Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Γιουβέντους - Νάπολι 3-1 (video) Τιμ Κύπελλο

Έβαλε δύσκολα η ΑΕΚ

He put AEK difficult

The very positive start AEK in the match for the phase of the '16' of BCL proved not enough as merely a 69-68 win over Monaco in OAKA.

Ανοιχτοί λογαριασμοί για τον ΠΑΟΚ που νίκησε την Τενερίφη

Open accounts for PAOK defeated Tenerife

PAOK won the champion of the Liga Endesa, Tenerife, with 66-63 and left open accounts for qualifying. Complained +3. Rater Peiners (15p) and Klanton (13p, 10p).

Επιστροφή Μίλικ στη Νάπολι!

Eseguire il Milica Napoli!

Una piacevole sorpresa è stato l'annuncio della base line-Napoli per la partita contro la Juventus, dal momento che questo è Arkady Milica dopo gravi lesioni del ginocchio.

Ολυμπιακός - Σπαντάου 10-8

Olympiakos - Spandau 10-8

The elite of European pole this year Olympiakos. The "Reds" won 10-8 in Spandau for the seventh race of the groups of the Champions League and qualified for the final phase of the three games before the end of the group stage.

Σε συζητήσεις με τον Χόντσον η Λέστερ

In discussions with the Chontson Leicester

The Daily Mail revealed that the administration of Leicester met with Roy Chontson last Friday in order to replace Claudio Ranieri.

Ναι, αυτός είναι μαχητής!

Yes, he is a fighter!

A scary injury, ominous forecasts, and will of steel. The Michael Le bian made France to shudder and the apotheosis.

Live Streaming.21:45 Juventus - Napoli 3-1 (video) Tim Cup Eastern European Time

Ώρα έναρξης του Αγώνα Start time of the Match Juventus - Napoli 21:45 m.m Eastern European Time. 
Start time of the Match Juventus - Napoli 11:45 pm Pacific Standard Time
Link 1 Juventus - Napoli
Link 2 Juventus - Napoli
Link 3 Juventus - Napoli
Link 4 Juventus - Napoli NEW Italian 

The Link starting shortly before and after the scheduled race
If is not available Link to race not We accept no liability.
Τα Link 
αρχίζουν λίγο πριν και μετά από την προγραμματισμένη ώρα Αγώνα
Στην περίπτωση που δεν υπάρχει
 διαθέσιμο Link για τον αγώνα δεν φέρουμε καμία ευθύνη.

Από το αεροδρόμιο κατευθείαν για προπόνηση στον Ατρόμητο

From the airport directly to workout Atromitos

With psychology elevated, but with heavy legs from the long effort to away games against Veria, players of Atromitos from the airport went straight to workout.

Ο Παναθηναϊκός έλυσε τη συνεργασία του με τους Ρότσα, Μάρκο, Βονόρτα και Ψυχουντάκη

Panathinaikos terminated the cooperation with the Department of Rocha, Mark, and Vonorta Psychoundakis

Panathinaikos terminated the cooperation with the Department of Rocha, Mark, and Vonorta Psychoundakis

Μακελελέ: Αυτό πρέπει να βελτιώσει ο Καντέ

Makelele: This should improve the Cadets

The view that the Engkolo Cadets should improve some things in the game expressed by Claude Makelele.

Φήμες για συμφωνία Άρσεναλ-Αλέγκρι!

Article CoverRumors Arsenal-Alegre deal!

According to today's publication of the website «calciomercato.com», the technician Juventus Massimiliano Alegre confided in friends from Livorno that summer will take Arsenal!

Ο Πλατανιάς πιο πάνω και από Ολυμπιακό για τον Χιμένεθ!

Platanias above and Olympic for Jimenez!

The Manolo Jimenez explained to the players because the game against Platania is more important than with Olympic and spoke about the "sacrifice" of Vargas.

Live Streaming.19:30 PAOK - Tenerife 66-63 Champions League Basketball Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 AEK Athens - Monaco 69-68 Champions League Basketball Eastern European Time

AEK Athens - Monaco 69-68 Champions League Basketball Έβαλε δύσκολα η ΑΕΚ

Επική γκάφα (video)

Επική γκάφαepic blunder (video)

The Zeroen Zoot on Sunday derby between Feyenoord and PSV Eindhoven negative protagonist managed to do for the team.

Το ιδιαίτερο 65ο λεπτό του Λέστερ - Λίβερπουλ (video)

The special 65th minute Leicester - Liverpool (video)

Fans of Leicester not forgot Claudio Ranieri and beyond all other worship events to show symbolically the 65th minute of the match against Liverpool.

Πόσα άλλαξαν από την τελευταία εκτός έδρας νίκη του Πανιωνίου επί του Ολυμπιακού;(video)

How much has changed from the last away win Panionios for Olympiacos? (video)

I was Nios and ... grown old. What and how much has changed in Greece and the world since the last time Panionios celebrated an away victory over Olympiakos.

Δύo 23χρονα πολυβόλα

Two 23 year old guns

Harry Caine and Rommel Loukakou is just 23 years and traveled great season. Both have scored 17 goals and has split and 4 assists in 26 games this year's Premier League.

ΤΟ ΤΟΡ 20 Ο Μέσι φαβορί για το «Χρυσό Παπούτσι»

El favorito de Messi para la "Bota de Oro"

El Lionel Messi a la cabeza la puntuación en el ranking de la "Bota de Oro". La estrella argentina del Barcelona, ​​con el gol ante el Atlético de Madrid se llevó la victoria (1-2) a los catalanes y sus caras todo el peldaño más alto.

ΠΑΟΚ - Ολυμπιακός: «Γκάζια» Ίβιτς για τη συνέχεια...

PAOK - Olympiakos: "lawn" Ivic to continue ...

The Vladan Ivic showed appropriate Bisesvar, that does not hesitate nor agonistic behavioral issues

Μακάμπι Τελ Αβίβ - Ολυμπιακός: Πολλές ελλείψεις αντίπαλος των «ερυθρόλευκων»

Maccabi Tel Aviv - Olympiakos: Many shortcomings opponent of "reds"

Although Olympiacos has its problems, and finally was knocked out Spanoulis, and Maccabi Tel Aviv not go back. It seems to have many absences in the clash against Olympiacos Euroleague.

Μένει Ατλέτικο ο Σιμεόνε

Sigue siendo el Atlético de Simeone

El objetivo de muchos equipos europeos es Diego Simeone, pero que quiere quedarse en el Atlético, según informes de la prensa española.

Οι… γκάφες της εβδομάδας στο ΝΒΑ (vid)

... The blunders of the week in the NBA (vid)

Besides impressive phases, NBA teams several times ... and offer plenty of laughter with the blunders of NVAers.

Ο Κάραχερ και οι… μεθυσμένοι ποδοσφαιριστές της Λίβερπουλ

The Carragher and ... drunk Liverpool players

The veteran player had only one logical explanation for yesterday's appearance of "red" against Leicester: Alcohol!

Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Λέστερ- Λίβερπουλ 3-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Cannot load player config

Φιορεντίνα-Τορίνο 2-2 (video) Σέριε Α

Cannot load player config

Μέσα σ' όλα ο Ατρόμητος! (video)

Μέσα σ' όλα ο Ατρόμητος!Within all the Fearless! (video)

Hopes for the playoffs maintained by Fearless. With a goal in the end the team of Sa Pinto went 1-0 from Veria and Thursday will fight for qualification against Olympiakos Cup.

Live Streaming.22:00 Leicester - Liverpool 3-1 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Leicester - Liverpool 3-1 (video) Premier League Λέστερ- Λίβερπουλ 3-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Παναθηναϊκός - Ολυμπιακός 1-3 Volley League

Panathinaikos - Olympiakos 1-3 set Volley League

Volley League 2016-2017
18th race
Clean Monday, February 27
Fitness Panhellenic, Kypseli
19.00 Panathinaikos - Olympiakos 1-3 (22-25, 23-25, 30-28, 25-27)

Οι 7 διαφορές Πρίγιοβιτς - Ιμπραχίμοβιτς

The 7 differences Prigiovits - Ibrahimović

A bill dealing with PAOK topics on twitter asked from the team fans to find the seven differences between Aleksandar Prigiovits and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Χωρίς Σπανούλη στο Τελ Αβίβ για το ματς με την Μακάμπι

Without Spanoulis in Tel Aviv for the match against Maccabi

Without Vassilis Spanoulis will fight Olympiakos Thursday (2/3 21:05) in Tel Aviv against Maccabi. Exceeds the adductor strain, but racing is unprepared.

Αμφίβολος ο ΛεΜπρόν με Μπακς

Iffy the LeBron with Bucks

Questionable is the participation of LeBron James in the match with the Bucks, as the 32 year old guard was suffering from a sore throat.

Τέλος εποχής στην Παλέρμο!

Fine di un'epoca a Palermo!

Il -per 15 anni- presidente del gruppo, Maurizio Zamparini, si è dimesso e ha annunciato che i siciliani vanno a uomini d'affari mani americane.

Διαιτητής πλακώνει οπαδό! (video)

Árbitro oprimidos creyente! (Video)

En el juego para el día 23 del campeonato andaluz de la juventud, árbitro ... mastica en un ataque contra él y respondió con ganchillo derecha (!) Para ser envidiado y Mike Tyson, antes de huir.

Με επτά η Ελλάδα στο ευρωπαϊκό κλειστού στο Βελιγράδι

With seven Greece in the European closed in Belgrade

Seven athletes will represent our country at the European Championships closed in Belgrade (3-5 March).

Live Streaming.21:45 AC Fiorentina vs Torino FC 2-2 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

AC Fiorentina vs Torino FC 2-2 (video) Serie A Φιορεντίνα-Τορίνο 2-2 (video) Σέριε Α

Η ενδεκάδα των ονείρων του Αντσελότι

Η ενδεκάδα των ονείρων του ΑντσελότιLa alineación de los sueños Ancelotti

Carlo Ancelotti ha entrenado a algunos de los mejores jugadores de todos los tiempos y ha seleccionado la mejor alineación.

Live Streaming.19:30 Veria - Atromitos Athens 0-1 (video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Veria - Atromitos Athens 0-1 (video) Greece - Super League Μέσα σ' όλα ο Ατρόμητος! (video)

Ζντοβτς: «Είμαστε το φαβορί, δεν με φοβίζει η Μονακό»

Zntovts: "We are the favorites, Monaco did not scare me"

One way is victory for AEK in the clash headquarters in Monaco as explained Yuri Zntovts.

Στην Κύπρο έχουν νοσταλγήσει τον... άχρηστο Μιλόγεβιτς

In Cyprus have the nostalgia ... useless Milojevic

The change in attitude of Cypriot football fans to Vladan Milojevic. From ... trashy summer was ... proponitaras that should keep Omonia winter.

Live Streaming.19:00 Panathinaikos vs Olympiakos 1-3 set 22-25.23-25,30-28,25-27 Greek Volleyball A1 Eastern European Time

Panathinaikos vs Olympiakos 1-3 set 22-25.23-25,30-28,25-27 Greek Volleyball A1 Παναθηναϊκός - Ολυμπιακός 1-3 Volley League

Ο Πετράκης έπαθε... Ίβιτς ή το ανάποδο;

The Petrakis Ivic happened ... or vice versa?

And this became the Super League. John Petrakis and Vladan Ivic took the ... with two players and they did change early on in games of PAS, PAOK!

ΑΝΗΣΥΧΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΜΠΑΚΑΚΗ ΑΕΚ - Πλατανιάς, Κύπελλο Ελλάδας: Χωρίς Γκάλο και Πατίτο στο Κύπελλο

AEK - Platanias, Greece Cup: Without Galo and Patito Cup

AEK after beating AEL directs attention to critical replay against Platanias (first leg 0-0) Wednesday (01/03 - 19:30).

Έπαιζε 11 λεπτά με ρήξη χιαστού ο Ασένχο (video)

Jugó 11 minutos con un ligamento desgarrado Asencho la (video)

El Sergio Asencho fue cuarto rotura del ligamento en su carrera, perdiendo el resto de la temporada con el Villarreal, aunque jugó las once minutos lesión contra el Real.

Τα πάντα χάνονται στο ποδόσφαιρο... Αυτό ΟΧΙ! (vid)

Article CoverLost everything in football ... This is NO! (Vid)

No, not to have lost this opportunity by the Mets in the game against Lyon ...

Φίλαθλος των Ουόριορς κέρδισε πέντε χιλιάδες χάρη στον Κάρι (vid)

Fan of Warriors won five thousand thanks to Carrie (vid)

With the amount of $ 5,000 left one fan of the Golden State Warriors of the «Oracle Arena» and this owes to Steph Curry.

Καταγγελία προέδρου Βιγιαρεάλ: «Πήραν... δωράκια από τη Ρεάλ οι διαιτητές»

Article CoverVillarreal presidente queja: "... Se llevó regalos de árbitros reales '

El Real Madrid logró hacer el derrocamiento y dejar victorioso de la sede del Villarreal, con los anfitriones, sin embargo ... clamando por arbitraje.

Μουρίνιο: «Αν χρειαστεί, θα πάνε οι οπαδοί στο σπίτι του Ζλάταν»

Mourinho: "Where necessary, the fans in the house of Zlatan 'will go

The Jose Mourinho was enjoyable after beating United over Southampton in the final of the League Cup, and expressed his desire to "keep" Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the «Old Trafford».