Σάββατο 30 Νοεμβρίου 2024

Ανέλπιστο stop στο σερί της Παρί από την παλικαρίσια Ναντ!

Unbelievable stop in the Paris series by the lad Nantes!

After five straight league wins, Paris Saint-Germain saw their streak snapped by a great effort from Nantes, who left the city of light with a 1-1 draw!

ΑΕΚ - Άρης 4-0 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights 13η Αγωνιστική Super League 1 2024-2025

Νίκησε την Κηφισιά και παρέμεινε δεύτερος ο Μίλωνας

Kifisia defeated and Milonas remained second

Milonas achieved its 5th victory in the first 6 matches with the team of Nea Smyrni beating Kifisia 3-1 and remaining in 2nd place.

Με δύο απουσίες η αποστολή της Athens Kallithea για το ματς με τον ΠΑΟΚ

With two absences, the Athens Kallithea team for the match with PAOK

Athens Kallithea announced the team that will travel to Thessaloniki for the game against PAOK.

Χόρνετς: Εκτός για δύο εβδομάδες ο Λαμέλο Μπολ, βασικός μέχρι νεοτέρας ο Μίτσιτς

Hornets: Lamelo Ball out for two weeks, Micic a starter until further notice

The Charlotte Hornets will be without the services of their leader LaMelo Ball for the next two weeks due to a problem in his left calf.

Μάντζιος: «Κάκιστη βραδιά, είχαμε πει ότι έπρεπε να θυσιαστούμε γι' αυτό το ματς και δεν το κάναμε...»

Manzios: "Bad night, we said we had to sacrifice for this match and we didn't..."

Akis Manzios, as was logical, had nothing positive to say about the performance of Aris against AEK, in the heavy defeat (4-0) at OPAP Arena.

Αλμέιδα: «Ευχαριστώ τους ποδοσφαιριστές μου, ΑΕΚ είναι Ένωση»

Almeyda: "Thank you to my footballers, AEK is a Union"

Matias Almeyda's statements to the Cosmote TV camera after AEK's wide victory over Aris in New Philadelphia.

ΑΕΚ – Άρης 4-0

AEK – Aris 4-0

Almeida made changes and AEK became again... AEK: one week after the heavy defeat by Olympiakos, Union played amazing football and destroyed Aris (4-0), which is finally faltering, at the OPAP Arena.

«Γλυκιά» ήττα για Ολυμπιακό

"Sweet" defeat for Olympiakos

Even though they lost 27-31 to Potaisa in Ilioupoli, Olympiacos managed to qualify for the round of 16 of the European Men's Handball Cup.

Παπαδόπουλος: «Πιστεύω ότι με τον τρόπο που παίζουμε θα τερματίσουμε πολύ ψηλά»

Papadopoulos: "I believe that with the way we are playing we will finish very high"

The statements of Levadeakou's coach, Nikos Papadopoulos, after his team's 1-1 draw against Panaitolikos.

Προμηθέας - Κολοσσός 78-64: Λούντζης και Γουόκερ έδειξαν τον δρόμο, σε δυσμενή θέση οι Ροδίτες (video)

Prometheus - Kolossos 78-64: Lountzis and Walker showed the way, the Rhodians are in a disadvantageous position (video)

Prometheus beat Kolossos 78-64 in the 8th round of the Stoiximan GBL with Luntzis and Walker as protagonists. They remain at the bottom of the standings and the Rhodesians are under pressure.

Πετράκης: «Είμαι χαρούμενος δεδομένου με το πώς εξελίχθηκε το παιχνίδι - Κάναμε κατάθεση ψυχής»

Petrakis: "I'm happy given how the game went - We made a sacrifice"

Read what the coach of Panaitolikos, Giannis Petrakis, said after his team's 1-1 draw against Levadeiakos.

Ατρόμητος: Χωρίς Γιουμπιτάνα, Μανσούρ στο ΟΑΚΑ

Atromitos: No Jubitana, Mansour in OAKA

Atromitos completed his preparation for tomorrow's match with Panathinaikos without any unforeseen circumstances but with absences.

Ρουί Βιτόρια: "Οι παίκτες μου έχουν δώσει πάρα πολύ καλές ‘απαντήσεις’"

Rui Vitoria: "The players have given me very good 'answers'"

Rui Vitoria expects to see a Panathinaikos that will continue in the same dynamic of its last matches in tomorrow's (1/12, 20:30) match against Atromitos at OAKA for the 13th matchday of the Super League.

Μπριζ τεσσάρων αστέρων, με βασικό Τζόλη, παρέμεινε σε απόσταση βολής από την κορυφή

Four-star Bruges, led by Tzoli, remained within striking distance of the top

With Christos Tzolis starting again, Bruges comfortably prevailed 4-1 over the newly-enlightened Dender and remained within a shot of the top after 16 matches.

Μίλαν - Έμπολι 3-0 (video) Σέριε Α

Μπορούσια Ντόρτμουντ - Μπάγερν Μονάχου 1-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Live Streaming.22:00 Paris Saint-Germain - Nantes 1-1 (video) France Ligue 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.22:00 Paris Saint-Germain - Nantes 1-1 (video) France Ligue 1 Eastern European Time  

Live Streaming.22:00 Valladolid - Atlético Madrid 0-5 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time.

Live Streaming.22:00 Valladolid - Atlético Madrid 0-5 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time.

Απόλλων Λεμεσού - Εθνικός Άχνας 2-2: Γκολ και θέαμα στο «Αλφαμέγα» και μοιρασιά βαθμών

Apollon Limassol - Ethnikos Achnas 2-2: Goals and spectacle at "Alfamega" and distribution of points

In an exciting match at "Alfamega" Apollon Limassol and Ethnikos Achnas were tied 2-2. The visitors led 0-2, the home team equalized at the end, who also missed a penalty.

Λεβαδειακός - Παναιτωλικός 1-1

Levadeiakos - Panaitolikos 1-1

The "guy" Panaitolikos, despite falling behind in the score and finding himself playing with one less player in the second half, found an equalizing goal with a penalty from Mindevac and left Viotia with the score of a draw (1-1). Levadeiakos also ended the match with 10 players.

Γουέστ Χαμ - Άρσεναλ 2-5 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Live Streaming.21:45 Bologna - Venezia 3-0 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 Bologna - Venezia 3-0 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Με Τάισον, Σβαμπ αλλά και αρκετές απουσίες η αποστολή του ΠΑΟΚ

With Tyson, Schwab and several absences, the PAOK team

Tyson trained at full speed and joined the PAOK team. Brandon, Kamara, Bakayoko, Zivkovic and Vieirania were each left out for different reasons.

Πήρε την πρώτη του pole από τον Ιούνιο ο Φερστάπεν στο Κατάρ!

Verstappen took his first pole since June in Qatar!

F1 champion Max Verstappen finished first in the Qatar qualifying tests and took his first pole since June!

Αστέρας Β' Aktor - Παναχαϊκή 2-1 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Super League 2 11η αγωνιστική - 2024/25 B' Όμιλος

Handball Premier 2024-2025 | 9η Αγωνιστική, Βριλήσσια – Ιωνικός 29-32 Highlights

Με απουσίες κόντρα στον Αστέρα AKTOR ο Πανσερραϊκός

With absences against Asteras AKTOR, Panserraikos

With significant absences, Panserraikos will welcome Asteras AKTOR on Sunday for the 13th matchday of the Stoiximan Super League.

Παναθηναϊκός: Αποστολή για τον Ατρόμητο χωρίς Γεντβάι, Σπόραρ, Αράο και Μλαντένοβιτς

Panathinaikos: Mission for Atromitos without Jedvai, Sporar, Arao and Mladenovic

The team of Panathinaikos for the game against Atromitos at OAKA on Sunday evening (8:30 p.m.) has been announced.

Βόλος ΝΠΣ - ΠΑΣ Λαμία 0-0 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights 13η Αγωνιστική Super League 1 2024-2025

Live Streaming.20:30 AEK - Aris 4-0 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.20:30 AEK - Aris 4-0 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Καρδίτσα - Λαύριο 87-70: Τέταρτη συνεχόμενη νίκη για την ομάδα του Παπανικολόπουλου (video)

Karditsa - Lavrio 87-70: Fourth consecutive victory for Papanikolopoulos' team (video)

Karditsa dominated the fourth quarter to beat Lavrio 87-70 and claim their fourth straight win in the Stoiximan GBL.

Βόκολος: «Πρέπει να βλέπουμε κάθε παιχνίδι ξεχωριστά, το αποτέλεσμα μπορεί να θεωρηθεί θετικό»

Vokolos: "We have to look at each game individually, the result can be considered positive"

The statements of the coach of Lamia, Leonidas Vokolou after the goalless draw at Panthessaliko (0-0).

Η ενδεκάδα του Άρη: Με Φρίντεκ αντί Χουάνκαρ, Σαβέριο στα άκρα και άλλες δυο αλλαγές στην OPAP Arena

Aris' line-up: With Friedek instead of Juancar, Saverio on the wings and two other changes at the OPAP Arena

Aris of Akis Manziou line up with four changes against AEK at OPAP Arena, after the game with Volos.

Μπράτσος: «Δεν είμαι ευχαριστημένος, φοβηθήκαμε πιο πολύ απ’ όσο έπρεπε»

Bratsos: "I'm not happy, we were more scared than we should have been"

The statements of the coach of Volos, Costa Bratsou after the goalless draw (0-0) with Lamia.

Live Streaming.20:00 Brest - Strasbourg 3-1 (video) France Ligue 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.20:00 Brest - Strasbourg 3-1 (video) France Ligue 1 Eastern European Time 

ΑΕΚ: Αυτή είναι η ενδεκάδα της Ένωσης απέναντι στον Άρη

AEK: This is the eleven of the Union against Aris

See the line-up chosen by Matias Almeida for the derby with Aris as part of the 13th matchday of the Stoiximan Super League.

Αλαβές - Λεγκανές 1-1 (video) Λα Λίγκα


Διαγόρας - ΑΕΛ 0-1 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights Super League 2 11η αγωνιστική - 2024/25 Α' Όμιλος

Χωρίς Μπαρτόλο κόντρα στον Πανσερραϊκό ο Asteras AKTOR

Asteras AKTOR without Bartolo against Panserraikos

Asteras AKTOR's mission for the away match against Panserraikos (01/12, 15:30).

ΑΕΚ - Πανιώνιος 75-71: Θρίαμβος στην παράταση για τους κιτρινόμαυρους, μοιραίος ο Κένταλ Σμιθ για τους κυανέρυθρους (video)

AEK - Panionios 75-71: Triumph in overtime for the yellow and black, Kendall Smith fatal for the blue and red (video)

Triumph in overtime for AEK, who won 75-71 against Panioni in a very tough match in Ano Liosia. At 4-4 the two teams after the 8th round of the Stoiximan GBL.

Live Streaming.19:30 Borussia Dortmund - Bayern München 1-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Borussia Dortmund - Bayern München 1-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 West Ham - Arsenal 2-5 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 West Ham - Arsenal 2-5 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time 

Live Streaming.19:30 Levadiakos - Panetolikos 1-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Levadiakos - Panetolikos 1-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Espanyol - Celta 3-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time.

Live Streaming.19:30 Espanyol - Celta 3-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time.

Κρίσταλ Πάλας - Νιουκάστλ 1-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ


Μπρέντφορντ - Λέστερ 4-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Γούλβς - Μπόρνμουθ 2-4 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Νότινγκχαμ Φόρεστ - Ίπσουιτς 1-0 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Βόλος ΝΠΣ - Λαμία 0-0

Volos NPS - Lamia 0-0

Volos and Lamia fought it out in difficult weather conditions, however they did not find the goal and the "white" - draw (0-0) "locked" the match that opened the curtain of the 13th matchday in the Super League.

Φράιμπουργκ - Γκλάντμπαχ 3-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Άουγκσμπουργκ - Μπόχουμ 1-0 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Λειψία - Βόλφσμπουργκ 1-5 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Κόμο - Μόντσα 1-1 (video) Σέριε Α

Βέρντερ Βρέμης - Στουτγκάρδη 2-2 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα