Τρίτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Σπόρτινγκ - Γιουβέντους 1-1 (video), Παρί Σεν Ζερμέν - Άντερλεχτ 5-0 (video), Σέλτικ - Μπάγερν Μονάχου 1-2 (video) Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ

Αρης-Βόννη 69-75

Article CoverAris-Bonn 69-75

The ... Aris dealer did everything wrong in the second half and paid him dearly, having seen his first home defeat (69-75) in the Basketball Champions League, from Bonn, which on the contrary was his first victory German to the 4th Group.

Mε Ομάρ εξτρέμ και Φορτούνη φορ!

With Omar wingers and Fortunis Four! 

Takis Lechnis also chose Tachtsidis for a place in the hockey for the game with Barcelona.

«Γιγαντομαχία» για τον Χιμένες της Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης

Article Cover"Gigantomaquia" para Chimemez del Atlético de Madrid

Tres "gigantes" del fútbol europeo están interesados ​​en comprar el defensa central uruguayo del Atlético de Madrid, José Maria Jimenez.

Ο "Μαδριλένος" Καρεμπέ υποδέχεται τη διοίκηση της Μπαρτσελόνα (video)

"Madrilene" Karembe welcomes Barcelona administration (video)

Christine Karembe welcomed the administrative members of the Barcelona mission to "G. Karaiskakis" for the dinner with the administration of Olympiacos.

Ποτσετίνο: «Ο Ρονάλντο είναι ένα φαινόμενο»

Potchetino: "Ronaldo is a phenomenon"

Tottenham coach Mauritsio Pochetino presented Cristiano Ronaldo one day before his team's game against Real.

Live Streaming.21:45 Manchester United - Benfica 2-0 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Basel - CSKA Moscow 1-2 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 AS Roma - Chelsea 3-0 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Atletico Madrid - Qarabag 1-1 (video) Champions League Eastern European Time


Live Streaming.21:45 Sporting - Juventus 1-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Paris Saint Germain - Anderlecht 5-0 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Celtic - Bayern Munchen 1-2 (video) Champions League Eastern European Time

Χιλιάδες οπαδοί διέκοψαν προπόνηση!

Thousands of fans stopped training!

Impossible images in Egypt and Al Ahli took the best outfit for the final African Champions League against Wuddad from Casablanca.

Καγεχόν: «Η Νάπολι δεν φοβάται τη Σίτι»

Καγεχόν: «Η Νάπολι δεν φοβάται τη Σίτι»
Kagechon: "Il Napoli non ha paura della Città"

In un'intervista prima della partita contro il Manchester City, Jose Kagechon detto che la sua squadra non ha paura degli inglesi.

Live Streaming.21:45 Olympiakos Piraeus - Barcelona 0-0 (video) Champions League Eastern European Time

Article CoverOlympiakos - Barcelona 0-0 (video)

Olympiacos pulled out Barcelona's lobes and got a legendary gold (0-0) that keeps him alive for the third place while escaping from the absolute zero in the scoring.

Live Streaming.21:30 Chalon/Saone - PAOK 75-61 Champions League Basketball Eastern European Time

The (mistaken) mistakes have defeated PAOK

The collapse and the many mistakes in the third season brought them up in PAOK's showdown with Salon, with the French team winning (75-61).

Live Streaming.19:30 Aris - Bonn 69-75 Champions League Basketball Eastern European Time

Article CoverAris-Bonn 69-75

The ... Aris dealer did everything wrong in the second half and paid him dearly, having seen his first home defeat (69-75) in the Basketball Champions League, from Bonn, which on the contrary was his first victory German to the 4th Group.

Live Streaming.18:00 Olympiacos Youth - Barcelona Youth 0-3 (vids) Champions League Eastern European Time

El Barcelona fue el primero e invicto, 3-0 olímpico(vids)
Barcelona was the first and unbeaten, 3-0 the Olympic (vids) Barcelona sin dificultad se impuso 3-0 en el centro de deportes olímpicos de Redi y sigue su curso frenética en la Liga Juvenil tener la absoluta y sin encajar un gol en cuatro partidos.

Όταν ο Ολυμπιακός... πάτησε τη Μπαρτσελόνα στη Λεωφόρο

When Olympiacos ... put Barcelona on the Avenue

Tribute to Olympiakos's unique victory (even friendly) against Barcelona made a Spanish website, when Sidere's "Reds" made the world talk.

Μαουρίσιο: "Σταθερά στη μάχη για τον τίτλο"

Maurizio: "Fixed in battle for the title"

José Maurizio made statements on the Brazilian web site "lance.com.br" after PAOK's victory over Asteras Tripolis and the two goals he scored.

Νέβιλ: «Ο Μουρίνιο είναι σαν τον Μεϊγουέδερ»

Neville: "Mourinho is like Meigweather"

With boxer Floyd Meigweer likening Jose Mourinho to Manchester United veteran Gary Neville, stressing that they both enjoy the defensive style of play.

Οι πτήσεις των «Λύκων» στην κορυφή του TOP 10! (vid)

The flights of "Wolves" at the top of TOP 10! (vid)

The NBA's TOP 10 is once again impressive with the "two-player" flights of Wolves making it ... 1-2.

Κλείνει Τορέιρα η Ατλέτικο

El Atlético cierra Torreira

De acuerdo con la Sampdoria para el promedio Lucas Toreira Atlético de Madrid alcanzó una cantidad de aproximadamente 40 millones de dólares, según los informes.

Μπέρνλι - Νιούκαστλ 1-0 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Βερόνα - Ίντερ 1-2 (video) Σέριε Α

Δευτέρα 30 Οκτωβρίου 2017

ΠΑΟΚ - Αστέρας Τρίπολης 2-0 (video)

Article CoverPAOK - Asteras Tripolis 2-0 (video)

For a half time, PAOK was a bad smell! Maurizio put two balls and Bichefalu imposed the Tubas law on the Star (2-0), reaching back again from the top.

Live Streaming.21:45 Verona - Inter Milan 1-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Βαλβέρδε: «Είμαι συγκινημένος που επιστρέφω! Δεν σταματάει η σχέση μου με την Ελλάδα»!

Βαλβέρδε: «Είμαι συγκινημένος που επιστρέφω! Δεν σταματάει η σχέση μου με την Ελλάδα»!Valverde: "¡Estoy emocionado de volver! Mi relación con Grecia no se detiene "!

Él no ocultó sus sentimientos volviendo a "G. Karaiskakis "Ernesto Valverde.

Live Streaming.22:00 Burnley - Newcastle United 1-0 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Ο Κριστιάνο... πέφτει και η Ρεάλ έχει έτοιμη τη λίστα διαδόχων!

Cristiano ... se cae y ¡Real tiene la lista de sucesor lista!

En el Real Madrid saben bien que no vivirán para siempre en la constelación de Cristiano Ronaldo.

Αυτή είναι η ενδεκάδα του ΠΑΟΚ

This is PAOK's eleventh

See the players selected by Razvan Lutscu for PAOK's home match against Asteras Tripolis.

Live Streaming.19:30 PAOK - Asteras Tripolis 2-0 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Article CoverPAOK - Asteras Tripolis 2-0 (video)

For a half time, PAOK was a bad smell! Maurizio put two balls and Bichefalu imposed the Tubas law on the Star (2-0), reaching back again from the top.

Live Streaming19:00 Panathinaikos - Prometheus 96-64 Greece Basketball League A1 Eastern European Time

At idle, Panathinaikos, 96-64, Prometheus, Patras

Panathinaikos Superfoods defeated Prometheus Patras (96-64) idle and is now the only unbeaten team at Stoiximan.gr Basket League after the end of the 4th game.

Χατζηισαΐας: "Ήθελα να αποδείξω ότι άξιζα"

Hadjiisaias: "I wanted to prove that I deserved"

One of the main goals of the championship champion Dimitris Hadjisiais stood on the Toumpa - Peristeri route and in his future,

Έχαναν 3-1 στο 92' και... πήραν βαθμό! (vid)

They lost 3-1 at 92 'and ... got a grade! (vid)

The most viral overturn of the day comes from England's amateur categories and more specifically from Lancashire ...

Ασταμάτητος ο Γιάννης στην Ατλάντα! (vids)

Unstoppable John in Atlanta! (vids)

John Adockunbo was again the leader for Milwaukee Baks, leading the "deer" to win against Atlanta Hocks with 117-106.

Κυριακή 29 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Πανιώνιος - ΑΕΚ 0-1 (video)

Article CoverPanionios - AEK 0-1 (video)

AEK scored a big double against Panionios (0-1), with Sergio Araucos scoring a third consecutive visit to Nea Smyrna.

Live Streaming.19:30 Panionios - AEK Athens 0-1 (video) FC Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Το ρεκόρ-πρόκληση για Βαλβέρδε στο «Γ. Καραϊσκάκης»

Το ρεκόρ-πρόκληση για Βαλβέρδε στο «Γ. Καραϊσκάκης»El desafío récord para Valverde en "G. Karaiskakis »

Barcelona, ​​Ernesto Valverde puede atar un récord de 14 años con una victoria el martes contra el Olympiakos en "C. Karaiskakis ".

Άκυρο της Σίτι σε Σάντσες!

Invalid of City in Sanchez!

Her decision not to move Manchester City in January for Alexis Sanchez of Arsenal, Mirror revealed in her report.

Ρόμα - Μπολόνια 1-0 (video) Serie A

Σάββατο 28 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Αθλέτικ Μπιλμπάο - Μπαρτσελόνα 0-2 (video) Λα Λίγκα

Παναθηναϊκός - Ολυμπιακός 1-0 (video)

Article CoverPanathinaikos - Olympiakos 1-0 (video)

Broken but honest and wretched! Panathinaikos with a manga and a very heavy jersey took the same draw for Olympiakos (1-0) that did not exist on the court until 75 '.

ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα – Κέρκυρα 2-1 (video)

Article CoverPAS Giannina - Corfu 2-1 (video)

In a thrilling game as he turned into the final in the Zosimades, PAS Giannina stayed back from Corfu in 72 ', but managed to overturn in 6 minutes (76', 82 '), winning 2-1 and kept the home team undefeated in the league.

Live Streaming.21:45 AS Roma - Bologna 1-0 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Λεβερκούζεν - FC Koln 2-1 (video), Ανόβερο - Μπορούσια Ντόρτμουντ 4-2 (video), Χέρτα Βερολίνου - Αμβούργο 2-1 (video), Χοφενχάιμ - Μπορούσια Μενχενγκλάντμπαχ 1-3 (video), Σάλκε - Βόλφσμπουργκ 1-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Live Streaming.21:45 Athletic Bilbao - Barcelona 0-2 (video) La Liga Eastern European Time

Γουέστ Μπρομ - Μάντσεστερ Σίτι 2-3 (video), Άρσεναλ - Σουόνσι 2-1 (video), Κρίσταλ Πάλας - Γουέστ Χαμ 2-2 (video),Λίβερπουλ - Χάντερσφιλντ 3-0 (video), Γουότφορντ - Στόουκ 0-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

ΑΕΛ - Λεβαδειακός 1-0 (video)

Article CoverAEL - Levadiakos 1-0 (video)

AEL and Levadiakos traveled to 0-0, but Thomas Naselidis scored 1-0 in the delays and "broke" the undefeated Levadiakos, gave the tripod to the "crimson" and put a "brake" on the impressive course of the Viotians.

Live Streaming.19:30 Panathinaikos - Olympiakos Piraeus 1-0 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Article CoverPanathinaikos - Olympiakos 1-0 (video)

Broken but honest and wretched! Panathinaikos with a manga and a very heavy jersey took the same draw for Olympiakos (1-0) that did not exist on the court until 75 '.

Live Streaming.19:30 Bayern Munchen - RB Leipzig 2-0 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Bournemouth - Chelsea 0-1 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:00 AC Milan - Juventus 0-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ - Τότεναμ 1-0 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ