Δευτέρα 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Αταλάντα - Σαμπντόρια 4-0 (video) Σέριε Α

Μπαρτσελόνα: Επίσημη η παραμονή του Ντάντε Έξουμ μέχρι το τέλος της σεζόν

Barcelona: The stay of Dante Exum until the end of the season is official

Barcelona has formalized the stay of Dante Exum at Palau Blaugrana until the end of this season.

Κόλμαν: «Πρωτόγνωρο παιχνίδι, αυτά μόνο στην Ελλάδα συμβαίνουν»

Coleman: "Unprecedented game, these only happen in Greece"

The coach of Atromitos stood in the gathering of his players in the victory over Apollon Smyrni and spoke about an unprecedented match as it developed.

Προσφεύγει στο CAS η Ρωσία

Russia appeals to CAS

Excluded from FIFA and UEFA competitions, the Russian Football Federation has denounced a measure of "discrimination".

Γρηγορίου: « Έχουμε ηττηθεί με τους πιο…απίθανους τρόπους»

Grigoriou: "We have been defeated in the most improbable ways"

Lamia suffered its sixth consecutive defeat in the championship and the coach spoke about a psychological problem.

Τεννές: “Οι παίκτες μου έκαναν καλή προσπάθεια”

Tennes: "My players made a good effort"

Babis Tennes returned to the bench of Apollon Smyrna for the 6th time and spoke about the effort of the players in the game with Atromitos.

Live Streaming.22:00 Granada CF - Cadiz CF 0-0 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.22:00 Granada CF - Cadiz CF 0-0 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Μεταξάς: «Όταν υπάρχει πόλεμος και χάνονται ζωές, το χειρότερο δεν είναι η αφαίρεση των πέντε βαθμών»

Metaxas: "When there is a war and lives are lost, the worst is not the subtraction of the five points"

Comparison of PAS coach Giannina about the war in Ukraine and the deduction of five points from his team.

Λιντς: Ο Μαρτς είναι ο διάδοχος του Μπιέλσα

Leeds: Marts is Bielsa's successor

Marcelo Bielsa is past the Leeds bench and his successor is Jesse Marts.

Απόλλων Σμύρνης - Ατρόμητος 0-2 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights 25η Αγων Super League 1

ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα – Λαμία 1-0: Ζωντανός για τα πλέι οφ

PAS Giannina - Lamia 1-0: Alive for the playoffs

The Epirotes defeated Lamia 1-0 and remained alive in the playoffs, in which they would have already booked a place if they had not been punished with -5.

Live Streaming.21:45 Atalanta - Sampdoria 4-0 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 Atalanta - Sampdoria 4-0 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Μανωλόπουλος: «Πήραμε μία σπουδαία νίκη»

Manolopoulos: "We got a great victory"

Sotiris Manolopoulos commented on the appearance of the Greek internationals and stressed the importance of the victory against Turkey.

Παναθηναϊκός: Με πολλές απουσίες η προπόνηση

Panathinaikos: Training with many absences

The Greens continued to prepare for the match against Zalgiris with many obstacles (01/03)

Μαρτίνς: «Ο Ολυμπιακός δεν θα επαναπαυθεί, ευχόμαστε ο ΠΑΟΚ να συνεχίσει να χαρίζει βαθμούς στην Ελλάδα»

Martins: "Olympiacos will not rest, we wish PAOK to continue giving points to Greece"

Pedro Martins spoke on the subscription channel about the continuation at Olympiakos but also about PAOK that qualified for Europe.

Τουρκία - Ελλάδα 67-76: Η άλωση της Πόλης τη φέρνει αγκαλιά με την πρόκριση στο Παγκόσμιο

Turkey - Greece 67-76: The fall of the city brings her a hug with the qualification to the World

The Men's National Team defeated Turkey for the second time in three days (76-67) and took the most decisive step to qualify for the next round of World Cup qualifiers.

Αγωνία στη Ρεάλ – «Τρέχει» για Παρί ο Αλάμπα

Anguish at Real - Alaba is "running" for Paris

David Alaba will make a road race to catch the rematch with Paris Saint-Germain.

Premier League: Οι διαιτητες σταματούν να δείχνουν κάρτα για αντιπολεμικά μηνύματα

Premier League: Referees stop showing cards for anti-war messages

A general instruction not to show a card to players who take off their shirts to display anti-war messages was given by the Premier League referees, according to a publication of the "Daily Mail".

ΑΕΚ: Κανένα νέο κρούσμα ενόψει ΠΑΟΚ

AEK: No new cases in view of PAOK

AEK without a new case before the postponed match with PAOK.

Η ελληνική αποστολή για το Βαλκανικό Πρωτάθλημα κλειστού στίβου

The Greek delegation for the Balkan Indoor Championship

SEGAS announced on Monday the mission that will represent Greece at the Balkan Indoor Championships in Istanbul next Saturday.

Παρίδη: «Ήταν κάτι που ονειρευόμουν από παιδί»

Paridi: "It was something I dreamed of as a child"

What did Giannis Sgouropoulos and Konstantina Paridi say about their first title at

Ιτούδης: Η «διάλυση» των ρωσικών ομάδων τον φέρνει ακόμη πιο κοντά στην Εθνική

Itoudis: The "dissolution" of the Russian teams brings him even closer to the National

Developments with the Russian teams lead Dimitris Itoudis to the exit from CSKA Moscow, and therefore closer to the bench of the National team.

Νέο δημοσίευμα για Τάνκοβιτς: Τι αναφέρει για Χάμαρμπι, ΑΕΚ και παίκτη

New post about Tankovic: What he says about Hamarbi, AEK and a player

North for scenarios give reports in Sweden about Tankovic's future.

Πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία: FIFA και UEFA πέταξαν έξω από όλες τις διοργανώσεις την εθνική Ρωσίας και τις ρωσικές ομάδες

War in Ukraine: FIFA and UEFA threw out of all competitions the Russian national team and Russian teams

FIFA and UEFA announced today that the Russian teams were expelled until recently from international competitions, including the Russian national team, due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Ανατροπή με Εμπαπέ: «Ανοίγει ο δρόμος της ανανέωσης»

Overthrow with Mbappe: "The way of renewal opens"

According to the French, Killian Mbappe has left open the possibility of renewing his contract with Paris Saint-Germain.

Live Streaming.19:30 Giannina - Lamia 1-0 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Giannina - Lamia 1-0 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

ΠΑΟΚ: Μετράει αντίστροφα ο Νέλσον Ολιβέιρα

PAOK: Nelson Oliveira is counting down

With an hourglass emptied by the "black and white" PAE, he accompanied the caption of the photo that shows Nelson Oliveira during his individual program.

Live Streaming.19:30 Apollon Smyrnis - Atromitos 0-2 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Apollon Smyrnis - Atromitos 0-2 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Άρης σε Μάντζιο: «Κόουτς, σε ευχαριστούμε για όλα»

Aris in Mantzio: "Coach, thank you for everything"

Formerly and formally from the technical leadership of Aris, Akis Mantzios, with Aris thanking him for his contribution to the club through social media.

Μπερτομέου: «Δεν κατηγορούμε τις ρωσικές ομάδες, όμως δεν είχαμε άλλη επιλογή»

Bertomeu: "We do not blame the Russian teams, but we had no other choice"

Jordi Bertomeu clarified that the Euroleague does not blame the Russian teams for the war in Ukraine, but stressed that he could not do nothing.

ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα-Λαμία: Οι ενδεκάδες της αναμέτρησης

PAS Giannina-Lamia: The eleven of the match

PAS Giannina welcomes Lamia to Zosimades (28/02, 19:30), in the context of the 25th game for the Greek championship. Metaxas and Grigoriou announced their choices.

Live Streaming.19:00 Turkey - Greece 67-76 World Cup - Qualification - Second round Eastern European Time

Turkey - Greece 67-76: The fall of the city brings her a hug with the qualification to the World

The Men's National Team defeated Turkey for the second time in three days (76-67) and took the most decisive step to qualify for the next round of World Cup qualifiers.

Επίσημο: Εκτός Euroleague μέχρι νεωτέρας οι ρωσικές ομάδες

Official: Outside the Euroleague until recently the Russian teams

The shareholders met and decided to postpone the participation of the teams of the Russian Federation in both the EuroLeague (CSKA Moscow, Zenit St. Petersburg, Unics Kazan) and the EuroCup (Lokomotiv Kuban)

Mε Ολίνικ η κορυφή του top - 10 στο ΝΒΑ (vid)

With Olinik the top of the top - 10 in the NBA (vid)

The action in the NBA continues with the spectacle, with the leaders of the top league in the world posting videos with the 10 best phases of the night.

ΤΣΣΚΑ Μόσχας: Αποχώρησε και ο Μπολομπόι

CSKA Moscow: Boloboi also left

The departures are massive in CSKA Moscow, as Joel Boloboi has been left out of the team for the time being.

«Βόμβα» από τη «Bild»: «Η UEFA θα αποβάλλει την Σπαρτάκ Μόσχας από το Γιουρόπα Λιγκ»

"Bomb" from "Bild": "UEFA will expel Spartak Moscow from the Europa League"

According to a German publication, UEFA is expected to announce the expulsion of Spartak Moscow from the Europa League!

Κολοσσός: Ένα κρούσμα κορονοϊού σε μέλος της ομάδας

Colossus: A case of coronavirus in a team member

ESAKE announced that a member of the Colossus team tested positive for the coronavirus after a test was performed on the team.

Πάρμα: Υπέγραψε νέο συμβόλαιο ο Μπουφόν

Parma: Buffon signed a new contract

Gianluigi Buffon has signed a new two-year contract with Parma.

ΑΕΚ: Κανονικά με Γιαννίκη στα Σπάτα, οι σκέψεις και η αναμονή αντίδρασης!

AEK: Normally with Gianniki in Spata, the thoughts and the wait for reaction!

In A.E.K. The preparation for the match with PAOK has started. without already having any change but also in essence a guideline from the administration and Melissanidis himself ...

Πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία: Η Ζενίτ αφήνει όλους παίκτες και τους προπονητές ελεύθερους να φύγουν από τη Ρωσία

War in Ukraine: Zenit leaves all players and coaches free to leave Russia

Zenit gave the right to choose whether or not to stay in Russia to its foreign players. Everyone is free to decide when they try.

Παρί Σεν Ζερμέν: Ο Ποσετίνο περιμένει τη Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης

Paris Saint-Germain: Pochettino is waiting for Real Madrid

Mauricio Pochettino is reportedly waiting for Real Marditis, as he hopes to replace Carlo Ancelotti.

Παραιτείται ο αντιπρόεδρος της Λοκομοτίβ Κουμπάν

Lokomotiv Kuban vice-president resigns

Developments in Lokomotiv Kuban, Gina Rutkauskas leaves his position as vice-president of the team.

Τσάβι: «Ο Πέδρι μου θυμίζει τον Ινιέστα»

Xavi: "Pedri reminds me of Iniesta"

Xavi bowed again to Pedri's talent, after the great victory of Barcelona, ​​which had an impressive performance and left no margin in Bilbao, prevailing comfortably with 4-0.

Τουρκία: Με δύο αλλαγές κόντρα στην Ελλάδα, κανονικά οι Λάρκιν και Μαχμούτογλου

Turkey: With two changes against Greece, normally Larkin and Mahmutoglou

Today, Turkey will have two new faces, in non-basic positions, against Greece in the match of Polis.

Μόντριτς: «Μεγάλωσα σε περίοδο πολέμου, σταματήστε τις ανοησίες»

Modric: "I grew up in a time of war, stop the nonsense"

In a message on social media, Luka Modric called for an end to hostilities and sent a clear message against the war.

Στήριξη από Τούχελ στον Κέπα: «Δεν έχω κανένα παράπονο»

Support from Tuchel to Kepa: "I have no complaints"

Despite the disappointment from the defeat of Chelsea in the League Cup final by Liverpool, Thomas Tuchel, hurried to support Kepa, who missed the last penalty.

Παναθηναϊκός: Κρατάει τη νίκη και στοχεύει ψηλότερα

Panathinaikos: Holds the victory and aims higher

Satisfaction prevails in the ranks of Panathinaikos for the 3-0 victory over AEK and the appearance in the Athenian derby.

Στέφανος Τσιτσιπάς: Πτώση παρά τον τίτλο - Στην κορυφή της ATP ο Μεντβέντεφ

Stefanos Tsitsipas: Fall despite the title - Medvedev at the top of the ATP

Danil Medvedev climbed to the top of world tennis today, for the first time in his career, throwing Novak Djokovic.

ΠΑΟΚ-Ιωνικός 1-1 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights 25η Αγων Super League 1

Άρης: Διπλό ρεκόρ για Γκάμα κόντρα στον Αστέρα

Aris: Double record for Gama against Asteras

The match against Asteras Tripolis was special for Borinos Gama, as he became the first Portuguese footballer to complete 100 participations in the Super League, with the Aris jersey.

ΠΑΟΚ: Δέχτηκε το 2000ο γκολ του από τον Τουράμ, 200 ισοπαλίες στην Τούμπα

PAOK: He conceded his 2000th goal from Thuram, 200 draws in Toumba

Rogerio Thuram scored the No. 2000 goal in the history of PAOK and forced him to the 200th draw at home.

Ο Γιαρμολένκο της Γουέστ Χαμ έκανε δωρεά στον ουκρανικό στρατό

Yarmolenko of West Ham donated to the Ukrainian army

Ukrainian midfielder Andrei Yarmolenko actively expressed his support for his compatriots.