Παρασκευή 31 Μαΐου 2019

Πήρε… παράταση η πρόκριση του Τσιτσιπά (vids)

Πήρε… παράταση η πρόκριση του Τσιτσιπά (vids) | to10.grGot ... extend qualification of Tsitsipas (vids)

The game of the Greek tennis player with Philip Crainovic for the third round of Roland Garros was interrupted due to darkness while Stephanos was ahead with 2-0 sets and the third was at 5-5.

Θέλει πενήντα εκατομμύρια για Καβάνι η Παρί

He wants fifty million for Cavani or Paris

Atletico Madrid continues to be interested in Cavani, who, according to Spanish publications, has already met with Simeone! Starting price of fifty million Euros!

Ανακούφιση με Ιγκουοντάλα στους Γουόριορς!

Relief with Iguobala to Warwars!

Wrights have always been in the mood for the second final with the Raptors, and Andre Iguobala has been put out, and his exams are "clean"!

Αστέρας Τρίπολης: «Όχι» της Νέας Σαλαμίνας για Τζολοβάρτ

Asteras Tripolis: "No" to Nea Salamina for Jevovart

An accident in Nea Salamina was made by Astera Tripoli to acquire Roman Jolovart, but he found ... closed doors.

«Ίδρωσε» για να… ανοίξει το σκορ κόντρα στη Γαλατά η Εφές!

"Sweat" to ... open the score against Galata Efes!

Dark was found against Galatasaray Anadolu Efes, but managed to beat 82-77 and to make 1-0 in the semifinals of the Turkish championship.

Έκλεισε Ντιέγκο Κάρλος η Σεβίλλη

Diego Carlos, Sevilla, closed

Monti's first technical move to his return to Sevilla is the acquisition of Central Defendant Diego Carlos from Nantes.

Κλοπ: «Δεν είμαι loser – Αν πίστευα ότι η Τότεναμ έχει πλεονέκτημα θα ήμουν τρελός»

Clopp: "I'm not a loser - If I thought Tottenham had an advantage I would be crazy"

Liverpool's coach at the press conference before the Champions League final commented on loser and confrontation against Tottenham Hotspur stressing that there is no advantage for any of the teams.

Πρόταση της Γιουβέντους για Κουτίνιο

Juventus' suggestion for Coutinho

According to Italian reporters, Juventus is moving to acquire Felipe Kutinho.

Τότεναμ - Λίβερπουλ: Συνέντευξη Τύπου Ποκετίνο

Tottenham - Liverpool: Poscetinno Press Conference

Ready for the Champions League final with Liverpool is Tottenham, from which Maurizio Poscetinno expects to enjoy it and of course to win.

Live Streaming.20:30 Tsitsipas - Krajinovic Roland Garros Eastern European Time

Πήρε… παράταση η πρόκριση του Τσιτσιπά (vids) | to10.grGot ... extend qualification of Tsitsipas (vids)

The game of the Greek tennis player with Philip Crainovic for the third round of Roland Garros was interrupted due to darkness while Stephanos was ahead with 2-0 sets and the third was at 5-5.

O Μιλουτίνοφ ορίζει το μεταγραφικό καλοκαίρι του Ολυμπιακού

Milutinov defines Olympiacos's transcription summer

The case of staying or selling the Serbian center is capable of disrupting the 100% balance of Red Planet design for the 2019-20 season.

Πρόβλημα υγείας ο Λεβ, απών από τον πάγκο της Γερμανίας στα προκριματικά

Health problem Lev, absent from the German bench in qualifying

The German technician has a circulatory problem and was hospitalized.

Πέδρο: «Μετά και απ' αυτό τον τίτλο, ας... αποσυρθώ»!

Pedro: "After this title, let's ... retire!"

Pedro has written a tremendous story in his career, being the only footballer who has managed to celebrate titles in all major competitions he has fought and joked said he could until he retired after the Europa League with Chelsea!

“Ο Γκριεζμάν έχει υπογράψει από τον Μάρτιο”

"Griezmann has signed since March"

The final case is the transfer of Antoine Gregeman to Barcelona, ​​according to the Spanish press, which reveals that the international striker has signed since March.

Ανακοίνωσε και ο ΠΑΟΚ τον δανεισμό του Ρέι

PAOK also announced Ray's lending

After Patchoukas and PAOK FC today announced the borrowing of Rodriguez Rey for a year in the Mexican team.

«Θα πωληθεί ο Μπογέ, αν δεν τον αγοράσει η ΑΕΚ»

"Buyer will be sold if AEK Boge not buy it"

Willing to sell Lucas Boge, as AEK does not activate its purchase option, Turin presents itself.

Champions League: Ξεσηκώνουν τη Μαδρίτη οπαδοί της Λίβερπουλ και της Τότεναμ (vids)

Champions League: Madrid's Liverpool and Tottenham fans are emerging (vids)

The fans of Liverpool and Tottenham are preparing for the Champions League final and have rallied to Madrid.

Πέμπτη 30 Μαΐου 2019

Εθνική... κάτω από τη βάση! (video)

National ... under the base! (video)

Retired before the qualifiers with Italy and Armenia remained National defeated in Antalya with 2-1 from Turkey.

Απίθανο ρεκόρ: Ο Χάλαντ της Σάλτσμπουργκ έβαλε 9 γκολ σε ένα ματς για το Μουντιάλ U20!

Unexpected record: Haland Salzburg put 9 goals in a match for the U20 World Cup!

It is also logical to score the 18-year-old, for which Salzburg last January gave 5m. euro.

Κρέσπο: «Παίζουμε για να γράφουμε ιστορία και να κερδίζουμε τίτλους με τον ΠΑΟΚ»

Krespo: "We play to write history and win titles with PAOK"

Jose Angel Krespo referred to another half in the defense of PAOK, Fernando Varela.

Παναιτωλικός: Παρουσιάστηκε ο Κάστρο

Panetolikos: Castro was presented

Castro era and officially to Panetoliko with the 38-year-old Portuguese being presented by the Agrinio team and stating that the club's plan convinced him to accept the invitation.

Λίβερπουλ: Φίλαθλος θέλει να ζήσει για να δει τον τελικό

Liverpool: Fanfalt wants to live to see the final

Liverpool is his life. And this is lost. Ends! Dave Evans made his plans. She wanted to be in the final of Madrid.

Επιστρέφει στην Ιταλία ο Χόντα

Returns to Italy Honda

Brescia, who will be playing in Serie A, has made a proposal to the 32-year-old Japanese striker who is positive about his return.

Live Streaming.21:00 Turkey - Greece 2-1 (video) International Friendly Matches Eastern European Time

National ... under the base! (video)

Retired before the qualifiers with Italy and Armenia remained National defeated in Antalya with 2-1 from Turkey.

Η εντεκάδα για το φιλικό με Τουρκία

The tens for the friendly with Turkey

With a tens that will hardly coexist again, our national team will compete with Turkey, from which the federal technician wants to draw useful conclusions.

Σινιάκοβα – Σάκκαρη 2-1

Shinakova - Sakkari 2-1

In a shocking three-hour game, Maria Sakkari did not make it to Chesa Katerina Siniakova and with 2-1 sets (7-6, 6-7, 6-3) was left out of Roland Garros.

Το μήνυμα της Γιουνάιτεντ στον Λουκάκου

United's message to Lukaku

Manchester United was free to bring Rummel Lukau a remarkable proposal that would cover her "I want" finances.

«Γλυκοκοιτάζει» τον Ροντρίγκο η Ρόμα

Rodrigco or the Roma is "sweet looking"

To strengthen its aggressive line wants Roma, who is considering the case of Rodrigo of Valencia.

Από αυτούς σκοπεύει η Ρεάλ να βγάλει ως και 300 εκατ. ευρώ

Of them, Real plans to raise up to 300 million euros

The list of players in Real Madrid is complete and if he can sell them all, then he will put up to 300 million euros in his funds.

Ο Νιανγκ στη Ρεν έως το 2023

Niang to Rennes by 2023

A new contract with Rehn was signed by Bayeh Niang by the summer of 2023.

AEK: Βλέπει… ζεστά Γκρανσίρ, στη λίστα και ο Μπουλά

AEK: He sees ... hot Gransir on the list and Bula

Samuel Gransher sees AEK for the extremes of the attack, while Zordi Bula is on her list.

Σενάρια για ΠΑΟΚ και Έμιλ Κραφτ

Scenarios for PAOK and Emil Kraft

Papers beat PAOK with the name of Swedish boss, Emil Kraft of Bologna, who this year played a loan with Amian.

«Όχι» του Σίλεσεν στην Μπενφίκα

'No' to Silesen in Benfica

Negative was Jasper Silesen's response to Benfica, according to a report by A Bola.

Πλησιάζουν οι υπογραφές για το γήπεδο της ΑΕΚ

The signatures for the AEK Stadium are approaching

Normally and uninterruptedly the procedures continue to be from the next season to her new home in Liossia.

«Προφορική συμφωνία για νέο συμβόλαιο ανάμεσα σε Ιτούδη και ΤΣΣΚΑ Μόσχας!»

Article Cover"Oral agreement for a new contract between Ithoudi and CSKA Moscow!"

Resident in Moscow and Dimitris Itodis will remain in the following years, according to a Russian report, which refers to the verbal agreement of the two-time European champion with CSKA.

Επίσημο: Τέλος ο Σπαλέτι από την Ίντερ

Official: Finally, Spaleti from Inter

Inter Milan is also officially Luciano Spaleti.

Official form took Inter Milan's "divorce" with Luciano Spaleti.

Αζάρ: Τον αποχαιρετούν οι συμπαίκτες του

Hazard: Goodbye to his teammates

It is a common secret that Enten Hazard will continue his career in Real Madrid, and this is apparent from the statements of his teammates.

Live Streaming.12:00 Siniakova - Sakkari 2-1 sets (7-6, 6-7, 6-3) Roland Garros Eastern European Time

Shinakova - Sakkari 2-1

In a shocking three-hour game, Maria Sakkari did not make it to Chesa Katerina Siniakova and with 2-1 sets (7-6, 6-7, 6-3) was left out of Roland Garros.

Τσέλσι - Άρσεναλ 0-0 (video) Τελικός του Γιουρόπα Λιγκ

Τετάρτη 29 Μαΐου 2019

ΑΕΚ: Τριετής συμφωνία με τον Χολμέν

AEK: Three-year deal with Holmen

Sebastian Cholmen is AEK's No1 goal for the center of defense and the information indicates that there is already agreement with the player.

«Λύγισε» την Ούνιξ και… κλείδωσε την Ευρωλίγκα η Χίμκι!

"Bend" the Unics ... and locked the Euroleague the Himki!

With their top Sved and Tima, Chimki beat 92-91 Unice and with 3-1 qualify for the VTB League finals awaiting CSKA, ensuring Euroleague!

«Τρέλα» διαρκείας για τον Άρη!

"Madness" lasting about Ari!

More than 2500 season tickets have already disappeared by team fans on the first day they were released freely.

Live Streaming.22:00 Chelsea - Arsenal 4-1 (video) final Europa League Eastern European Time

Οι ενδεκάδες του Τσέλσι-Άρσεναλ

The eleven of Chelsea-Arsenal

The choices of the two coaches in the Europa League final. Kade's basic.

Νάπολι: Κάνει σεφτέ με Ντι Λορέντσο στις μεταγραφές

Napoli: He's a chef with Di Lorenzo in the transfers

Napoli makes a chef in the transfers with the acquisition of Giovanni di Lorenzo from Empoli instead of 10,000,000 euros.

Χάκετ: «Θέλω ένα σπουδαίο καλοκαίρι με την Εθνική»

Hackett: "I want a great summer with the National"

The CSKA Guards are preparing for the World of China.

Δίνει τα κλειδιά στον Τούντορ η Ουντινέζε

He gives the keys to Tudor or Udinese

After securing Serie A stay, the people of Udinese grew their cooperation with Igor Tudor until the summer of 2020.

Τότεναμ: Έφυγε για Μαδρίτη δύο ημέρες νωρίτερα από την Λίβερπουλ (video)

Tottenham Hotspur: He left for Madrid two days earlier than Liverpool (video)

Tottenham's delegation departed on Wednesday afternoon for Madrid in view of its Champions League final, with Cain and Winchers included in it.

«Καθάρισε» τον Ντελιέν ο Τσιτσιπάς!

"Cleanse" Deleen the Tsitsipas!

He lost the first set, but that was not enough to stop Stephanos Chitsipas, who was forced 4-6, 6-0, 6-3, 7-5 by Hugo Deleen in the second round of Roland Garros.

Σαλάχ για Ντε Ρόσι: «Ευπρόσδεκτος στη Λίβερπουλ»

Salah for De Rossi: "Welcome to Liverpool"

Mohamed Salah spoke about Daniele de Rosi in the words he made in Sky Sport Italia.