Πέμπτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Αναγεννημένος και… αγριεμένος Παναθηναϊκός, παρέσυρε την Εφές!

Born and… a wild Panathinaikos, drifting away from Efes!

An excellent defensive Panathinaikos, Efes's 86-70 defeat at OAKA and returned immediately to the victories (3-3), leaving behind defeat by Himki.

«Πάτησε» τη Χίμκι και επέστρεψε στις νίκες ο Ερυθρός Αστέρας!

Hit Himki and the Red Star returns to victory!

Last in the series of three defeats was the Red Star, who won 90-78 over Khimki, thus securing his first Euroleague victory in the post-Tomic era.

Live Streaminmg.22:00 Milan - Spal 1-0 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Μεγαλώνει το γήπεδο της Άιντραχτ Φρανκφούρτης

The Eintracht Frankfurt Stadium is growing

Eintracht people met with Frankfurt municipality representatives and decided to expand the Commerzbank Arena by 8,500 seats by 2023/24 at the latest.

ΠΑΟΚ: Στην τελική ευθεία ο Βαρέλα

PAOK: In the final straight, Varela

Fernando Varela was injured in the start of the match with Astera in Tripoli in early October and has been in the "black and white" pitch since then.

Live Streaming.21:00 Panathinaikos - Anadolu Efes 86-70 Euroleague Eastern European Time

Born and… a wild Panathinaikos, drifting away from Efes!

An excellent defensive Panathinaikos, Efes's 86-70 defeat at OAKA and returned immediately to the victories (3-3), leaving behind defeat by Himki.

Μάντζιος: «Νίκη ψυχολογίας το 3-0 επί του Αιολικού»

Mantzios: "Psychology's 3-0 win over Aeolikos"

The Lamia technician stood for the benefit of his team after the win over Mytilene, in addition to the confident qualification to the Greek Cup '16.

Τσάμπερλεϊν: «Ήθελα να πανηγυρίσω σαν τρελός»

Chamberlain: "I wanted to celebrate like crazy"

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain spoke about the match against Arsenal and said he was excited about the goal against Liverpool.

ΑΕΚ: Πολύ-πολύ δύσκολα για Μάνταλο-Μπακάκη

AEK: Very difficult for Mandalo-Bakaki

AEK continues its preparations for Sunday's (19:30) match with Atromitos at the OAKA for the 9th Super League match.

Ο Γκούλιτ ευχήθηκε στον Φαν Μπάστεν με τρομερό ερώτημα

Gulit wished Van Basten a dreadful question

Marco van Basten turns 55 years old and Rudd Goolit has wished him through Instagram, asking him a difficult football question at the same time.

Αμπάντ: «Ολα πηγαίνουν καλά»

Abad: "Everything is going well"

24-year-old goalkeeper talks to compatriots about how he found himself in Xanthi this summer

Κασεμίρο: «Δεν με νοιάζει τι κάνει ο Μπέιλ έξω από το γήπεδο, είναι σημαντικός για εμάς»

Kasemiro: "I don't care what Bale does outside the court, it's important to us"

The rumors wanted Gareth Bale to leave Real Madrid, but Casemiro insisted he was an important player for the team.

Με το μυαλό στον ΠΑΟΚ, χωρίς δύο ο Παναθηναϊκός

With PAOK in mind, without Panathinaikos

Panathinaikos began its preparations for the away game with PAOK, with Panachaic's main contenders healing, as did Kotsaris-Beck's injuries.

Κινδυνεύει με –3 η ΑΕΛ λόγω οφειλών στον Ντέλετιτς

He is at -3 AEL due to Deletic's debts

Larissa is facing a three-point fine for debt owed to Milos Deletic. The penalty imposed on the Thessalian FC by the EPO Arbitration Tribunal will apply, as long as three days after notification of the decision, it does not cover the debts owed to the Serbian midfielder.

Live Streaming.20:00 Crvena Zvezda - Khimki 90-78 Euroleague Eastern European Time

Hit Himki and the Red Star returns to victory!

Last in the series of three defeats was the Red Star, who won 90-78 over Khimki, thus securing his first Euroleague victory in the post-Tomic era.

Πιο... γρήγορα από τον Φέντερερ στις 100 νίκες ο Τσιτσιπάς!

More ... faster than Federer in 100 wins Tsitsipas!

Only Nadal and Djokovic out of the top-10 have reached 100 wins faster.

Λάσο: «Η Euroleague είναι πολύ απαιτητική»

Lasso: "Euroleague is very demanding"

Pablo Lasso referred to the importance of the race against Alba Berlin and stressed that this year's Euroleague is very demanding and every mistake is punished.

Αγουέρο: «Δεν θα μπορούσα να αγωνίζομαι σ΄ άλλη ομάδα»

Aguero: "I couldn't fight in another team"

Sergio Aguero has made it clear that he could not compete with any other team besides Manchester City.
In detail what Aguero said:

Τσιτσιπάς: Νίκησε εύκολα και τον Ντε Μινόρ

Tsitsipas: Defeat De Minor too easily

Stefanos Tsitsipas won 6-3, 6-4 over Alex De Minor and qualified for the Paris Masters quarterfinals.

Η ετοιμότητα Βαλμπουενά, Μπουχαλάκη και το διπλό στο Ρέντη…

The readiness of Valbuena, Bouchalaki and double in Renti…

Olympiacos prepares for the big "battle" with Xanthi and Pedro Martins' hands are broken.

Τζάκα: Επέστρεψε με ευχάριστη διάθεση... (vid)

Xhaka: Coming back with a good mood ... (vid)

Granite Xhaka was quite pleased to participate in Arsenal's morning training session on Thursday and put himself at Emery's disposal for Saturday's game with Wolves.

Live Streaming.15:15 De Minaur - Tsitsipas 0-2 set (3-6,4-6) ATP 1000 - Paris (France) Eastern European Time

Tsitsipas: Defeat De Minor too easily

Stefanos Tsitsipas won 6-3, 6-4 over Alex De Minor and qualified for the Paris Masters quarterfinals.

Ουέσλι Τζόνσον: «Αυτό πρέπει να κάνουμε κόντρα στην Εφές»

Wesley Johnson: "We have to do this against Efes"

Wesley Johnson was the player who represented Panathinaikos on Thursday morning (31/10) at a press conference ahead of tonight's (21:00) home match against Efes as part of Euroleague's 6th match.

Καραδοκεί «ακόμη» για Ινσούα ο ΠΑΟΚ

PAOK is "still" in love with Insua

Once again, Insu's brother and manager came in and we learned that in the summer PAOK made a bid of 800,000 euros for Argentina.

Πεδουλάκης: «Ομάδα με όλη τη σημασία της λέξης η Εφές»

Pedoulakis: "Team with the full meaning of the word Efes"

Argyris Pedoulakis lashed out at Anadolu Efes and Missits-Larkin in the face of a clash with Panathinaikos at the OAKA and talked about Himki's defeat.

Βράνιες… μέχρι το καλοκαίρι!

Vranjes ... until the summer!

There has been much talk over the past 24 hours about the future of Ognien Vranjes at AEK and whether his contract could be terminated early.

Γιουβέντους: Με 40 εκατ. ευρώ και Ραϊόλα για Χάλαντ

Juventus: With 40m euros and Raiola for Haland

The masters of European football lie on the floor of Erling Halland. First United - Real and now Juventus.

Λιγκ Καπ: Εύκολη κλήρωση για Γιουνάιτεντ και Σίτι, με Βίλα η Λίβερπουλ

League Cup: Easy draw for United and City, with Liverpool Villa

The draw for the quarter-finals of the English League Cup has been completed, with the draw not to have a major derby.

Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης: Ο Μπέιλ έφυγε από το Μπερναμπέου πριν τελειώσει ο αγώνας

Real Madrid: Bale left the Bernabeu before the match ended

Gareth Bale left the Bernabeu before Real's match with the Legends ended (5-0), showing that he was a foreign body to the team.

Τα «βρήκαν» Γιουνάιτεντ - Γιουβέντους για Μάντζουκιτς

They found United - Juventus for Mantzukic

Mario Madzukic will definitely wear the Manchester United jersey in January.

Γιουβέντους - Τζένοα 2-1 ( video),Κάλιαρι - Μπολόνια 3-2 (video),Λάτσιο - Τορίνο 4-0 (video),Σαμπντόρια - Λέτσε 1-1 (video) ,Σασσουόλο - Φιορεντίνα 1-2 (video),Ουντινέζε - Ρόμα 0-4 (video) Σέριε Α

Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης - Λεγκάνες 5-0 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Τσέλσι - Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ 1-2 (video) Αγγλία Λιγκ Καπ

Μόνη απόλυτη η «Μπάρτσα» κι ας ζορίστηκε από Βαλένθια

Only the "Barca" absolute, even if it was forced by Valencia

Barcelona did 5/5 in the Euroleague, even though Valencia extracted it.

Λίβερπουλ - Άρσεναλ 5-5 κ.α 5-4 πέναλτι (video) Αγγλία Λιγκ Καπ

Τετάρτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Μπάγερν – Ρεάλ 95-86

Bayern Munich - Real 95-86

There are no constants in this year's Euroleague, everyone can win. Bayern beat Real, making another ... surprise

Στο 1-4 η Φενέρ, έχασε από την Μακάμπι

At 1-4, Fenner lost to Maccabi

Maccabi had a 67-55 victory over Fenerbahce, who now have four defeats in five Euroleague games.

Ανδόρα - Προμηθέας 81-91: Μπαμ(π) και κάτω!

Andorra - Prometheus 81-91: Bam (below)!

The amazing Promoter, led by Chris Babb (24 points, 7/11 three-pointers), won Andorra 91-81 and stayed at the top of Group A of EuroCup, with 4/5 wins.

Νάπολι - Αταλάντα 2-2 (video) Σέριε Α

«Βόμβα» από Ζενίτ στο Κάουνας!

Zenith 'bomb' in Kaunas!

Zenith had a great victory in Kaunas over the… ghost of Zalgiris, though he was short of suicide.

Live Streaming.22:05 Chelsea - Manchester United 1-2 (video) England League Cup Eastern European Time

Γάζωσε με εξάρα την Βόλφσμπουργκ η Λειψία

Leipzig has been thrilled with Wolfsburg

The impressive Leipzig leveled Wolfsburg 6-1 and got the ticket for the '16 of the German Cup. Comfortable qualification for Werder 4-1 at Heifenheim.

Live Streaming.22:15 Real Madrid - Leganes 5-0 (video) La Liga Eastern European Time

«Καθάρισε» την πρόκριση από… νωρίς ο Παναθηναϊκός!

Panathinaikos' cleaned up the qualification ... early!

With two goals in the first half and Buzoukis in the first half, Panathinaikos won Panahiki 3-1 with 10, setting ... qualifying bases in the "16" in the FA Cup debut.

Live Streaming.22:00 Barcelona - Valencia Euroleague Eastern European Time

Only the "Barca" absolute, even if it was forced by Valencia

Barcelona did 5/5 in the Euroleague, even though Valencia extracted it.

Θρυλική νίκη απέναντι στο αγαπημένο του «θύμα»

Legendary victory over his favorite "victim"

A fully-fledged Olympian stood up and forced CSKA to its first defeat, 84-79 inside Moscow, offering hope to his audience.

Live Streaminmg.22:00 Juventus - Genoa 2-1 (video),Live Streaminmg.22:00 Cagliari - Bologna 3-2 (video),Live Streaminmg.22:00 Lazio - Torino 4-0 (video),Live Streaminmg.22:00 Sampdoria - Lecce 1-1 (video),Live Streaminmg.22:00 Sassuolo - Fiorentina 1-2 (video),Live Streaminmg.22:00 Udinese - Roma 0-4 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:30 Bayern - Real Madrid 95-86 Euroleague Eastern European Time

Bayern Munich - Real 95-86

There are no constants in this year's Euroleague, everyone can win. Bayern beat Real, making another ... surprise

Live Streaming.21:30 Liverpool - Arsenal 5-5 5-4 pen. (video) England League Cup Eastern European Time