Δευτέρα 31 Ιανουαρίου 2022

Η Πόρτο δήλωσε τον Σεμέδο στη λίγκα, θα φοράει το 35

Porto declared Semedo in the league, he will wear 35

Initially it was Record that informed about the fact that Porto declared Ruben Semedo to the competent transfer committee and then the Portuguese league that confirmed with its official list that the 27-year-old stopper now belongs to the potential of dragons.

ΠΑΟΚ - Ολυμπιακός 3-1: Καθαρή νίκη και κορυφή για τον Δικέφαλο

PAOK - Olympiacos 3-1: Net victory and top for Dikefalos

PAOK was totally superior, took advantage of the mistakes of Olympiacos and got the clear victory (3-1) to rise -temporarily at least- to the top of the Men's Volley League.

ΟΦΗ: Φουλ για Μπουζούκη

OFI: Full for Bouzouki

The Cretans in ... despite one of the transfer period are moving to acquire the 24-year-old midfielder.

Λαμία: Στρέφεται στην αγορά των ελεύθερων

Lamia: Focuses on the free market

The team has until February 15 to acquire the anti-Golemic.

Live Streaming.22:15 Paris SG - Nice 0-0 Full time,5-6 After pen. Coupe de France Draw Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.22:15 Paris SG - Nice 0-0 Full time,5-6 After pen. Coupe de France Draw Eastern European Time

Ολυμπιακός: Τέσσερα νέα κρούσματα κορονοϊού πριν από τη διαβολοβδομάδα

Olympiacos: Four new cases of coronavirus before the devil week

KAE Olympiakos informed that four members of the team (two players and two members of the staff) tested positive for the coronavirus, before the devil week of the EuroLeague.

Ολυμπιακός: Η ΚΟΠ ανακοίνωσε τον Λοβέρα στην Ομόνοια

Olympiacos: The KOP announced Lovera in Omonia

The Cypriot Football Federation announced the transfer of Argentina from Olympiakos to Omonia.

Βαλένθια: “Νυχτερίδα” ο Χιλ και επίσημα! (vid)

Valencia: "Bat" Hill and officially! (vid)

Hill successfully passed his medical examinations and thus his loan from Tottenham to Valencia was officially completed.

NBA, Γιούτα Τζαζ: Τέλος η σεζόν για τον Τζο Ινγκλς λόγω ρήξης χιαστού

NBA, Utah Jazz: The season is over for Joe Ingles due to a cruciate ligament rupture

The Utah Jazz fears were confirmed after Joe Ingles suffered an anterior cruciate ligament rupture, which means that the season will end prematurely for him.

Βιγιαρεάλ: Πήρε δανεικό τον Λο Λέλσο!(vid)

Villarreal: Borrow Lo Lelso! (Vid)

Villarreal acquired Lo Celso on loan from Tottenham!

Μακάμπι: Ανακοίνωσε τέσσερα νέα κρούσματα!

Maccabi: Announces four new cases!

Maccabi Tel Aviv announced four cases of coronavirus before the game with Zalgiris.

Σφήνα της Νιουκάστλ, θέλει να "κλέψει" τον Ντέλε Άλι από την Έβερτον

Wedge of Newcastle, wants to "steal" Del Ali from Everton

The thriller about the team to which Del Ali will belong from February 1 is holding up well, with Newcastle making a strong break in the twelfth hour of transfers to be acquired by Tottenham and not Everton.

Μπαρτσελόνα-Ομπαμεγιάνγκ: Αφήνει ανοικτό το ενδεχόμενο ο Λαπόρτα, «υπάρχει ελπίδα»!

Barcelona-Obamayang: Laporta leaves open the possibility, "there is hope"!

The situation with the loan of Pierre-Emerick Obameyang to Barcelona is complicated, and according to the management of "blaugrana", the serial has not been completed yet!

Ιωνικός: Θετικός στον κορονοϊό ποδοσφαιριστής του συλλόγου

Ionikos: Positive in the coronavirus football player of the club

Ionikos faces Volos on Wednesday (2/2) and in the tests for the coronavirus detection in view of the match, a positive case was found that belongs to a football player of the team.

Ανέλαβε την Έβερτον ο Λάμπαρντ

Lampard took over Everton

Frank Lampard is the successor of Rafa Benitez in the technical leadership of Everton, as the Premier League club announced today (31/1) the hiring of the former Chelsea coach.

Ο Μάντζιος «τσεκάρει» αντοχές και αποφασίζει για την 11αδα κόντρα στην ΑΕΚ

Mantzios "checks" endurance and decides for the 11th against AEK

Aris has a 24-hour period at his disposal to prepare for the match (2/2, 19:30) with AEK in "Kl. Vikelidis "but also to" measure "the endurance of his footballers after an extremely painful program of matches.

Στη Νιουκάστλ ο Τάργκετ

Target in Newcastle

Newcastle announced the acquisition of left back, Matt Target.

Τρεις του Ολυμπιακού στους κορυφαίους της Ευρώπης για το 2021

Three of Olympiacos in the top of Europe for 2021

Three Olympiacos athletes are included in the LEN list for the top of the year.

Σλούκας: «Έπαιξα λίγο παραπάνω...»

Sloukas: "I played a little more ..."

Costas Sloukas left clear tips for the time of participation and the trust he enjoys from George Bartzokas

Λίβερπουλ: Δανεικός στην Μπόρνμουθ ο Φίλιπς

Liverpool: Phillips on loan at Bournemouth

The 24-year-old stopper is a Bournemouth player until the end of the season

Βαλένθια: Δανεικός από την Τότεναμ ο Μπράιαν Χιλ

Valencia: Brian Hill on loan from Tottenham

Brian Hill will play in Valencia until the end of the season, on loan from Tottenham and without a purchase option.

Παναθηναϊκός: Τελευταία στιγμή η απόφαση για τον Ντάριλ Μέικον με Μονακό

Panathinaikos: Last minute decision for Daryl Macon with Monaco

Daryl Makon followed part of the training program of Panathinaikos OPAP on Monday, January 31st and his participation in the match against Monaco (1/2, 21:00) will be decided at the last minute. Ioannis Papapetrou underwent surgery.

Ατρόμητος: Ενίσχυση στα γκολπόστ με τον Μάριτς

Atromitos: Reinforcement in goalposts with Maric

Atromitos announced the acquisition of the 26-year-old goalkeeper from Croatia, Marko Maric, who signed for a year and a half.

«Κοντά στην ΑΕΚ ο Φράνσον»

"Franson is close to AEK"

"Rain" the reports in Sweden, with the Scandinavians bringing Alexander Franson to the doorstep of AEK.

Παναθηναϊκός: Στα «πράσινα» ο Γκατσίνοβιτς!

Panathinaikos: Gacinovic is in the "greens"!

PAE Panathinaikos officially announced the acquisition of Mijat Gacinovic in the form of a loan from Hoffenheim!

Παλεύει για Σλιμανί η Σπόρτινγκ

Sporting is fighting for Slimani

Sporting is making a big effort to bring Islam Slimani back to its roster, after six years.

ΠΑΟΚ: Ενοχλήσεις ο Μπίσεσβαρ. αμφίβολος ενόψει Απόλλωνα Σμύρνης

PAOK: Biseswar is annoying. doubtful in view of Apollo of Smyrna

The Suriname midfielder of PAOK will try to prevent the away match on Wednesday (2/2 - 21:30) with Apollon Smyrnis.

Κορωνοϊός: Δεδομένη η αύξηση της πληρότητας στα γήπεδα - Τα δύο σενάρια που εξετάζει η Επιτροπή

Coronavirus: Given the increase in occupancy in stadiums - The two scenarios considered by the Commission

Full speed for partial lifting of the measures in the stadiums. What are the prevailing views in the Commission?

Νταμπό: «Μίλησα με τον Μοντέστο και μου εξήγησε την ιστορία του συλλόγου, παίζω σε πολλές θέσεις» (vid)

Dabo: "I talked to Modesto and he explained the history of the club to me, I play in many positions" (vid)

Abdoulaye Dabo made his first statements as a footballer of the Olympiacos team.

Σιόβας: Ανακοινώθηκε από τη Φορτούνα Σιτάρντ ο Έλληνας αμυντικός

Siovas: The Greek defender was announced by Fortuna Sittard

Fortuna Sittard announced the acquisition of Dimitris Siovas with the Greek defender playing again alongside Andreas Samaris.

Μαρτίνς: «Θα υπάρξουν προσαρμογές και αποχωρήσεις στο ρόστερ»

Martins: "There will be adjustments and departures in the roster"

For the departures that will be in the roster of Olympiacos, but also for the many names of candidate transfer targets, he referred to statements made by Pedro Martins.

Τεντόγλου: Οι αντίπαλοί του στην Οστράβα

Tentoglou: His opponents in Ostrava

Miltos Tentoglou makes his debut on Thursday and his most important opponents have already been announced.

«Βόμβα» από την Bild: «Στη Ρεάλ από το καλοκαίρι ο Εμπαπέ»!

"Bomb" from Bild: "Mbappe at Real since the summer"!

According to the Germans, Killian Mbappe has already joined hands with Real to continue his career in Madrid from next summer.

«Έσπασε» όλα τα κοντέρ ο Αγραβάνης

Agravanis "broke" all the counters

Dimitris Agravanis "broke" all the records in the match between Prometheus and Peristeri in the 14th game of the Stoiximan Basket League, setting a career record in points and points in the rating system.

Δημήτρης Κολοβός: Από τη Σερίφ Τιρασπόλ στην τουρκική Κοτσαέλισπορ

Dimitris Kolovos: From Sheriff Tiraspol to Turkish Kocaelispor

Dimitris Kolovos agreed with the Turkish Kocaelispor, a second division team, and will sign as soon as he successfully passes a medical examination.

Ολυμπιακός: Πιθανό να αποχωρήσει άμεσα ο Ρόνι Λόπες

Olympiacos: Ronnie Lopez is likely to leave immediately

Ronnie Lopez may leave Olympiakos immediately, since so far he has not been satisfied at all with his image.

«Ναυαγεί» η μετακίνηση του Ντεμπελέ στην Παρί

Dembele's move to Paris is "wrecked"

Barcelona is looking for a team for the transfer of Usman Dembele, as their contacts with Paris Saint-Germain did not bear fruit.

Ευρωλίγκα: Δέκα ομάδες για πέντε θέσεις

Euroleague: Ten teams for five places

Delays due to coronavirus may have confused things a bit in the standings, however it seems a given that entering the playoffs will be a loss.

Ναδάλ: «Ο κόσμος θα εκτιμήσει τον Μεντβέντεφ»

Nadal: "People will appreciate Medvedev"

Rafa Nadal is trying to ... recover from yesterday's triumph of Melbourne, but he does not forget his opponent in the final.

Κωστούλας: "Αν αποδειχθεί ότι το VAR είπε ότι δεν είναι πέναλτι, θα κάνουμε αγωγή στον Τζήλο"

Kostoulas: "If it turns out that the VAR said it was not a penalty, we will sue Tzilos"

The strong man of Panetolikos, Fotis Kostoulas, told ERA Sports that if it turns out that VAR said that Aris was not the first to win a penalty, then he will take legal action against Tzilos.

NBA: To Top-10 της ημέρας (31/01)

NBA: The Top-10 of the day (31/01)

See the 10 best phases from NBA games.

Έγινε «500αρης» ο Λάνγκφορντ

Langford became a "500er"

Kevin Langford completed the 500 rebounds in the Stoximan Basket League in the match of the 14th game of Ionian Nikaia with Apollon Patras.

Διπλό «χτύπημα» από το Τορίνο η Τότεναμ

Double "hit" from Turin to Tottenham

Shortly before the end of the January transfer window, Tottenham made a double transfer "hit", as they bring Kulusewski and Betancourt to London.

Ετοιμάζει τον νέο… Ρονάλντο: Ο Κριστιάνο παίζει μπάλα με τον γιο του και τον καμαρώνει!

Prepares the new… Ronaldo: Cristiano plays ball with his son and brags about him!

The hope that the… Ronaldo dynasty will continue in world football was shown (boasting about his son's football progress) by Cristiano.

Πυγμαχία: Με 15 μετάλλια επιστρέφει η αποστολή από την Σερβία

Boxing: The mission returns from Serbia with 15 medals

Excellent performances by Greek boxers at the international tournament held in the Serbian town of Sobor from January 24th to 31st.

Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης: Αβέβαιο το μέλλον του Καράσκο

Atletico Madrid: The future of Carasco is uncertain

Yannick Carrasco's future at Atletico Madrid is uncertain, as he is said to be in the sights of teams such as Chelsea, Manchester United and Barcelona.

Παρί Σεν Ζερμέν: Συνεχίζει τις επαφές για τον Ντεμπελέ

Paris Saint-Germain: Continues contacts for Dembele

Paris Saint-Germain is in negotiations with Barcelona for the immediate acquisition of Usman Dembele.

Ολυμπιακός: Σήμερα στο Πόρτο ο Σεμέδο, σύμφωνα με τους Πορτογάλους

Olympiacos: Today in Porto Semedo, according to the Portuguese

The transfer of Ruben Semedo to Porto enters the final straight, with the Portuguese defender traveling today to his homeland to finalize the transfer.

Άρης: Συνεχίζει στην Έουπεν ο Τζέγκο

Aris: Jeggo continues in Eupen

James Jeggo will continue his career in Eupen and Belgium, as announced by PAE Aris, the Australian has been released and will move from Greece to Belgium.

Μπρέντφορντ: Ανακοινώθηκε η απόκτηση του Κρίστιαν Έρικσεν (vid)

Brentford: The acquisition of Christian Eriksen announced (vid)

The management of Brentford announced its agreement with Christian Eriksen, who is returning to the English championship.