Πέμπτη 31 Μαΐου 2018

Το αντίο της Ρεάλ στον Ζιντάν! (video)

Αποχώρησε θριαμβευτής από τη Ρεάλ ο Ζιντάν¡La despedida de Real a Zidan! (video)

Zizu es un ex del mostrador de Madrilena y, por supuesto, los Merengues solo pudieron agradecerle a Zizou por un elegante video, que apareció en las redes sociales del club un tiempo después de la partida del entrenador francés.

Το... παλεύει για Βέρντι η Νάπολι

Article CoverLa lotta per ... Verdi Napoli

Al bersaglio trascrizionale di Napoli è il 26enne centrocampista della nazionale italiana di Bologna, Simone Verdi.

Υποψήφιος για τον πάγκο του Ντιτρόιτ ο Σμιθ

Candidate for the Detroit Smith bench

Contact with the two-time NBA champion and TNT analyst Kenye "The Jet" Smith will be held by Detroit Pistons during the week to discuss the possibility of taking over the technical leadership.

«Τελειώνουν» από την Μπάγερν Μονάχου τέσσερις πρωτοκλασάτοι παίκτες

Article Cover"Four players are coming" from Bayern Munich

Four pro-class footballers are expected to leave Bayern Munich, according to a report by the German newspaper Bild today.

Δίνει Ιγουαΐν για Μοράτα η Γιουβέντους

Iguain regala la Juventus a Morata

Sembra che la Juve stia cercando di sbarazzarsi dell'aggressore argentino, mentre a Chelsea stanno facendo lo stesso con lo spagnolo.

Παίζει κανονικά στο Μουντιάλ ο Γκερέρο!

Παρών στο Μουντιάλ ο Γκερέρο!¡Guerrero está jugando normalmente en la Copa del Mundo!

Líder peruano y punto de referencia, fue encontrado positivo en octubre pasado en cocaína, que contenía un té agonizante después de un partido fuera de casa con Argentina para las eliminatorias de la Copa Mundial.

Ο Αμπράμοβιτς βάζει... stop στο νέο γήπεδο της Τσέλσι

Abramovitch puts a stop to the new Chelsea stadium

The refusal to renew the UK's Roman Abramovich's visa from the United Kingdom is the reason why they will not make plans for the new Chelsea stadium.

Την Παρασκευή στην Αθήνα ο Παϊρόζ, συναντά τον Αλαφούζο!

Article CoverOn Friday in Athens, Paizz, meets Alafuzos!

Paiz Pyongsang arrives on Friday in Athens with his son in order to be briefed on the course of financial control and will have a meeting with Giannis Alafouzos.

Σοκ στη Ρεάλ! Τέλος ο Ζιντάν!

Article Coververdadero shock! Finalmente Zidane!

Pasado el entrenador del Real Madrid es el Zinedine Zidane como los medios de difusión españoles y anunciar a sí mismo en pocos minutos a una rueda de prensa.

Παναθηναϊκός: Δώνης διετίας με… έγκριση Αλαφούζου

Article CoverPanathinaikos:Donis two-year rule with ... approval of Alafouzou

The meeting between Nikos Dambiza and George Doni was completed with the approval of Giannis Alafouzos to be the one to seal the agreement for two years.

Ουζουνίδης: «Η ΑΕΚ είναι η μεγαλύτερη πρόκληση, στόχος να τη διατηρήσουμε στην κορυφή» (vids)

Ouzounidis: "AEK is the biggest challenge, aim to keep it at the top" (vids)

Marinos Ouzounidis in his official presentation by AEK stressed that taking the technical leadership of the Union is his biggest challenge and pointed out that the goal is one: to further improve the team and maintain it at the top. Gazzetta.gr was there.

Ο Ρονάλντο αγοράζει... Γιαννιώτα

Ronaldo buys ... Gianniotas

Not even in his wildest dreams would Yannis Gianniotas expect that there would be a chance to work with him ... Ronaldo. The first, the genuine one.

Ανανέωσε ο Μιχαήλ με ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα

Michael renewed with PAS Giannina

PAS Giannina's footballer will remain for two more years, Alexis Michael with the Epirus captain signing by 2020.

Αστέρας Τρίπολης: Μένουν τα τυπικά για Ρόλε

Asteras Tripolis: They are the typical for Role

Martin Role is expected to be the next Transcript of Tripta.

Ο Ομπράντοβιτς τα έβαλε με τον κόσμο της Φενέρμπαχτσε!

Obradovic puts them with the Fenerbahce world!

Fenerk made 2-0 in the semi-finals with Banwit, however Zeljko Obradovic was not satisfied with the crowd's presence on the pitch and publicly expressed his grievances!

Αυστρία - Ρωσία 1-0 (video) Διεθνής φιλικός αγώνας

Τετάρτη 30 Μαΐου 2018

Live Streaming.21:45 Austria - Russia 1-0 (video) International Friendly Matches Eastern European Time

Μουντιάλ 2018: Το... ιπτάμενο παλάτι της Αργεντινής

Αιρ1Mundial 2018: el palacio ... volar de Argentina

El Lionel Messi y compañía tendrán todas las facilidades para realizar un seguimiento de los movimientos como la Federación ha alquilado un verdadero ... volar hotel de cinco estrellas!

Βασιλαντωνάκη: «Οι Μεσογειακοί αγώνες θα μας βοηθήσουν για το Ευρωπαϊκό»

Vasilantonaki: "The Mediterranean Games Will Help Us For The European"

The Women's Volleyball National Team is being set up in Portaria, Peloponnese, on 18 May, in view of its forthcoming obligations, including the Mediterranean Games of Tarragona (22 / 6-1 / 7) and the European Championship qualifiers in August.

Αύξηση εσόδων για τις ομάδες στο Champions League

Raise revenue for teams in the Champions League

The sums that will be given by UEFA to the teams that will participate in the new season in the Champions League are greatly increased.

Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2018

Προμηθέας - Ολυμπιακός 56-89

Article CoverPrometheus - Olympiakos 56-89

Serious and raised Olympiacos did not score at Patras (89-56), swept the semifinals with Prometheus and ended an appointment ... for the 13th season with Panathinaikos.

ΠΑΟΚ - Παναθηναϊκός 72-88

Article CoverPAOK - Panathinaikos 72-88

PAOK was looking for Panathinaikos for 30 ', but Kalathis kept him unbeatable (72-88)!

Πήρε «διαμαντάκι» από την Βραζιλία η Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης

Article CoverObtuvo "diamante" de Brasil y el Real Madrid

Real Madrid adquirió los derechos de un gran talento de América Latina nacido en abril de 2000 Rodrigo Antonio Rodríguez.

Οριστικό: Ο Γιαννιώτης στον Ολυμπιακό, ο Ρισβάνης στον Ατρόμητο

Final: Gianiotis at Olympiacos, Rishanis at Atromitos

Olympiacos and Atromitos agreed that Andreas Gianiotios return to Piraeus and Spyros Risvanis will remain in Peristeri.

Ερχεται Αθήνα ο Δώνης, βλέπει Νταμπίζα και αποφασίζει

Comes the Athens Donis sees Dabizas and decides

The duration of the contract is the key to reaching a Panathinaikos and the Copenhagen agreement as the difference in the financial does not seem unbearable.

Βελόζ: «Δεν αποκλείω να πάει ο Μολέδο στον Ολυμπιακό»

Βελόζ: «Δεν αποκλείω να πάει ο Μολέδο στον Ολυμπιακό»Veloj: "I can not exclude Moledo to go to Olympiakos"

The agent of Rodrigo Moledo, Gilmar Velo, speaking to media in Brazil, did not rule out the possibility of his client closing at Olympiacos.

Τι λένε στην ΑΕΚ για Αραούχο

Article CoverWhat say AEK for Araujo

The data currently available for Sergio Araujo in the Union, following his return to Las Palmas.

Lve Streaming.20:30 Promitheas vs Olympiacos 56-89 Playoffs Greece Basketball League A1 Eastern European Time

Article CoverPrometheus - Olympiakos 56-89

Serious and raised Olympiacos did not score at Patras (89-56), swept the semifinals with Prometheus and ended an appointment ... for the 13th season with Panathinaikos.

Στον Ίσμαελ Βαλεριέν το τιμόνι του Απόλλωνα Σμύρνης

In Ismail Valerien the helm of Apollon Smyrnis

Captain Ismail Valerien will begin the journey of creating New Apollo Smyrna.

Εποχή Σέμακ στη Ζενίτ

ΣέμακSeason Semak in Zenit

Sergei Semak, is the successor of Roberto Mansini to the technical leadership of Zenit St. Petersburg.

Θέλει Μπενάτια η Άρσεναλ

Article CoverArsenal wants Benatia

In the Arsenal transfer list is Juventus' central defender, Mehdi Benatia.

Live Streaming.18:30 PAOK vs Panathinaikos 72-88 Playoffs Greece Basketball League A1 Eastern European Time

Article CoverPAOK - Panathinaikos 72-88

PAOK was looking for Panathinaikos for 30 ', but Kalathis kept him unbeatable (72-88)!

Επίσημο: Ανανέωσε με Παναιτωλικό ο Δέλλας

Official: Renewed Della with Panetolikos

Panetolikos announced the renewal of his co-operation with Traiano Della, who redeemed the team's successful course in the second half of the championship.

Marca: «Αγοράζει Χιμένες από Ατλέτικο η Ρεάλ»

Marca: «Αγοράζει Χιμένες από Ατλέτικο η Ρεάλ»Marca: "Compra Jiménez carillones del Atlético o Real"

Según Marca, la "reina" comprará el barril del Atlético.

Ζητούν να μην αρχίσει το Μουντιάλ μέχρι να γίνει καλά ο Μπέντνερ!

Article CoverThey ask for the World Cup not to start until Bendner's is well!

Nicolas Bentner's presence in the World Cup is dubious and Danish fans are asking for the event to be kicked off until the footballer is right!

Τα καλύτερα του Γιαν Βέσελι από την φετινή σεζόν

The best of Jan Veseli from this season

EuroLeague presented a special video with the best moments of Jan Veseli from this season, during which he combined spectacle and substance.

Ατρόμητος: Τα δεδομένα για τη θέση του τερματοφύλακα

Article CoverAtromitos: Data on the goalkeeper's position

Andreas Gianniotis is likely to return to Olympiakos this summer and now the position of the main goalkeeper is a question mark for Atromitos.

Κάρι: «Τώρα μπροστά μας ο Λεμπρόν»

Carrie: "Now before us the LeBron"

Steph Carrie is expecting new good looks from Lambert James to the NBA finals, but he underlined that the Golden State Warriors will be ready for the match.

Αναβαθμισμένος ρόλος σε Λουτσέσκου από Σαββίδη

Article CoverUpgraded role in Lutskus by Savvidi

The "wreck" is led by Dario Srnra's transcription to PAOK, with the Croats presenting the backstage of the 36-year-old defender's transfer case, also referring to the upgraded role played by Razvan Loutsescu by Ivan Savvidi.

H Νάπολι θέλει Μανωλά για αντι-Κουλιμπαλί

Il Napoli vuole Manola per anti-Cobballi

Secondo la Gazzetta dello Sport, il Napoli si trasferirà ad acquisire Kosta Manola in caso di vendita di Kalidou Koumbali.

Ο Σίλβα αναλαμβάνει τα πέναλτι στην Ισπανία

Silva toma la tanda de penales en España

Julien Lopetegie ha decidido donar a David Silva, quien es el que gana la tanda de penales en la próxima Copa del Mundo.

Δευτέρα 28 Μαΐου 2018

Πήρε Τσόριτς η Ρόμα

O Άντε ΤσόριτςLa Roma ha ottenuto il Tsorits

AS Roma ha annunciato l'accordo con la Dinamo Zagabria per l'acquisizione di Ante Tsorits, rispetto al 6 mil. Di Euro.

Επίσημα στην Ντόρτμουντ ο Βολφ

Article CoverOfficially in Dortmund the Wolfe

The up-to-date midfielder of Cup Winning Germany Eintracht Frankfurt, Marius Wolff, redeemed his very good appearances, having signed a five-year contract with Borussia Dortmund on Monday afternoon.

Χιμένεθ: "Μου ήταν δύσκολο να φύγω από την ΑΕΚ"

Jimenez: "It was hard for me to leave AEK"

In his Las Palmas presentation, Manol Ximement claimed that it was difficult to leave AEK, that the Union would have a place in his heart, but that he had a great desire to return to Spain.

"Παλεύει με Μπενφίκα για Γκασπάρ ο Ολυμπιακός"

Μπρούνο Γκασπάρ"Fights with Benfica for Gaspar Olympiacos"

Benfica and Olympiacos, claim Bruno Gaspar, according to the Italians.

Μήτογλου: «Πιο δύσκολο το έργο μας στην Πυλαία»

Article CoverMitoglou: "Our hard work in Pilea"

Konstantinos Mitoglou recognized the difficulties of Game 3 against PAOK and pointed out that Panathinaikos will have a harder task than the first two games of the semifinals.

Κρούση σε Μάρκους Σουπ ο Απόλλων Σμύρνης

Impact on Markus Soup Apollon Smyrnis

Apollo Smyrna has struck the 52-year-old German, Markus Soup, who last worked as a coach in Karlsruhe.

Ενδιαφέρον Γιουβέντους για Κόβατσιτς

interesse Juventus per Kovatsits

La Juventus è interessata all'acquisizione di Mateo Kovacic.

O Λεμπρόν «έπιασε» τον Ντάνκαν και... κυνηγάει Φίσερ, Χόρι, Τζαμπάρ!

O LeBron "caught" Duncan and ... chasing Fisher, dermis, Jabbar!

LeBron James arrived in another achievement after he managed to reach Jim Duncan in the playoffs series!

Μέσι: «Δεν θα παίξω σε άλλη ευρωπαϊκή ομάδα»

Ο Λιονέλ ΜέσιMessi: "No jugaré en otro equipo europeo"

Lionel Messi dejó en claro que no tenía la intención de competir en otro equipo europeo y expresó su deseo de cerrar su carrera en Argentina. El mediocampista del Barcelona, ​​de 31 años, destacó que le gustaría vivir su campeonato durante al menos seis meses, al tiempo que dice que le gustaría competir en la España nacional.