάλλιο"

Golomeyev: "Can I get the Olympic medal"

Cristian Golomeyev, on his arrival at "Eleftherios Venizelos", raised the bar for the silver medal at 50m. free at the World Championship.

Live Streaming.21:30 Olympiakos Piraeus - Plzen 4-0 (video) Champions League Eastern European Time

Olympiacos broke up Plzen with a ball and four (video)

In a triumphant way the Reds leveled Plzen 4-0 in the second leg and qualified for the Champions League 3rd qualifier to face Basques.

Παίρνει Σέλκο ο Πανιώνιος

Panionios takes Selko

Player of the Panionios should be considered Philippe Selkos, who is expected to be released from Paderborn.

Φέστα: «Είχα κάποια προβλήματα με τον Κούγια…»

Festa: "I had some problems with Kougia ..."

Gianluca Festa helped AEL significantly last season's battle, but his collaboration with Alexis Kougia was supposed to ... cause a sudden divorce between the two sides.

Αποκλεισμός για τα ελληνικά δίδυμα μπιτς βόλεϊ

Greek Beach Volleyball Twin Block

Vicky Arvaniti-Penny Karagouni and Dimitra Manavi-Konstantina Tsopoulou were left out of the Vienna Three-Star Volleyball Tournament.

Ανταλλαγή «βόμβα» συζητούν Γιουνάιτεντ και Γιουβέντους

'Bomb' exchange discussed by United and Juventus

Manchester United and Juventus appear determined to change European football as they discuss the possible exchange of Romelou Lukaku with Paulo Dybala.

ΠΑΟΚ: Στη Θεσσαλονίκη ο μάνατζερ του Ενρίκε

PAOK: Enrique's manager in Thessaloniki

Cizar Santana has arrived in the capital and in the coming hours he will have a meeting with the technical director of the Greek champions Mario Branco on the future of the Brazilian midfielder.

Ο Μπόατενγκ επιβεβαίωσε τη μεταγραφή του στη Φιορεντίνα

Boateng confirmed his transfer to Fiorentina

Kevin-Prince Boating has confirmed he will join Fiorentina on Wednesday, leaving Sassuolo.
"I can't wait and I'm very happy about that."

Ολυμπιακός: H ενδεκάδα κόντρα στην Πλζεν

Olympiacos: The eleven against Plzen

Pedro Martins has announced the Olympic eleven for the rematch with Victoria Plzen in the Champions League Qualifying Round 2.

Η αποστολή της ΑΕΚ για τον αγώνα με την Μπασάκσεχιρ

Article CoverAEK's mission to fight with Basaksehir

Miguel Cardoso has announced at the end of the training which players are on AEK's mission for the friendly match against Basaksehir.

Μάρκο Ρόις: Διαψεύδοντας κάθε προγνωστικό

Marco Reus: Denying any predictions

Loyalty and rare football alloy. When these two elements meet in the mold of the "Round Goddess", then players like Marco Reus come out.

Πήρε Σκιρί η Κολωνία

Cologne has Skhiri

In Cologne, Yassin Meria's Tunisian national teammate Ellies Skhiri will continue his career after five years in the French Championship and Montpellier.

Κουρμπέλης στο Sportime: «Ευρώπη με τον Παναθηναϊκό»

Kourbelis at Sportime: "Europe with Panathinaikos"

Dimitris Kourbelis spoke exclusively to Sportime about his dream of returning with the "clover" to major European events.

Μόνο τα ιατρικά για Πεπέ στην Άρσεναλ

Only Pepe's medicine at Arsenal

Nicolas Pepe is expected to complete his transfer from Lille to Arsenal within the next few days.

Ολυμπιακός: Η πρόκριση φέρνει Μπενζιά κι έναν ακόμη ενόψει Μπασακσεχίρ

Olympiakos: Qualification Brings Benzia and Another to Bassakheir

Since everything goes well for Olympiacos with Plzen, the acquisition of Benzia is considered a given.

Παναθηναϊκός: Πάει για ρεκόρ και έβαλε όριο τα 12.000 εισιτήρια διαρκείας!

Panathinaikos: Goes for a record and set a limit of 12,000 tickets!

Panathinaikos announced by announcing that long-term tickets are leaving at a fast pace and that it is set to set a new record, clearing that it has set a limit of 12,000 tickets!

Επιμένει για Κανσέλο η Σίτι

City insists on Cancelo

Joao Cancelo's "hunt" remains with Manchester City, preparing a proposal for Juventus for the Portuguese defender.

Ανακοινώθηκε ο Σέρχιο Ροντρίγκεθ από την Αρμάνι (vid)

Sergio Rodriguez Announces Armani (vid)

Armani Milan player Sergio Rodriguez is also an official player, as the player was announced by the Italian team.

Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου 2019

Μπρέντα – Παναθηναϊκός 0-0 (video)

Brenda - Panathinaikos 0-0 (video)

Excellent Panathinaikos in another friendly game, completed his preparation in Holland 0-0 against Brenda.

Εθνική Ελλάδας: Αύριο (30/7) έρχονται οι Φαν Σιπ και Βίντερ

National Greece: Tomorrow (30/7), Fan Sip and Withers are coming

Dutch coach, Johnny Fan Sip, comes to Greece tomorrow (30/7) with his assistant, Aron Wieder, to complete the deal with the EPA for the technical leadership of the National Team.

Λοτίτο: «Το καλύτερο για τον Μιλίνκοβιτς και για τη Λάτσιο»

Lolito: "Best for Milinkovic and Lazio"

Lazio's president, Claudio Lujeto, confirmed that Sergei Milinkovic-Savic could be sold amid Manchester United's lead.

Με Κότσαρη και Κόναν η ενδεκάδα του Παναθηναϊκού

Article CoverWith Kotsari and Konan the eleven of Panathinaikos

With Kotsaris and Conan the basic shape fielded by Giorgos Donis Panathinaikos in its last friendly on Dutch soil against NAC Breda.

Με όλα τα σημαντικά ονόματα η Ελλάδα στο Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα Ομάδων στίβου

With all the important names Greece in the European Championship of Track and Field

With all the top athletes, the National Track Team will try to stay in the Bingo European Championship Super League, 9-11 / 8.

Βεράτι για Νεϊμάρ: «Αν θέλει να φύγει δεν πρέπει να τον κρατήσει με το ζόρι η Παρί»

Verrati on Neymar: "If he wants to leave, Paris must not keep him alive"

Neymar stays in Paris until ... and Marko Verati left in an interview he gave in favor of the Brazilian Ace.

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ: Χωρίς Λουκάκου στη Νορβηγία

Manchester United: No Lukaku in Norway

Romello Lukaku was not included in the Manchester United mission for Kristiansund, and immediate developments are expected, with Juventus and Inter to wait in the corner.

Βρμπα: «Μπορούμε την πρόκριση με Ολυμπιακό»

Vromba: "We can qualify with Olympiakos"

The coach of Victoria Plzen appeared optimistic for tomorrow's rematch.

Τέλος εποχής για τον Εβρά

End of season for Hebrew

The end of his football career and the beginning of coaching was announced by Patris Evra.

Συμφώνησε με Μόιζε Κιν η Έβερτον

He agreed with Moyze Kin Everton

Near the acquisition of Moyze Kin lies Everton after the agreement of both sides.

Προπόνηση με... προσθήκες στην Εθνική Ανδρών

Article CoverWorkout with ... additions to the National Men

With 16 players, the preparation of the National Men in preparation for the World Cup of China (31 / 8-15 / 9) continues this morning.