- Πουπέ: «Οι παίκτες έκαναν καλή δουλειά, συγχαρητήρια σε όλους» - 3/25/2025
- Μπαρτζώκας: «Δεν έχουμε το δικαίωμα να υποτιμούμε κανέναν, πρέπει να βελτιωθούμε» - 3/25/2025
- Ρεάλ – Μιλάνο 96-89: Με τέτοιο Ταβάρες δεν γινόταν να χάσει (video) - 3/25/2025
- Παρτίζαν – Άλμπα Βερολίνου 85-71: Επέστρεψαν στις νίκες οι Σέρβοι και κοιτάζουν playoffs (video) - 3/25/2025
- Προκριματικά Μουντιάλ 2026: Άνετα το 2/2 Νορβηγία και Τσεχία, έσωσε τον βαθμό στο φινάλε η Ουαλία - 3/25/2025
Αθλητικά Νέα επί το πλείστον και άλλα τυχόν θέματα της τρέχουσας επικαιρότητας.
Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Νέντοβιτς: «Υπέροχο να ανήκεις στον Παναθηναϊκό»
Nedovic: "It is wonderful to belong to Panathinaikos"
Nemanja Nedovic was named player of the week by ELPA (Euroleague Players' Union) and, among other things, stressed that it is a great feeling, for him, to play for Panathinaikos.
Μπαρτσελόνα: Θετικά νέα για Λενγκλέ
Barcelona: Positive news for Langley
Positive news for Barcelona, as Clement Langley's ankle injury is not serious.
Ο Άμπελ Φερέιρα «έφαγε» τον Ζόρζε Ζέσους στην Βραζιλία!
Abel Ferreira "ate" Jorge Jesus in Brazil!
Former PAOK coach Abel Ferreira is doing very well in Palmeiras, making the third best start of a non-Brazilian coach in a team from the country of samba.
Νικητής ο Τζιανσουά στο Νανζίνγκ
The winner is Jiangsua in Nanjing
Peng Jiangsu was the winner of the Nanjing Marathon, which ended a few hours ago and was the race for the Chinese championship.
Βόλεϊ: Μετατέθηκαν για τον Μάιο τα προκριματικά του ευρωπαϊκού σε άνδρες και γυναίκες
Volleyball: The European qualifiers for men and women have been postponed for May
The European Volleyball Federation has decided to postpone the qualifying matches of the European Men's and Women's Championships for May 2021.
Ανακοίνωσε Χάτσερ ο Ηρακλής
Hercules announced Hatcher
Will Hatcher is also officially a player of Iraklis Thessaloniki.
The acquisition of Will Hatcher by Hercules was announced.
Μαρτίνς: «Θελουμε να κρατήσουμε ακέραιες τις ελπίδες μας για πρόκριση. Θέλουμε τη νίκη»
Martins: "We want to keep our hopes for qualification intact. We want the victory "
Read the statements of Pedro Martins for tomorrow's match between Olympiacos and Marseille.
Μένει στη Γερμανία και για το Euro ο Λεβ
Lev lives in Germany and for the Euro
The German Federation shows confidence in Joachim Loew as it announced that it will keep its coach at least until Euro 2021.
Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης: Χάνει τον Αζάρ για ένα μήνα
Real Madrid: Loses Hazard for a month
Eden Hazard's new fracture will leave him out of Real Madrid's obligations for about a month, with the Belgian ace suffering his 7th serious injury since the day he signed for the "queen".
Φραπάρ, η πρώτη γυναίκα διαιτητής στο Champions League
Frapar, the first female referee in the Champions League
For the first time in the history of the Champions League, a female referee will whistle.
Το εντεκάλεπτο που δείχνει ότι ο Μαρτιάλ είναι νοκ-άουτ
The eleven minutes that show that Martial is knocked out
The French striker fell ill on Sunday and will hardly be able to catch the match between Manchester United and Paris Saint-Germain.
Μίλαν: Η πιο φορμαρισμένη ομάδα στην Ευρώπη
Milan: The most formed team in Europe
Milan is the surprise of the season, it is the most formed team and one of the only 3 undefeated in the 5 big leagues of Europe.
Formula 1: Ο Φιτιπάλντι παίρνει τη θέση του Γκροζάν στο Βιετνάμ
Formula 1: Fitipaldi replaces Grozan in Vietnam
Romain Grozan was knocked out for the Grand Prix that follows after the creepy injury he had on the track of Bahrain and Haas announced that Pietro Fitipaldi will fill his gap
Επανέρχεται για Ζιρού τον Γενάρη η Ίντερ
Inter returns for Zirou in January
The case of Olivier Giroud returns to the forefront for the people of Inter, in view of the winter transfer window.
Άρσεναλ: Ο Κιν τρολάρει την κακή πορεία της Άρσεναλ
Arsenal: Keane trolls Arsenal's bad course
Roy Keane stressed that he does not believe that Arsenal will be in danger of relegation this season, after the 2-1 home defeat by the Wolves.
Γκονζάλες : «Μοναδικός στόχος η νίκη με τον Ολυμπιακό»
Gonzalez: "The only goal is the victory with Olympiakos"
Alvaro Gonzalez spoke about the match with Olympiakos in Marseille and clarified that Marseille wants a three-pointer for many reasons in tomorrow's match.
MVP Νοεμβρίου στην Ευρωλίγκα ο… άσωτος Τζέιμς
November MVP in the Euroleague prodigal James
Mike James received the Player of the Month award.
The most valuable Euroleague player for November was Mike James. During this time he played in four of the five matches won by CSKA Moscow, staying out of the game against Baskonia for disciplinary reasons.
Αποθέωσε τον Καβάνι ο Σόλσκιερ: «Δεν πρόλαβε να κάνει ζέσταμα κι έβαλε δυο γκολ» (vid)
Solskjaer praised Cavani: "He did not manage to warm up and scored two goals" (vid)
Edinson Cavani was praised by the Manchester United coach, after the victory given to his team by the Uruguayan striker in the last seconds of the match against Southampton.
Απίστευτο και όμως αληθινό: Έπεσε το ρεύμα στο γήπεδο την ώρα που εκτελούταν πέναλτι (video)
Unbelievable but true: The current fell on the field during the penalty shootout (video)
There is no incident that occurred during the penalty shootout
Μπαρτσελόνα: Πρόστιμο στον Μέσι για τον πανηγυρισμό
Barcelona: Fine on Messi for the celebration
Lionel Messi is expected to pay three thousand euros, for his celebration in the match between Barcelona and Osasuna.
Κιούμπαν: «Ο Ντόντσιτς έχει το χάρισμα που είχε ο Μάτζικ» (vid)
Cuban: "Doncic has the gift that Magic had" (vid)
Mark Cuban, once again, adored Luka Doncic and compared him to Magic Johnson.
Άρσεναλ: Ο Αρτέτα περιμένει την απόλυσή του
Arsenal: Arteta is waiting for his dismissal
Michel Arteta stressed that he is reconciled with the idea that at some point he will be fired from Arsenal.
ΠΑΟΚ : Καμία ανησυχία με Ελ Καντουρί
PAOK: No worries with El Kantouri
Although there was concern about El Kaddouri's condition, the Moroccan is said to be well and not facing any injury problems. The PAOK football player received many blows in yesterday's match with Lamia and had some discomfort in his left leg, worrying the people of the "Northern Biceps".
Άρης: Θα κάνει αλλαγές με την ΑΕΛ ο Μάντζιος
Aris: Mantzios will make changes with AEL
Akis Mantzios is expected to proceed with changes in the basic formation of Aris, in the upcoming match with AEL.
Κυριακή 29 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Μαραντόνα: Έρευνα στο σπίτι και το ιατρείο του γιατρού του, υποψίες για αμέλεια!
Maradona: Search at his doctor's home and doctor's office, suspicions of negligence!
The Prosecution investigated the home and the office of Leopoldo Luque, the personal physician of Diego Armando Maradona, for whom it appears that he did NOT finally operate on Diegito.