Τετάρτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Πανιώνιος - ΠΑΟΚ 1-3 (vids)

Article CoverPanionios - PAOK 1-3 (vids)

PAOK ... was bawling from the events of Toumba and descending like a kamikaze in Nea Smyrna.

ΠΑΟΚ - Σασταμάλα 3-1 Βόλεΐ

PAOK - Sastamala 3-1 Bolleyball

PAOK welcomes Finnish Sastamallah in his last fight for the Champions League second division.

Champions League

Χάρντεν: «Οι φετινοί Ρόκετς είναι οι καλύτεροι που έχω αγωνιστεί»

Harden: "This year's Rockets are the best I've fought"

James Harden thinks this year's Rockets are the contenders of the title and the best team that has fought.

Γιουβέντους - Αταλάντα 1-0 (video)

Article CoverJuventus - Atalanta 1-0 (video)

Il cinico ... la Juventus ha vinto 1-0 in Atalanta nevoso «Juventus Stadium» e qualificato per la finale della Coppa italiano con due vittorie.

Live Streaming.21:45 Lazio - AC Milan 0-0 extra time 0-0 penalty 4-5 (video) Tim Cup Eastern European Time

Πήρε παίκτη... τσάμπα και σε έναν χρόνο τον πούλησε 6 εκατ. ευρώ!

He got a player ... and at one year he sold him 6 million!

Red Star achieved another super deal as he sold a player to China for 6m euros.

Live Streaming.19:00 PAOK vs VaLePa 3-1 (22-25, 25-22, 25-20, 25-20) CEV Champions League Eastern European Time

PAOK - Sastamala 3-1

PAOK welcomes Finnish Sastamallah in his last fight for the Champions League second division.

Ρέι: «Στο μυαλό μας μόνο η κατάκτηση τίτλων»

Article CoverRay: "In our minds only the acquisition of titles"

Rodriguez Rey talked about PAOK's play with Panionios, the competition as the goalkeeper, but also his own presence in the biceps.

Live Streaming.19:30 Panionios - PAOK 1-3 (vids) Greece Cup Eastern European Time

Article CoverPanionios - PAOK 1-3 (vids)

PAOK ... was bawling from the events of Toumba and descending like a kamikaze in Nea Smyrna.

Ιτούδης: «Ξέρουμε πώς είναι να παίζεις στο Τελ Αβίβ»

Article CoverItoudis: "We know how to play in Tel Aviv"

Dimitris Itoudis clarified that CSKA Moscow knows how to play in Tel Aviv and will be ready for the Maccabi match (1/3, 21:05).

Οι παίκτες του Παναθηναϊκού παραμένουν δύσπιστοι για τις πληρωμές

Players Panathinaikos remain skeptical about payments

Panathinaikos' briefing for a 24-hour delay in their repayment has sparked disbelief with the players, but the mind of everyone remains in the derby.

Ο Κουρτουά "κάρφωσε" χωρίς οίκτο τον Κόντε μέσω... Αζάρ!

Courtois "nailed" Konte without pity through ... Azar!

Conte has not reached the fact that he has been in the quest for questioning for several months and is testing Chelsea to keep his post and not to be handcuffed by Roman Abramovich, and Timbo Kurtou came to take it. .. centers.

Μπαρτσελόνα - Ρεάλ: Σε ώρα Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ το clasico της 6ης Μαϊου

Article CoverBarcelona - Real: en el Campeonato de la Liga de Campeones el 6 de mayo

A las 21:45 del domingo 6 de mayo, se realizará el derbi de Barcelona con Real en el giro 36 de la Primera División.

Χάνει Μονρεάλ η Άρσεναλ

Montreal or Arsenal loses

Nicolas Montreal's services for Arsenal's direct racing duties will be deprived Arsene Wenger.

Πολ Μίλσαπ: Η μεγάλη επιστροφή!

Paul Milsap: The Big Return!

Paul Milsap returned to active action after four months of absence with him waiting to return to full pace!

Αναστάτωση για τον Ικάρντι στην Αργεντινή

Ο Μάουρο ΙκάρντιInconveniencia para Icardi en Argentina

Según los informes, Mauro Icardi queda fuera del equipo nacional de Argentina para la fase final de la Copa del Mundo en Rusia, lo que ha provocado su altercado.

"«Κράξιμο» Ράμος σε Ίσκο: «Όταν παίζεις στη Ρεάλ

Article CoverRamos en Isco: "Cuando juegas en Real ..."

Vestuario del Real Madrid después de una derrota fuera del Espanyol.

Σουάνσι - Σέφιλντ Γουένσντεϊ 2-0 (video) Κύπελλο FA

Τρίτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Εσπανιόλ - Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης 1-0 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Καλάθης, Σπανούλης και Μιλουτίνοφ στο Top 10 ασίστ της Euroleague (vid)

Kalathis, Spanoulis and Milutinov in Top 10 Assists of Euroleague (vid)

A triple Greek presence is in the Top 10 Euroleague assists in the February match.

Live Streaming.22:05 Swansea - Sheffield Wednesday 2-0 (video) FA Cup Eastern European Time

Τα βρήκε με Ταυλαρίδη ο Παναθηναϊκός

Ο Στάθης ΤαυλαρίδηςHe found them with Taularidi Panathinaikos

Panathinaikos reached a compromise with Stathis Taularidis, eliminating the risk of scoring points.

Πρόταση 200 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ για τον Μιλίνκοβιτς-Σάβιτς

Proposta di 200 milioni di euro per Milkovic-Savic

Una proposta di 200 milioni di euro, insieme ai bonus, è presumibilmente detenuta dal popolo lettone per lo strumento serbo Sergei Milkovic-Savic.

Live Streaming.21:00 Espanyol - Real Madrid 1-0 (video) La Liga Eastern European Time

Δυνατά για τον Σερί της Νις η Άρσεναλ

Article CoverStrong for Nis or Arsenal Seri

Arsenal is gearing up to make a formal proposal to buy the Ivory central midfielder of Nis, Jean Michel Seri, according to the Daily Express.

Τρέλα στην Ρεάλ για Κέιν

Tonto en Real para Caín

Continuando con los escenarios que dicen que las clasificaciones del Real Madrid quieren que los ingleses abandonen los álamos desesperadamente.

O Kαραπαπάς πόσταρε το φύλλο αγώνα της Τούμπας

O Kαραπαπάς πόσταρε το φύλλο αγώνα της Τούμπας (pic)Karapapas played the Toumba match card

Olympiakos FC Director of Communication, Konstantinos Karapapas, posted in his facebok account the match sheet indicating who was named for the team's bench in the Toumba match.

Προσφέρει νέο συμβόλαιο στον Αζάρ

Ο Εντέν Αζάρ, Τσέλσι.Offers new contract to Azar

Chelsea's administration wants to put an end to the scenarios on the future of Enten Azar and is ready to offer him a new co-operation contract with increased financial earnings.

Ο ΠΑΟΚ ζητάει την τιμωρία του Ολυμπιακού!

PAOK asks for the punishment of Olympiacos!

In favor of winning the match and eliminating Olympiacos, PAOK will seek to succeed, basing its legal line, after the "fight card" and the match observer's report.

Με... κάλτσες στα χέρια παίκτες ρουμανικής ομάδας λόγω κρύου!

Με... κάλτσες στα χέρια παίκτες ρουμανικής ομάδας λόγω κρύου! (pics)With ... socks in the hands of Romanian team players due to cold!

Wearing socks in the hands of some Sapsi players fought against Steaua Bucharest to meet the -8 degrees Celsius.

Μουνιέ: «Όλα θα κριθούν στο χορτάρι»

Ο Αντονί ΜουνιέMuñoz: "All will be judged in the grass'

Antoni Muni pointed out that the titles of the favorite and underdog play no role in the field, in view of the "eternity" derby in G. Karaiskakis.

Δευτέρα 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Μπορούσια Ντόρτμουντ - Άουγκσμπουργκ 1-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Κάλιαρι - Νάπολι 0-5 (video) Σέριε A

Ατρόμητος - ΑΕΚ 1-1 (video)

Article CoverAtromitos - AEK 1-1 (video)

AEK has given it all, a three-pointer-like approach to Atromitos, but Wuarda with an inconceivable goal cut the wings of the biceps and put his signature on the right 1-1.

Live Streaming.21:45 Cagliari - Napol 0-5 (video)i Serie A Eastern European Time

Μπουφόν και Μπαλοτέλι στην εθνική Ιταλίας εξετάζει ο Ντι Μπιάτζιο

Buffon e Balotelli nell'Italia nazionale stanno considerando Di Biagio

Il Coach custode d'Italia, Luigi Di Biagio, ha detto che intende chiamare Gianluigi Buffon e può invitare e Mario Balotelli per partite amichevoli del mese di marzo l'Italia contro l'Argentina e l'Inghilterra.

Live Streaming.21:30 Borussia Dortmund - FC Augsburg 1-1 (video) Budesliga Eastern European Time


Πούλησε Καράσκο και Γκαϊτάν η Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης!

¡Carasco y Gaitano vendieron el Atlético de Madrid!

El Madrid y el Atlético de Madrid han sido retirados por el belga y el argentino que literalmente están tirando por otros ... estados.

Ανρί: «Όνειρο μου ο πάγκος της Αρσεναλ»

Ανρί: «Όνειρο μου ο πάγκος της Αρσεναλ»Henry: "My dream is Arsenal's bench"

Thierry Henry responded to the scenarios of ... Arsenal, pointing out that it was his dream to find himself at the Londoners counter.

Κλοπ: «Να μείνουμε 'θυμωμένοι'»

Ο Γιούργκεν ΚλοπKlopp: "Stay angry"

In the "anger" they are making on the pitch, Liverpool's coach Jürgen Klop reported that he wants to see him in all the other races until the end of the season.

Live Streaming.19:30 Atromitos - AEK Athens FC 1-1 (video) Greece Super League Eastern European Time

Article CoverAtromitos - AEK 1-1 (video)

AEK has given it all, a three-pointer-like approach to Atromitos, but Wuarda with an inconceivable goal cut the wings of the biceps and put his signature on the right 1-1.

TOP-5: Μέσα ο Γιάννης, κορυφή για Ντράμοντ (vid)

TOP-5: Meanwhile, John, top of Drummond (vid)

John Adodocunbo was number two in the 5 best stages of the day, with the top belonging to Andre Dramond.

Αποφασίζει για τέταρτη αλλαγή στο ποδόσφαιρο η UEFA

Decides for a fourth change in football or UEFA

UEFA's decision to apply the right to a fourth change - one extra of the three currently in force - is said to be the case - as it emerged from the Conference of its Executive Committee in Bratislava.

ΠΑΕ ΑΕΚ: "Μην πλησιάσετε καν στο Περιστέρι"

PAE AEK: "Do not get close to Peristeri"

AEK FC sent a clear signal to protect the team, ahead of the current (26/2, 19:30) match against Atromitos.

Ντε Μπρόινε: «Σίτι για... μια ζωή»

De Brenène: "A city for ... a life"

For his entire football life, he sees himself in Manchester City, Kevin De Brouin.

Mourinho: "We gave our hands and we went with Konte"
Drogba arrived at London's derby, Cain

Το φύλλο αγώνα του ΠΑΟΚ - Ολυμπιακός

The scoresheet PAOK - Olympiakos

Read what PAOK says according to Alexandros Areopoulos's struggle for what happened in Toumba and caused the derby not to be played with Olympiacos.

Έτσι είναι το πόδι του Νεϊμάρ μετά τον τραυματισμό

Article CoverSo is Neimar's foot after the injury

Neimar climbed the social media with his foot a few hours after he was injured in the Paris Saint-Germain-Marseille game.

Ρόμα - Μίλαν 0-2 (video) Σέριε A