Τρίτη 31 Ιουλίου 2018

ΑΕΚ - Γαλατασαράι 3-2 (video)

Article CoverAEK - Galatasaray 3-2 (video)

Against Turkey's champion, Galatasaray, AEK played amazing football at three occasions, scored three goals (3-2), created a lot of opportunities and defended only defensively.

Γι αυτό απέκτησε τον Στίβεν Γκρέι το Περιστέρι (vid)

Article CoverThat's why Steven Gray acquired Peristeri (vid)

Steven Gray will continue his career at Peristeri, significantly boosting the regional line of Argyris Pedoulakis' team in the Basket League.

«Ασπρόμαυρη» Βασιλεία!

"Black and White" Basel!

The countdown for the big fight of the PAOK Champions League against Basel has begun as the bouts are scheduled for Wednesday (1/8) at 21:00.

Με τους... περυσινούς και τον Οικονόμου κόντρα στην Γαλατά η ΑΕΚ

Article CoverWith last year's ... and Economou against AEK Galata

With 10 players from last year's roster and Mario Oikonomou, AEK has extended the friendly match against Galatasaray by Marinos Ouzounidis.

Δεν εμφανίστηκε στην προπόνηση της Τσέλσι ο Γουλιάν!

Chelsea Wulian did not appear in training!

Brazilian midfielder Chelsea did not show up in London after the World Tournament was granted due to the World Cup and rumors are raging.

Στην Ελλάδα με τον Σιόβα η Λεγανές

Ο Δημήτρης ΣιόβαςIn Greece with Siova the Leganes
With Dimitris Siova, the Leganes mission in Greece comes for the friendly match Wednesday with Olympiacos at the Karaiskakis Stadium that will begin at 21.00 and will be broadcast directly from the novasports channels.

Live Streaming.20:00 AEK vs Galatasaray 3-2 (video) Friendly Match Eastern European Time

Article CoverAEK - Galatasaray 3-2 (video)

Against Turkey's champion, Galatasaray, AEK played amazing football at three occasions, scored three goals (3-2), created a lot of opportunities and defended only defensively.

ΠΑΕ ΠΑΟΚ: «Έφτασε η ώρα» (vid)

Article CoverPAOK PAV: "The time has come" (vid)

The time for PAOK's rematch with Basel counts, with the "black and white" PAE showing the promo-video of the fight with the Swiss.

Ο Κλοπ "έκοψε" τον Μάρκοβιτς

Ο Κλοπ "έκοψε" τον ΜάρκοβιτςKlop "cut" Markovic
Lazar Markovic is a name that has occupied Olympiacos lately.

Μάρλος για να ξεχάσει Μάλκομ η Ρόμα

Marlos per dimenticare Malcolm the Roma

Marley ha affermato di essere il "Prescelto" per riempire la posizione di ala destra in casa dell'AS Roma, che vuole lasciare alle spalle il fallimento della trascrizione a Malcolm.

Πρόταση για Βεσίνο η Τσέλσι

Πρόταση για Βεσίνο η ΤσέλσιProposal for Vecino or Chelsea

Chelsea is in talks with Inter for acquiring the Uruguayan medium, Matias Vecino.

Δευτέρα 30 Ιουλίου 2018

Τον Μουρίνιο τον έχουν... απολύσει ήδη!

Mourinho has ... already dismissed him!

Have they ever imagined the moment when Jose Mourinho will be considered, before even starting a season, the first favorite to end up with the ... unemployment fund?

Συμφωνία Μίλαν - Γιουβέντους για Ιγκουαΐν!

Article Cover
Accordo Milan - Juventus per Higuain!

Milano ha incontrato la Juventus per trovare la giusta formula per Goncalos HIguain per trasferirsi a Milano!

Τα τυπικά απομένουν για τον Ακπόμ

Ο Τσούμπα ΑκπομThe typical remains for Ackom

Tsuaba Ackom successfully completed the proceedings concerning his new cooperation with PAOK, passed the medical exam without any difficulty, had a first acquaintance with the city, and is expected to complete the standard exchange contracts to official announcement

Μήνυμα Τούχελ στη Ρεάλ: «Νομίζω ότι ο Καβάνι θα μείνει στην Παρί»

Touhel's message to Real: "I think Kavani will stay in Paris"

Parisian German technician has revealed that he has spoken with Kavani and believes he is almost sure of his stay in Paris.

Προς αποχώρηση από την Τσέλσι ο Ζιρού

Προς αποχώρηση από την Τσέλσι ο ΖιρούTo exit from the Chelsea Giroud

The Olivier Giroud is likely to leave Chelsea after just six months at Stamford Bridge.

Κόβατς: «Θα μείνει στη Μπάγερν ο Λεβαντόφσκι»

Ο Νίκο ΚόβατςKovac: "He will stay in Bayern Lewandowski"
Nikos Kovacs appeared optimistic that Robert Lewandowski would eventually remain in the Bayern Munich manpower and the new season.

Αυτή είναι η εμφάνιση του Ολυμπιακού για τη σεζόν 2018-2019

This is the appearance of Olympiacos for the 2018-2019 season

On the shelves of the Red Store and available for Olympiacos fans is the basic look of the 2018-2019 season.

Τα πάει καλύτερα χωρίς τον Ρονάλντο

Ο Γκάρεθ ΜπέιλVa mejor sin Ronaldo

Un dato interesante mostrar a los españoles en las probabilidades de Gareth Bale, cuando no está luchando con Cristiano Ronaldo al Real Madrid.

"Πράσινος" και επίσημα ο ΝτεΣόν Τόμας

"Green" and officially DeSon Thomas

With the Panathinaikos clover on the chest, Deson Thomas will fight from the new season, with the "green" officials officially announcing his acquisition.

"Σομπρέρο" και καλάθι για τον Πιάνιτς! (video)

"Sombrero" e cestino per Pianits! (Video)

Miralem Pianic ha un ineguagliato allenamento tecnico e ha dimostrato di "comandare" alla palla di entrare nella fossa senza usare le mani.

Θετική εισήγηση για Κάτσικα ο Τεννές

Positive suggestion for Katsika the Tennes

Babis Tennes? the green light for the acquisition of Panagiotis Katsikas lit up and everything seems to sign in Lamia

Στη Μάλαγα ο Λεσόρ (video)

Ο Ματίας ΛεσόρIn Malaga, Leszor (video)
Matias Leszor signed his new co-operation agreement with Malaga and was formally announced by the administration of the Spanish team.

Κυριακή 29 Ιουλίου 2018

Εντυπωσιακή φάση σε άμυνα κι επίθεση από τους πιτσιρικάδες της Βοσνίας (vid)

Εντυπωσιακή φάση σε άμυνα κι επίθεση από τους πιτσιρικάδες της Βοσνίας (vid)Impressive Phase of Defense and Attack by Bosnian Pupils (vid)

The Bosnians' showdown with the Ukrainians in the Eurobasket U18 was an impressive phase.

Χάνει Μάτιτς στο ξεκίνημα της σεζόν η Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ

Article CoverMatic misses the start of the season Manchester United

Without the sophisticated Serb international suspending agent, Nemanja Matic, will start her obligations at this year's Manchester United Premier League.

Πρωταθλήτρια κόσμου η Ελλάδα στο beach handball!

World champion Greece at beach handball!

The Women's National Team defeated Norway 2-1 in the final of the World Handball Beach Championship and is now on the top of the planet!

Σαουθάμπτον και Γουέστ Χαμ για τον Μάρλον Σάντος της Μπαρτσελόνα

Article CoverSouthampton and West Ham for Marlon Santos in Barcelona

Southampton and West Ham will fight for the acquisition of Brazilian central defender Barcelona, Marlon Santos, in August 2018.

Νέα αύξηση ζήτησης για τα διαρκείας της ΑΕΚ λόγω του φιλικού με τη Γαλατά

Article CoverNew increase in demand for AEK's duration due to Galatas-friendly

AEK's friendly with Galatasaray "fueled" the demand for season tickets for the new season.

Αυτή είναι η πιο μισητή ομάδα στην Πρέμιερ Λιγκ! Το «λέει» έρευνα…

Article CoverThis is the most hateful team in the Premier League! The "says" research ...

The English newspaper "Mirror" has searched for the most hated teams in the Premier League and Chelsea ... title.

Σήμερα στο Τορίνο ο Κριστιάνο

Ο Ρονάλντο λίγο πριν τις ιατρικές εξετάσεις στη "Γιούβε"Oggi Cristiano è a Torino
Secondo i rapporti italiani, la superstar portoghese andrà a Torino oggi (domenica) mentre inizierà a allenarsi lunedì con giocatori che non hanno viaggiato negli Stati Uniti per la Coppa dei Campioni.

Μουρίνιο: "Αν ήμουν οπαδός, δεν θα έδινα λεφτά για να μας δω"

Mourinho: "If I were a fan, I would not give money to see us"

Manchester United coach Jose Mourinho said that matches like Liverpool did not offer him anything and that some players were "burning".

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ vs Λίβερπουλ 1-4 (video) Φιλικός αγώνας

Σάββατο 28 Ιουλίου 2018

Τσέλσι vs Ίντερ 1-1 5-4 πέναλτι (video) Φιλικός αγώνας

Ντεν Χάαγκ - Παναθηναϊκός 3-1

Article CoverDen Haag - Panathinaikos 3-1

With defeat completed his friendly in the Netherlands Panathinaikos who was defeated by 3-1 by Den Haag paying dearly the inexperience of the many players who fought but also his personal defense errors

Μπενφίκα vs Γιουβέντους 1-1 2-4 Πέναλτι (video) Φιλικός αγώνας

Μαυροβούνιο - Ελλάδα 6-8

Article CoverMontenegro - Greece 6-8

With a defense at the seminar level, the Men's National Team of the Championship won with 8-6 in Montenegro and won the fifth place in the European Championship in Barcelona.

Σκληρό «παζάρι» Φιορεντίνα- Ατλέτικο για τον γιο Σιμεόνε

Article CoverBazar duro Fiorentina-Atletico para su hijo Simone

Según los informes, Fiorentina rechazó una propuesta de 40 millones de euros del Atlético de Madrid para la compra de Giovanni Simeon, reclamando más dinero para permitir la transcripción.

Τέλος ο Οσόριο

Ο Οσόριο.Finalmente Osorio

México en la Copa del Mundo de Rusia dejó muy buenas impresiones, especialmente después de la victoria sobre Alemania.

Live Streaming.24:00 Manchester Utd vs Liverpool 1-4 (video) Friendly Match Eastern European Time


Τοροσίδης: "Να θέσουμε τις βάσεις ώστε να ξαναγίνει ο Ολυμπιακός πρωταθλητής" (video)

Torosidis: "Putting the Foundations for the Olympic Champion" (video)

Vassilis Torosidis, in his statements after returning to Olympiacos, stressed that the goal is to put the bases in place so that the "Reds" take back the champion's sights.

Live Streaming.21:05 Chelsea vs Inter Milan 1-1 5-4 penalty (video) Friendly Match Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.20:00 Benfica vs Juventus 1-1 2-4 pen. (video) Friendly Match Eastern European Time

Αρσεναλ vs Παρί Σεν Ζερμέν 5-1 (video) φιλικός αγώνας

Αστέρας Τρίπολης: Έγινε αλλαγή και έγραψε ιστορία ο Χριστόπουλος

Article CoverAsteras Tripolis: Christopoulos changed and history was written

Every record was broken by Yiannis Christopoulos of Asteras Tripolis, as he played as a substitute for Asteras Tripolis with Hibernian, becoming the youngest defender of the Arcadians who played in a European match.

Live Streaming.14:30 Arsenal vs PSG 5-1 (video) Friendly Match Eastern European Time

Πρίγιοβιτς για Κόντε: "Δεν ξέρω αν θα αντέξει στην πίεση"

ΠρίγιοβιτςPrijovic for Conte: "I do not know if he will withstand pressure"

Aleksander Prijovic spoke of the possibility of playing Red Star Pedro Conte, saying he is not sure the PAS Spanish forward can withstand the pressure.

Διώχνει δύο για να πάρει "λιοντάρι" ο Μουρίνιο

Strikes two to get "lion" Mourinho

José Mourinho has become obsessed with Harry Maguire and for his sake he is ready to sell two defenders to raise some money and make the best possible bid in Leicester for the 25-year-old who has a contract by 2022 with "foxes" and Costs...

Παρασκευή 27 Ιουλίου 2018

Μένει στη Μίλαν ο Μπίλια

Article CoverVive a Milano Billia

Nonostante i rapporti che lo vogliono lasciare da Milano, l'agente di Lucas Billia ha chiarito la situazione.

Η συμβουλή του Νοβίτσκι στον Ντουράντ για το twitter

The advice of Novitsky in Durand about twitter

Dirk Novitsky took the lead against Kevin Durant with Sue Jay McKolom.

Ψηφίζουν... Χάρι Κέιν δαγκωτό οι φίλαθλοι της Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης

Article CoverVotan ... Harry Caine muerde a los fanáticos del Real Madrid

Más de 200.000 aficionados del Real Madrid han participado en la votación de la web «Marca» para la sustitución de Cristiano Ronaldo.