Σάββατο 31 Μαρτίου 2018

Σεβίλλη - Μπαρτσελόνα 2-2 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Λεβαδειακός – Ολυμπιακός 1-1 (video)

Article CoverLevadiakos - Olympiakos 1-1 (video)

One of Karim offside goal, a wrong offside in face to face of Levadiakos and judicial decisions were not sufficient to Olympiakos to catch the 2nd place, and was 1-1 against spirited team of John Kompotades.

Έβερτον - Μάντσεστερ Σίτι 1-3 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Λας Πάλμας - Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης 0-3 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Μπάγερν Μονάχου - Μπορούσια Ντόρτμουντ 6-0 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Σασουόλο - Νάπολι 1-1 (video), Κιέβο - Σάμπντορια 2-1 (video) Σέριε Α

Live Streaming.21:45 Sevilla - Barcelona 2-2 (video) La Liga Eastern European Time


Ατρόμητος - ΠΑΟΚ 0-2 (video)

Article CoverAtromitos - PAOK 0-2 (video)

The "psychodrama" of recent weeks did not beat PAOK, which proved its undisputed quality in Peristeri (0-2)! Loutsescu's seal on the first goal, living on the hunt of the bed ...

Μπάγερ Λεβερκούζεν - Άουγκσμπουργκ 0-0 (video), Αννόβερο - ΡΒ Λειψία 2-3 (video), Σάλκε - Φράιμπουργκ 2-0 (video), Στουτγκάρδη - Χάμπουργκερ 1-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ - Σουόνσι 2-0 (video), Μπράιτον - Λέστερ 0-2 (video), Νιουκάστλ - Χάντερσφιλντ 1-0 (video) Γουότφορντ - Μπόρνμουθ 2-2 (video), Γουέστ Μπρομ - Μπέρνλι 1-2 (video), Γουέστ Χαμ - Σαουθάμπτον 3-0 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Live Streaming.21:45 Juventus - AC Milan 3-1 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Ίντερ - Βερόνα 3-0 (video), Λάτσιο -Μπενεβέντο 6-2 (video), Αταλάντα - Ουντινέζε 2-0 (video), Κάλιαρι - Τορίνο 0-4 (video), Φιορεντίνα - Κροτόνε 2-0 (video) , Γένοβα - Σπαλ 1-1 (video) Serie A

Live Streaming.19:30 Las Palmas - Real Madrid 0-3 (video) La Liga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Bayern Munchen - Borussia Dortmund 6-0 (video) Budesliga Eastern European Time


Live Streaming.19:30 Levadiakos - Olympiakos Piraeus 1-1 (video) Greece Souper League European Time

Article CoverLevadiakos - Olympiakos 1-1 (video)

One of Karim offside goal, a wrong offside in face to face of Levadiakos and judicial decisions were not sufficient to Olympiakos to catch the 2nd place, and was 1-1 against spirited team of John Kompotades.

Παναιτωλικός - ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα 1-0 (video)

Article CoverPanetolikos - PAS Giannina 1-0 (video)

Panetolikos without being superior to PAS Giannina prevailed 1-0 in Agrinio and keeps alive hopes for five.

Live Streaming.19:30 Everton - Manchester City 1-3 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:00 Sassuolo - Napoli 1-1 (video),Live Streaming.19:00 Chievo - Sampdoria 2-1 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Κρίσταλ Πάλας - Λίβερπουλ 1-2 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Live Streaming.17:15 Atromitos - PAOK 0-2 (video) Greece Souper League European Time

Article CoverAtromitos - PAOK 0-2 (video)

The "psychodrama" of recent weeks did not beat PAOK, which proved its undisputed quality in Peristeri (0-2)! Loutsescu's seal on the first goal, living on the hunt of the bed ...

Μπολόνια - Ρόμα 1-1 (video) Σέριε Α

Live Streaming.17:00 Manchester United - Swansea 2-0 (video),Live Streaming.17:00 Brighton - Leicester 0-2 (video),Live Streaming.17:00 Newcastle United - Huddersfield 1-0 (video),Live Streaming.17:00 Watford - Bournemouth 2-2 (video),Live Streaming.17:00 West Bromwich - Burnley 1-2 (video),Live Streaming.17:00 West Ham - Southampton 3-0 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Στο στόχαστρο της Τσέλσι ο Αλντερβέιρελντ

Chelsea's goal is the Alderwirth

To win Tomby Alderwright, Chelsea will move in the next summer to strengthen its defensive line.

Live Streaming.16:30 Bayer Leverkusen - Augsburg 0-0 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Hannover - RB Leipzig 2-3 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Schalke - Freiburg 2-0 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 VfB Stuttgart - Hamburger SV 1-1 (video) Budesliga Eastern European Time


Πρώτος σκόρερ στην Ελλάδα, άσφαιρος πάνω από 1000 μέρες!

Top scorer in Greece, scattered over 1000 days!

Curse or just misfortune? A footballer who has gone from the Super League and has even been the first to score in the league a few years ago, has not achieved a goal in his career since then! Do you say they took him for years? Just 31 years old! Read who he is.

Έξαλλος με τα περί τραυματισμού του στη φυλακή ο Τέβες

Excavado con sus heridas en prisión Tevez

Según los informes, Carlos Tevez, quien permanecerá fuera del entrenamiento de Boca Juniors durante tres semanas, se lesionó jugando al fútbol en la cárcel.

Live Streaming.16:00 Inter Milan - Verona 3-0 (video),Live Streaming.16:00 Lazio - Benevento 6-2 (video),Live Streaming.16:00 Atalanta - Udinese 2-0 (video),Live Streaming.16:00 Cagliari - Torino 0-4 (video) ,Live Streaming.16:00 Fiorentina - Crotone2-0 (video),Live Streaming.16:00 Genoa - Spal 1-1 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Χωρίς πέντε στην Κέρκυρα η Λαμία

Article CoverWithout Lamia five in Corfu

Except Anastasopoulos, Karagiannis, Panteliadis and Omos will compete in the away match Sunday (1/4 17:15) against Corfu Lamia.

Live Streaming.15:00 Panaitolikos - PAS Giannina 1-0 (video) Greece Souper League European Time

Article CoverPanetolikos - PAS Giannina 1-0 (video)

Panetolikos without being superior to PAS Giannina prevailed 1-0 in Agrinio and keeps alive hopes for five.

Live Streaming.14:30 Crystal Palace - Liverpool Premier League Eastern European Time

Απίθανο γκολ με τακουνάκι στην προπόνηση από τον Ρονάλντο (video)

Gol inverosímil con el talón en la formación de Ronaldo (vídeo)

Un bello acabado al talón de tráfico registrado en el entrenamiento de Cristiano Ronaldo del Real Madrid.

Top-10 με «δολοφόνο» Γκριν (vid)

Article CoverTop-10 with "killer" Greene (vid)

The Gerald Green ... killed the Phoenix Suns and put his signature to the impressive Top-10 Saturday (31/3).

Live Streaming.13:30 Bologna - AS Roma 1-1 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Παρασκευή 30 Μαρτίου 2018

Ουνικάχα Μάλαγα - Ολυμπιακός 87-85

Article CoverUnicaja Malaga - Olympiacos 87-85

En matsara que Vassilis Spanoulis hizo historia como el primer pasador de la Euroliga, el Olympiacos se apartó de la mitad de tiempo -14, pero con el tiempo perdido en el tiempo extra con James Augustine para convertirse en un héroe de Málaga a la cesta 2.5 "antes del final (87-85) .

Live Streaming.21:15 Panathinaikos - Valencia 75-56 Euroleague Eastern European Time

Article CoverPanathinaikos - Valencia 75-56

Panathinaikos Superfoods with excellent defense and super Kalathi (17th, 10th) swept through Valencia (75-56) and continues to hope for the advantage of the playoffs.

Έτοιμος ο Ατρόμητος για την αναμέτρηση με τον ΠΑΟΚ

Article CoverAtromitos is ready for the showdown with PAOK

Atromitos finished preparing for the home match against PAOK on Saturday (17.15) for the 26th Super League.

Live Streaming.20:00 Crvena zvezda - Real Madrid 79-82 Euroleague Eastern European Time

Article CoverRed Star - Real Madrid 79-82

The Red Star ... plunged Real Madrid, but eventually defeated with a huge basket of Doncic (79-82) and did not allow Superfoods in Panathinaikos to rely solely on his own results for the headquarters.

Πάλι έξω οι Ένχελς και Χατζισαφί

Again Echeles and Hatzisafi

Oscar Garcia decided not to include them in the match for Levadiakos (31/3, 19:30), something he had done 20 days ago in the match with Platanias in Crete.

Διαψεύδει τις επαφές με Ντιμπάλα η Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης

Article CoverNiega contactos con Dibala o el Atlético de Madrid

El Atlético de Madrid ha negado los rumores recientes acerca de los contactos con la visión argentina mesoepithetiko Juventus Paulo Ntimpala de la nueva temporada.

Live Streaming.20:00 Zalgiris Kaunas - CSKA Moscow 85-73 Euroleague Eastern European Time

Article CoverZalgiris - CSKA Moscow 85-73

Executing ... an explosive fourth quarter, Zalgiris struggled with CSKA Moscow with an emphatic 85-73.

Live Streaming.19:00 Unicaja Malaga - Olympiacos 74-74 (et al), 87-85 Euroleague Eastern European Time

Article CoverUnicaja Malaga - Olympiacos 87-85

En matsara que Vassilis Spanoulis hizo historia como el primer pasador de la Euroliga, el Olympiacos se apartó de la mitad de tiempo -14, pero con el tiempo perdido en el tiempo extra con James Augustine para convertirse en un héroe de Málaga a la cesta 2.5 "antes del final (87-85) .

Χωρίς Βαρέλα και Μουλέν η αποστολή του ΠΑΟΚ

Without Varela and Moulen the PAOK mission

The preparation of PAOK was completed in view of tomorrow's match in Peristeri with Atromitos, with unprepared Varela and Moulen to stay out of mission.

Με απουσίες ενόψει ΠΑΣ ο Παναιτωλικός

With absences in view of PAS Panetolikos

Five absences include Panetoliko's expedition for tomorrow's showdown with PAS Giannina in Agrinio.

Ανησυχία και εξετάσεις για Γκρίφιν

Concern and Exams for Griffin

Blake Griffin faces an ankle problem, and Pistons are eager to wait for the effects of magnetics.

Τα "μπρος - πίσω" του Μποτία στον Ολυμπιακό

The "back and forth"  Boccia at the Olympiacos

Alberto Boccia knows about the interest of various teams from abroad, but everything will clear in mid-May.

«Έδινε Κουτίνιο για Μπέιλ στη Ρεάλ η Λίβερπουλ»

Article Cover"Le dio Koutinho a Bale en Liverpool Real"

Philippe Coutinho se puede llegar en Barcelona, ​​pero muy bien podría estar residiendo en Madrid, con el Liverpool para ofrecerle a cambio de Gareth Bale.

Εκπρόσωπος FIFA για το Grexit: «Απαιτούμε εγγυήσεις ότι θα σταματήσουν τα επεισόδια»

FIFA spokesman for Grexit: "We demand guarantees that the episodes will stop"

The conditions that the EPA should provide to avoid Grexit said the FIFA press spokesman.

Ενδιαφέρον Μπάγερν για Μοράτα

Interesting Bayern for Morata

In the Bayern Munich transfer list, the Chelsea ace, Alvaro Morata, is in the event that Robert Levanovski leaves.

Αναντολού Εφές - Μπαρτσελόνα 83-107,Μπάμπεργκ - Αρμάνι Μιλάνο 78-83

Article CoverAnadolu Efes - Barcelona 83-107

Barcelona was spectacularly aggressive, made a record 19-round Euroleague and reached a very comfortable victory with emphatic 107-83 against Anadolu Efes.

Μπασκόνια - Μακάμπι Τελ Αβίβ 83-72

Article CoverBaskonia - Maccabi Tel Aviv 83-72

El Baskonia fue superior durante todo el partido, "hit" las debilidades del Maccabi Tel Aviv y alcanzó la victoria (83-72), y garantizar la cualificación matemática para los playoffs de la Euroliga.