Κυριακή 30 Ιουνίου 2019

Δεν ασχολείται με Τελίν η ΑΕΚ

Article CoverHe does not deal with Telin or AEK

Although the Belgian media speaks of AEK's interest in Anderlecht's striker Isaac Telin, this is not true as it is clear from circles of the Union.

Στην προετοιμασία ο Χατζηισαΐας

In preparation, Hatziisaia

May Dimitris Hadjiisaias be one step away from PAOK, but the arrival of Abel Ferreira seems to be changing somewhat.

Οριστικό: Έκλεισε ο Μανωλάς στη Νάπολι

Definitive: Manolas closed in Napoli

A player from Napoli is the 28-year-old Greek international defender, Costas Manolas, from Roma. Five-year contract, at 4,000,000 euros estimated earnings per season.

«Θέλει Τελίν η ΑΕΚ»

"AEK wants Telin '

The international Swedish striker Isaac Telin has been targeted by AEK, according to reports from Belgium.

Λουτσέσκου: «Θα δώσω και την ψυχή μου για την Αλ Χιλάλ» (vid)

Lucescu: "I will give my soul for Al Hilal" (vid)

Rasvan Lucescu "flew" to Paris to sign a co-operation contract with Al-Hilal in the presence of the group president.

Έκλεισε φορ η Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ

O Μπεν ΓεντέρManchester United closed For

Information from England speaks of a Manchester United agreement with Seville to acquire Ben Genter.

BENU CUP: Νίκη η Εθνική Ανδρών με 11-7 επί της Ολλανδίας

BENU CUP: National Men's 11-7 victory over the Netherlands

Its first win at the international tournament "BENU CUP" in Budapest was achieved by our Men's Water Polo National Team, which won the Dutch 11-7.

Η συμφωνία ΠΑΟΚ - Άμπελ Φερέιρα επικυρώνεται στην Ολλανδία

Article CoverThe PAOK agreement - Abel Ferreira is ratified in the Netherlands

Developments on Dutch territory will arise for PAOK and Abel Ferreira as their cooperation will be sealed there!

Γιουβέντους: Στο Τορίνο για υπογραφές ο Ραμπιό

Juventus: In Turin for signing Rabbio

Torino is the 24-year-old French midfielder, Adrian Rabbio, to sign a four-year contract with Juventus.

Στους Πέλικανς ο Μέλι!

In Pelicans the Melli!

His dream at the NBA will be Nicolo Melli, as he agreed with Pelicans for a two-year contract, leaving Fenerbahce two years later!

Το «όχι» του Παναθηναϊκού για Ινσούα

Panathinaikos 'no' for Insoua

The design of the new year goes to Panathinaikos and inside is Emmanuel Insoua.

Ο Ρούνι σνόμπαρε τον Σερ Άλεξ Φέργκιουσον!

Rooney sniffed Sir Alex Ferguson!

The former Manchester United and England captain Wayne Rooney made statements that will be discussed very much.

Συμφωνία Άρη με Φετφατζίδη

Aris agreement with Fetfatzidis

The yellows agreed with the international midfielder and Fetfazidis will wear Mars shirt and the next season

Ανακοινώνει Ρόδρι η Σίτι

Announces Rodri City

With the start of the new week, Rodri is expected to become an official Manchester City player with a record amount in the history of the Champions.

Ολυμπιακός: Δείτε τα γκολ κόντρα στην Μπερ Σεβά (video)

Olympiacos: See goal against Beersheba (video)

See the goals scored by Olympiacos in the friendly fight with Hapoel Bear Seva, as presented by Olympiacos TV.

«Κλείνει τον Ντάλσιο ο Παναιτωλικός»

"Closes Dalsio the Panetolikos"

The Panetolikos is very close to acquiring the 23-year-old Phobos from Benfica, according to the Portuguese media.

Θέλει πίσω τον Κουτίνιο η Λίβερπουλ

Article CoverHe wants Liverpool to go back to Koutinho

The likelihood of Philippe Koutinho's acquisition seems to be looking at Liverpool.

Κράτησαν… δικαίωμα για Μπρόγκντον οι Μπακς

They kept right on ... Brogknton the Bucks

Baks will fight to keep Malcolm Brogknton.

Ανακοίνωσε τον Στοχ ο ΠΑΟΚ (vid)

PAOK announced Stoch (vid)

PAOK player is also officially Miroslav Stoch, with his "biceps north" announcing Slovakia for three years.

Ήταν υποψιασμένοι για τους "ξυλοκόπους"

They were suspected of "woodcutters"

Before the start of the showdown with Bear Seva in Gnievino's training center, Olympiacos's players were discussing previous confrontations with Bear Sevah for the Champions League qualifiers in the summer of 2016 and had to say about the Israeli hard game.

Ουρουγουάη - Περού 0-0 4-5 Πέναλτι (video) Κόπα Αμέρικα

Σάββατο 29 Ιουνίου 2019

«Στον Παναθηναϊκό με 400.000 ευρώ ο Ράις»

"In Panathinaikos with Rice 400,000 euros"

As you read earlier in "10", Tyres Rice is the player selected by Argyris Pedoulakis to play next to Nick Kalathis and is intended as an anti-Lekatvice in Panathinaikos.

Συνεχίζει στον Πανιώνιο ο Μανιάτης

Continues to Panionios Maniatis

Yannis Maniatis extended his collaboration with Panionios.

Δημοσιογράφος παράτησε live τον Ντε Πάουλ για τον Αγκουέρο! (vids)

Journalist debuted Deu Paul for Aguero! (vids)

Fox Sports's journalist showed unprofessional behavior as he dropped Rodrigues de Paul when he was getting a live statement when he saw Sergio Aguero coming.

«Χάλκινη» η Χατζηλιάδου στο καράτε

Hatziladou in the Karate

Another medal, the ninth in total, was celebrated by Greece at the 2 nd European Games of Minsk, a harvest which was also held in Baku in 2015, with the difference that this year it "gathered" three gold (in 2015 it had only 1) .

Η Βαλένθια αγόρασε τον Τσερίσεφ

Valencia bought Tserisef

Russian midfielder last played on loan at bats

The acquisition of Denis Cheryshev proceeded Valencia from Villarreal.

«Ο ΠΑΟΚ ενδιαφέρεται για τον Μάσιμο Καρέρα»

"PAOK is interested in Massimo Carrera"

PAOK is looking for a replacement from Razvan Lutscheu (who goes to Al Hilal) yesterday (28/6), and several names have already seen the light.

Πάντερ: "Νιώθω υπέροχα που θα παίξω για τον Ολυμπιακό!"

Pander: "I feel great to play for Olympiacos!"

Kevin Panter spoke about the new chapter of his career, not hiding his enthusiasm for the Olympiacos transfer.

«Ήρθαν σε συμφωνία Νάπολι και Ρόμα για τον Μανωλά»

"Napoli and Roma have reached agreement on Manola"

The serial between Roma and Napoli for Kosta Manola seems to be slowly coming to an end, as according to Italian media the two clubs made a full deal for the 28-year-old central defender.

Μάτζικ: «Ο Λέοναρντ ζήτησε να είμαι κι εγώ στις συζητήσεις με Λέικερς»

Magic: "Leonard asked me to be in the talks with the Lakers"

Revelations from Magic Johnson.

Magic Johnson may no longer have an institutional role in the Lakers, but his speech still seems to be counting.

Μέσι: «Δεν αγωνίζομαι όπως θα περίμενα»

Messi: "I do not fight as I would expect"

Argentina won 2-0 in Venezuela and qualified for the semifinals of Copa America where it will face the organizing Brazil.

Απέκτησε Ραμπιό με «βασιλικό» συμβόλαιο η Γιουβέντους

He has won Rabbio with a "royal" contract Juventus

In agreement with Adrian Rabbio, Juventus is reported to have won, which offered the player five-year contract with a salary of up to 7 million euros.

Γαλλία - ΗΠΑ 1-2 (video) Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο Γυναικών 2019

Βενεζουέλα - Αργεντινή 0-2 (video) Κόπα Αμέρικα

Παρασκευή 28 Ιουνίου 2019

Πόγκον Στσέτσιν – Ολυμπιακός 1-1

Ολυμπιακός – Πόγκον Στσέτσιν 1-1 | to10.grPogon Sceccin - Olympiacos 1-1

With Mattie Valbueenas showing some of his skills, Giannis Masoura's "eyes", and Durmisi and Bruno are extremely positive, Olympiacos pulled a draw from Pogon (1-1) in his first friendly preparation on Polish soil.

Live Streaming.22:00 France W - USA W 1-2 (video) Women's World Cup Eastern European Time

Η Ρεάλ παίρνει απο τα «χέρια» της Μπαρτσελόνα ταλαντούχο παίκτη

Real takes Barcelona's "hands" into a talented player

Both Barcelona and Real Madrid may be interested in acquiring the talented Japanese Tokyo FC Tayfuusso Kumbo, but his "mirens" offered much more.

«Ιτούδης καλεί Ντιλέινι στην Μόσχα»

Article Cover"Ithoudis calls Dileini in Moscow"

Malcolm Deleini is one of the hottest free agents and Dimitris Itoudis wants to take him to Moscow!

Προς Βόλο ο Μυστακίδης

Article CoverTo Volos Mystakidis

His transcriptional support is continued by Volos, since the newcomers in the big category are preparing to join Yanni Mystakidis.

Βόμβα: Τέλος ο Λουτσέσκου από τον ΠΑΟΚ!

Bomb: Finally, Luscecu from PAOK!

Razvan Luscecu briefed Ivan Savvidi on leaving for Saudi Arabia.

News - PAOK bomb with Razvan Loutsescu to leave the team!

Η Άρσεναλ έκανε διαφημιστικό με όλα τα ξένα αστέρια της πλην Παπασταθόπουλου

Arsenal advertised with all her foreign stars except Papastathopoulos

June, the month of transcripts, lasting tickets and the presentation of the new season figurines.

Live Streaming.19:00 Pogon Szczecin - Olympiakos 1-1 Friendlies Eastern European Time

Ολυμπιακός – Πόγκον Στσέτσιν 1-1 | to10.grPogon Sceccin - Olympiacos 1-1

With Mattie Valbueenas showing some of his skills, Giannis Masoura's "eyes", and Durmisi and Bruno are extremely positive, Olympiacos pulled a draw from Pogon (1-1) in his first friendly preparation on Polish soil.

Με το Μπάγερν-Χέρτα θα ξεκινήσει η Bundesliga

With Bayern-Hertha will start the Bundesliga

It was announced by the Bundesliga the race schedule for the coming season with the first show being between the Bayern Munich champion and Hertha Berlin.

Εκτός Ευρώπης η Μίλαν!

Outside Europe, AC Milan!

Milan, who had problems with Financial Fair Play, learned the CAS's conviction that automatically puts her out of European competitions.

Έκανε σεφτέ με Γιοβάνοβιτς ο Παναιτωλικός

Article CoverShe did a sect with Jovanovic the Panthelic

His first summer transfer was made by Panetolikos, who announced on Friday (28/6) the acquisition of Igor Jovanovic.

Άρχισαν οι συζητήσεις Μπαρτσελόνα – Ατλέτικο για τον Γκριζμάν

Barcelona - Atletico talks started for Grizmann

Today's revelation of the French Equipe argues that it was the beginning of the talks between Barcelona and Atletico for the transcription of Antoine Grizmann.

Στη Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης μέχρι το 2022 ο Τέιλορ

Article CoverIn Real Madrid by 2022, Taylor

A resident of Spain will remain Taylor, as Real Madrid announced the renewal of the two sides' cooperation for another three years.

Τορέιρα: “Καμία συμφωνία με τη Μίλαν”

Torreira: "No deal with Milan"

Lucas Torreira clarified that he has not come to an agreement with the Milan administration, as the Italian press has supported in the past.

Γιαννακόπουλος: «Χωρίς γήπεδο δεν αναλαμβάνω την ΠΑΕ-Με 20 εκ. ευρώ πρόταση στον Αλαφούζο»

Giannakopoulos: "Without a stadium I do not undertake the FCI-With a 20 million euro proposal to Alapouzos"

Clearly for his involvement in the club, Dimitris Giannakopoulos appeared. He does not enter football without Botanic. As soon as they collect 20 million euros, they ask for the shares from G. Alafouso.

Μόνο 1.5 εκατ. ευρώ το συμβόλαιο του Μπουφόν στη Γιουβέντους

Only 1.5m euros in the Buffon contract in Juventus

Tzanluziyou Buffon has agreed with Juventus on a one-year contract with a salary of € 1,500,000.