- Πουπέ: «Οι παίκτες έκαναν καλή δουλειά, συγχαρητήρια σε όλους» - 3/25/2025
- Μπαρτζώκας: «Δεν έχουμε το δικαίωμα να υποτιμούμε κανέναν, πρέπει να βελτιωθούμε» - 3/25/2025
- Ρεάλ – Μιλάνο 96-89: Με τέτοιο Ταβάρες δεν γινόταν να χάσει (video) - 3/25/2025
- Παρτίζαν – Άλμπα Βερολίνου 85-71: Επέστρεψαν στις νίκες οι Σέρβοι και κοιτάζουν playoffs (video) - 3/25/2025
- Προκριματικά Μουντιάλ 2026: Άνετα το 2/2 Νορβηγία και Τσεχία, έσωσε τον βαθμό στο φινάλε η Ουαλία - 3/25/2025
Αθλητικά Νέα επί το πλείστον και άλλα τυχόν θέματα της τρέχουσας επικαιρότητας.
Δευτέρα 31 Αυγούστου 2020
Παναθηναϊκός: «Σιδερένιοι» οι Μποχωρίδης, Καλαϊτζάκης, Παπαγιάννης
Panathinaikos: Bohoridis, Kalaitzakis, Papagiannis are "Iron"
Panathinaikos in… quorum. George Vovoras had three other reasons to rub his hands with joy in today's training. The "green" coach also saw Giorgos Papagiannis, Lefteris Bohoridis, Giorgos Kalaitzakis exercising normally and showing that they are "iron" now.
Στην Μπέτις ο Βίκτορ Ρουίζ
In Betis Victor Ruiz
The acquisition of Victor Ruiz for the 2020-21 season was announced by Real Betis.
Φουλ τακτική παρά τις απουσίες στον ΠΑΟ
Full tactics despite the absences in PAO
Today's training session of Panathinaikos with many absences, due to the absence of the internationals and the injured, while Schenkefeld, who was not present, was bedridden with gastroenteritis.
Άρσεναλ:Εμεινε στη Ρόμα ο Μχιταριάν!
Arsenal: He stayed in the Roma Mchitarian!
Roma player is Henrik Mchitarian, who solved his contract with Arsenal.
ΑΕΚ: Κατατέθηκε πρόταση στον Λιβάια για ανανέωση!
AEK: A proposal was submitted to Livaja for renewal!
AEK today made the first substantial contact with the side of Marco Livaja, for the renewal of the contract of the Croatian striker.
Θετικός στον κορωνοϊο ο Νταβίδ Σίλβα
David Silva is positive for the coronavirus
Real Sociedad announced that their new transfer acquisition, David Silva, tested positive for the coronavirus.
ΟΦΗ : Στον αέρα ο αγώνας με τον Απόλλωνα Λεμεσού
OFI: The match with Apollon Limassol is in the air
OFI learned on Monday afternoon (31/8) that it will face Apollon Limassol in the "Genti Koule" in the context of the 2nd qualifying round of the Europa League.
Αλεξάνδρα Ασημάκη: Κρεμάει το σκουφάκι της
Alexandra Asimaki: She hangs her hat
At the age of 32, Alexandra Asimaki decided to retire from active action.
Θετικοί στον κορωνοϊό Ντι Μαρία και Παρέδες
Positive in the coronavirus Di Maria and Paredes
The two football players of Paris Saint-Germain are in quarantine.
Στις 25/10 το πρώτο clasico στην επόμενη La Liga!
On 25/10 the first clasico in the next La Liga!
The first cross in La Liga of the 2020/21 season has been set for September 13, with the first clasico between Barcelona and Real Madrid taking place on 25/10 at the "Camp Nou"!
Κιελίνι: "Δεν υπάρχει ποδόσφαιρο χωρίς κόσμο, ούτε σύγκριση Σάρι - Πίρλο"
Chiellini: "There is no football without people, no comparison Sari - Pirlo"
Giorgio Chiellini appeared disappointed by the fact that the matches are now without spectators due to a coronavirus, while he chose to dribble when he was faced with the dilemma of Sari or Pirlo.
Σίμος: «Έχουμε πίστη στις ικανότητές μας, μας στεναχωρεί η απουσία του κόσμου»
Simos: "We have faith in our abilities, we are saddened by the absence of the world"
OFI coach Giorgos Simos knows that the match against Apollon Limassol will be difficult, however, speaking to OFI TV, he expressed his faith in his team, that he can succeed.
Αλλάζει τα συμβόλαια των Μπουσκέτς, Άλμπα και Σέρχι Ρομπέρτο η Μπαρτσελόνα
Barcelona changes the contracts of Busquets, Alba and Sergio Roberto
Barcelona will sit at the negotiating table with Alba, Busquets and Sergio Roberto to reduce their contracts.
Στο Μάντσεστερ για ιατρικές εξετάσεις ο Φαν ντε Μπέικ!
Van de Bake in Manchester for medical examinations!
Manchester United player should be considered Donnie Van de Beek, who is already in Carrington for medical examinations. Immediately the announcement.
Εθνικές ομάδες: Πιθανή η κλήρωση για τα ματς που θα αναβληθούν λόγω κορονοϊού
National teams: The draw for the matches that will be postponed due to coronavirus is possible
The draw for the result of matches of national teams that follow in the Nations League, Euro U21 and Euro women is also possible, as announced by UEFA on Monday afternoon (31/8).
Αστέρας Τρίπολης: Ανακοινώθηκε ο Ρούμπεν Γκαρσία
Asteras Tripolis: Ruben Garcia announced
Another transfer was made by Asteras Tripolis, who, according to his favorite habit, added another Spaniard to his roster.
Η κλήρωση του Εuropa League: Με Κόλος Κοβαλίβκα ο Άρης, με Απόλλωνα Λεμεσού ο ΟΦΗ
The draw of the Europa League: Aris with Kolos Kovalivka, OFI with Apollon Limassol
Aris will face the Ukrainian Kolos Kovalivka in "Kl. Vikelidis", while OFI will welcome Apollon Limassol in Genti Koule in single games for the 2nd qualifying round of the Europa League.
Βόλος: Λόπεθ και Αραούζο στην λίστα για την τεχνική ηγεσία
Volos: Lopeth and Araujo on the list for technical leadership
Angel Lopeth and Jose Araujo are the two candidates in order to replace Sakis Tsiolis in the technical leadership of Volos.
Super League 1: Επιμένει για σέντρα στις 12/9
Super League 1: Insists on crosses on 12/9
The EPO informed the League about the holding of the Cup final on September 12, but the teams do not want to change the date of the league cross. The final decision in the EU of the Federation.
Θλάση και δέκα μέρες εκτός ο Λοτζέσκι
Lotzeski's fracture and ten days out
An injury problem arose in AEK after the friendly with Panathinaikos, as Matt Lotzeski suffered a fracture and will be out of training for ten days.
Το προφίλ της Μπενφίκα, αντιπάλου του ΠΑΟΚ
The profile of Benfica, PAOK's opponent
The Portuguese runners-up again on the road to PAOK.
For another year, Benfica will be PAOK's opponent on the road to the Champions League groups.
Άρης : Αποσύρει το ενδιαφέρον για Μέγιερι
Aris: Withdraws interest in Megeri
The people of Mars have been on an open line of communication for the past time with Ballas Megieri.
Αντίπαλος ΠΑΟΚ στο Champions League: Με την Μπενφίκα στην Τούμπα
PAOK opponent in the Champions League: With Benfica in Toumba
Unlucky PAOK who was drawn with Benfica! The match in Toumba for the Biceps of the North.
Αλ Σαντ: Τα βρήκε με τον Ολυμπιακό και ανακοίνωσε τον Γκιλιέρμε
Al Sadd: He met with Olympiakos and announced Guillerme
Al Sadd player is officially Guillermo with the team from Qatar announcing via video on twitter its agreement with the Brazilian midfielder who belonged to Olympiacos.
Ράπτορς: Απογοητευμένος με την ήττα ο Νερς
Raptors: Ners disappointed with the defeat
Nick Ners did not hide his disappointment with the defeat of the Toronto Raptors by the Boston Celtics, in their first semifinal in the East.
US Open: Εκτός τουρνουά λόγω κορωνοϊού ο Περ
US Open: Out of tournament due to coronavirus Pair
Benoit Pair will not give the "present" at this year's US Open, as he tested positive for the coronavirus.
Super League: Στον «αέρα» η σέντρα του πρωταθλήματος
Super League: In the "air" the center of the league
The premiere of this year's championship is on the air, as the seven PAE, which do not have a TV contract, were absent from the scheduled for Monday morning (31/08, General Assembly of the Super League.
Στον Απόλλωνα ο Λισγάρας
Lisgaras to Apollon
The acquisition of the experienced defender was announced by the "light brigade".
Ο Νεϊμάρ ξεκαθάρισε πως δεν φεύγει από την Παρί
Neymar clarified that he is not leaving Paris
Neymar put an end to his return scenarios to Barcelona with his statements, as he clarified that his future is in Paris Saint-Germain.
Στα ημιτελικά ο Λέοναρντ, χειροκρότημα για τον Ντόντσιτς (vid)
In the semifinals, Leonard, applause for Doncic (vid)
Luka Doncic did everything, but the Clippers had more depth and took the victory to close the series with 4-2 and qualify for the semifinals of the Western Region.
Κυριακή 30 Αυγούστου 2020
Ράπτορς - Σέλτικς 94-112: Κελτικός περίπατος στο Game 1 των ημιτελικών (vid)
Raptors - Celtics 94-112: Celtic walk in Game 1 of the semifinals (vid)
With an amazing start to Game 1 of the Eastern Conference semifinal series, the Celtics built an early 20-point lead and easily prevailed over the Toronto Raptors.
Live Streaming.22:30 Dallas Mavericks - Los Angeles Clippers 97-111 (vid) NBA - Play Offs Eastern European Time
In the semifinals, Leonard, applause for Doncic (vid)
Luka Doncic did everything, but the Clippers had more depth and took the victory to close the series with 4-2 and qualify for the semifinals of the Western Region.
Απίστευτο : Τέλος ο Τσιώλης από τον Βόλο!
Unbelievable: Finally Tsiolis from Volos!
On July 24, Volos announced the hiring of Sakis Tsiolis. Today (30/8), after 37 days, the team of Thessaly announced the… divorce with the Greek coach!
Στο τέλος… Άρης (vid)
At the end… Aris (vid)
Friendly 1-0 victory for Aris against AEL with Mancini scoring the winning goal in 82 '. The two coaches did - of course - many tests.
Παναιτωλικός – Αστέρας Τρίπολης: Οι Αρκάδες πήραν τη φιλική νίκη (0-2)
Panaitolikos - Asteras Tripolis: Arkades got the friendly victory (0-2)
Asteras prevailed over Panetolikos in Agrinio, in a match where it seemed more "fresh" and efficient. The visitors scored one goal in each half.
Μέσι: O Μπαρτομέου βλέπει την Τετάρτη τον πατέρα του Αργεντινού
Messi: Bartomeu sees the Argentine father on Wednesday
On Wednesday (2/9), the president of Barcelona, Giuseppe Maria Bartomeu, is scheduled to meet with the father of Lionel Messi, Jorge.
Χάνσι Φλικ : Κορυφαίος Γερμανός προπονητής για τη σεζόν 2019-20
Hansi Flick: Top German coach for the 2019-20 season
Hansi Flick started the season as Niko Kovac's assistant at Bayern Munich. In November 2019, the current coach of Monaco was fired due to the bad performances of the Bavarians and Flick became the first coach of the Munich team.
Παναθηναϊκός: Έφτασε στην Αθήνα ο Όγκαστ
Panathinaikos: August arrived in Athens
Panathinaikos welcomed Jacques August in Athens, who will be integrated in the preparation of the "greens". What he said on arrival.
Στην Μπέτις ο Μπράβο
In Betis Bravo
Claudio Bravo returns to Spain for Betis. The 37-year-old Chilean uploaded a photo from the medical center with a green heart, announcing his transfer to the Andalusian team.
Φέτελ: «Ο χειρότερος αγώνας μας εφέτος»
Vettel: "Our worst fight this year"
Sebastian Vettel stressed that the result in Belgium was fair based on the performance of the two Ferraris throughout the three days of the race, while Charles Leclerc said that he lost some places due to the two bad pit stops.
Live Streaming.20:00 Toronto Raptors - Boston Celtics 94-112 (vid) NBA - Play Offs Eastern European Time
Raptors - Celtics 94-112: Celtic walk in Game 1 of the semifinals (vid)
With an amazing start to Game 1 of the Eastern Conference semifinal series, the Celtics built an early 20-point lead and easily prevailed over the Toronto Raptors.
Θετικός στον κορωνοϊό ο Ογιαρθάμπαλ!
Ojarthabal is positive for the coronavirus!
Sociedad midfielder, Mikel Ojarthabal, announced that he tested positive for the coronavirus ...
Live Streaming.19:00 Aris - Larisa 1-0 (vid) WORLD - Club Friendly
At the end… Aris (vid)
Friendly 1-0 victory for Aris against AEL with Mancini scoring the winning goal in 82 '. The two coaches did - of course - many tests.
Μίλαν: Ο Μαλντίνι αρπάζει τον Τονάλι μέσα από τα χέρια της Ίντερ
Milan: Maldini grabs Tonali through the hands of Inter
Paolo Maldini found it all with Sandro Tonali and it remains the Ok of the president of Brescia to transfer the 20-year-old Italian midfielder to Milan.
Μπαρτσελόνα: Απίθανος Μπρέθγουεϊτ, ζήτησε το «10» αν φύγει ο Μέσι!
Barcelona: Unbelievable Brett White, asked for the "10" if Messi leaves!
There is this side as well. The one that will make us smile a little. Good luck Martin Brethwate!
Τζόκοβιτς : «Το αήττητο μου δίνει περισσότερη αυτοπεποίθηση»
Djokovic: "Undefeated gives me more confidence"
Novak Djokovic finally managed to play in the final of the "Western & Southern Open" despite his injury problems and defeated Milos Raonic with 2-1 sets (1-6, 6-3, 6-4) winning the title.
ΛεΜπρόν: «Δεν είμαι εδώ για να κρίνω τους Μπακς, είμαστε στο πλευρό τους»
LeBron: "I'm not here to judge the Bucks, we're on their side"
LeBron James spoke about the historic move of the Bucks, stressed that he is by their side, while adding that he is a man who always works with a plan.