Πέμπτη 31 Αυγούστου 2017

Ουγγαρία - Λετονία 3-1 (video),Λουξεμβούργο - Λευκορωσία 1-0(video),Πορτογαλία - Φερόε νησιά 5-1 (video),Ελβετία - Ανδόρα 3-0 (video) Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο 2018 Προκριματικά

Γαλλία - Ολλανδία 4-0 (video),Βουλγαρία - Σουηδία 3-2 (video), Βέλγιο - Γιβραλτάρ 9-0 (video), Κύπρος - Βοσνία & Ερζεγοβίνη 3-2 (video) Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο 2018 Προκριματικά

Live Streaming.21:45 Hungary - Latvia 3-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Luxembourg - Belarus 1-0(video),Live Streaming.21:45 Portugal - Faroe Islands 5-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Switzerland - Andorra 3-0 (video) World Cup 2018 Qualification Eastern European Time

Και Ρέτσος και Δώνης στην 11αδα της Εθνικής

And Retsos Donis and the National 11ada

Skimbe trusts the new ... blood of Ethniki and throws in Panathinaikos Panayiotis Retsos as well as Tasos Dionis.

Βιεϊρίνια: «Θέλω να κερδίσω τα πάντα με τον ΠΑΟΚ»

Beirinia: "I Want To Win Everything With PAOK"

The high targets he wants to bring to PAOK, said Vierinia, in his first statements after his return to Thessaloniki.

Live Streaming.21:45 Greece - Estonia 0-0 World Cup 2018 Qualification Eastern European Time

Greece - Estonia 0-0 World Cup 2018 Qualification Ελλάδα - Εσθονία 0-0

Live Streaming.21:45 France - Netherlands,Live Streaming.21:45 Bulgaria - Sweden,Live Streaming.21:45 Belgium - Gibraltar,Live Streaming.21:45 Cyprus - Bosnia & Herzegovina World Cup 2018 Qualification Eastern European Time

«Άκυρο» στη Γιουβέντους έριξε ο Χισάι

Hissai ha minacciato di annullare la Juventus

In Elseint Hysa Napoli ha presentato una proposta della Juventus, il giocatore, tuttavia, ha respinto, affermando che vuole vincere il campionato di Serie A con "partenopei".

Επιμένει η Μαρσέιγ για Μήτρογλου, πλησιάζει στα 25 εκατ.!

Article Cover
Marseille insists on Mitroglοu, approaching 25 million!

It's not ... putting Marseille down, submitting a new proposal close to 25 million for Kostas Mitroglou.

Στο βάθος… όφελος από Ρινάλντι για τον Παναθηναϊκό

In the background ... benefit from Rinaldi for Panathinaikos

An economic benefit is likely to arise for Panathinaikos from the possible relocation of Lautaro Ricardo to Italy.

Τετάρτη 30 Αυγούστου 2017

Δανεικός στη Γουέστ Μπρομ ο Κρικόβιακ της Παρί!

Article CoverOn loan to West Brom the Krikowiak of Paris!

Gregory Krikowiak is also an official player of West Bromitz in the form of a loan from Paris Saint-Germain.

Στο αεροπλάνο για Αθήνα ο Μουνιέ!

In the plane for Athina O Mounie!

Greece comes Antoni Muni! The French midfielder put up a photo at Instagram from the airport and makes his followers ... wondering about his next career.

Οριστικό: «Έκλεισε» και έρχεται ο Αραούχο!

Article CoverDefinitive: "Close" and the Arachos comes!

AEK has agreed to acquire Sierra Leone in the form of a loan from Las Palmas for the 2017-18 season but without a purchase option and the Argentine striker returns to Greece and the Union!

Τέλος οι μεταγραφές για τη Ρόμα

Τέλος οι μεταγραφές για τη ΡόμαInfine, i trascritti per i Roma

Non sta per fare ulteriori trascrizioni, Roma ha confermato il direttore tecnico del club, Monti, nella presentazione di Patrick Sik.

Ολυμπιακός: Ανακοίνωσε τον Τζούρτζεβιτς

Article CoverOlympiacos: Announced Jurjevic

Ursus Jurjevic is officially a player of Olympiacos.

The "red-white" FC announced the acquisition of the Serbian aggressor.

ΚΑΝΕΙΣ ΑΛΛΟΣ: Το ασύλληπτο ρεκόρ που κυνηγάει ο Λεμπρόν!

YOU ALONE: The incomprehensible record that Lebron chases!

The season that starts for Lembron James will not be like the rest! The "King" is preparing to break all the conters and prove with details that he is the most complete player on the NBA floor.

Εκλεισε το deal: Με 22 εκατ. στη Λεβερκούζεν ο Ρέτσος!

Article Cover
He closed the deal: With 22 million in Leverkusen, Retsos!

Panayiotis Retsos, who is only 19 years old, is sold to Leverkusen by Olympiacos instead of 22 million euros!

Επίσημο: Ανακοίνωσε Τόλγιαν η Ντόρτμουντ

Official: Toljan or Dortmund announced

Dortmund is also officially Jeremy Toljan.

Παίρνει Γιορέντε η Τσέλσι

Article CoverChelsea is getting jorred

Ready to make her own Fernando Jorande for 16m euros is Chelsea.

Τρίτη 29 Αυγούστου 2017

«Έβγαλαν» 12άδα για το Eurobasket οι Ρώσοι

Article Cover"The Russians have been relegated for the Eurobasket

The 12th to represent National Russia in the forthcoming Eurobasket was announced. Stout, Mosgow, Voronchevich and Kurbanov stand out.

Οι 12 παίκτες του Ολυμπιακού στον "αέρα"

The 12 Olympiacos players in the "air"

Olympiacos also gets Uruz Jurjevic, everything is open for 1-2 extra moves in the final straight of the transfer period, but on the other side there are 12 (!) Players waiting for the last ... 48 hours to learn the next Day of their career.

Θέλει πρώην αρχηγό της Ίντερ στην Ζενίτ ο Μαντσίνι

Article CoverHe wants a former leader of Inter for Zenit the Mancini

His compatriot and former Inter Milan captain, Andrea Ranokia, wishes to bring to St Petersburg the Italian Zenit technician, Roberto Mansini.

Καταλήγουν αλλού οι Μπουρντίσο και Μουνιέ

Bourdiso and Munier end up elsewhere

Nicolas Bourdiso and Anthony Munier, who have worked for Panathinaikos, will continue their career in Italy and France, respectively.

«Ετοιμάζει πρόταση για Ντάγκλας Τεσέιρα η ΑΕΚ»

«Prepares for Douglas Teaseira AEK»

In the case of Holland's central defender of Sporting Lisbon, Douglas Teaseira examines AEK, according to a Portuguese newspaper.

Ζήτησε άδεια από την εθνική λόγω... Μάντσεστερ Σίτι ο Σάντσες

He requested permission from the national due to ... Manchester City Sanchez

To settle personal issues (possible transfer to City), Alexis Sanchez asked for permission to miss Chile's preparation for the World Cup qualifiers.

Τα τυπικά για Ουάρντα στον Ατρόμητο

Article CoverTypical for Urdanda in Atromitos

Atroitos' shirt will be worn by Amr Warda this year, as it is only typical for his borrowing from PAOK.

Παίκτης του Παναθηναϊκού ο Σιλά

Παίκτης του Παναθηναϊκού ο ΣιλάPlayer of Panathinaikos Sila

According to information, Panathinaikos found both Rehn and Yakubba Sila, who is expected tomorrow in Athens.

Συμβουλή Νεϊμάρ σε Κουτίνιο: «Mην πας στη Μπαρτσελόνα»!

Article Cover
El consejo de Neimar a Coutinho: "¡No vayas a Barcelona!"

De acuerdo con informes de Brasil, Neymar le ha aconsejado Filipe Coutinho no puede continuar su carrera en Barcelona!

Η απίστευτη σωματική μετάλλαξη του Μαρκ Γκασόλ (video)

The incredible body mutation of Mark Gassol (video)

FIBA has published an amazing collage showing the incredible mutation of Mark Gassol's body from ... Big Buritto, when he was a teenager, to today's highly-trained center!

ΑΕΛ - Αστέρας Τρίπολης 1-1 (video)

Article CoverAEL - Asteras Tripolis 1-1 (video)

Larissa and Asteras Tripolis were throwing away great opportunities to win, they stayed at 1-1 and failed to celebrate their first win in the championship.

Δευτέρα 28 Αυγούστου 2017

Θέλει Ρούλι η Νάπολι, αλλά…

Napoli vuole Rouli, ma ...

Gironimo Roui darà a Napoli la Real Sociedad, solo se trova tempo per difendere la propria casa, basata sui media italiani.

Το αήττητο εκτός έδρας σερί της Ατλέτικο κρατάει πάνω από 8 μήνες!

Article CoverAntetiko invicto de ejecución de horas extraordinarias dura más de 8 meses!

El Atlético de Madrid "rompió" el Las Palmas en virtud de la segunda carrera de la Liga de 5-1 y se quedó durante los partidos como visitante consecutivos sin conocer la derrota 13 ...

Απρόοπτο για Αραούχο: Σφήνα της Κάλιαρι για Ρεμί!

Απρόοπτο για Αραούχο: Σφήνα της Κάλιαρι για Ρεμί!Unexpected for Araujo: Cagliari's wedge for Remi!

An embarrassment seems to arise in the case of Loic Remi with Las Palmas, which directly influences Serquio Araujo in AEK, after Cagliari comes in for the French striker.

Η Καραμπάκ θέλει Ενρίκε από ΠΑΟΚ!

Karabakh wants Enrique from PAOK!

Assistance for a decent maiden presence in the Champions League wants Karabakh, and for that reason he has struck PAOK for Pedro Enrique.

Σκίμπε: "Πολλά προβλήματα, αλλά μεγάλη εμπιστοσύνη"

Skimbe: "Many problems, but great confidence"

The National Hellenic federal technician, Michael Skimbe, clarified that absences are problems, but he reiterated their confidence in the international for the matches with Estonia and Belgium.

Live Streaming.21:30 AEL Larissa - Asteras Tripolis 1-1 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Συμφωνία Άρσεναλ – Τσέλσι για Τσάμπερλεϊν

Arsenal deal - Chelsea Chamberlain

Chelsea is expected to continue his career with Alex Oxley-Chamberell, with blue pockets paying £ 35m to Arsenal.

Γκιστ: «Ανυπομονώ να σας δω στο ΟΑΚΑ» (video)

Gist: "I'm looking forward to seeing you at OAKA" (video)

A call to Panathinaikos' friends to give potential to the OAKA's home matches was sent by James Gisht.

Μακ: «Μεγάλη η απογοήτευση μετά τον αποκλεισμό»

Mac: "Great disappointment after the blockade"

Robert Mac recognizes that PAOK's psychological weight is great after the break from Estersurd, but the Slovakian player keeps the reaction in the match with Corfu.

Ντεμπελέ: "Πάντα είχα όνειρο να παίξω στην Μπαρτσελόνα". (video)

Debele: "Siempre soñé con jugar en Barcelona". (Video)

Ussam Dembele habló sobre el sueño de un niño, que logró llevar a cabo con su traslado a Barcelona

Στατιστικό που προκαλεί θλίψη για την Άρσεναλ

Stressful statistics for Arsenal

Arsenal's performance against the top six teams of each season since the 2013/14 season in their Premier League matches is sad.

«Συμφώνησε με Ολυμπιακό ο Προτό»

Article Cover"Against Olympiacos the Proto"

According to the Belgians, Silvio Proto has handed over to Olympiacos and Ostend's "yes" remains for the concession of the Belgian goalkeeper to the "red-white".

Μιλάνο - Κάλιαρι 2-1 (video), Κιέβο - Λάτσιο 1-2 (video), Κροτόνε - Βερόνα 0-0,Φιορεντίνα - Σαμπντόρια 1-2 (video), Νάπολι - Αταλάντα 3-1 (video), Σπαλ - Ουντινέζε 3-2 (video) Serie A

Κυριακή 27 Αυγούστου 2017

ΠΑΟΚ - Κέρκυρα 3-1 (video)

Article CoverPAOK - Corfu 3-1 (video)

PAOK found the good looks he needed and with beautiful football he made his first victory in the league with 3-1 on Corfu losing opportunities for double score!

Παναθηναϊκός - Λεβαδειακός 0-0

Article CoverPanathinaikos - Levadiakos 0-0

A football miracle saved Panathinaikos from an unprecedented bump in the Avenue! Levadiakos trampled but did not win (0-0) the greens, for whom the league ended in the 2nd game (-6).

Τορίνο - Σασσουόλο 3-0 (video) Serie A

Λίβερπουλ - Άρσεναλ 4-0 (video), Τότεναμ - Μπέρνλι 1-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Live Streaming.21:45 AC Milan - Cagliari 2-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Chievo - Lazio 1-2 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Crotone - Verona 0-0,Live Streaming.21:45 Fiorentina - Sampdoria 1-2 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Napoli - Atalanta 3-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Spal - Udinese 3-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time


Live Streaming.21:30 Giannina - AEK Athens 0-0 FC Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Article CoverPAS Giannina - AEK 0-0

The impressive PAS Giannina of Petrakis forced the moderate AEK to its first loss of points in the championship (0-0)

Λειψία - Φράιμπουργκ 4-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα