- Το νέο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο Συλλόγων προσφέρει το μεγαλύτερο έπαθλο νικητή σε συλλογικό επίπεδο! - 3/26/2025
- Μπαγερν Μονάχου: Ρήξη χιαστού για τον Ντέιβιτς, χάνει το υπόλοιπο της σεζόν - 3/26/2025
- Ολυμπιακός: Τεστ για Κωστούλα και Ελ Κααμπί, φορτσάρουν οι ερυθρόλευκοι για το πρώτο από τα οκτώ ντέρμπι που οδηγούν στο νταμπλ - 3/26/2025
- Άλβαρες: “Αν ήταν και ο Μέσι εδώ ίσως να είχαμε βάλει 2-3 γκολ παραπάνω” - 3/26/2025
- Σπανούλης: «Δεν θα είναι εύκολο το ματς με τον Ολυμπιακό - Είναι η δεύτερη οικογένειά μου» - 3/26/2025
Αθλητικά Νέα επί το πλείστον και άλλα τυχόν θέματα της τρέχουσας επικαιρότητας.
Τετάρτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020
Προμηθέας-Γκραν Κανάρια 75-86
Prometheus-Gran Canaria 75-86
Premiere with the… left for Prometheus Patras at the EuroCup. The Achaeans were defeated 75-86 by Gran Canaria in the closed "D. Tofalos ", for the 1st match of the 4th group with the team of Makis Giatras, despite being in front of the score for three seasons, to stay strong and to lose justly from the Spaniards who made a double score in the 4th quarter.
Live Streaming.22:00 PAOK - Krasnodar 1-2 (video) Champions League - Qualification Eastern European Time
PAOK-Krasnodar 1-2: He saw! Stars! (video)
PAOK did not succeed against Krasnodar, knowing a painful defeat in Toumba with 1-2 and saying goodbye to the Champions League groups, throwing in the "garbage" another great opportunity.
Συνταγή... Ρωσίας και στην Τούμπα: Η ενδεκάδα του «τελικού»
Recipe ... Russia and Toumba: The eleven of the "final"
The plan in Russia performed flawlessly regularly and Abel Ferreira chose the same lineup in the "final" of Toumba that seals the ticket for stars!
«Κλείνει» Περέιρα η Λάτσιο
Lazio "closes" Pereira
Andreas Pereira should be considered a Lazio player. The Italians agreed a one-year loan deal with Manchester United, with the Brazilian traveling to Rome in the next few hours to finalize his transfer.
ΑΕΚ: Οι 22 του Καρέρα για τον «τελικό» με Βόλφσμπουργκ
AEK: Carrera's 22 for the "final" with Wolfsburg
AEK completed its preparations for the match against Wolfsburg without any last minute problems, with Carrera taking 22 players to the hotel.
Με προβλήματα άρχισε ο Παναθηναϊκός ενόψει Άρη
Panathinaikos started with problems in view of Aris
The clover players returned to training.
The preparation of Panathinaikos for Mars started with problems. Danny Pogiatos saw several players not train for different reasons.
Η Λυών ανακοίνωσε τον Πακετά (pic & vid)
Lyon announces Package (pic & vid)
After passing through Milan and not ... touching, Lucas Paketa opens a new chapter in his European course, with Lyon announcing its acquisition until 2025.
«Εξετάζει Μίλικ η Τότεναμ»
"Tottenham is considering Milik"
Tottenham are looking for a striker who will support Harry Kane. In fact, the coach of the Londoners, Jose Mourinho, has spoken several times about the need to acquire a footballer in this position.
Live Sreaming.19:30 Promitheas - Gran Canaria75-86 EuroCup Eastern European Time
Prometheus-Gran Canaria 75-86
Premiere with the… left for Prometheus Patras at the EuroCup. The Achaeans were defeated 75-86 by Gran Canaria in the closed "D. Tofalos ", for the 1st match of the 4th group with the team of Makis Giatras, despite being in front of the score for three seasons, to stay strong and to lose justly from the Spaniards who made a double score in the 4th quarter.
Ολυμπιακός: «Ο Μαρινάκης κυνηγάει 10.000.000 ευρώ για Σεμέδο»
Olympiacos: "Marinakis is chasing 10,000,000 euros for Semedo"
One of the players that Olympiacos can say goodbye to is Ruben Semedo, after the team qualifies for the Champions League groups.
Χωρίς Γκαρίνο και Μπλάζεβιτς η Ζαλγκίρις με Ολυμπιακό
Zalgiris with Olympiakos without Garino and Blazevic
With two absences, Zalgiris in Athens.
Pato Garino and Marek Blazevic are out of contention for the match between Olympiacos and Zalgiris on Thursday for the Euroleague.
Φερέιρα : «Πάμε να γράψουμε ιστορία»
Ferreira: "Let's go write history"
PAOK welcomes Krasnodar tonight (30/9, 22:00) at the Toumba stadium for the Champions League playoffs and Abel Ferreira gave an inspiring speech to his players.
Σπανούλης: «Δούλεψα πολύ για να είμαι έτοιμος φέτος»
Spanoulis: "I worked hard to be ready this year"
Vassilis Spanoulis spoke about the new season in the Euroleague and about his condition after his injury.
Απέσυρε τη συμμετοχή της η Σερένα!
Serena withdrew its participation!
Serena Williams will not have the opportunity to chase her 25th Gtrand Slam title in Paris.
Ανατροπή σκηνικού με Μπουσούλατζιτς: Μένει στον Ατρόμητο!
Scene reversal with Busuladzic: He lives in Atromitos!
Azer Busuladzic will continue to play for Atromitos, as the misunderstanding with Damir Kanadi ended.
Επίσημο : Στην Αστον Βίλα ο Μπάρκλεϊ
Official: Barkley at Aston Villa
Aston Villa made a very significant reinforcement as they made Ross Barkley their own. The 26-year-old midfielder was not in Frank Lampard's plans and was looking for the next stage of his career to return to good performances.
Ζιντάν: «Πολύ κοντά στο να επιστρέψει άμεσα ο Αζάρ»
Zidane: "Very close to Ηazard returning immediately"
Zinedine Zidane expressed his belief that he will have Eden Hazard at his disposal again.
Ανακοίνωσε τον νέο προπονητή η Σάλκε
Schalke announced the new coach
Schalke announced the replacement of David Wagner on the team bench.
This is Manuel Baum, who will do the first training session with his new team today.
Τρίτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020
Έδωσε ξανά ραντεβού στ’ αστέρια ο Ολυμπιακός! (video)
Olympiacos met again with the stars!
His own sheet! Olympiakos left Cyprus 0-0, being superior again to Omonia to qualify for the Champions League groups for the 20th time.
Live Streaming.22:00 Omonia - Olympiacos Piraeus 0-0 (video) Champions League - Qualification Eastern European Time
Olympiacos met again with the stars! (video)
His own sheet! Olympiakos left Cyprus 0-0, being superior again to Omonia to qualify for the Champions League groups for the 20th time.
Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ - Ντεμπελέ: «Κλείνει» ο Γάλλος!
Manchester United - Dembele: The Frenchman "closes"!
Very close to the acquisition of Usman Dembele is Manchester United, with the deal closing at ... 60 million euros!
Ομόνοια - Ολυμπιακός: Με Εμβιλά βασικό ο Μαρτίνς, με 4-3-3 και ο Μπεργκ
Omonia - Olympiacos: Martins with Embila key, with 4-3-3 and Berg
Pedro Martins lowers a 4-3-3 formation for the game between Olympiacos and Omonia, with Ambilas as the main player.
Γιατράς : «Συγκέντρωση και στις δύο πλευρές του παρκέ απέναντι στην Γκραν Κανάρια»
Giatras: "Concentration on both sides of the floor opposite Gran Canaria"
Makis Giatras spoke about the match against Gran Canaria (30/9) for the Eurocup premiere.
Θετικός στον κορωνοϊό ο Τιάγκο
Thiago is positive for the coronavirus
Thiago Alcantara tested positive for the coronavirus.
Άρης: Οριστική συμφωνία με Αλ Κορ για Φετφατζίδη
Aris: Final agreement with Al Kor for Fetfatzidis
Aris came to a final agreement with Al Kor for the transfer of Giannis Fetfatzidis!
Στην αγορά για στράικερ η Γιουνάιτεντ!
In the market for strikers, United!
Manchester United are looking for a striker and are considering the cases of Edison Cavani and Luka Jovic.
Απόλλων Σμύρνης : Δεν προχωρά για Καλίνσκι
Apollon Smyrnis: He is not moving for Kalinski
For a few days now, Apollon Smyrnis has been seriously considering the case of Enzo Kalinski, whom he had high on his transfer list.
Ξάνθη: Ανακοίνωσε τον Τάτο
Xanthi: Announced Tato
Xanthi officially announced the acquisition of Andreas Tatos who returns to Greece after two years abroad and more specifically Turkey.
Βάρντι : «Σκοπός μας ήταν να εκνευρίσουμε τη Σίτι»
Vardy: "Our aim was to irritate City"
Leicester shocked Manchester City on Sunday (27/9), prevailing 5-2 at the Etihad, starring Jamie Vardy who scored a hat-trick.
Η Μπάγερν δίνει τον Νίμπελ δανεικό!
Bayern gives Nibel on loan!
After just two months in Munich, Bayern decided to loan Alexander Niebel, with those interested queuing up.
Το μυστήριο λύθηκε: Χωρίς Βάντερσον η Κράσνονταρ, παραμένει αμφίβολος ο Μπέργκ
The mystery is solved: Without Wanderson, Krasnodar, Berg remains doubtful
The veil of mystery that spread over Thessaloniki on the occasion of the Krasnodar players who traveled from Russia, was dissolved.
«Μαγεία» από Λεμπρόν και Ντέιβις (vid)
"Magic" by LeBron and Davis (vid)
LeBron James and Anthony Davis took the Lakers on their backs and the Bleacher Report published the highlights of the two players on the road to the NBA Finals.
Δύσκολες συνθήκες στην Κύπρο: Στους 41 βαθμούς θα φτάσει η θεμοκρασία
Difficult conditions in Cyprus: The temperature will reach 41 degrees
Olympiakos faces Omonia in the GSP of Nicosia (22:00) in the rematch of the play offs of the Champions League, with the red and whites having a qualifying lead after 2-0 of the first match.