Κυριακή 31 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Ρεάλ Σοσιεδάδ - Αθλέτικ Μπιλμπάο 1-1 (video) Λα Λίγκα

 Real Sociedad                                                  Ath Bilbao

Κλερμόν - Μαρσέιγ 0-1 (video),Γαλλικό Πρωτάθλημα 1


Ρόμα - Μίλαν 1-2 (video) Σέριε Α

Μεταξάς: "Μας είναι δύσκολο να βάλουμε δεύτερο γκολ, δεν το έχουμε εύκολο"

Metaxas: "It is difficult for us to score a second goal, we do not have it easy"

Iraklis Metaxas after the draw between PAS Giannina and Asteras commented that it is difficult for the Epirotes to find a second goal.

Πέρασε από τη Λάρισα κι έκανε… σεφτέ ο Ηρακλής!

He passed through Larissa and made Hercules safe!

First pink card in the Stoiximan Basket League for Iraklis, who escaped with a double from Larissa (55-70).

Γιαννίκης: "Ήταν περίπλοκο παιχνίδι, αλλά νικήσαμε και αυτό είναι το σημαντικό"

Giannikis: "It was a complicated game, but we won and that is the important thing"

Argyris Giannikis in his statements after the match of AEK against Aris stressed that despite the red card and the forced change, the victory came and that is the important thing.

Ράσταβατς: «Αξίζαμε κάτι παραπάνω από αυτό που πήραμε»

Rastavac: "We deserved something more than what we got"

Milan Rastavac was not satisfied with the points that Asteras Tripolis shared with PAS, as he said his team deserved something more, but he keeps the mentality that his team showed.

Live Streaming.22:00 Real Sociedad - Athletic Bilbao 1-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.22:00 Real Sociedad - Athletic Bilbao 1-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Μάντζιος: «Γίνανε απίστευτα πράγματα εντός κι εκτός γηπέδου»!

Mantzios: "Unbelievable things happened on and off the field"!

Akis Mantzios was angry after Aris' defeat by AEK and photographed referee Diamantopoulos about the conditions of the match.

ΑΕΚ - Άρης 2-1 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights 8η Αγων Super League 1

Live Streaming.21:45 Clermont - Marseille 0-1 (video Ligue 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 AS Roma - AC Milan 1-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 AS Roma - AC Milan 1-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Χετάφε - Εσπανιόλ 2-1 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Σαλερνιτάνα - Νάπολι 0-1 (video) Σέριε Α

Γκλάντμπαχ - Μπόχουμ 2-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Άστον Βίλα - Γουέστ Χαμ 1-4 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Με βερολινέζικο ντέρμπι οι «16» του Κυπέλλου Γερμανίας

The "16" of the German Cup with a Berlin derby

The match between Hertha and Union Berlin is the highlight of the German Cup draw.

Τζόουνς – «Η Νιούκαστλ χρειάζεται ένα νέο πρόσωπο στον πάγκο»

Jones - "Newcastle needs a new face on the bench"

Newcastle's official coach, Graham Jones, clarified after the defeat by Chelsea (0-3) that the "miners" need a new coach.

Μπρεστ - Μονακό 2-1 (video),Γαλλικό Πρωτάθλημα 1


Παναθηναϊκός - ΟΦΗ 0-0 Στιγμιότυπα/Highlights 8η Αγων Super League 1

Νιόπλιας: “Θα θέλαμε και κάτι παραπάνω”

Nioplias: "We would like something more"

Nikos Nioplias wanted the victory from his players in the match between OFI and Panathinaikos.

Γιοβάνοβιτς: «Χάσαμε ένα ημίχρονο, είχαμε πολλά θέματα μεσοεπιθετικά»

Jovanovic: "We lost a half, we had a lot of issues midfield"

Panathinaikos coach Ivan Jovanovic, after the 0-0 with OFI on the Avenue, stressed that his team lost an entire half.

ΠΑΟΚ - Περιστέρι 86-87: Διπλό με buzzer beater του ΜακΚρι

Οι παίκτες του Περιστερίου πανηγυρίζουν τη νίκη επί του ΠΑΟΚ

PAOK - Peristeri 86-87: Double with buzzer beater by McCree

Eric McCree scored the biggest shot of the match, scored for three in the "zero" and gave the away victory in Peristeri against PAOK (87-86) for the 5th game of the Stoiximan Basket League.

Live Streaming.19:30 AEK - Aris 2-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 AEK - Aris 2-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Getafe - Espanyol 2-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Getafe - Espanyol 2-1 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Giannina - Asteras Tripolis 1-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Giannina - Asteras Tripolis 1-1 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης - Μπέτις 3-0 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Live Streaming.19:00 Salernitana - Napoli 0-1 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:00 Salernitana - Napoli 0-1 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Άουγκσμπουργκ - Στουτγκάρδη 4-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα


Live Streaming.18:30 Borussia Monchengladbach - Bochum 2-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.18:30 Borussia Monchengladbach - Bochum 2-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.18:30 Aston Villa - West Ham 1-4 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.18:30 Aston Villa - West Ham 1-4 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Τρουά - Ρεν 2-2 (video),Γαλλικό Πρωτάθλημα 1

 Troyes                                              Rennes

Φιορεντίνα - Σπέτσια 3-0 (video) Σέριε Α

Στρασβούργο - Λοριάν 4-0 (video),Γαλλικό Πρωτάθλημα 1


Τζένοα - Βενέτσια 0-0 (video) Σέριε Α

 Genoa                                               Venezia

Μπορντό - Ρεμς 3-2 (video),Γαλλικό Πρωτάθλημα 1


Σασουόλο - Έμπολι 1-2 (video) Σέριε Α


Μονπελιέ - Ναντ 2-0 (video),Γαλλικό Πρωτάθλημα 1


Νόριτς - Λιντς 1-2 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ


Live Streaming.18:00 Brest - Monaco 2-1 (video) Ligue 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.18:00 Brest - Monaco 2-1 (video) Ligue 1 Eastern European Time

Γρηγορίου: “Άλλη μια ματσάρα στο γήπεδο μας”

Grigoriou: "Another match in our stadium"

Michalis Grigoriou stood at the spectacle offered by Lamia and Atromitos.

Ασημένιο μετάλλιο στο Παγκόσμιο Techno ο Καλπογιαννάκης

Kalpogiannakis won a silver medal at the World Techno

Meletios Kalpogiannakis won the silver medal at the TECHNO 293 World Championship held in Trentino, Italy.

Γκουτσίδης: «Έπρεπε να κερδίσουμε, έχουμε άγχος»

Goutsidis: "We had to win, we have anxiety"

Giorgos Paraschos 'assistant attributed Atromitos' new failure to fatigue, stress and slippery terrain.

Live Streaming.17:15 Panathinaikos - OFI 0-0 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.17:15 Panathinaikos - OFI 0-0 (video) Greece Super League 1 Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.17:15 Atletico Madrid - Betis 3-0 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.17:15 Atletico Madrid - Betis 3-0 (video) LaLiga Eastern European Time

Κάντιθ - Μαγιόρκα 1-1 (video) Λα Λίγκα

 Cadiz CF                                      Mallorca

Live Streaming.16:30 Augsburg - Stuttgart 4-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.16:30 Augsburg - Stuttgart 4-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Παναθηναϊκός: Βιτάλ αντί Παλάσιος στην ενδεκάδα κόντρα στον ΟΦΗ

Panathinaikos: Vital instead of Palacios in the starting lineup against OFI

As expected, Jovanovic made a change in the Panathinaikos squad for the match with OFI with Vital instead of Palacios in relation to the match against Atromitos.