Σάββατο 31 Ιουλίου 2021

Στουτγκάρδη - Μπαρτσελόνα 0-3 (video) Φιλικά Συλλόγων

Παλμέιρας: Ανακοίνωσε τον Πικέρες

Palmeiras: Announced Piqueres

Abel Ferreira's Palmeiras announced the acquisition of Joaquin Piqueres, for whom Olympiacos was very interested. The deal is at 3.2 million euros, according to Uruguayan media.

Μιλγουόκι Μπακς: Πήρε το «δαχτυλίδι» και μένει ελεύθερος συμπαίκτης του Γιάννη Αντετοκούνμπο

Milwaukee Bucks: He took the "ring" and remains a free teammate of Giannis Antetokounmpo

Past of the Milwaukee Bucks of Giannis and Thanasis Antetokunmpo is expected to be a "barometer" player on the way to winning the NBA

Βόλφσμπουργκ- Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης 1 -2 (video) Φιλικά Συλλόγων

Στην Μπενφίκα ο Γιάρεμτσουκ

Yaremchuk in Benfica

Benfica player is now Roman Yaremcuk, who signed a five-year contract with the Portuguese.

«Μάχη» για να ταξιδέψει και να αγωνιστεί η Ευαγγελία Πλατανιώτη!

"Battle" for Evangelia Platanioti to travel and fight!

The Hellenic Swimming Federation has engaged in an incredible road race so that Evangelia Platanioti can finally take part in the Olympic Games, which initially did not travel to Tokyo due to a coronavirus.

Ο Ντούσαν Μπουλούτ, ο κορυφαίος παίκτης 3on3 παγκοσμίως, θα παίξει για πρώτη φορά μπάσκετ στις ΗΠΑ

Dusan Bulut, the world's top 3on3 player, will play basketball in the US for the first time

Two years late, Dusan Bulut, the legend of the 3on3 world, goes to the US to join BIG3

Προσπάθεια στον Άρη να λυθεί το συμβόλαιο του Μήτρογλου

An attempt on Aris to terminate Mitroglou's contract

Alexis Savvopoulos conveyed on the air of bwinSPORT FM 94.6 that the future of Kostas Mitroglou on Mars is ominous, like that of Bruno.

Στη Νότια Κορέα ο Μίροσλαβ Ραντούλιτσα

In South Korea, Miroslav Radulica

Miroslav Radulica, who at the age of 33 has made his name in the Far East, moved to South Korea from China.

Καββαδάς – «Μεγάλη τιμή να βρίσκομαι στον Παναθηναϊκό»

Kavvadas - "It is a great honor to be at Panathinaikos"

Vassilis Kavvadas gave his first statements as a player of Panathnaikos and stressed that it is his honor to belong to the "clover".

Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες: Οι ελληνικές συμμετοχές της δέκατης ημέρας (1/8)

Olympic Games: The Greek participations of the tenth day (1/8)

The participation in the final of 50m. Christian Golomeev freestyle in swimming stands out from the Greek participations of the tenth day of the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Νιόπλιας: «Η βελτίωση δεν σταματά ποτέ»

Nioplias: "Improvement never stops"

The OFI coach commented that now the weight of the Cretans will fall on the regular part

Διαψεύδει ο Ατρόμητος το ισπανικό σενάριο για Τσούμιτς

Atromitos denies the Spanish scenario for Cumic

A Spanish publication reported on Saturday that Atromitos is going to acquire Nikolas Tsoumits on loan from Olympiakos, however, Peristeriotes quickly denied the matter.

Πίτι: «Θέλω να ξεκινήσω τα πρώτα μου προπονητικά βήματα»

Pitti: "I want to start my first training steps"

We learned about him because of Lamia A few months ago, his second passage from there was completed and now Pitti is thinking about his next professional step.

ΠΑΟΚ: Ορίστηκε για τις 12 Αυγούστου η ρεβάνς με Μποέμιαν, Αυστριακός ο διαιτητής

PAOK: The rematch with Bohemian is set for August 12, the Austrian referee

UEFA announced the day and time for the second match between PAOK and Bohemian, as well as the refereeing quartet.

Το μήνυμα του Φέντερερ στην χρυσή Μπέντσιτς

Federer's message to the golden Bencic

Roger Federer congratulated his compatriot Belida Bencic on winning the gold medal in the women's singles at the Olympic tennis tournament in Tokyo.

Ο Ισπανός Κούρο Σεγούρα αναλαμβάνει τον Ιωνικό Νικαίας

The Spaniard Kouro Segoura takes over the Ionian Nice

The 49-year-old coach Kouro Segoura is expected to take over the technical leadership of Ionikos Nikaia, being the second Spanish coach to work in the Basket League this year after Luis Casimiros of Prometheus Patras.

Live Streaming.20:00 Stuttgart - Barcelona 0-3 (video) Club Friendly Eastern European Time

Φένλο - Παναθηναϊκός 2-2 (Κ Δ Πεν 3- 5 ) Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Φιλικός αγώνας προετοιμασίας

Ολυμπιακός: Δανεικός στον Ατρόμητο ο Τσούμιτς σύμφωνα με τους Ισπανούς

Olympiacos: Cumic is on loan to Atromitos, according to the Spaniards

A report in Spain states that Olympiacos will loan Nikola Tsumic to Atromitos on loan in order to get games on his feet.

Ανακοίνωσε Όγκμποε η ΑΕΛ

AEL announced Ogboe

The repatriation of Mario Ogboe was announced by AEL, after the "purple" activated their agreement with the 26-year-old striker who from 2018 was playing in Scotland with the Hamilton jersey.

Μπάγερν Μονάχου - Νάπολι 0 -3 (video) Φιλικά Συλλόγων


Live Streaming.19:00 Wolfsburg - Atletico Madrid 1 -2 (video) Club Friendly Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.17:30 Bayern Munchen - Napoli 0-3 (video) Club Friendly Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.17:00 Venlo – Panathinaikos 2-2,3-5 pen. (video) Club Friendly Eastern European Time

Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες-Πόλο ανδρών: Εύκολη νίκη για την Ιταλία που έπιασε... κορυφή

Men's Olympic Games - Polo: Easy victory for Italy that caught ... top

Italy did not face any problems as they took the victory with 16-8 over Japan, and reached the top.

Παναθηναϊκός: Υπέγραψε για δύο χρόνια ο Καββαδάς

Panathinaikos: Kavvadas signed for two years

Panathinaikos player for the next two years will be Vassilis Kavvadas who leaves Iraklis for the sake of the "greens".

Εκτός τελικού η παγκόσμια πρωταθλήτρια στα 100 μέτρα

Out of the final the world champion in the 100 meters

Dina Asher Smith was left out of the final of the Olympic Games in the women's 100 meters.

Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες – 21 νέα κρούσματα

Olympic Games - 21 new cases

Another 21 new cases were announced by the organizers of the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Ισπανία – Ακτή Ελεφαντοστού 5-2: Στα ημιτελικά με θρίαμβο στο... θρίλερ η «φούρια ρόχα» (vid)

Spain - Ivory Coast 5-2: In the semifinals with a triumph in the ... thriller the "fouria rocha" (vid)

With three goals in overtime, a hat-trick by Mir and a finale-thriller in the 90 ', the formidable quarter-final put Spain victorious with the final 5-2 over Cκte d'Ivoire.

Παναιτωλικός: Τα έντεκα γκολ που έβαλε στον Αίολο (vid)

Panaitolikos: The eleven goals he scored against Aeolos (vid)

See through the Panetolikos channel on Youtube the 11 goals of the team of Agrinio from the friendly with Aeolos in Karpenisi.

Ένα άλμα και τελικός για τον Τεντόγλου!

A jump and a final for Tentoglou!

With his first jump in the length qualifier, Miltos Tentoglou reached the limit and qualified for the final of the Tokyo Olympics.

Χρυσό μετάλλιο και στα 200μ. ύπτιο η ΜακΚίοουν

Gold medal in the 200m. McQueen is lying down

Kylie McQueen confirmed the title of favorite in the 200m. supine, winning his second gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics.

Κοντά στο medal race ο Μιτάκης

Mitakis is close to the medal race

Giannis Mitakis is in eleventh place in the overall standings after the eighth race at the Tokyo Olympics.

Αυστραλία – Γερμανία 89-76

Australia - Germany 89-76

Thanks to an amazing Patti Mills, Australia defeated Germany 89-76 and qualified for the 8th edition of the Tokyo Olympics.

Γιουβέντους: Χωρίς Ρονάλντο και Ντιμπάλα στο φιλικό με την Μόντσα

Juventus: Without Ronaldo and Dybala in the friendly with Monza

Without its two big stars, Cristiano Ronaldo and Paulo Dybala, Juventus will line up tonight in the friendly game with Monza (31/07, 22:00).

Ράσφορντ: Υπονοεί πως δεν θα πήγαινε στο Euro αν ήξερε ότι δεν θα είχε σημαντικό ρόλο

Rasford: He implies he would not have gone to the Euro if he had known he would not have played a significant role

Having decided to have shoulder surgery and miss the start of the season, Marcus Rasford admits that he may have made a mistake regarding his participation in this year's Euro.

Αποσύρθηκε από τον αγώνα του μεικτού ο Τζόκοβιτς!

Djokovic withdrew from the mixed race!

Novak Djokovic will not finally claim the bronze medal in the mixed doubles!

«Με 10 εκατ. ευρώ η Φενέρμπαχτσε παραχωρεί τον Πέλκα»

"Fenerbahce gives Pelkas 10 million euros"

Fenerbahce is ready to listen to proposals for Dimitris Pelkas, which will reach at least 10 million euros.

GM Μπακς για γόνατο Αντετοκούνμπο: «Είναι καλά δεν χρειάζεται επέμβαση»

GM Antetokounmpo Knee Bucks: "It's OK, No Surgery Needed"

Giannis Antetokounmpo had an injury in the NBA Eastern Conference finals (with the Hawks), but "gritted his teeth" and played normally in the series of finals.

Ντούσκος: «Η καλύτερη στιγμή της ζωής μου, ελπίζω να είμαι το ίδιο και στους επόμενους Ολυμπιακούς»

Douskos: "The best moment of my life, I hope to be the same in the next Olympics"

Stefanos Douskos made his report, shortly before leaving Tokyo with the gold medal in his luggage.

Βλέπει Πάου Τόρες για αντί-Βαράν η Ρεάλ

Real sees Pau Torres as anti-Varane

Real Madrid have loaned Rafael Varane to Manchester United, will move in the summer transfer window to acquire a defender and is considering a solution for Villarreal's Pau Torres.

Αγωνία για Μάνταλο στην ΑΕΚ

Anguish for Mandalo in AEK

Anguish in AEK with Petros Mandalos, who was injured in the game with Velez in OAKA in the rematch of the Conference League.

Εκτός βάθρου ο Τζόκοβιτς, xάλκινο ο Καρένιο! (vid)

Djokovic is off the podium, Karenio is bronze! (vid)

Novak Djokovic is leaving Tokyo empty-handed (at least in singles), as he was defeated in the small final by Pablo Karenio Busta!

Μπαρτσελόνα: Ο Λαπόρτα πρότεινε νέα μείωση στους μισθούς των παικτών

Barcelona: Laporta proposed a new reduction in players' salaries

Barcelona is required to reduce the salaries of its players by almost 2/3, in order to get out of the impasse that has been led, due to financial problems.

Παρασκευή 30 Ιουλίου 2021

Χάκεν - Αμπερντίν 2-0 (video) Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Προκριματικά Conference League

Σλασκ - Αραράτ 3-3 (video) Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Προκριματικά Conference League

Στον ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα ο Γκαρντάφσκι

In PAS Giannina, Gardawski

PAS Giannina announced the acquisition of Michael Gardawski for next year.

Ανακοίνωσε την Τερέλ η ΑΕΚ

AEK announced Terrell

The acquisition of the American cross Marina Terrell, who will strengthen the women's volleyball team next season, was announced by AEK Amateur.

Ιωνικός: Τουράμ και επίσημα

Ionikos: Thuram and officially

Rogerio Thuram, who signed a one-year contract with the Nikaians, is also a player of Ionikos.

Απόλλων Σμύρνης: «Τα ψέματα τελειώνουν οριστικά σήμερα»

Apollon Smyrnis: "Lies are finally over today"

Apollon Smyrnis issued an announcement that clarifies things and situations related to specific fans. In it, among other things, it is emphasized that the lies are over.

Ο Χοακίν έχασε φιλικό της Μπέτις επειδή οι μπίρες ήταν πολλές το προηγούμενο βράδυ!

Joaquin lost a friend of Betis because there were a lot of beers last night!

Veteran Real Betis midfielder Joaquin Sanchez lost a friendly match because he had played… a strong ball the night before.

Τένις: Χρυσό μετάλλιο για τους Νίκολα Μέκιτς και Μάτε Πάβιτς

Tennis: Gold medal for Nikola Mekic and Mate Pavic

Gold medal for Nikola Mekic and Mate Pavic against their compatriots as they prevailed with 2-1 sets.