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Παρασκευή 18 Οκτωβρίου 2024

Ματέο: «Ήμασταν ανταγωνιστικοί στην άμυνα»

Mateo: "We were competitive in defense"

In the good lead that Real acquired at the beginning of the match, Chus Mateo stood after the victory of the "merenches" over Panathinaikos.

Αταμάν για τα 3:39 του Μπράουν: «Δεν έγινε κάτι, ήθελα να δώσω περισσότερο ρυθμό στον Σλούκα»

Ataman on Brown's 3:39: "Nothing happened, I wanted to give Sluka more pace"

Ergin Ataman spoke about Brown's time and brought up Kostas Slouka after Panathinaikos' defeat by Real.

Μπάγερν - Παρί 109-107: Έντουαρντς και Νέιπιερ υπέγραψαν τη νίκη στη ραψωδία του Μονάχου (video)

Bayern - Paris 109-107: Edwards and Napier signed the victory in the rhapsody of Munich (video)

In a thrilling matchup in Munich, Bayern defeated Paris Saint-Germain 109-107 in a basketball performance enjoyed by basketball fans.

Πέμπτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2024

Aρμάνι - Ζάλγκιρις 82-85: Η ανατροπάρα της χρονιάς (video)

Armani - Zalgiris 82-85: The upset of the year (video)

Zalgiris made a mythical turnaround from -27 and finally left with the double (82-85) from the headquarters of Armani who... committed suicide.

Ρεάλ - Παναθηναϊκός AKTOR 90-86: Οι πράσινοι δεν τα κατάφεραν στην Μαδρίτη και έπεσαν στο 2-2 (video)

Real - Panathinaikos AKTOR 90-86: The greens failed in Madrid and fell to 2-2 (video)

The first week of the season ended on a negative note for Panathinaikos AKTOR, who lost 90-86 to Real Madrid in Madrid and fell to 2-2 after four turns in the EuroLeague.

Ο Σίνερ νίκησε τον Τζόκοβιτς για δέυτερη φορά μέσα σε 4 μέρες

Sinner defeated Djokovic for the second time in 4 days

World No. 1 Yannick Sinner defeated Novak Djokovic (2-1) for the 2nd time in 4 days in the Six Kings Slam semi-final in Riyadh.

Μακάμπι - Παρτίζαν 79-91: Φιλοξενούμενη αλλά νικήτρια στο Βελιγράδι (video)

Maccabi - Partizan 79-91: Hosted but victorious in Belgrade (video)

Maccabi pressured Partizan at... its old home, but in the end Zelimir Obradovic's team prevailed 91-79.

Τέλος ο βαθμός ταχύτερου γύρου στην F1!

Finally the point of fastest lap in F1!

It has been officially announced that the fastest lap point will be abolished from the 2025-26 season in motorsport's crown jewel.

Άλμπα - Φενέρμπαχτσε 71-78: Η ομάδα του Γιασικεβίτσιους πήρε την τρίτη νίκη με σβηστές μηχανές (video)

Alba - Fenerbahce 71-78: Jasikevicius's team got their third win with the engines off (video)

Fenerbahce cruised past Alba Berlin comfortably 78-71 for their third win in four EuroLeague games.

Με το... δεξί στο Euro Cup o Παναθηναϊκός

Panathinaikos on the right... in the Euro Cup

Panathinaikos started with the right... in the Euro Cup group, after getting a great victory 12-11 against Honved.

Πάλεψε ο Απόλλων Σμύρνης, αλλά ηττήθηκε από την ανώτερη Μπρέσια

Apollo of Smyrna fought, but was defeated by superior Brescia

Apollon Smyrnis had a difficult task welcoming Brescia for the second matchday of the Men's Polo Euro Cup, they fought, but in the end ran out of strength and experienced defeat (9-11).

Σέιμποθ Γουάιλντ - Τσιτσιπάς 1-2: Δύσκολη πρόκριση στα προημιτελικά στην Αμβέρσα

Seiboth Wild - Tsitsipas 1-2: Difficult qualification to the quarter-finals in Antwerp

Stefanos Tsitsipas found strong resistance from Seiboth Wilde, until he prevailed 2-1 in a set and advanced to the quarter-finals of the 250-man tournament in Antwerp.

Μπάγερν - Παρί: Το χορευτικό των Γάλλων πριν το παιχνίδι με τους Γερμανούς

Bayern - Paris: The dance of the French before the game with the Germans

The ritual of the Paris players before the game against Bayern for the 4th matchday of the EuroLeague.

Golden Boy: Το φαβορί Γιαμάλ και η λίστα με τους 25 φιναλίστ

Golden Boy: Favorite Yamal and the list of 25 finalists

The final 25 who will claim the title of Golden Boy for 2024, which will be awarded on December 17 in Turin, have been announced.

Live Streaming.21:45 Real Madrid - Panathinaikos 90-86 (video) Euroleague - Round 4 Eastern European Time

Real - Panathinaikos AKTOR 90-86: The greens failed in Madrid and fell to 2-2 (video)

The first week of the season ended on a negative note for Panathinaikos AKTOR, who lost 90-86 to Real Madrid in Madrid and fell to 2-2 after four turns in the EuroLeague.

Live Streaming.21:45 Bayern - Paris 109-107 (video) Euroleague - Round 4 Eastern European Time

Bayern - Paris 109-107: Edwards and Napier signed the victory in the rhapsody of Munich (video)

In a thrilling matchup in Munich, Bayern defeated Paris Saint-Germain 109-107 in a basketball performance enjoyed by basketball fans.

Live Streaming.21:30 Armani Milano - Zalgiris Kaunas 82-85 (video) Euroleague - Round 4 Eastern European Time

Armani - Zalgiris 82-85: The upset of the year (video)

Zalgiris made a mythical turnaround from -27 and finally left with the double (82-85) from the headquarters of Armani who... committed suicide.

Αρίνας: «Ο Κάρι υπέγραψε ένα κακό συμβόλαιο και για αυτό έγινε η δυναστεία των Ουόριορς»

Arenas: "Curry signed a bad contract and that's what made the Warriors dynasty"

Gilbert Arenas in his statements referred to the dynasty of the Golden State Warriors, stressing that it happened because of Steph Curry's low contract.

Ευρωλίγκα: «Το καλάθι του Σμάιλαγκιτς ήταν νόμιμο κόντρα στη Βίρτους»

EuroLeague: "Smailagic's basket was legal against Virtus"

A place for Alen Smailagić's basket towards the final of Zalgiris' match against rival Virtus, which sparked discussions, was taken by the Euroleague.

Live Streaming.21:05 Maccabi Tel Aviv - Partizan 79-91 (video) Euroleague - Round 4 Eastern European Time

Maccabi - Partizan 79-91: Hosted but victorious in Belgrade (video)

Maccabi pressured Partizan at... its old home, but in the end Zelimir Obradovic's team prevailed 91-79.

Χοντραίνει το παιχνίδι: Ο Πακετά ζητάει από την FA να διερευνήσει τις διαρροές για την υπόθεσή του!

Game thickens: Paketa asks FA to investigate leaks about his case!

West Ham midfielder Lucas Paquette has asked the FA to investigate how information from his case for alleged betting breaches was leaked to the media.

Αποθέωσε τον Τζίμα η Νυρεμβέργη: "Βρίσκεται σε ανοδική πορεία και αγωνίζεται με πάθος"

Nuremberg idolized Tzima: "He is on the rise and fights with passion"

Nürnberg published a tribute to Stefanos Tzimas on their website, praising the 18-year-old striker for his development.

Παναθηναϊκός: Τριάντα θέσεις απέμειναν για το event του Τζιμπρίλ Σισέ στην Αθήνα ενόψει ΑΕΚ (vid)

Panathinaikos: Thirty seats left for Djibril Cisse's event in Athens ahead of AEK (vid)

The former striker of Panathinaikos, Djibril Cisse via Instagram once again invited those interested to participate ahead of the derby with AEK in OAKA in the second round.

Το πρόγραμμα του πόλο το σαββατοκύριακο

The weekend polo schedule

With the second matchday in the two groups, which will be held in three installments, the A1 men's polo continues for the next three days, the program of which was announced by the KOE.

Αντίπαλοι ΠΑΟΚ: Πρώτη ήττα στο πρωτάθλημα μετά από πέντε μήνες για τη RFS

Opponents PAOK: First defeat in the league after five months for RFS

RFS were beaten 2-1 by Ouda at home to remain without a point in the league for the first time since May.

Παναθηναϊκός - Ανζέρ 75-86: Οι πράσινες το πάλεψαν, αλλά λύγισαν και έπεσαν στο 0-2 στο EuroCup Women

Panathinaikos - Angers 75-86: The greens fought it, but bowed and fell to 0-2 in the EuroCup Women

Panathinaikos suffered an 86-75 home defeat from Angers in the 2nd matchday of the EuroCup Women.

Αντέδρασε για τις φήμες Πετρούσεφ ο Σφαιρόπουλος: «Δεν ψάχνουμε παίκτη, κατευθυνόμενοι δημοσιογράφοι διαδίδουν ψευδή νέα»

Sphairopoulos reacted to the Petrusef rumours: "We are not looking for a player, targeted journalists are spreading false news"

Giannis Sfairopoulos in his statements ahead of the match against Barcelona (18/10, 21:00) reacted to the rumors about the transfer of Petrusev to Red, saying that the team is not looking for a player, while he added that journalists are spreading false news.

Live Streaming.20:30 Alba Berlin - Fenerbahce 71-78 (video) Euroleague - Round 4 Eastern European Time

Alba - Fenerbahce 71-78: Jasikevicius's team got their third win with the engines off (video)

Fenerbahce cruised past Alba Berlin comfortably 78-71 for their third win in four EuroLeague games.

Εξάσκηση στις στατικές φάσεις για τον Παναθηναϊκό - Επέστρεψαν οι τελευταίοι διεθνείς

Practice in static phases for Panathinaikos - The last internationals are back

Panathinaikos continued its preparation for the match against OFI, with Diego Alonso emphasizing the static phases. Pelistri, Maksimovic and Unai are back.

Mundo Deportivo: «Ο Άρης έχει τους περισσότερους Ισπανούς στην Ευρώπη»

Mundo Deportivo: "Aris has the most Spaniards in Europe"

Aris has become the talk of the Iberian Peninsula, as it has the most Spanish players in Europe, according to Mundo Deportivo.

Βαριά ήττα στο ΣΕΦ από την Μπουρζ για τον Ολυμπιακό και 0/2 στην Ευρωλίγκα

Heavy defeat in the SEF by Bourges for Olympiakos and 0/2 in the Euroleague

Olympiacos suffered a heavy home defeat at the Peace and Friendship Stadium, losing with a score of 88-53 to Bourges for the 2nd matchday of the Women's Euroleague basketball.

Η Σταμολάμπρου χειρουργήθηκε με επιτυχία και έβαλε αμέσως να δει Παναθηναϊκό

Stamolambrou underwent a successful operation and immediately started watching Panathinaikos

Anna-Niki Stamolambrou underwent a successful abdominal surgery and immediately went to see Panathinaikos' match with Angers for the 2nd matchday of the Women's Eurocup.

Ντάλας Μάβερικς: Επέστρεψε στις προπονήσεις ο Ντόντσιτς

Dallas Mavericks: Doncic is back in training

Luka Doncic has returned to practice for the Dallas Mavericks after suffering a left calf injury about 2 weeks ago.

ΠΑΟΚ: Μοναδικό ερωτηματικό ο Κωνσταντέλιας, όλοι οι υπόλοιποι μέσα για το ντέρμπι με την ΑΕΚ

PAOK: Konstantelias is the only question mark, all the rest are in for the derby with AEK

The Greek champions enter the final stretch of their preparations for Sunday's derby with AEK in Athens. All internationals returned, individual Giannis Konstantelias.

Κορόνα Μπράσοφ - Ολυμπιακός 0-3: Οι ερυθρόλευκοι έκαναν αποφασιστικό βήμα πρόκρισης στους ομίλους του Champions League

Korona Brasov - Olympiacos 0-3: The red and whites took a decisive step to qualify for the Champions League groups

Olympiacos made a show of strength in Romania by defeating Corona Brasov with a 3-0 set and took a clear lead in qualifying for the Champions League groups.

La Liga: Η Ρεάλ η ομάδα με τους περισσότερους ξένους ποδοσφαιριστές στο ισπανικό πρωτάθλημα

La Liga: Real is the team with the most foreign players in the Spanish league

Real Madrid have more foreign players on their roster than any other team in La Liga, while in the league only 60 percent of the players are natives.

Παπαστεφανάκης: «Ο Γιάννης θέλει να κάνει συνάντηση με τους πέντε προέδρους των μεγάλων ομάδων για την εξάλειψη της βίας»

Papastephanakis: "Giannis wants to have a meeting with the five presidents of the major groups to eliminate violence"

Kostis Papastephanakis, father of little Giannis, referred to their return to Greece after the intervention in the USA and to his son's desire to meet the presidents of the Big 5 to end the toxicity in the stadiums.

Προπονητής Σέφιλντ Γιουνάιτεντ για Μπάλντοκ: «Εξαιρετικός ο τρόπος που συμπεριφέρθηκαν Παναθηναϊκός και Ελλάδα»

Sheffield United coach for Baldock: "The way Panathinaikos and Greece behaved was excellent"

Sheffield United manager Chris Wilder has commented on the way Panathinaikos and the Greek national team reacted to the unexpected death of George Baldock.

Θάντερ: Χωρίς τον Χαρτενστάιν λόγω τραυματισμού για 5-6 εβδομάδες

Thunder: Without Hartenstein due to injury for 5-6 weeks

The Thunder will be without Isaiah Hartenstein for the next 5-6 weeks due to the 26-year-old center's hand injury.

Στον Πανιώνιο ο ελληνικός εμφύλιος με τεράστια ανατροπή κόντρα στη Βουλιαγμένη!

In Panionio, the Greek civil war with a huge reversal against Vouliagmeni!

Panionios achieved a very important victory against Vouliagmeni for the second matchday of the Men's Polo Euro Cup group stage, winning 10-9 in Laimos after a late reversal.

ΑΕΚ: Νέα σενάρια για τον Ντίας της Ρίβερ Πλέιτ από την Αργεντινή

AEK: New scenarios for Diaz of River Plate from Argentina

Argentinian website dealing with the reporting of River Plate brings back the subject of 28-year-old left back, Enzo Diaz for AEK ahead of the winter transfer window.

Οι Μπουλς αποδέσμευσαν τον Ονουράλπ Μπιτίμ

The Bulls released Onuralp Bitim

The Chicago Bulls released 25-year-old Turkish forward Onuralp Bitim, who may interest several European teams.

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ: Ξανά στο κυνήγι του Ντε Γιονγκ με εντολή Τεν Χαχ

Manchester United: Back in the hunt for De Jong on Ten Haag's orders

Manchester United will attempt to knock on Barcelona's door again in the winter for the acquisition of De Jong following a request from Ten Haag.

Μπαρτζώκας: «Ισχυρός διεκδικητής του Final Four η Εφές - Πιστεύουμε στην ομάδα και το πλάνο, να είμαστε συμπαγείς»

Bartzokas: "Efes is a strong contender for the Final Four - We believe in the team and the plan, let's be solid"

Giorgos Bartzokas spoke about the upcoming match between Olympiakos and Anadolu Efes for the Euroleague, but also about what he expects from his team.

Νέο συμβόλαιο στην Παρί για τον Λουίς Ενρίκε

New contract in Paris for Luis Enrique

Luis Enrique is set to soon extend his contract - which expires in 2025 - with Paris Saint-Germain by two seasons.

Με κόσμο η ΑΕΚ στις Σέρρες για τον αγώνα με τον Πανσερραϊκό

AEK in Serres with a crowd for the match against Panserraikos

PAE Panserraikos has announced that the distribution of tickets for the match against AEK has begun, which will also receive tickets that will be distributed electronically to its fans.

ΟΦΗ: Ολοταχώς για sold out το Γεντί Κουλέ για το ματς με τον Παναθηναϊκό

OFI: Gendi Koule to be sold out at full speed for the match with Panathinaikos

The Gendi Koule is expected to be full for OFI's game against Panathinaikos for the 8th matchday of the Stoiximan Super League.

Σμιτς: «Κάθε παίκτης του Ολυμπιακού μπορεί να σκοράρει, θα είμαστε έτοιμοι»

Schmitz: "Every Olympiakos player can score, we will be ready"

Rolands Schmitz spoke in the best words about Olympiakos, however he emphasized that Efes will be ready to face them.

«Παραμένει στην Σερβία ο Πέσιτς μέχρι το 2025»

"Pesic remains in Serbia until 2025"

Svetislav Pesic will remain on the bench of the Serbian national team until Eurobasket 2025, according to a Serbian publication.

Πώς πήγαν να εξαπατήσουν την Μπαρτσελόνα μέσω κυπριακής τράπεζας για τη μεταγραφή Λεβαντόφσκι

How they went to cheat Barcelona through a Cypriot bank for the transfer of Lewandowski

Barcelona came close to spending €1m on Robert Lewandowski after he fell victim to fraud.