Τετάρτη 31 Μαΐου 2017

Με Αραούχο στο Champions League η ΑΕΚ, 2-1 τον Πανιώνιο (video)

ΑΕΚWith Araucho in the Champions League AEK, 2-1 Panionios (video)

The goal of Sergio Araucho gave AEK the victory (1-2) in Nea Smyrna against Panionios, the first place in the playoffs and the Champions League qualifying ticket.

ΠΑΟΚ - Παναθηναϊκός 2-3 (video)

Article CoverPAOK - Panathinaikos 2-3 (video)

Panathinaikos, though half, proved to Toumpa that he was the best team in the playoffs! Lost due to the removal of the sheet but took proud double (2-3) on the tragic PAOK tonight and left him with a bitter taste.

Live Streaming.20:30 Panionios - AEK Athens FC 1-2 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Panionios - AEK Athens FC 1-2 (video) Greece - Super League Με Αραούχο στο Champions League η ΑΕΚ, 2-1 τον Πανιώνιο (video)

Ραϊόλα: «Η Έβερτον έχει υποσχεθεί ότι δεν θα αποτελέσει εμπόδιο για Λουκάκου»

Ραϊόλα: «Η Έβερτον έχει υποσχεθεί ότι δεν θα αποτελέσει εμπόδιο για Λουκάκου»Raiola: "Everton has promised that it will not impede Loukakou"

The revelation that Everton has pledged that it will not hinder Rumello Lukakous from leaving his agent, Mino Raiola.

Live Streaming.20:30 PAOK - Panathinaikos 2-3 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

PAOK - Panathinaikos 2-3 (video) Greece - Super League ΠΑΟΚ - Παναθηναϊκός 2-3 (video)

ΠΑΟΚ-Παναθηναϊκός: Το ντέρμπι μέσα από αριθμούς και στατιστικά

Article CoverPAOK-Panathinaikos: Derby through numbers and statistics

Paokfc.gr puts you early in the climate of Panathinaikos against Toumpa for the 6th play of the Super League Play Offs.

Μάχη ΠΑΟΚ με Γαλατάσαραϊ για Χατσερίδη

Battle of PAOK with Galatasaray for Hatseridis

In the case of the 29-year-old defender of Dynamo Kiev, Eugen Hatseridis, they are paying PAOK and Galatasaray, according to a report by the Ukrainian and Turkish press.

Ναϊνγκολάν σε οπαδό της Γιουβέντους: «Τρία γκολ θα σας βάλει ο Ρονάλντο» (vid)

Article Cover
Naingkolan un tifoso della Juventus: "Tre gol di Ronaldo" vi metterà (vid)

Sfidare il sostenitore Radja Nainggolan ha avvertito la Juventus che la sua squadra riceverà tre gol di Ronaldo nella finale di Champions League.

ΠΑΕ Παναθηναϊκός: "Να εκδοθεί σήμερα η απόφαση για το ΑΕΚ - ΠΑΟΚ"

Panathinaikos FC: "Today's decision on AEK - PAOK"

Panathinaikos has issued a statement calling on the EP to issue a decision today on the episodes in the final of the Cup because otherwise it would be "scandalous management, with a shadow of worse feasibility".

Ο Βενγκέρ υπογράφει νέο διετές συμβόλαιο με την Άρσεναλ

Wenger signs a new two-year contract with Arsenal

According to a BBC report, Arsene Wenger agreed with Arsenal owner Stan Kronki on a new two-year contract, with official announcements expected in the day.

Πάει προς... Παρίσι ο Κασίγιας

He goes to ... Paris, the Casillas

He may have reached 36, but has proven he can still fight at the top level.

«Στέλνουν» Μπελφοντίλ στον Ολυμπιακό (video)

«Στέλνουν» Μπελφοντίλ στον Ολυμπιακό (video)

Σενάρια για ενδιαφέρον των «ερυθρολεύκων» που αφορά τον Ισαάκ Μπελφοντίλ παρουσιάζουν δημοσιεύματα του διεθνούς Τύπου.

«Συγχωνεύονται» Φάρος και Περιστέρι για Α1!

«Merged» Lighthouse and Perisle for A1!

Faros will use his right to participate in A1 but after ... merger with Peristeri.

ΠΑΟΚ: Συνάντηση κορυφής Σαββίδη με Μίχελ

PAOK: peak Meeting Savvidi with Michel

A meeting with the technical director of "Dichefalo" was held by the president of the club for the PAOK moves at the transcription ... bazaar.

Συμφώνησαν Ντόρτμουντ και Παρί για Ομπαμεγιάνγκ!

Συμφώνησαν Ντόρτμουντ και Παρί για Ομπαμεγιάνγκ!Dortmund and Paris agreed to Obamaayang!

In Paris Saint-Germain Pierre Emerich Obamayang seems to continue his career as soon as the final details of his deal with the French are settled, after Dortmund's "ok" for 70 million euros!

Κολλημένος με τον Ελαμπντελαουί ο Σίλβα: Toν θέλει και σε τρίτη ομάδα!

Stuck with Ellabdelai Silva: He wants a third team too!

After Olympiacos and Hull, Markos Silva wants to get Omar Elabdelawi and Wattford.

Αυτές είναι οι πρώτες κινήσεις του Βαλβέρδε στη Μπαρτσελόνα

Estos son los primeros movimientos de Valverde en Barcelona

Hoy al mediodía llega a Barcelona Ernesto Valverde para firmar el contrato.

Τρίτη 30 Μαΐου 2017

ΤΟ ΣΤΟΙΧΗΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΤΕΧΝΙΚΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΚΡΟΤΟΝΕ Την «πάτησε» ο Νίκολα, καβάλα σε ποδήλατο από το Κροτόνε στο Τορίνο!

La sua scommessa ARTE DI Crotone
Il "fatto un passo" Nikola, in sella a una bicicletta da Crotone a Torino!

Il Crotone ottiene qualcosa che sembrava improbabile di rimanere in Serie A e il tecnico Davide Nicola è obbligato ad attraversare in bicicletta l'Italia da un capo all'altro.

Νέο tweet από την Βραζιλία κάνει λόγο για συμφωνία Μολέδο-Ιντερνασιονάλ

Nuevo tweet de Brasil habla acuerdo Moledo-Internacional

Una publicación en las redes sociales (twitter esta vez) habla acuerdo Moledo-Internacional y la verdad es que donde hay humo suele haber en alguna parte y fuego.

Φεύγει από τη Λέστερ ο Μαχρέζ

Leaving the Leicester the Mahrez

Riyadh Maherz issued a statement informing the world of Leicester that he requested a transfer from the club that led to the Premier League top in 2016.

Βιγιαφάνιες: "Θα δώσουμε τη μάχη μας σαν άνδρες"

Viyaphanias: "We will give our battle as men"

Lucas Vivafaniy claimed that what happened in the match with PAOK and the difference in penalties hit the football ego of the green ones and they put the pitch on the pitch.

Sold-out σε μία μέρα το Βοσνία - Ελλάδα!

Article CoverSold out in one day in Bosnia and Greece!

The 12,000 tickets for the June 9 match between Bosnia and Greece became smoke in a matter of hours.

Απορρίφθηκε η προσφυγή του ΠΑΟΚ για τη μη επικύρωση της βαθμολογίας

Απορρίφθηκε η προσφυγή του ΠΑΟΚ για τη μη επικύρωση της βαθμολογίαςPAOK's appeal for non-validation of the grade was rejected

The PAYK's appeal for non-validation of the marks was rejected by the Arbitration Court, as EPO announced in a statement.

Απολύθηκε ο Τούχελ από τη Ντόρτμουντ

Touhel was fired from Dortmund

After a debate ... 21 minutes, Thomas Touchel is no longer a coach of Borussia Dortmund!

Ινιέστα: «Θα αναδειχθεί περισσότερο στην Μπαρτσελόνα ο Βαλβέρδε»

Article CoverIniesta: "se hará más en el Barcelona, ​​Valverde"

Andres Iniesta dio una entrevista a medios españoles con motivo del presente y el futuro de Barcelona y por supuesto no podía por no hablar de la llegada de Ernesto Valverde en el grupo.

Πέναλτι της απελπισίας στην Πορτογαλία! (video)

la desesperación Pena en Portugal! (Video)

Fernando Mantoureira de canela realiza pena irremediablemente equivocada en confrontación con Paredes en la Copa clases bajas finales de la liga portuguesa.

Τρελά λεφτά μοίρασε η Premier League

Crazy money was shared by the Premier League

Amazing sums have been shared for another year by the Premier League. See the money that the teams put in their coaches based on their final ranking.

Τελειώνει με τις εξετάσεις και υπογράφει στη Μίλαν ο Κέσι

Finisce con esami e firmato a Milano da cesio

In «Milanello» dove saranno sottoposti a una visita medica al completamento della trascrizione da Atalanta a Milano, che si trova sulla Martedì mattina Frank cesio.

Δευτέρα 29 Μαΐου 2017

Μπραουνσβέϊγκ - Βόλφσμπουργκ 0-1 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Στην Άρσεναλ για τα επόμενα δύο χρόνια ο Βενγκέρ

In Arsenal for the next two years Wenger

According to ESPN, Arsene Wenger will renew his contract with Arsenal, with which he has entered into a partnership agreement since last November for the next two years.

Live Streaming.21:30 Braunschweig - Wolfsburg 0-1 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Ανανέωσε με Ρόμα ο Στρόουτμαν

Ανανέωσε με Ρόμα ο ΣτρόουτμανRinfrescato con i rom Strooutman

Giocatore di Roma entro il 2022 sarà Kevin Strooutman, così come ha annunciato il "tzialorosi" rinnovato il contratto e sarà vincolato con la squadra per i prossimi cinque anni.

Όταν το Game 1 "βγάζει" πρωταθλητή...

When Game 1 "pulls out" champion ...

The last time that the home team started winning a series of Finals between Olympiacos and Panathinaikos and did NOT win the title was in 1999.

Άκυρος ο "συναγερμός" για Μπουφόν

Nulla la "allarme" per Buffon

Il portiere della Juventus, Gianluigi Buffon, non addestrato Lunedi a causa di disagio, ma il rassicurante "Vecchia Signora", che sarà presente nella finale di Champions League contro il Real.

O καπιτάνο Τότι έδωσε το περιβραχιόνιο, στον πιο πιτσιρικά αρχηγό της Ρόμα (video)

O capitano Totti ha dato la fascia, il capitano più bambino Roma (video)

Into la nuova generazione? Notazione per il giorno successivo o il comando a chiunque di camminare sulle orme di?

Ντόρτμουντ: Άσχημα μαντάτα για Ρόις

Article CoverDortmund: Bad Ruth for Rowis

A partial rupture of a posterior crucifer has been suffered on his right knee by Marko Rowis, as Dortmund confirmed.

Έπος! Πήραν το πρωτάθλημα κι έκαναν γύρο θριάμβου σε... Ντάτσουν! (vid)

Article CoverEpic! They took the championship and made a round of triumph in ... Datsun! (Vid)

Unique cult moments in the EPC of Evros, where the Union of Lykophis Karnofolia celebrated the championship in its first year of operation, celebrating it in a unique way.

Οι πιθανοί αντικαταστάτες του Ντοναρούμα

Potenziali sostituzioni Ntonarouma

Il Milan è pronto ad ogni evenienza e bellezza distintiva al mercato in caso di recesso Ntonarouma.

Η νέα εμφάνιση των "μπλαουγκράνα"

El nuevo aspecto de los "blaugrana"

Después de muchos proyectos y publicaciones acerca de cómo es la nueva apariencia, Barcelona "poner las cosas en su lugar" para comunicarse entre solemnidad la nueva camiseta. ...

Κροτόνε - Λάτσιο 3-1 (video), Φιορεντίνα - Πεσκάρα 2-2 (video), Ίντερ - Ουντινέζε 5-2 (video), Παλέρμο - Έμπολι 2-1 (video), Τορίνο - Σασσουόλο 5-3 (video) Σέριε Α

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Κυριακή 28 Μαΐου 2017

Στην υγειά του… Νίκολα ήπιε ο Ολυμπιακός!

In his health ... Olympiakos drank Nicholas!

With decisive points of Nikolaos Milutinov at the end, Olympiakos did not allow Panathinaikos Superfoods to make the break and thus defeated him 63-58 in the SEF, for the 1-0 in the A1 finals.

ΑΕΚ - ΠΑΟΚ 1-0 (video)

Article CoverAEK - PAOK 1-0 (video)

In the same project viewers! AEK was again better at OAKA, PAOK was hit by the same syndrome and the final 1-0 left open the first case.

Ρόμα - Τζένοα 3-2 (video), Σαμπντόρια - Νάπολι 2-4 (video) Σέριε A

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Cannot load player config

Live Streaming.21:00 Olympiacos - Panathinaikos 63-58 Greece - A1 Basketball League Eastern European Time

Olympiacos - Panathinaikos 63-58 Greece - A1 Basketball League Στην υγειά του… Νίκολα ήπιε ο Ολυμπιακός!

Παναθηναϊκός - Πανιώνιος 1-0 (video)

Article CoverPanathinaikos - Panionios 1-0 (video)

Serious and disciplined Panathinaikos beat Panionios 1-0, confirming once again that his great hope for the new year ... sits on the edge of his bench!

Live Streaming.21:45 Crotone - Lazio 3-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Fiorentina - Pescara 2-2 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Inter - Udinese 5-2 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Palermo - Empoli 2-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Torino - Sassuolo 5-3 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Έφτασαν στο ΣΕΦ Ολυμπιακός και Παναθηναϊκός (video)

Arrived at SEF Olympiacos and Panathinaikos (video)

Without any unexpected results, the Olympic and Panathinaikos missions for the first A1 final were reached.

Live Streaming.20:30 AEK Athens FC - PAOK 1-0 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

AEK Athens FC - PAOK 1-0 (video) Greece - Super League ΑΕΚ - ΠΑΟΚ 1-0 (video)

Live Streaming.18:15 Panathinaikos - Panionios 1-0 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Panathinaikos - Panionios 1-0 (video) Greece - Super League Παναθηναϊκός - Πανιώνιος 1-0 (video)

Κάλιαρι - Μίλαν 2-1 (video) Σέριε A

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