Τρίτη 31 Μαρτίου 2020

Μπαρτσελόνα: Όλοι οι παίκτες συμφώνησαν στην μείωση!

Barcelona: All players agreed to the reduction!

All Barcelona players accepted the reduction suggested by the coronavirus administration.

Νέιρα: «Νιώθω καλά στον ΟΦΗ, όνειρό μου να παίξω στο Europa League»

Neira: "I feel good at OFI, my dream to play in the Europa League"

Justified by his choice to come to our country to fight in OFI, Juan Neira told media in his home country.

Ολλανδία: Ποδοσφαιρικό λουκέτο μέχρι 1η Ιουνίου!

Netherlands: Football Padlock Until June 1st!

As Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rute stated, any sport activity by professional teams is banned until June 1st.

ΠΑΟΚ για Μίσιτς: «Θα αποκτηθεί κανονικά»

PAOK for Misic: 'It'll be okay'

We remind that PAOK must cover the player's clause in Sporting Lisbon by May 15th.

Εσπασε την καραντίνα και το αυτοκίνητό του ο Μπόατενγκ!

Boateng broke his quarantine and his car!

Bayern Munich's center-back, Jerome Boateng, visits his son in Leipzig and returns in a car accident causing 25,000 euros in damages.

Μπουλούτ: «Δεν έχουμε κρούσματα στην Αλάνιασπορ, είμαστε όλοι καλά»

Bulut: "We have no cases in Alanispor, we are all well"

Their own Greek community has been built at Alanispor by Tzavellas, Bakassetas and Siopis, who even coach former Olympiacos player Erol Boulout!

"Είναι ακριβός ο Καβάνι; πάρε τον Ρου"!

"Is Cavani expensive? Get Roo"!

When Angelos Charisteas "did his head", Greece took the Euro. See the best of the last decade in Sampsonia.

Πρόθυμος να πληρώσει τους μισθούς των συμπαικτών του ο Κομπανί

Willing to pay the salaries of his teammates, Kompany

A leader with all his former Manchester City central defender and now Adlerlecht.

Ζλάταν: «Με ρωτούσαν αν ήμουν έτοιμος για το MLS, ενώ έπρεπε να ρωτάνε το αντίθετο»

Zlatan: "I was asked if I was ready for MLS, while they had to ask the opposite"

As today two years ago the Swedish legend Zlatan Ibraimovic made his MLS debut with a formidable goal.

«Η FIBA προσέγγισε τον Δήμο της Ιερουσαλήμ για το Final-8 του BCL»

"FIBA Approaches Jerusalem Municipality for BCL Final-8"

According to Israeli journalist Yakov Meir, FIBA ​​approached the City of Jerusalem for the final of the Basketball Champions League Final-8.

Πρόεδρος Χετάφε: «Η 29η Μαΐου είναι μια καλή ημερομηνία για επανέναρξη του πρωταθλήματος»

President Getafe: "May 29th is a good date to restart the championship"

Hopeful that La Liga will return to action on May 29, Getafe president Angel Torres appeared.

ΟΦΗ: Μπήκε στο επίδομα των 800 ευρώ

OFI: Entered the 800 euro allowance

The Cretans informed their employees that they had joined the state order

H Χίμκι στέλνει με ευφάνταστο τρόπο το μήνυμα για «απομόνωση» στο σπίτι (vid)

Khimki imaginatively sends home the message of "isolation" (vid)

They should all be in their homes and Khimki's team made sure to send their own, different, message of ... isolation.

Αυγενάκης: «Στο τραπέζι η διακοπή των πρωταθλημάτων»

Avgenakis: "At the table the stoppage of the championships"

Letter to the Ministers of Finance, Labor and Social Affairs and Development and Investment sent by the Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports, Lefteris Avgenakis.

Επίσημο: Το BCL ανακοίνωσε τη διεξαγωγή Final Eight τον Σεπτέμβριο

Official: BCL announced its Final Eight in September

FIBA has announced that the season in the Basketball Champions League will end at the end of September, through the process of Final Eight.

Επιστρέφει στη Μπαρτσελόνα ο Αλενιά

Alenia returns to Barcelona

Ready to return to Barcelona in the summer and fight for a place in its basic form looks like Carles Alenia, according to a Spanish report.

Οι παίκτες στην Ιταλία θέλουν να ολοκληρωθεί η σεζόν

Players in Italy want the season to end

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many serious problems worldwide, and especially in the neighboring country, where the death toll has exceeded 11,000.

Κορονοϊός: Η συγκλονιστική περιγραφή του Ρέινα για τα συμπτώματα

Coronavirus: Reina's shocking description of symptoms

Aston Villa's 37-year-old Spanish goalkeeper Pepe Reina, who was diagnosed with coronavirus, described the symptoms: "I was missing oxygen for 25 minutes."

Ποιος Μπενζεμά και ποιος Ζιρού; Ο Ανρί! (σκίτσο)

Who Benzema and Who Giroud? Henry! (sketch)

There are no dilemmas here ...

Παναθηναϊκός – Αναστολή συμβάσεων: Θα έχει και συνέχεια

Panathinaikos - Suspension: Will continue

The introduction of Panathinaikos into the arrangement for the suspension of contracts is fully expected. It will, of course, continue.

Ο Κέιν ξανά στο στόχαστρο της Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ

Kane is back at Manchester United

Manchester United had failed to reach Harry Kane, despite her confirmed interest in acquiring the England captain.

Γι' αυτόν τον λόγο η UEFA θέλει πάση θυσία να ολοκληρωθεί το Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ

That's why UEFA wants to finish the Champions League by all means.

UEFA seem to want to end this season in the Champions League and have (at least) a very serious reason.

Ματουιντί: «Όλοι χαμένη από αυτή την κατάσταση»

Matouidi: "Everyone's lost in this situation"

Blues Matuidi spoke about the new financial situation in football due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Οι πιο «άσφαιροι» ποδοσφαιριστές της Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

The most 'inexperienced' Premier League footballers

The statistical service has given the light a particularly negative statistic that took off this year by Sheffield United striker David McGoldrick.

Γιουβέντους: Δεν θέλουν τίτλο με διακοπή πρωταθλήματος!

Juventus: They do not want a league breakout title!

Juventus people think they would not want to accept the title of Italian champion for this season unless it all ends up on the field and the year comes to a halt due to the coronavirus ...

Νοσοκομείο μετατρέπεται τμήμα του US Open

Hospital converted part of US Open

New York is in the eye of the cyclone and measures are becoming increasingly drastic
How can we talk about tennis and planning Grand Slam events, when even tennis facilities are used to support the health system.

Θέλει να «δέσει» Σκαριόλο η Ομοσπονδία της Ισπανίας

The Spanish Federation wants to tie up Scariolo

The Spanish Federation is preparing to propose a new contract to Sergio Skariolos, on the background of ... 2024.

Νούρι: Έλυσε το συμβόλαιο ο Άγιαξ, διαφωνία για την αποζημίωση

Nuri: Ajax contract terminated, disagreement over compensation

Shortly after Abdelak Nuri woke up from the coma, Ajax broke the player's contract to avoid his automatic renewal. Team dispute with family of unlucky player for compensation ...

Δευτέρα 30 Μαρτίου 2020

Ζάετς: «Οι Έλληνες πειθάρχησαν και λογικά γλιτώνουν το ιταλικό σενάριο»

Zajec: "Greeks discipline and reasonably save Italian scenario"

The veteran Ace of Panathinaikos, who lives in Greece, described in Croatia what is happening in our country with the Coronavirus.

Συγκλονιστικός Μασάδο: «Ο Θεός να βάλει το χέρι του, αν εξαπλωθεί στην Ινδία ο κορωνοϊός θα πεθάνουν εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι!»

Shocking Massado: "God to put his hand, if the spread of coronavirus in India would kill millions of people!"

Europe is at the heart of the coronavirus, with more than 300,000 people in the Old Continent infected with Covid-19 and nearly 30,000 having lost their lives.

Τα πιο... τρελά σουτ του ΝΒΑ θα σε αφήσουν άφωνο (vid)

The NBA's ... crazy shootout will leave you speechless (vid)

The NBA has rounded up the most "crazy" shots of the season that will satisfy even the most demanding basketball fans.

Αναβολή του διεθνούς τουρνουά μπιτς βόλεϊ στην Ίο

Postponed of the International Beach Volleyball Tournament in Ios

The abolition of the international beach volleyball tournament on the island of Ios, scheduled for June 12-14, 2020, has been announced today by the EOPE due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Κορονοϊός: Και η Τότεναμ στη μάχη κατά της πανδημίας

Coronavirus: And Tottenham in the fight against the pandemic

Tottenham have announced that it is putting its newly built stadium at the disposal of England's healthcare system in the fight against coronavirus.

Κορονοϊός: Επιστροφή μέχρι 27 Ιουνίου ή αντίο στη σεζόν στην Ισπανία

Coronavirus: Return by June 27 or goodbye to the season in Spain

Spanish Liga teams reiterated their intention to end the season on Monday (30/3), but set a deadline on June 27th. If the action has not returned by then, goodbye to the season.

Συγκλονίζει ο Μάιερς: «Η Ιταλία δεν τα παρατάει ποτέ»! (vid)

Meyers is shocked: "Italy never gives up!" (vid)

Carlton Meyers sent a very strong message to his Italian compatriots in the midst of a pandemic.

Λίπι:''Να ολοκληρωθεί το πρωτάθλημα''

Lippi: '' Finishing the Championship ''

Former Italian national selection Marcelo Lippi insists the best solution is to end the season without spectators watching the matches on their home TV.

Δεύτερος σε τάκλιν στη La Liga ο Σιόβας

Siova's second in the La Liga standings

Greece's Leganes central defender is ... marginally second in the league.

Οριστική διακοπή στο πρωτάθλημα γυναικών στη Γερμανία - Κανένας πρωταθλητής

Permanent stoppage time in women's championship in Germany - No champion

German women's basketball has come down ... because of the coronavirus and has stopped the season permanently.

Καντρέβα: «Το Σκουντέτο; Πρωταθλητές αυτοί που θα νικήσουν τον κορονοϊό»

Cantreva: "Scudetto? Those champions who will defeat the coronavirus »

Inter's Antonio Cantreva is "indifferent" to the championship and focuses on the really important battle against the Covid-19 virus.

Λίγκα: Οριστικά την Πέμπτη το Δ.Σ. μέσω τηλεδιάσκεψης

League: Final Board on Thursday via teleconference

The League has officially made it known that the team representatives' conference call with the BoD. It will be on Thursday, as we mentioned earlier.

Ποκουσέφσκι: Οι αναλυτές του draft τον αποθεώνουν

Pokusevski: The draft analysts are keeping him

Alexei Pokusevski is unlikely to stay in Europe and the Olympiacos, as analysts put him in this year's NBA draft.

Μπενζεμά: «Είπα αυτό που πιστεύω, αν συγκρίνεις εμένα με τον Ρονάλντο τότε εγώ είμαι το καρτ»

Benzema: "I said what I think, if you compare me to Ronaldo then I'm the card"

Karim Benzema returned after yesterday's ... inflammatory statements about Olivier Giroud.

Γιαννίκης: «Εκεί πρέπει να επενδύσει ο ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα»

Giannikis: "PAS Giannina must invest there"

PAS Giannina of this season and the next, when he will probably play in Super League 1, spoke about Argyris Giannikis.

Οι μεγάλοι της Ιταλίας θα ακολουθήσουν τη Γιουβέντους

The greats of Italy will follow Juventus

Juventus acted proactively in the coronavirus crisis to curb financial loss. The management has agreed with the players and coaches and will not pay for the months of March, April, June and July. This compromise will save the Bianconeri about 90m euros and balance the loss of revenue.

Λάμπαρντ: «Ας δούμε την θετική πλευρά και ας περάσουμε οικογενειακές στιγμές»

Lampard: "Let's look at the positive side and spend family time"

Frank Lampard wanted to give a pleasant note to this tragic situation we are experiencing because of the coronavirus.

Τσελίνο: «Τέλος για φέτος, ελπίζω να παίξουμε του χρόνου»

Cellino: "End of this year, I hope we play next year"

The president of Brescia once again supported the stoppage of the championship.

Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες: Στις 23 Ιουλίου 2021 η έναρξη των αγώνων

Olympics: On July 23, 2021 the start of the Games

According to reports abroad, the launch of the Tokyo Olympic Games will take place on July 23, 2021.

Πέθανε ο Μανώλης Γλέζος

Manolis Glezos dies

Sadness across Greece has spread the news of the death of leftist militant Manolis Glezou.

Επιστρέφει μετά από οκτώ μήνες ο Ασένσιο

Asencio returns after eight months

Marco Asencio counters for his return to action. Eight months after the cruciate and meniscus rupture in his left knee, the Real midfielder is now ready to play ball and is just waiting for the quarterback to finish.

Δωρεά του Ράσφορντ για παιδικά γεύματα

Rashford donation for children's lunches

Significant donation by Marcus Rashford with the coronavirus "reaping" in Great Britain.