Κυριακή 31 Μαΐου 2020

«Ανανεώνει με την ΤΣΣΚΑ Μόσχας ο Τζέιμς»

"James renews with CSKA Moscow"

Mike James will renew his contract with CSKA Moscow, as reported by Eurohoops.

Ξάνθη: Φήμες για επιστροφή του Βασιλακάκη

Xanthi: Rumors about the return of Vasilakakis

What is the data so far and is it possible for the central media to return from Macedonia to the Thracian club?

Σενγκέλια: «Ο Ιβάνοβιτς μάς βοήθησε να πιστέψουμε στην ομάδα»

Shengelia: "Ivanovic helped us believe in the team"

Toko Shengelia referred to the resumption of the ACB and how Dusko Ivanovic led Basconia to recovery.

Πάντερμπορν - Μπορούσια Ντόρτμουντ 1-6 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Bundesliga: Μόλις ένα φάουλ στο ημίχρονο του Πάτερμπορν-Ντόρτμουντ!

Bundesliga: Just a foul in the half of Paterborne-Dortmund!

An incredible statistic gave us the Bundesliga game between Patterborn and Dortmund.

Σκέψεις της Νάπολι για ανταλλαγή του Γκουλάμ με Πετσέλα

Napoli's thoughts on exchanging Gulam for Petsella

The people of Napoli are seriously considering exchanging the back of Fauzi Gulam with the stopper of Fiorentina, Herman Petsella.

Αλεξάντερ-Άρνολντ - Λίβερπουλ: Το γράφημα που πιστοποιεί ότι είναι ο απόλυτος επιθετικός παράγοντας

Alexander-Arnold - Liverpool: The chart that certifies that it is the absolute offensive factor

Trent Alexander-Arnold's contribution to Liverpool's offensive line is not even equal to its first "violins" on the strike line.

H Euroleague θυμήθηκε την απίθανη παράσταση 41 πόντων του Μπόμπι Μπράουν (vid)

Euroleague remembers Bobby Brown's incredible 41-point performance (vid)

The Euroleague released a video reminding of the terrible performance of Bobby Brown from a game between Siena and Fenerbahce.

Σοβαρός τραυματισμός για Μπαζέλι

Serious injury for Baselli

Daniele Baselli was injured in the knee joints and the results of his examinations will be available tomorrow morning.

US Open: Με μεγάλες αλλαγές το τουρνουά του 2020

US Open: The 2020 tournament with big changes

The Americans are preparing to host the US Open without people and with big changes.

Super League 1: Μέχρι 80 άτομα – και όχι 300 – στους αγώνες των πλέι-οφ και πλέι-άουτ

Super League 1: Up to 80 people - not 300 - in playoffs and play-offs

The play-offs and play-offs of the Super League 1 will start on June 6-7 and the Health Committee had proposed to the GGA to set a ceiling for people who can attend the stadiums.

Live Streaming.19:00 Paderborn - Borussia Dortmund 1-6 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Μινγκς: "Η Premier League παίζει για τα λεφτά, δεν ακούν τους παίκτες"

Mings: "Premier League is playing for money, they don't listen to the players"

Tyrone Mings has been strongly opposed to the decision to restart the Premier League since June 17, stressing that the wishes of the players themselves are not taken into account.

Μπορούσια Μενχενγκλάντμπαχ - Ουνιόν Βερολίνου 4-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

ΑΕΚ: Ανακοίνωσε το τέλος με τον Χόγκας

AEK: Announce the end with Hoggas

Malik Hoggas is a past member of AEK's roster, as the "Union" announced in a statement.

Live Streaming.16:30 Borussia Monchengladbach - Union Berlin 4-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Λίνεκερ: «Ο Μέσι είναι το μοναδικό που απολαμβάνεις σε ένα ποδόσφαιρο δίχως θεατές»

Lineker: "Messi is the only one you enjoy in a football without spectators"

Gary Lineker has never hidden his admiration for Lionel Messi, having deified him many times.

Επιμένουν για Τσίντρις και ΠΑΟΚ στη Ρουμανία

They insist on Cintris and PAOK in Romania

A new article in Romania, which claims that PAOK is interested in the young central defender of Botosani.

Μπερτομέου: «Ο Παναθηναϊκός θα μείνει μαζί μας όπως έκανε τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια»

Bertomeou: "Panathinaikos will stay with us as it has done for the last 20 years"

The belief that Panathinaikos will remain in the Euroleague was expressed by Jordi Bertomeu, who pointed out that whichever team plays in this event, is also in the elite.

Ποιος Μέσι και ποιος Ρονάλντο; Ο Ομπλακ πλέον σκοράρει από εκτελέσεις φάουλ (vid)

Which Messi and which Ronaldo? Oblak now scores from foul shots (vid)

Jan Oblak decided to try his skills in fouls and judging by the result, he did not do badly at all.

Μέρι Κέιν: «Ο Σαλαζάρ μου φέρθηκε σαν να είμαι αντικείμενο και όχι αθλήτρια…»

Mary Kane: "Salazar treated me like I was an object, not an athlete."

The American distance athlete decided to speak openly about the treatment and behavior that the well-known distance trainer Alberto Salazar had towards her.

Ατρόμητος: Συμπλήρωσε 97 χρόνια ιστορίας

Atromitos: Completed 97 years of history

Like today (31/05) Atromitos was founded and the club of Peristeri made a comeback in the course of the team during these 97 years.

«Ανταλλαγή Άνταμς με Χάρελ-Ζούμπατς-Σάμετ»

"Adams exchange with Harel-Zubac-Samet"

The Bleacher Report made the connection between Clippers and Steven Adams and ended up with ... a possible marriage is what the LA team needs.

Άρης: «Υπάρχει νομικός παραλογισμός»

Aris: "There is legal absurdity"

The experienced lawyer, Grigoris Ioannidis, spoke about the case of Aris, emphasizing that there is a legal absurdity, which should be refuted with specific arguments.

ΒανΒλιτ: «Οι Ράπτορς μπορούν να υπερασπιστούν τον τίτλο»

Van Vlit: "Raptors can defend title"

Fred VanVlit, who is waiting for the start of the season in the NBA, expressed his optimism that the Toronto Raptors will be able to fight for another championship.

Τόμας Μίλερ: Συνεχίζει να «σερβίρει» και πάει για το απόλυτο ρεκόρ

Thomas Miller: He continues to "serve" and go for the absolute record

Thomas Miller has added another assist to Bayern's comfortable lead against Fortuna Dσελsseldorf and is chasing Kevin De Bruyne's record!

Κύπελλο Αγγλίας: Θέλουν τελικό με παρουσία φιλάθλων στις εξέδρες

England Cup: They want a final with fans on the stands

The FA is studying the possibility of holding the final of the oldest football event with the presence of fans on the stands.

Έγραψε ιστορία ο Χάβερτς

Havertz made history

Kai Havertz continues unabated, scoring once again and breaking a unique record! 

Γκάρεθ Μπέιλ: «Πόζαρε» σε στυλ γκολφ σε φωτογραφία πανηγυρισμού!

Gareth Bale: "Pose" in golf style in a celebratory photo!

Without bowing to those who comment negatively on him and put up with him for his love of golf, Gareth Bale continues to troll and feed new negative references to his face.

"Η Παρί ανακοινώνει την αγορά του Ικάρντι από την Ίντερ"

"Paris announces Icardi purchase from Inter"

According to Italian and French media, Paris Saint-Germain is expected to announce the purchase of Mauro Icardi from Inter in the next 48 hours instead of 50,000,000 euros. Another 5 million is provided as a bonus, a clause for a future return to Italy.

Σάββατο 30 Μαΐου 2020

Γιουβέντους: On fire στην προπόνηση ο Ρονάλντο

Juventus: Ronaldo on fire in training

Cristiano Ronaldo is raising his eyebrows ahead of the resumption of Serie A and the one who paid for it was the third goalkeeper of Juventus, Carlo Pinsolio (video).

Κορονοϊός - Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης: Προς καλοκαίρι χωρίς μεταγραφές

Coronarivus - Real Madrid: Towards summer without transfers

The financial losses and the ... overcrowding on the roster lead to the conclusion that Real Madrid will not make transfer investments this summer.

Μπάγερν Μονάχου - Φορτούνα Ντίσελντορφ 5-0 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

NBA: Σκέψεις για φινάλε της σεζόν τον Οκτώβρη

NBA: Thoughts for the season finale in October

The NBA is considering all possible solutions for the end of the season and it is not ruled out that this will be completed in early October.

Ακυρώθηκε λόγω κορωνοϊού η αναμέτρηση Καρπάτι Λβιβ-Μαριουπόλ

Canceled due coronavirus confrontation Karpat Lviv-Marioupolis

The country's football federation has canceled a match in the first division of the Ukrainian league, as several of the players and staff of Karpaty Lviv tested positive for coronavirus.

Οικονομικό χάσμα μεταξύ Μπαρτσελόνα και Τερ Στέγκεν

Economic gap between Barcelona and Ter Stegen

The two sides want to continue their cooperation but the difference in the financial part is currently great.

Πράσινο φως των Αυστριακών για τα πρώτα δύο Γκραν Πρι στις 5 και 12 Ιουλίου!

Austrian green light for the first two Grand Prix on July 5 and 12!

The Austrian government has given the necessary permission to host the country's first two races for this year's Formula 1 championship.

Αρμάνι Μιλάνο: Ανανέωσε και ο Ταρζέφσκι

Armani Milano: Tarzewski also renewed

The most active team in the Euroleague at the moment is Armani Milano. The Italians therefore extended the contract of Kaleb Tarzewski until 2023, with the American center declaring that he is happy with this move and the fact that he remains a player of their team Armani.

Είπε «όχι» στη Μάντσεστερ Σίτι ο Κομπανί

Kompany said "no" to Manchester City

The 34-year-old center-back rejected a proposal to be on the side of Pep Guardiola.

Live Streaming.19:30 Bayern Munich - Fortuna Dusseldorf 5-0 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Ολυμπιακός: Ο Μπα περιμένει Σεμέδο και Σισέ

Olympiacos: Ba expects Semedo and Cisse

Normal eleven rehearsal in the morning in Karaiskaki. With Pedro Martins having to open his cards, in a family double simulation (with referee, supervisors) as the teams return to the playoffs without being able to play a friendly against an opponent.

Πεναρόγια: «Η τελική φάση της ACB θα είναι πετυχημένη»

Penarroya: "ACB's final phase will be successful"

Joan Penarroya appeared extremely optimistic about the final phase of the ACB, with the coach of Burgos emphasizing that in Valencia there is security for all teams.

Παναθηναϊκός: Αυτή είναι η επιστολή του Αλαφούζου στον Δώνη

Panathinaikos: This is Alafouzos' letter to Donis

In an unusual way, Giannis Alafouzos chose to finish George Donis. Through a letter, she did so, and her content soon came to light.

Χέρτα Βερολίνου - Άουγκσμπουργκ 2-0 (video),Μάιντς - Χόφενχαϊμ 0-1 (video),Σάλκε - Βέρντερ Βρέμης 0-1 (video),Βόλφσμπουργκ - Άιντραχτ Φρανκφούρτης 1-2 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Παναθηναϊκός: Αρνητικοί οι παίκτες στη μείωση της δόσης Μαΐου κατά 40%

Panathinaikos: Players are negative about the reduction of the May installment by 40%

The Greens rejected the reduction formula passed on to them by Xavi Roca, after discussing on Saturday in the locker room in Koropi all together. What arguments were heard?

Live Streaming.16:30 Hertha Berlin - Augsburg 2-0 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Mainz - Hoffenheim 0-1 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Schalke - Werder Bremen 0-1 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Wolfsburg - Eintracht Frankfurt 1-2 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time


Λακαζέτ: Δεν ενδιαφέρεται να αγωνιστεί στην Ιντερ

Lakazet: He is not interested in playing for Inter

Alexander Lakazet appears to be on Inter's transfer list, but he does not appear to be convinced to leave Arsenal on behalf of the Nerazzurri.

Σκωτία: Σέντρα την 1η Αυγούστου στο πρωτάθλημα

Scotland: Shot on August 1st in the league

On August 1, the organizing authority of the Scottish League announced the start of the new league, which will begin as soon as the rest of the European Championships are completed.

Φερέιρα: Θέλει Μενσά! Θα του τον φέρουν;

Ferreira: She wants Mensah! Will they bring him?

Bernard Mensah is the first player that Abel Ferreira has asked for PAOK's transfer reinforcement in view of the summer transfer window.

Formula 1: Πωλείται η ιστορική ομάδα της Williams

Formula 1: Williams' historic team for sale

The financial uncertainty caused by the lack of competition due to the coronation has caused many problems for Williams, who is looking for new ways to stand on her own two feet.