Παρασκευή 30 Ιουνίου 2017

Πρώτη διπλή προπόνηση στον Παναθηναϊκό, απών ο Ρέις

Article CoverFirst double training in Panathinaikos, absent Rees

The first double training for the new season on Friday was made by Panathinaikos players.

Ακυρώθηκε το φιλικό με Σαχτάρ, σε αναζήτηση νέου αντιπάλου ο ΠΑΟΚ

Article CoverShakhtar-friendly is canceled, PAOK is searching for a new opponent

PAOK's scheduled coup d'état with Shakhtar on 9 July was canceled as the Ukrainians will leave earlier than the Netherlands.

«Σφήνα» της Σαχτάρ για Εμενίκε!

«Σφήνα» της Σαχτάρ για Εμενίκε!"Wedge" Shakhtar for Emenike!

And suddenly ... Shakhtar! The Turks write that the champions of Ukraine, who, however, do not want to pay the african clause, also entered the "trick" for the acquisition of Emmanuel Emenyke!

Ανανέωσε με Λαμία ο Όμο

ΌμοShe renewed Lamia with  Omo

32-year-old Nigerian defender, Suleyman Akim Omo, renewed his collaboration with Lamia and returned to the Super League after four years.

Τέλος ο Έρικσον από την Μπαρτσελόνα

Article CoverPor último, Erikson de Barcelona

Según lo anunciado por Barcelona, Marcus Ericsson continuará su carrera de Barcelona.

ΘΕΜΑ: Ο Ταχτσίδης θέλει να βρει το… λιμάνι του! (pics/vids)

TOPIC: Tachtsidis wants to find his ... harbor! (Pics/ vids)

He was changing the teams in Italy like shirts. He has not been able to stay anywhere more than a year. However, Panayiotis Tachtsidis presents the opportunity to ... steal Olympiacos!

Η Μονακό "ανακοίνωσε" Εμπαμπέ!

Monaco "announced" Empampe!

Player of Monaco will be the next season Kilian Ebampé despite what he writes about moving to one of the big clubs in Europe against many millions of euros.

Επισήμως στην Μίλαν ο Φάμπιο Μπορίνι (vid)

Article CoverUfficialmente a Milano Fabio Borini (vid)

Rimpatrio dopo due anni in Inghilterra per l'italiano Fabio Borini, la cui acquisizione da AC Milan ha annunciato ufficialmente Venerdì.

Έδωσε στη Λιόν τον Μαριάνο η Ρεάλ

He gave Lyon the Mariano Real

Mariano Duas will continue his career in Lion, as Real has officially announced the deal.

Η Κιέβο πήρε Γκαουντίνο από Μπάγερν

Chievo took Gaudino from Bayern

Gianluca Gaudino remains free from Bayern Munich and will continue his career in Chievo.

Tέλος ο Τόνσο

Finally, Tonso

Martin Tonso will not continue at Atromitos as he was judged to be inappropriate for the qualities of the Cantante racing philosophy.

Πενταετές συμβόλαιο με την Γουέστ Χαμ ο Ογκμπόνα (vid)

Article CoverFive-year contract with West Ham Ogkmpona (vid)

Italian central defender Angelo Ogbona has redeemed his positive appearances with West Ham in the past two years, signing a new contract.

Η Λειψία αγόρασε 14ο παίκτη από τη Ζάλτσμπουργκ

Leipzig bought the 14th player from Salzburg

Leipzig bought from Salzburg the player of the year 2016-2017, the 20-year-old international Austrian Conrad Limer.

Καρδιοχτύπησε ο Κριστιάνο στα πέναλτι των συμπαικτών του! (vid)

Article CoverEl latido del corazón de Cristiano tiroteo de sus compañeros de equipo! (Vid)

Cristiano Ronaldo en la tanda de penaltis, el portugués comenzó a Chile por la semifinal de la Copa Confederaciones, era increíblemente nervioso, pero luego se hizo cargo de consolar a sus compañeros de equipo.

FIFA-UEFA: Αλλαγές στο καταστατικό της ΕΠΟ ή Grexit!

FIFA-UEFA: Αλλαγές στο καταστατικό της ΕΠΟ ή Grexit!FIFA-UEFA: Changes to EPO or Grexit!

A clear "threat" from FIFA and UEFA to the EPA General Assembly, that if the required changes to the statute do not go through, the risk of the Grexit football club will return.

Η εντυπωσιακή δεύτερη φανέλα της Μπάγερν

Η εντυπωσιακή δεύτερη φανέλα της Μπάγερν (pics)Bayern's impressive second jersey 

Bayern's off-season appearance was revealed and steals the impressions.

Ξανά για Μολέντο η Ιντερνασιονάλ

Again for Moledo the Internacional

The Internacional people are preparing to come back for the acquisition of Rodrigo Molendo after the end of the collaboration between Nikos Lyberopoulos and the greens.

Πέμπτη 29 Ιουνίου 2017

Γερμανία - Μεξικό 4-1 (video) Διεθνές Τουρνουά

Ανακοινώθηκε ο Μανιάτης από την Αλάνιασπορ

ΜανιάτηςAnnounced by Maniatis from Alaniaspor

Yiannis Maniatis signed a two-year contract in AlanyaPor. It is the second time that the 31-year-old will play off the border after passing by Liege Lieutenant.

«Είχαμε κάνει πρόταση ανανέωσης στον Τεόντοσιτς πριν το Final 4»

"We had made a proposal for renewal to Teodosic before Final 4"

Milos Teodosic had a proposal for renewal by CSKA Moscow before the start of the Final Four of Euroleague, according to the Russian press.

Οριστικό: Στην Αθήνα το βράδυ ο Άλτμαν για τον Παναθηναϊκό

Article CoverDefinitive: In Athens in the evening, Altman for Panathinaikos

In the next hour, Omri Altmann is expected to sign a cooperation agreement with Panathinaikos as the two sides reached an agreement.

Παίρνει τερματοφύλακα από τη Λίβερπουλ η Νότιγχαμ

He takes a goalkeeper from Liverpool or Nottingham

Very near to Liverpool's transcription of Adam Bugdan is Nottingham Forest by Vangelis Marinakis.

Live Streaming.21:00 Germany - Mexico 4-1 (video) International Tournaments Eastern European Time

Germany - Mexico 4-1 (video) International Tournaments Γερμανία - Μεξικό 4-1 (video) Διεθνές Τουρνουά

Έκανε «σεφτέ» με Ολλανδό τερματοφύλακα η Σουόνσι

Article CoverShe made a "chef" with a Dutch goalkeeper Swansea

Swansea formalized her first translating move for the summer of 2017 with the acquisition of goalkeeper Erwin Moulter from Heerenveen.

Live Streaming.20:00 AEK Larnaca - Lincoln Red 5-0 Europa League Eastern European Time

Ανέβηκε ο Ολυμπιακός για Οφόε, "κλείνει" η μεταγραφή

Olympiacos went up for Ops, the transcript closes

Budesic Hashi longs Vadis Ondjanda - And the people of Olympiacos are constantly working on the implementation of transcription.

«Με 50 εκατομμύρια στη Σίτι ο Σάντσες»

"With 50 million in the City of Sanchez"

The belief that with an amount of £ 50m will be able to get Arsenal from Arsenal, Manchester City executives have, as the Guardian reported.

Ισχυρή, αλλά με απουσίες η… αντίπαλος Γαλλία στο Ευρωμπάσκετ

Strong, but with absences or ... opponent France in Eurobasket

Greece's Eurobasket fighters will be absent but will still have a strong roster.

Συναντήθηκε με Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης ο μάνατζερ του Κουρτουά

Article CoverSe reunió con el gerente Courtois Real Madrid

Reunión con el líder, el Real Madrid fue el representante del portero del Chelsea Thibaut Courtois, como reveló en declaraciones recientes.

Ο Χίλντερμπραντ έπαθε "Μπράβο" στο Cincinnati - Chicago Fire (video)

El Chilntermprant sufrió "Bravo" en Cincinnati - Chicago Fire (vídeo)

La Claudio Bravo envía al astillado de Chile en la final de la Copa Confederaciones y unas horas más tarde, el portero de Cincinnati, Mitch Chilntermprant, imitado chilena.

ΠΑΟΚ: Απαντάει ο Οτσόα

Article Cover
PAOK: Answers the Ochoa

PAOK pushes Guillermo Osoa's side to respond to the proposal he has made and immediate developments are expected ...

Συναντήσεις με Χιτ, Τζαζ και Σέλτικς ο Χέιγουορντ

Meetings with Hitz, Jazz and Celtics of Haworth

Gordon Hayward is left free on July 1, and several teams ... lurking for his acquisition.

«Χτυπάει» Λυκογιάννη η Σεντ Ετιέν!

Article CoverLykogianni is St Etienne!

Transfer priority is for St Etienne Babis Lykoyannis, according to the French.

Το «αντίο» του Ντάνι Άλβες στους οπαδούς της Γιουβέντους

Il "Goodbye" Danny Alves a tifozi della Juventus

L'asso brasiliano tifozi ha detto addio alla "vecchia signora" con un post toccante su Instagram.

Τετάρτη 28 Ιουνίου 2017

Πορτογαλία - Χιλή 0-0 0-3 πέναλτι (video) Διεθνές Τουρνουά

«Ξηλώθηκε» και πήρε τον Κόρντομπα η Κολωνία

Article CoverIt was «dry» and Cologne took Cordoba

Cologne disbursed more than 15m euros and completed the remarkable transcript of the Colombian striker John Cordoba from Mainz.

Αυτές είναι οι ομάδες του Champions League

Article CoverThese are the Champions League teams

FIBA announced the teams that will be in the Basketball Champions League of the coming season, with Greece once again having a triple representation with AEK, Mars and PAOK.

Οι ενδεκάδες στο Πορτογαλία-Χιλή

Οι ενδεκάδες στο Πορτογαλία-Χιλή
Las alineaciones en Portugal-Chile

Ver a los jugadores que eligieron a alinearse en las semifinales de la Copa Confederaciones entre Portugal y Chile, como Fernando Santos y Juan Antonio Pizza, respectivamente.

Ανακοίνωσε Βίκτορ Φίσερ η Μάιντς

Viktor Fischer announced the Mainz

A teammate with Pablo De Blace in Mainz is Viktor Fischer. At four million, the cost of transcribing the Danes.

Σε διαπραγματεύσεις Φενέρμπαχτσε και Έβερτον για Μιραλάς

In negotiations Fenerbahce and Everton for Miralas

Near to Fenerbahce, according to the Turkish press, 29-year-old Belgian international winger Kevin Miralas, who renewed his collaboration with Everton last month.

Live Streaming.21:00 Portugal - Chile 0-0 0-3 penalty (video) International Tournaments Eastern European Time

Portugal - Chile 0-0 0-3 penalty (video) International Tournaments Πορτογαλία - Χιλή 0-0 0-3 πέναλτι (video) Διεθνές Τουρνουά

«Βόμβα» στο ΝΒΑ: Προς Ρόκετς ο Κρις Πολ

Article Cover"Bomb" in the NBA: To Rocket Chris Paul

"Bomb" in the NBA: Los Angeles Clippers are preparing to give Chris Paul a deal to Houston Rockets in a move that will "upset" the league.

Μπλόκαρε η μεταγραφή του Μανωλά

The transcript of Manola was blocked

The final wreck seems to be driven by Kostas Manola's transcript, as Zenit and Mancini were disappointed by his behavior!

ΑΕΚ: «Είστε ελάχιστοι μπροστά στην ιστορία μας»

AEK: "You are few in our history"

A full-scale attack by AEK calling on the Kontra newspaper, who filed a complaint with the Minister of Infrastructure, to read "if they can understand" the law again.

Γέντρισεκ: «Η Ξάνθη είναι ένας σοβαρός και οργανωμένος σύλλογος»

Article CoverGentseek: "Xanthi is a serious and organized club"

For his transliteration to Xanthi, but also for his goals ahead of the new season, Erik Grycek said.

Επίσημο: Στο Αμβούργο μέχρι το 2020 ο Παπαδόπουλος

Official: In Hamburg until 2020, Papadopoulos

Hamburg has announced the acquisition of Kyriakos Papadopoulos from Leverkusen, with the Greek defender signing a co-operation agreement by 2020 with the German team.

Ο... Μέσι περίμενε τον Ρονάλντο στο Καζάν (vid)

Article Cover
El ... Messi Ronaldo esperó en Kazán (vid)

O Kristiano Ronaldo llegó, junto con el resto de la selección de Portugal en Kazan por delante de la semifinal de la Copa Confederaciones y no esperó a que el ... Messi.

Ασομπαλόνγκα για αντι-Γκρέι θέλει ο Ντάις

Assyallonga for anti-Gray wants Dacian

Nottingham's striker Brietz Asoballonga wants Burnley to get in case Andre Grea leaves for Everton.

Προς Λος Άντζελες ο Σνάιντερ

Article CoverTowards Los Angeles, Sneijder

Los Angeles FC, a newly-formed Los Angeles team, is determined to make hasty transcripts, with Dutch international Galatasaray, Wesley Schneider being their main target.

Ο... άνιωθος Βράνιες και ο... καμένος Βινίσιους! (videos)

The ... noisy Vranies and the ... made Vinisians! (Videos)

At the same time that the Vinisians "struggled" with the corridor in AEK's first training, Ognien Vrani made ... a plate holding the mobile in one hand and with the other weaving weights!