- Πουπέ: «Οι παίκτες έκαναν καλή δουλειά, συγχαρητήρια σε όλους» - 3/25/2025
- Μπαρτζώκας: «Δεν έχουμε το δικαίωμα να υποτιμούμε κανέναν, πρέπει να βελτιωθούμε» - 3/25/2025
- Ρεάλ – Μιλάνο 96-89: Με τέτοιο Ταβάρες δεν γινόταν να χάσει (video) - 3/25/2025
- Παρτίζαν – Άλμπα Βερολίνου 85-71: Επέστρεψαν στις νίκες οι Σέρβοι και κοιτάζουν playoffs (video) - 3/25/2025
- Προκριματικά Μουντιάλ 2026: Άνετα το 2/2 Νορβηγία και Τσεχία, έσωσε τον βαθμό στο φινάλε η Ουαλία - 3/25/2025
Αθλητικά Νέα επί το πλείστον και άλλα τυχόν θέματα της τρέχουσας επικαιρότητας.
Τρίτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2021
Ιωνικός: Πρόβλημα με Κιάκο ενόψει Λαμίας
Ionikos: Problem with Kiako in view of Lamia
Ionikos is looking at the Cup and the match against Lamia.
Ionikos started its intensive preparations for the Cup match with Lamia.
ΠΑΟΚ: «Υποφέρουμε, πέφτουμε, σηκωνόμαστε, όλοι μαζί! Ό,τι κι αν γίνει» (vid)
PAOK: "We suffer, we fall, we get up, all together! Whatever happens "(vid)
In a moment of special conditions for PAOK, Dikefalos sent his own message, focusing on the whole, the group, us!
Για πάντα στην Αταλάντα: Ανανέωσε ο Γκασπερίνι!
Forever in Atalanta: Gasperini renewed!
Atalanta and Gian Piero Gasperini reached an agreement to renew their cooperation until 2024.
Σλοβενία-Ελλάδα 0-0: Ένα σπουδαίο αποτέλεσμα!
Slovenia-Greece 0-0: A great result!
The Women's National Team got a great draw in Nova Gorica from Slovenia, which the superpower France had defeated in the end with 3-2, something that Greece could have done as well.
Volley League γυναικών: Το Παναθηναϊκός - Ολυμπιακός ξεχωρίζει στην 11η αγωνιστική
Women's Volley League: Panathinaikos - Olympiakos stands out in the 11th game
Panathinaikos hosts Olympiakos (01/12, 15.00) in the match that stands out in the program of the 11th game of the Women's Volley League.
Ολυμπιακός – Μπαρτσελονέτα 8-4
Olympiacos - Barcelona 8-4
Having as a great weapon the defense, Olympiakos "drowned" Barcelona in "Papastratio" prevailing with a score of 8-4, recording their third victory in the LEN Champions League.
Μπακς: Επίσημο του ΝτεΜάρκους Κάζινς
Bucks: Official of DeMarcus Cousins
The 31-year-old center DeMarcus Cousins (2.08) is also an official teammate of Giannis Antetokounmpo in the Milwaukee Bucks.
Φαλ: «Δυσκολότερος αντίπαλος ο Ντουράντ, πρότυπο ο ΛεΜπρόν» (vid)
Mustafa Fal answered 24 questions about his life and basketball.
Εκτός αποστολής για το Σασουόλο-Νάπολι λόγω γαστρεντερίτιδας ο Μανωλάς

Manolas out of mission for Sassuolo-Napoli due to gastroenteritis
Costas Manolas suffers from gastroenteritis and will lose Sassuolo-Napoli.
Χωρίς Κουέστα κόντρα στον ΟΦΗ ο Άρης
Aris without Cuesta against OFI
The Spanish goalkeeper has a back problem and Akis Mantzios did not take him on the mission for the match with OFI.
Πλήγμα στην Τορίνο, δύο μήνες έξω ο Μπελότι
Blow in Turin, two months out Bellotti
Worst of all, perhaps, in Turin, which will be without the services of key player Andrea Bellotti for two months.
Κλείνουν τα γήπεδα στη Βαυαρία, «φωνές» να επιβληθεί το μέτρο σε όλη τη Γερμανία

Stadiums closed in Bavaria, "voices" to impose the measure throughout Germany
According to the Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Zender, the entrance of fans to the stadiums will be banned at least until the end of the year after the outbreak of coronavirus in Germany.
Απεβίωσε ο θρύλος των Λίβερπουλ και Άρσεναλ, Ρέι Κένεντι
Liverpool and Arsenal legend Ray Kennedy has passed away
The veteran ace "passed away" at the age of 70.
He left his last breath at the age of 70 on Tuesday (30/11) the legendary striker of Arsenal and Liverpool, Ray Kennedy.
Αντσελότι: «Θα ψήφιζα τον Μπενζεμά για τη Χρυσή Μπάλα»
Ancelotti: "I would vote for Benzema for the Golden Ball"
Lionel Messi won the Ballon d'Or for the 7th time, but there are many who disagree, including Real coach Carlo Ancelotti
Επιστρέφει ο Φερνάντες για τον Βόλο ενόψει Παναθηναϊκού
Fernandes returns for Volos in view of Panathinaikos
Guillermo Abascal is counting on Paolo Fernandez again for the Cup match against Panathinaikos on the Avenue.
Λίβερπουλ: Ο Ταφαρέλ εντάσσεται στο επιτελείο του Κλοπ
Liverpool: Tafarel joins Klopp's staff
Claudio Tafarel will soon join the staff of Liverpool's goalkeeping coaches.
Γιουνάιτεντ: Με τον Κάρικ στον πάγκο κόντρα στην Άρσεναλ
United: With Carrick on the bench against Arsenal
With Mike Carrick and not with its new coach Ralph Rangnick, United will host Arsenal (02/12).
Premier League-14η αγωνιστική: Εμβόλιμη με δύο ντέρμπι
Premier League-14th game: Injected with two derbies
Everton-Liverpool and Manchester United-Arsenal stand out from the program of the injected 14th game of the Premier League.
Στην τελική ευθεία της επιστροφής του ο Τόμπσον που έβαλε 18 σερί σουτ στην προπόνηση: "Δεν μπορώ να περιμένω"
In the final straight of his return Thompson who shot 18 in a row in training: "I can not wait"
Clay Thompson is counting down to his return to the floor and trains daily with the Warriors' subsidiary in the G-League, even putting 18 consecutive shots in training.
Με μείον έναν λόγω κορωνοϊού ο ΟΦΗ στο «Κλεάνθης Βικελίδης»
OFI in "Kleanthis Vikelidis" with minus one due to coronavirus
An outbreak of a coronavirus in an OFI player occurred in today's tests before tomorrow's cup match with Aris in Thessaloniki. The football player was excluded from the mission and was quarantined.
Κεκλεισμένων των θυρών το Μπάγερν-Μπαρτσελόνα λόγω κορωνοϊού
Bayern-Barcelona behind closed doors due to coronavirus
As it became officially known, the match between Bayern and Barcelona will be held behind closed doors due to the imposition of new measures against the spread of the coronavirus.
Ολυμπιακός: Πιθανότατα χωρίς κόσμο με Άντβερπ

Olympiacos: Probably without people with Antwerp
The "Omicron" mutation of the coronavirus has sounded the alarm in Belgium and it is not excluded that the game between Antwerp and Olympiakos will be held behind closed doors.
Παναθηναϊκός: Με Ρούμπεν Πέρεθ κόντρα στον Βόλο
Panathinaikos: With Ruben Pereth against Volos
Panathinaikos' preparation for the Cup game with Volos at "Apostolos Nikolaidis" was completed and Ivan Jovanovic announced the mission.
Καν: “Συγχαρητήρια στον Μέσι, αλλά ο Λεβαντόφσκι το άξιζε”

Kahn: "Congratulations to Messi, but Lewandowski deserved it"
The opinion that Robert Lewandowski deserved to win the Golden Ball was expressed by Oliver Kahn, who, however, did not fail to congratulate Lionel Messi.
Παναθηναϊκός: Βραβεύει τον νικητή του Μαραθωνίου, Κώστα Γκελαούζο

Panathinaikos: Awards the winner of the Marathon, Costa Gelauzo
The winner of the Athens Classic Marathon, Costas Gelaouzos, will be awarded by PAE Panathinaikos on Wednesday afternoon, in the Cup match with Volos on the Avenue.
Κρόος: "Ο Μπενζεμά έπρεπε να πάρει τη Χρυσή Μπάλα, ο Μέσι δεν την άξιζε"
Kroos: "Benzema should have won the Golden Ball, Messi did not deserve it"
Tony Kroos is in favor of those who believe that Lionel Messi did not deserve to win the Golden Ball, arguing that Karim Benzema should be the holder of the valuable award.
Φοβερά καρφώματα Πορζίνγκις και Σενγκούν στο Top 10
Awesome nails Porzingis and Sengun in the Top 10
Watch the Top 10 of the day in the, starring Porzingis and Sengun.
ΑΕΚ: Πιθανή η συζήτηση με τον μάνατζερ του Ινσούα για να βρεθεί άλλη ομάδα να συνεχίσει
AEK: Discussion with Insua manager possible to find another team to continue
Palermo revealed Insua's return to AEK in December. What does the Union think about the Argentine back?
Προς ουδέτερη έδρα το Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ - Γιουνγκ Μπόις λόγω της παραλλαγής Όμικρον
Manchester United - Young Boys to neutral due to Omicron variant
Apart from "Old Trafford", the match between United and Young Boys is expected to take place, due to the "Omicron" variant of the coronavirus.
Ίντερ: Υπογράφει νέο συμβόλαιο ο Μπρόζοβιτς
Inter: Brozovic signs a new contract
Marcelo Brozovic will remain a resident of Milan, as he came to an agreement with Inter for the renewal of their cooperation.
Δευτέρα 29 Νοεμβρίου 2021
Χρυσή Μπάλα: Μίδας ο Μέσι, κατέκτησε το έβδομο τρόπαιο της καριέρα του

Golden Ball: Midas Messi, won the seventh trophy of his career
Lionel Messi is the undisputed king of the Golden Ball institution, with the Argentine superstar taking the award for 2021 and reaching the seven conquests.
Χρυσή Μπάλα: Κορυφαίος γκολκίπερ ο Ντοναρούμα!

Golden Ball: Donnarumma is the top goalkeeper!
Thanks to his interventions, Italy won the Euro and Gigio Donnarumma received the award for top goalkeeper!
Χρυσή Μπάλα: Η Αλεξία Πουτέγιας κατέκτησε το βραβείο των γυναικών
Golden Ball: Alexia Putellas won the women's award
Alexia Putellias won the third Golden Ball awarded in the women's category. He won the Champions League and the championship with Barcelona in the 2020/21 season.
Αλέγκρι – «Υπάρχει προκατάληψη και εμμονή με τον Μοράτα»
Allegri - "There is prejudice and obsession with Moratas"
Massimiliano Allegri raised a shield of protection for Alvaro Morata due to the criticism received by the Spanish striker.
Χρυσή Μπάλα 2021: Καλύτερος επιθετικός ο Λεβαντόφσκι (video)
Golden Ball 2021: Lewandowski is the best striker (video)
New award from "France Football" with Robert Lewandowski being the first holder of this
Η ΑΙΚ Στοκχόλμης «τελείωσε» την Έλφσμποργκ και πάμε για φινάλε-θρίλερ στη Σουηδία!
AIK Stockholm "finished" Elfsborg and we are going for a final-thriller in Sweden!
AIK brought Elfsborg (2-4), who were ahead 1-0 and 2-1, "finished" any hopes for a title and reduced to -2 the difference from Malmo, a "turn" before the end in Sweden!
Χρυσή Μπάλα: Καλύτερος νέος παίκτης ο Πέδρι!
Golden Ball: Pedri is the best new player!
Pedri won the award for best young player for what he has done with the jersey of Barcelona and the Spanish national team.