Σάββατο 22 Μαρτίου 2025

NBA: Το poster dunk του Τζέιντεν ΜακΝτάνιελς στην κορυφή του Top-10 (vid)

NBA: Jaden McDaniels' poster dunk tops the Top-10 (vid)

Jaden McDaniels won the top spot in the NBA Top-10 for his incredible dunk against the Pelicans.

Σέλτικς: Χωρίς τον Μπράουν κόντρα στους Μπλέιζερς οι πρωταθλητές

Celtics: Without Brown against the Blazers, the champions

The Celtics will not have Jaylen Brown with them in the match against the Blazers (24/3), as the 28-year-old is dealing with a knee injury.

Γιουβέντους: “Τελειώνει” τον Μότα μετά από το ματς με την Τζένοα, φαβορί για τον πάγκο ο Μαντσίνι

Juventus: “Finishes” Motta after the match with Genoa, Mancini is the favorite for the bench

Thiago Motta seems ready to open the door to Juventus’ exit after the league match with Genoa, with the Italian media revealing that Roberto Mancini is currently in pole position to succeed him.

Απαιτητικός από το πρώτο ματς ο Τούχελ: «Αυτά θα πρέπει να φτιάξουμε...»

Tuchel has been demanding since the first match: "We have to fix these..."

The things he liked, but also those he immediately understood that needed work on the level of philosophy, Thomas Tuchel emphasized after the victory (2-0) over Albania.

Με τον κόσμο στο πλευρό του ο Άρης στην Τρίπολη

Aris in Tripoli with the public on its side

Aris fans will be able to travel to Tripoli to support their team in the premiere of the Play Offs for positions 5-8 against Asteras AKTOR.

Τρέλα των φίλων του ΟΦΗ για το Κύπελλο – «Έφυγαν» 2.000 εισιτήρια για τον ημιτελικό

OFI fans' madness for the Cup – 2,000 tickets for the semi-final "gone"

On the first day of ticket sales for OFI's second semi-final with Asteras, approximately 2,000 "gone" out.

«Αυτοί είναι οι τρεις ξεκάθαροι στόχοι της Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης για το καλοκαίρι»

"These are Real Madrid's three clear goals for the summer"

Real Madrid has targeted three cases of footballers for the summer transfer period and wants to make them happen in order to strengthen all lines of the pitch.

Champions League πόλο γυναικών: Πρώτη μάχη στα προημιτελικά μεταξύ του Ολυμπιακού και της Βουλιαγμένης

Champions League women's polo: First battle in the quarterfinals between Olympiacos and Vouliagmeni

A few days after their match in the A1 women's polo, Olympiacos clashes again with Vouliagmeni, this time in the first of their two matches against the backdrop of the Final-4 of the Champions League.

Λάρκιν: “Ο Μίτσιτς είναι ξεκάθαρα ανοιχτός σε νέες προκλήσεις, σε πολλούς στην Ευρώπη έχει λείψει το παιχνίδι του”

Larkin: “Micic is clearly open to new challenges, many in Europe have missed his game”

Shane Larkin spoke about the future of Vasilje Micic after Anadolu Efes’ emphatic victory over Partizan in Belgrade.

Υπέροχη στιγμή: Ο Τζο Ινγκλς έπαιξε για πρώτη φορά μετά από τρία χρόνια βασικός για χάρη του αυτιστικού γιου του

Great moment: Joe Ingles played for the first time in three years as a starter for his autistic son

The Timberwolves allowed Joe Ingles to start in front of his autistic son for the first time.

Ολυμπιακός, μεταγραφές: Ο Κορέα έχει προσφορές από τους «ερυθρολεύκους» κι άλλες ομάδες σύμφωνα με τους Αργεντίνους

Olympiacos, transfers: Correa has offers from the "reds" and other teams according to the Argentines

According to a report from Argentina, Olympiacos has made an offer to Inter's Joaquin Correa, who will be free in the summer.

Αταμάν: «Με το αμυντικό σχήμα φτάσαμε στο 21-0 σερί, σημαντική νίκη για την κατάταξή μας»

Ataman: "With the defensive formation we reached a 21-0 streak, an important victory for our ranking"

Ergin Ataman referred to the problems his team faced during the match against Alba, while he focused on the defensive formation that made the difference at the end of the match.

Παρασκευή 21 Μαρτίου 2025

Το αδιανόητο ρεκόρ της Αγγλίας στο ντεμπούτο του Τούχελ: Η κορυφαία επίδοση από τότε που κρατά στατιστικά η Opta

England's incredible record on Tuchel's debut: The best performance since Opta has kept statistics

On Thomas Tuchel's debut, England put in a tremendous performance in the first half against Albania, making 437 passes.

Παρτίζαν – Εφές 65-97: Απίστευτη επέλαση των Τούρκων στο Βελιγράδι (video)

Partizan – Efes 65-97: Incredible attack of the Turks in Belgrade (video)

Anadolu Efes' incredible performance in Belgrade and a hugely important victory over Partizan (97-65) for the 30th matchday of the EuroLeague.

Κάγιες: «Άλλαξε το παιχνίδι μετά την τεχνική ποινή στον Αταμάν»

Cayes: "The game changed after the technical penalty on Ataman"

After Alba Berlin's defeat by Panathinaikos AKTOR, Pedro Cayes spoke about his team's performance, while emphasizing that the match changed after the technical penalty on Ergin Ataman.

Μπαρτσελόνα – Ζάλγκιρις 82-70: Καταλανική αντεπίθεση για την εξάδα (video)

Barcelona – Zalgiris 82-70: Catalan counterattack for the top six (video)

Superior overall, Barcelona easily defeated Zalgiris (82-70) and moved up to 17 wins that keep them on track for the top six in the EuroLeague.

Παναθηναϊκός AKTOR – Άλμπα 91-81: Πύρρειος νίκη απέναντι στην ουραγό (video)

Panathinaikos AKTOR – Alba 91-81: Pyrrhus victory against the tailback (video)

Panathinaikos AKTOR played as much as they did and defeated Alba 91-81 in the 30th round of the EuroLeague. In a match that lost both Genty Osman and Ioannis Papapetrou to injuries.

Τσενγκ – Τσιτσιπάς 1-2: Με ανατροπή ο Στέφανος στους 32 του Miami Open

Cheng – Tsitsipas 1-2: Stefanos reaches the last 32 of the Miami Open with a comeback

It took Stefanos Tsitsipas (No. 10) a little more than two hours to defeat Chun Hsin Cheng with 2-1 sets (4-6, 7-5, 6-3) and qualify for the last 32 of the Miami Open.

ΑΟ Θήρας – Ολυμπιακός 0-3: Στον τελικό με επική ανατροπή και περίπατο οι «ερυθρόλευκες» (vid)

AO Thiras – Olympiacos 0-3: The "red and white" team reaches the final with an epic comeback and a walk (vid)

Only in the first set did Olympiacos struggle against AO Thiras. The "red and white" team made an epic comeback, then walked in the other two and with a 3-0 win they qualified for the final where they will face Panionios.

Live Streaming.21:45 Partizan - Anadolu Efes 65-97 (video) Euroleague - Round 30 Eastern European Time

Partizan – Efes 65-97: Incredible attack of the Turks in Belgrade (video)

Anadolu Efes' incredible performance in Belgrade and a hugely important victory over Partizan (97-65) for the 30th matchday of the EuroLeague.

Κύπρος – Σαν Μαρίνο 2-0: Έβρισκε σε τοίχο, αλλά καθάρισε στο δεύτερο μέρος στο ντεμπούτο του Μάντζιου

Cyprus – San Marino 2-0: He was up against a wall, but he cleared in the second half in Manzios' debut

Cyprus celebrated the victory over San Marino, which scored twice in the replay, so that the three points came in Akis Manzios' debut on the bench.

Live Streaming.21:30 Barcelona - Zalgiris Kaunas 82-70 (video) Euroleague - Round 30 Eastern European Time

Barcelona – Zalgiris 82-70: Catalan counterattack for the top six (video)

Superior overall, Barcelona easily defeated Zalgiris (82-70) and moved up to 17 wins that keep them on track for the top six in the EuroLeague.

Live Streaming.21:15 Panathinaikos Alba Berlin 91-81 (video) Euroleague - Round 30 Eastern European Time

Panathinaikos AKTOR – Alba 91-81: Pyrrhus victory against the tailback (video)

Panathinaikos AKTOR played as much as they did and defeated Alba 91-81 in the 30th round of the EuroLeague. In a match that lost both Genty Osman and Ioannis Papapetrou to injuries.

Παιχνίδι προπονητικού χαρακτήρα ανάμεσα σε Άρη και Πανσερραϊκό το Σάββατο

Training game between Aris and Panserraikos on Saturday

As Aris announced, tomorrow, Saturday, a training game will be held between the "yellows" and Panserraikos.

Ο Άλισον επιστρέφει στο Λίβερπουλ μετά από «υποψίας διάσεισης»

Alisson returns to Liverpool after 'suspected concussion'

Alisson Becker is receiving treatment after a clash with Davinson Sanchez in the World Cup qualifier against Colombia.

Έστειλε μήνυμα στον Άλισον ο Μαμαρντασβίλι: “Πηγαίνω στη Λίβερπουλ για να πάρω τα γάντια του βασικού”

Mamardashvili sent a message to Alisson: “I’m going to Liverpool to get the starting gloves”

Giorgi Mamardashvili spoke about his upcoming move to Liverpool, with the Georgian goalkeeper emphasizing that his goal is to beat Alisson in the battle for the place under the Reds’ goalposts.

Κέιν: «Με την Τότεναμ έλειπαν οι τίτλοι για να προταθώ για Χρυσή Μπάλα»

Kane: "With Tottenham, there were no titles to be nominated for the Ballon d'Or"

Harry Kane has decided to tell the truth about the accolades he received or did not receive while playing for Tottenham.

Τσαλχάνογλου: «Θέλω να έρθει στην Ίντερ ο Γκιουλέρ»

Çalhanoğlu: “I want Guler to come to Inter”

Hakan Çalhanoğlu expressed his desire after Turkey’s match with Hungary (3-1) to bring Arda Guler to Milan on behalf of Inter.

ΑΣΠ Θέτις - Πανιώνιος 0-3 (vid)

ASP Thetis - Panionios 0-3 (vid)

Panionios is experiencing historic moments, having comfortably defeated Thetida Voula 3-0 in the first semi-final of the Final-4 of the Greek Cup and got the first ticket to the final. There, they will face the winner of the second semi-final AO Thira - Olympiacos, which will be played at 20:00.

Μπάγερν Μονάχου, μεταγραφές: «Λιγουρεύεται» τον παίκτη-αποκάλυψη της Bundesliga για την επίθεσή της

Bayern Munich, transfers: "Courtesy" of the Bundesliga's revelation player for its attack

Bayern Munich is "watching" the case of 24-year-old Jonathan Burkhard, who wants to support Harry Kane with a reliable and economical option.

Λούντζης: «Είχαμε συμφωνήσει ότι έπρεπε να τα δώσουμε όλα για τη νίκη, εξωπραγματική η εμφάνιση του Ουόκερ»

Lountzis: “We had agreed that we had to give it our all for the win, Walker’s performance was unreal”

Prometheus guard Michalis Lountzis was “guest” on EOK WebRadio’s “Direct Replay” show and spoke about the victory in the 2nd overtime over Wurzburg for the BCL, as well as his team’s continuation this season.

Μεσίνα: «Ο Νίμπο άρχισε να προπονείται, ελπίζουμε να προλάβει την έναρξη των playoffs»

Messina: "Niebo has started training, we hope he will be ready for the playoffs"

Ettore Messina revealed that Josh Niebo's condition is improving and it is not ruled out that he will be able to strengthen Armani Milano in the EuroLeague playoffs.

Αποκάλυψη Ραφίνια: “Σκεφτόμουν να αποχωρήσω από την Μπαρτσελόνα, αλλά ο Φλικ με έπεισε να μείνω”

Rafinha reveals: “I was thinking about leaving Barcelona, ​​but Flick convinced me to stay”

Rafinha has revealed that he came close to leaving Barcelona after the Copa America, but the trust shown in him by Hansi Flick convinced him to stay at Barcelona.

Η αναχώρηση της Εθνικής για τη Γλασκώβη με στόχο το όνειρο της ανατροπής

The National Team's departure for Glasgow with the goal of the dream of a comeback

On Friday afternoon (21/03), our National Team departed for Scotland and Glasgow, where on Sunday it will seek a comeback and promotion to League A of the Nations League.

«Αρνήθηκε πρόταση της Ρεάλ ο Νεϊμάρ»

"Neymar rejected Real Madrid's offer"

The Brazilian striker also rejected a huge offer from Real Madrid, as revealed by his agent.

Φιλική επικράτηση για την Εθνική Νέων κόντρα στη Σερβία στο Πανθεσσαλικό

Friendly victory for the Youth National Team against Serbia at Panthessaliko

The Youth National Team defeated Serbia 2-1 at the Panthessaliko Stadium, in the first of two friendly matches between them in view of their official obligations.

Αποκλείστηκε η Λεόν από το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο Συλλόγων λόγω κοινού ιδιοκτησιακού καθεστώτος με την Πατσούκα

Leon banned from Club World Cup due to ownership with Pachuca

FIFA has decided to ban Mexican side Leon from the Club World Cup, as it ruled that they had joint ownership with Pachuca, which also participates in the tournament.

Ο Ιταλός Μάσα στο Σκωτία-Ελλάδα

Italian Massa in Scotland-Greece

UEFA has appointed an Italian referee with a Greek… past for the Greece-Scotland game on Sunday in Glasgow.

Ερυθρός Αστέρας: Η αποθέωση στο αεροπλάνο και τα χρόνια πολλά στον Σφαιρόπουλο (vid)

Red Star: The apotheosis on the plane and a happy birthday to Sfairopoulos (vid)

Red Star wished a happy birthday to Giannis Sfairopoulos while publishing a video from the plane on the way back to Serbia from Athens.

Ατλέτικο: Καταγγέλλει την συμπεριφορά παικτών της Ρεάλ και ζητά την τιμωρία τους

Atletico: Reports Real Madrid players' behavior and demands punishment

Atletico Madrid has filed a complaint about the behavior of Real Madrid players towards the public after qualifying for the Champions League on penalties last week.

Παναθηναϊκός: Ξανά ατομικό Μπακασέτας και Κώτσιρας, δύσκολα θα προλάβουν την πρεμιέρα των playoffs

Panathinaikos: Bakasetas and Kotsiras again individual training, they will hardly be able to make it to the premiere of the playoffs

Panathinaikos continues its preparation in view of the premiere of the Stoiximan Super League playoffs, with the program on Friday (21/3) including an emphasis on ball movement, while Bakasetas and Kotsiras followed again with individual training.

NBA: Ένταση, αποβολή και τεχνικές ποινές στο Πέισερς – Νετς, μετά από σύγκρουση ανάμεσα σε Γουότφορντ, Νέμπχαρντ και Τέρνερ

NBA: Tension, ejections and technical penalties in Pacers – Nets, after a clash between Watford, Nemhard and Turner

Tension between Trenton Watford of the Nets and Andrew Nemhard and Miles Turner of the Pacers, ejections and technical penalties in the last five minutes of the fourth period of the game between the two teams.

Καρέτσας: “Νιώθω πραγματικά Έλληνας, είμαστε μία γενιά που μπορεί να κάνει πολλά”

Karetsas: “I really feel Greek, we are a generation that can do a lot”

Constantinos Karetsas made statements to Belgian media, emphasizing that he felt he made the right choice to choose to play for the Greek National Team.

«Γιουβέντους, Λειψία και Λεβερκούζεν θέλουν να κάνουν δικό τους τον Χόιλουντ»

"Juventus, Leipzig and Leverkusen want to make Hoylund their own"

Manchester United striker Rasmus Hoylund seems to be in high demand on the market, with the Dane attracting interest from various teams in Europe.

Stoiximan GBL: Οι διαιτητές της τελευταίας αγωνιστικής

Stoiximan GBL: The referees of the last matchday

See which referees were appointed for the games of the 22nd matchday of Stoiximan GBL.

Μάλεντον: “Θα μου άρεσε να παίξω στη Ρεάλ, την τελευταία φορά που ήρθα στη Μαδρίτη ήμουν πέντε ετών”

Maledon: “I would love to play for Real Madrid, the last time I came to Madrid I was five years old”

Theo Maledon admitted that he would love to play for Real Madrid, in statements after Villeurbanne’s game against the Spaniards in Madrid.

F1 - Χάμιλτον: «Είμαι σε σοκ, δεν περίμενα την pole μετά τον καταστροφικό αγώνα στην Αυστραλία»

F1 - Hamilton: "I'm in shock, I didn't expect pole after the disastrous race in Australia"

The 7-time world champion spoke about the fastest lap he set in the qualifying sprints on the Shanghai circuit.

Ήττα-σοκ για τις ΗΠΑ του Ποτσετίνο από τον Παναμά

Shock defeat for Pochettino's USA by Panama

A difficult night for Mauricio Pochettino and the American internationals, as in the semi-final of the Concacaf Nations League, the US national team was defeated at home by 1-0 by Panama, thanks to a goal scored by Waterman in the fourth minute of injury time.

Κλαρκ: «H πρόκριση είναι ακόμη ανοιχτή, είμαι ευτυχισμένος για τις δύο αποφάσεις του VAR»

Clarke: "Qualification is still open, I'm happy with the two VAR decisions"

Scotland coach Steve Clarke stressed in his press conference after the match with the National Team that qualification is still open despite his team's 1-0 lead, while also referring to the VAR decisions.

Σλοβακία - Σλοβενία 0-0 (video) UEFA Nations League - Λιγκ Α/Β - Υποβιβασμός,πρώτος αγώνας