Τρίτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

Τρομερό: Το αφιέρωμα του Sky Sports στον Φέργκιουσον

Terrible: Sky Sports' tribute to Ferguson

With a terrible video, Sky Sports honored Sir Alex Ferguson who turns 83 today.

ΟΦΗ: Χωρίς τους Νέιρα και Ριέρα συνεχίζεται η προετοιμασία για Άρη

OFI: Without Neira and Riera, preparations for Aris continue

With two absences, OFI's regular training schedule turns its attention to Sunday's match against Aris.

Αντόνιο: "Θεωρούσα τη ζωή δεδομένη, τώρα είμαι ευγνώμων που είμαι ζωντανός"

Antonio: "I took life for granted, now I'm grateful to be alive"

Michael Antonio has sent a message to West Ham fans and the world at large, telling them not to take life for granted after his ordeal.

Η Μπαρτσελόνα έκανε νέο αίτημα στην ισπανική ομοσπονδία για τους Όλμο και Βίκτορ

Barcelona made a new request to the Spanish federation for Olmo and Victor

Barcelona announced in a statement that they have made a new request to the Spanish Football Federation to register Dani Olmo and Pau Victor.

Live Streaming.22:00 Indiana Pacers - Milwaukee Bucks 112-120 (vid) NBA Eastern European Time

Pacers - Bucks 112-120: Antetokounmpo-dream, he came back and took them by storm (vid)

An incredible performance by Giannis Antetokounmpo, a huge victory in Indianapolis for the Bucks (120-112), the "goodbye" in 2024. The Greek Freak reached 24 consecutive matches with +20 points and a +50% field goal percentage.

Live Streaming.22:00 Boston Celtics - Toronto Raptors 125-71 (vid) NBA Eastern European Time

The Celtics swept the Raptors with +54 (vid)

The Celtics destroyed the Raptors 125-71 to close out 2024 perfectly.

Ασένσιο: Τον «καλοβλέπουν» Γιουβέντους και Ίντερ

Asensio: Juventus and Inter "look at" him

Marco Asensio is on the transfer list of both Juventus and Inter Milan who are interested in the Paris winger.

«Τελειώνει ο Ραούλ Νέτο από την Μπαρτσελόνα»

"Raul Neto ends from Barcelona"

Raul Neto from Barcelona is expected to be in the past very soon.

Πέλικανς: Θέλουν να κάνουν trade τον Μπράντον Ίνγκραμ

Pelicans: They want to trade Brandon Ingram

Brandon Ingram is reportedly close to leaving New Orleans as the Pelicans prioritize trading him.

ΑΕΚ: Η Ουιντάντ Καζαμπλάνκα είναι σε προχωρημένες συζητήσεις με τον Άμραμπατ, σύμφωνα με τους Μαροκινούς

AEK: Ouida Casablanca in advanced talks with Amrabad, according to Moroccans

Nordin Amrabad is not in Matias Almeida's prime plans and reports in Morocco suggest Ouidat Casablanca are in advanced talks with him.

Καναβάρο: «Αυτά που λέει ο Πεπ στους παίκτες του τώρα, μας τα έλεγε ο Μαλεζάνι το 1998!»

Cannavaro: "What Pep is saying to his players now, Malezani was saying to us in 1998!"

Fabio Cannavaro praised former Panathinaikos coach Alberto Malezani, comparing the Italian coach to Pep Guardiola!

Conference League: Δύο γκολ ο Παναθηναϊκός και ένα ο Ολυμπιακός στα 15 καλύτερα τέρματα του 2024

Conference League: Two goals by Panathinaikos and one by Olympiacos in the 15 best goals of 2024

The Conference League account has uploaded the top 15 goals for 2024, which have double representation from Panathinaikos and a goal from Olympiakos.

Άκυρο της Λίβερπουλ στην Ρεάλ για τον Αλεξάντερ Άρνολντ!

Void of Liverpool to Real for Alexander Arnold!

Real Madrid approached Liverpool for the England international full-back but received a magnificent rejection.

Λεμπρόν: «Θέλω να τελειώσω την καριέρα μου στους Λέικερς»

LeBron: "I want to finish my career with the Lakers"

LeBron James has made it clear that he wants to end his career with the Los Angeles Lakers.

ΑΕΚ: Νέα πρόταση της Σάντος για τον Ελίασον, σύμφωνα με Βραζιλιάνο δημοσιογράφο

AEK: Santos' new proposal for Eliasson, according to a Brazilian journalist

Santos is interested in acquiring Niklas Eliasson from AEK and in Brazil they are talking about a new proposal to acquire him. Gremio is always in the spotlight for the Swedish midfielder.

H Mπεατρίς Τσεμπέτ αποχαιρέτησε το 2024 με παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ στα 5 χλμ. στη Βαρκελώνη

Beatrice Chebet said goodbye to 2024 with a world record at 5 km. in Barcelona

Beatrice Chebet, Olympic champion in Paris at 5,000m. and at 10,000m, running through the streets of Barcelona he achieved a world record at 5km. with 13:54, she became the first athlete to break 14 minutes in the distance.

Σάουθγκεϊτ: Χρίστηκε ιππότης για την προσφορά του στην Αγγλία

Southgate: Knighted for his contribution to England

Gareth Southgate has been knighted by King Charles for his services to football.

Σέρχιο Ράμος: Επίσημη πρόταση από την Μπόκα Τζούνιορς για να τον κάνει δικό της

Sergio Ramos: Official offer from Boca Juniors to make him theirs

Boca Juniors have made their interest in Sergio Ramos official by handing the Spaniard a hefty offer to move to Argentina.

Επέστρεψε στη δράση με γκολ ο Νεϊμάρ

Neymar is back in action with a goal

Neymar returned to active action after successive serious injuries and even found the net in a friendly match against Al Hilal.

Άλμπα - Ρόστοκ 85-96: Νέα ήττα και 15η θέση στο κλείσιμο του 2024

Alba - Rostock 85-96: Another defeat and 15th place at the end of 2024

A bad end to the year for Alba Berlin, who lost 85-96 to Rostock and finished 15th in Germany.

Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης: Αισιοδοξία για προσύμφωνο με τον Άρνολντ τον Ιανουάριο

Real Madrid: Optimism for a preliminary agreement with Arnold in January

Trent Alexander-Arnold's future appears to be in the balance between Madrid and Liverpool, with Real expressing optimism for a deal in January.

«Είναι άναρχος και δεν έχει συνέπεια»: Η Marca κατηγορεί τον Πάντερ για την προβληματική εικόνα της Μπαρτσελόνα!

"He is anarchic and has no consistency": Marca blames Pander for the problematic image of Barcelona!

Marca paid tribute to Barcelona's troubled run this season, placing much of the blame on Kevin Pander and his lack of durability on the pitch.

Πουλάει Κουλούρη και Κούτρη η Πογκόν!

Pogon sells Koulouri and Koutris!

Efthymi Koulouris and Leonardo Koutris have been selected by Pogon for the "hammer".

Ώρα μηδέν για Μπαρτσελόνα: Κινδυνεύει να χάσει ελεύθερο τον Όλμο τα μεσάνυχτα!

Zero hour for Barcelona: He risks losing Olmo free at midnight!

La Liga is currently reviewing Barcelona's documents regarding the sale of VIP seats for 100 million euros. euros, and if he doesn't accept them by midnight then Danny Olmo will be free!

Ο Αντόνιο πήρε εξιτήριο από το νοσοκομείο τρεις εβδομάδες μετά το σοβαρό τροχαίο που ενεπλάκη

Antonio was discharged from the hospital three weeks after the serious car accident he was involved in

Michael Antonio was discharged from the hospital after three weeks of hospitalization due to the serious traffic accident he was involved in.

Τέλος από την Γκρέμιο ο Ντιέγκο Κόστα

Diego Costa finally leaves Gremio

After 10 months at Gremio, Diego Costa is a thing of the past after his contract expired.

Τσιμίκας: "Η Λίβερπουλ μπορεί να κερδίσει τα πάντα φέτος"

Tsimikas: "Liverpool can win everything this year"

Kostas Tsimikas reached 100 appearances for Liverpool and spoke to the "reds" website about the great achievement he achieved and the club's goals for the new year.

Αυτός είναι ο Τζιανπάολο Καστορίνα, ο προπονητής που θα αντικαταστήσει τον Λουτσέσκου στον ΠΑΟΚ

This is Gianpaolo Castorina, the coach who will replace Lucescu at PAOK

The punishment of Razvan Loutsescu and Pantelis Konstantinidis by the EPO disciplinary committee brings Gianpaolo Castorina to the bench of PAOK, for the first two derbies of 2025 with Panathinaikos and AEK. This is his profile.

Ολυμπιακός, μεταγραφές: Επιβεβαίωση από την Αγγλία για Αλμιρόν

Olympiacos, transfers: Confirmation from England for Almiron

According to an English publication, Olympiacos are interested in Newcastle's Miguel Almiron, but have competition from Brazil and MLS.

Μουρίνιο: "Θα επέστρεφα για να δουλέψω στην Ιταλία, ο Μπόβε είναι σαν εμένα"

Mourinho: "I would go back to work in Italy, Bove is like me"

Jose Mourinho admitted in an interview that he should have left Roma after losing the final against Sevilla while expressing his desire to both take charge of a national team and work in Italy again.

Ουέστμπρουκ: Πέτυχε το τρίτο «τέλειο» triple-double στην ιστορία του ΝΒΑ (vid)

Westbrook: He achieved the third "perfect" triple-double in NBA history (vid)

Unthinkable performance from Russell Westbrook, who managed to achieve a triple-double without missing a shot or making a mistake.

Άρης, μεταγραφές: Διευκολύνει την αποχώρηση του Πάρντο για την Έιμπαρ

Aris, transfers: Facilitates the departure of Pardo for Eibar

The attitude of Aris in order to facilitate the solution of his collaboration with Pardo and the interest of Eibar.

Ο Λεσόρ στον Παναθηναϊκό μέχρι το 2028: Ο Γιαννακόπουλος το ανακοίνωσε με μια φωτογραφία

Lessort at Panathinaikos until 2028: Giannakopoulos announced it with a photo

Panathinaikos AKTOR "tied" to Matias Lessort at OAKA until 2028, as announced by Dimitris Giannakopoulos, with his post on social media.

Ομπράντοβιτς: «Δεν περίμενα πως θα με έδιωχνε η Μονακό»

Obradovic: "I didn't expect Monaco to kick me out"

Saša Obradović has spoken about his departure from Monaco, stressing that he did not expect it to be a thing of the past from the club.

Βαρύς ο πέλεκυς της FA για Κούνια: Δύο αγωνιστικές και πρόστιμο για τα επεισόδια με την Ίπσουιτς

Heavy FA fine for Kunha: Two matches and a fine for the incidents with Ipswich

The FA imposed a fine of €96,000 and a two-match suspension on Wolves' Mateusz Kunha, who was caught in the face by a member of the Ipswich staff.

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ: Έφυγε με δάκρυα στα αποδυτήρια, δεν άντεξε ότι ο Αμορίμ τον έκανε αλλαγή στο 33'

Manchester United: He left the dressing room in tears, he couldn't stand that Amorim substituted him in the 33rd minute

Joshua Zirkzy started in Manchester United's final game of 2024, but Ruben Amorim only substituted him in the 33rd minute, leaving the young Dutch forward in tears, according to Germany's Sky and beIN Sports

Βαγιαννίδης: «Aν μου έλεγε ο Παναθηναϊκός να παίζω δωρεάν ως το τέλος της σεζόν θα το έκανα»

Vagiannidis: "If Panathinaikos told me to play for free until the end of the season, I would do it"

Giorgos Vagiannidis spoke to PAO TV about the renewal of his contract with Panathinaikos, his life in the "clover", while he made a special reference to the team's major shareholder, Mr. Giannis Alafuzos.

Πρόεδρος Παρτίζαν: "Είπα στον Ομπράντοβιτς 'έλα να σε κάνουμε πρόεδρο και προπονητή"

President Partizan: "I told Obradovic, let's make you president and coach"

The president of Partizan, Ostoja Mihajlovic, in an interview with Serbian Meso, referred to the renewal of Zeljko Obradovic's contract last summer, giving surprising remarks.

Τελευταία προπόνηση για το 2024 στον ΠΑΟΚ χωρίς Βιεϊρίνια

Last training for 2024 at PAOK without Vieirania

Finale in 2024 with work in all areas included today's training of PAOK, from which Andre Vieirania was absent.

Γουέιν Ρούνεϊ: Κι επίσημα παρελθόν από την Πλίμουθ ο Άγγλος

Wayne Rooney: The Englishman is officially gone from Plymouth

Wayne Rooney bids farewell to Plymouth with the two sides ending their partnership by mutual consent after just one win in 14 games.

Top-10: Δεύτερο το καταπληκτικό κάρφωμα του Γιαμπουσέλε - Στην κορυφή η... τριποντάρα του Μπρίτζις (vid)

Top-10: Giabusele's amazing nailing is second - Bridges' three-pointer is at the top (vid)

In the second place of the Top-10 is the impressive nailing of Gerson Yabusele, while at the top was the rather difficult three-pointer of Miles Bridges.

Αταμάν: «Εξαιρετική χρονιά το 2024, θα τα καταφέρουμε ξανά το 2025»

Ataman: "Great year in 2024, we'll do it again in 2025"

Ergin Ataman took stock of 2024 and said he was confident of new successes with Panathinaikos in the new year.

Ποδαρικό με νίκη ο Νόλε

Nole kicks with victory

Novak Djokovic easily overcame the obstacle of Rinky Hijikata on New Year's Eve and in 74 minutes he qualified for the "16" of the Brisbane International.

Διαψεύδει ο ΑΠΟΕΛ για Βέρμπιτς

APOEL denies Verbits

There is no Verbic issue for the Cypriot champions.

Μίλαν: Ο περίεργος όρος στο συμβόλαιο του Φονσέκα που «μαρτυρούσε» το πρόωρο τέλος του

Milan: The strange clause in Fonseca's contract that "witnessed" his early end

Pundit Gianluca Di Marzio has revealed the clause that Fonseca was asked to sign at Milan, which proves that the Rossoneri management did not fully trust his plan.

Κονσεϊσάο: "Είμαι υπερήφανος, πρέπει να έχουμε ζεστή καρδιά και φρέσκο μυαλό"

Conceição: "I am proud, we must have warm hearts and fresh minds"

Sergio Conceição spoke of pride in his first statements as Milan coach and made it clear that he and his players will fight hard to live up to the great name that the Rossoneri have historically carried.

Τρομερή επίδοση Σλοτ: Μόνο μια ήττα σε όλο το 2024

Terrible Slot Performance: Only one loss in all of 2024

Arne Slott was almost... unmissable in 2024, with Feyenoord and Liverpool.

Μπολόνια - Βερόνα 2-3 (video) Σέριε Α

Δευτέρα 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

Κάθε πέρυσι και καλύτερα για τη Γιουνάιτεντ, έχασε εύκολα από τη Νιούκαστλ και έσπασε αρνητικό ρεκόρ 45 χρόνων

Every year and better for United, they lost easily to Newcastle and broke a 45-year record negative

United are not saying to raise their heads, they easily lost 2-0 at "Old Trafford" to Newcastle and for the third game in a row at home and say goodbye to a very difficult 2024 for them.

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ - Νιουκάστλ 0-2 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

NBA, Μάβερικς: Μετά τον Ντόντσιτς, δε θα έχουν ούτε τον Ίρβινγκ κόντρα στους Κινγκς

NBA, Mavericks: After Doncic, they won't even have Irving against the Kings

Without their two stars, the Mavericks will face the Kings in Sacramento, as Kyrie Irving was also ruled out.