Τρίτη 31 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Άρσεναλ - Γουότφορντ 1-2 (video), Μπόρνμουθ - Κρίσταλ Πάλας 0-2 (video), Μπέρνλι - Λέστερ 1-0 (video), Μίντλεσμπρο - Γουέστ Μπρομ 1-1 (video), Σάντερλαντ - Τότεναμ 0-0 (video ), Σουόνσι - Σαουθάμπτον 2-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

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Ηχηρό "όχι" στα 30.000.000 ευρώ της Τσέλσι!

Clamoroso "no" ai 30.000.000 euro del Chelsea!

La Antonio Conte "mettere l'occhio" asso chiave Inter e voleva afferrarlo per proposizione 30 milioni di euro, ma i milanesi ha respinto l'accordo con il Chelsea. Leggi la storia.

Live Streaming.21:45 Inter - Lazio 1-2 (video) Tim Cup Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 Arsenal - Watford 1-2 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Bournemouth - Crystal Palace 0-2 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Burnley - Leicester 1-0(video), ,Live Streaming.21:45 Middlesbrough - West Brom 1-1 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Sunderland - Tottenham 0-0 (video),Live Streaming.21:45 Swansea - Southampton 2-1 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Έμεινε Ισπανία, άλλαξε ομάδα ο Σιρίγκου

Se alojó España, cambiado el equipo Sirigkou

El Paris Saint-Germain dio el Salvatore Sirigu con un préstamo en Osasuna.


Sokratis you superstar

Another distinction added to his credit - as a result of the nature of talent and his work - Sokratis Papastathopoulos.

Ολοκληρώθηκε το Μιλιβόγεβιτς στην Κρίσταλ Πάλας

Finished Milivogevits in Crystal Palace

Acquiring luka milivojević Olympiakos completed Tuesday night (30/1), the Crystal Palace and official announcements are expected.

Live Streaming.22:00 Liverpool - Chelsea 1-1 (video) Premier League Eastern European Time

Liverpool - Chelsea 1-1 (video) Premier League Λίβερπουλ - Τσέλσι 1-1 (video) Πρέμιερ Λιγκ

Παρέδες και... τέλος στον Ολυμπιακό!

Paredes and ... end Olympiakos!

Juan Carlos Paredes was dressed in red-white Olympic and became the last transcriptional acquisition of Paulo Bento's squad. This, indeed, was by official 'lips. "

Ο Βάσκες είναι η απάντηση του Παναθηναϊκού

The Vasquez is the answer Panathinaikos

They changed the direction of Panathinaikos after negotiations for Massoud and are now focused on Victor Vasquez. What they offer in Spanish, so when they can acquire.

ΟΦΗ - Ξάνθη 2-1 (vids)

OFI - Xanthi 2-1 (vids)
H Xanthi was bad, but despite a 2-1 defeat by OFI Heraklion got the qualification in the quarterfinals of the Cup, where he will face PAOK.

Επιστράφηκαν οι τρεις βαθμοί στον Ηρακλή

ΠουρτουλίδηςReturned three points Hercules

Hercules arranged its debts to Nikos Pourtoulidi, leading the Super League to return the three points.

Live Streaming.16:00 OFI Crete - Xanthi FC 2-1 (vids) Greece - Cup Eastern European Time

OFI Crete - Xanthi FC 2-1 (vids) Greece - Cup ΟΦΗ - Ξάνθη 2-1 (vids)

Στην αποστολή ο Αραούχο, ανοιχτή η συμμετοχή του την Τετάρτη

In sending the Araujo, open participation Wednesday

The Manolo Jimenez announced the shipment of the match Levadiakos to the cup and the relevant list is the name of Sergio Araujo.

Παρελθόν ο Παπαδόπουλος από τον Ατρόμητο

Past Papadopoulos from Atromitos

Ended ingloriously the second pass of Dimitrios Papadopoulos from Atromitos (it was season 2013-14), after the club announced the termination of cooperation with the experienced striker.

Ο Αντετοκούνμπο στις 10 καλύτερες ασίστ της εβδομάδας! (vid)

The Antetokounmpo 10 assists Best of the week! (Vid)

The Giannis Antetokounmpo not only knows how to nails to be the best modes of the NBA, but also passes ...!

Δευτέρα 30 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Μισή νίκη για Παναθηναϊκό, 72-59 τον Ολυμπιακό

Half victory for Panathinaikos, Olympiakos 72-59

Superfoods Panathinaikos beat Olympiakos thousand problems in OAKA (72-59), with the "Reds" can, however, protect the 25 of the first round.

Live Streaming.21:00 Panathinaikos - Olympiakos 72-59 Greek basketball A1 Eastern European Time

Panathinaikos - Olympiakos 72-59 Greek basketball A1 Μισή νίκη για Παναθηναϊκό, 72-59 τον Ολυμπιακό

Οριστικά εκτός ο Λοτζέσκι για το ντέρμπι

Permanently out of the Lotzeski for derby

Permanently out of action was the Matt Lojeski for the derby Monday (30/1) against Panathinaikos, while a question mark remains the participation of the other three "reds" wounded.

Βόμβα με Ιβάνοβιτς η Ζενίτ!

Article CoverBomb Ivanovic Zenit!

After nine years at Chelsea, Branislav Ivanovic is a breath of Zenit St Petersburg, agreed with Londoners.
After nine years at Chelsea, Branislav Ivanovic is ready to leave London.

Πιτσιρικάς βάζει γκολ και... πανηγυρίζουν και οι αντίπαλοι (vid)

Kid puts goals and ... celebrate and opponents (vid)

The innocence of a young child is to admire ... Somehow thus becomes a kid game when the only thing that interests them is a pretty goal, not the result!

Επίσημα στη Χαρτς ο Τζιόλης

Article CoverOfficially in the Harz Tziolis

The acquisition of Alexandros Tziolis to the end of the season the Hearts announced.

Λέει το «ναι» και η Λάτσιο στην ΑΕΚ για Βινίσιους!

He says "yes" and the Lazio AEK for Vinisious!

Own make directly in AEK Vinisious. Following the agreement with the Brazilian left-back, the "tawny" allegedly found the edge and Lazio ca be acquired now and not in the summer.

Νέα σενάρια για πώληση Μανωλά

Nuovi scenari per la vendita Manola

L'assenza di Kostas Manolas dalla resa dei conti con la Roma Sampdoria svasato scenari in vendita nel finale della finestra di trasferimento.

Τα στιγμιότυπα και τα γκολ της 13ης αγωνιστικής της Football League (vid)

Snapshots and scored 13 race of Football League (vid)

See video below goals and phases of matches of 13 militant of the Football League, made Saturday (28/1) and Sunday (29/1), respectively.

Κυριακή 29 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Νάπολη - Παλέρμο 1-1 (video) Σέριε Α

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Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης - Ρεάλ Σοσιεδάδ 3-0 (video) Λα Λίγκα

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Με οδηγό τον αρχηγό του ο Ολυμπιακός πέρασε από την Ημαθία, 2-1 την Βέροια (video)

Guided leader Olympiakos transferred from Imathia, Veria 2-1 (video)

Olympiakos found the dark against Veria, but had top leader luka milivojević that head - dynamite on 35 'scored the goal, which proved enough for the final 2-1 of of Piraeus in Imathia.

Live Streaming.21:45 Real Madrid - Real Sociedad 3-0 (video) La Liga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.21:45 Napoli - Palermo 1-1 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

Napoli - Palermo 1-1 (video) Serie A Νάπολη - Παλέρμο 1-1 (video) Σέριε Α

Live Streaming.19:30 Veria - Olympiakos Piraeus 1-2(video) Greece - Super League Eastern European Time

Επιμένουν οι Κινέζοι για Μήτρογλου

Chinos insisten Mitroglou

Puede Benfica negado a propuesta de 30 millones de euros. Por Konstantinos Mitroglou, pero esto no se intimida a los chinos para preparar una nueva propuesta para una ofensiva internacional.

Στο «κόλπο» για Γκριζμάν και η Άρσεναλ

In the "trick" for Gkrizman and Arsenal
Aggressive Atletico Madrid Antoine Gkrizman is ready to assert and Arsenal during the transfer window, however, the summer, as reported known British Average.

Συμφώνησε για νέο συμβόλαιο ο Λαλάνα στη Λίβερπουλ

Article CoverHe agreed to the new contract Lalana in Liverpool

After Filipe Coutinho and Adam Lallana is expected to sign a new contract with Liverpool.

Live Streaming.13:00 Betis - Barcelona 1-1 (video) La Liga Eastern European Time

Σάββατο 28 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Ίντερ - Πεσκάρα 3-0 (video) Σέριε Α

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Περασμένα ξεχασμένα για ΑΕΚ και Ξάνθη!

Past forgotten for AEK Athens and Xanthi!

Bra-wrestling without winner between Xanthi and AEK in Wells. Miscarriages of Galo and trinity ruined the plans of both left without phases and goals (0-0) in a match already forgotten.

Μπάγερ Λεβερκούζεν - Μπορούσια Μονχενγλαδβάχ 2-3 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

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Σαουθάμπτον - Άρσεναλ 0-5 (video) FA Cup

Ολυμπιακός - ΠΑΟΚ 3-0 BOLLEY LEAGUE CAP (25-23, 25-16, 25-21)

Olympiakos - PAOK 3-0 BOLLEY LEAGUE CAP  (25-23, 25-16, 25-21) 

LEAGUE CAP 'Nikos Samaras' 2016-17
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Fitness "Melina Mercouri" Rendi

Live Streaming.21:45 Inter Milan - Pescara 3-0 (video) Serie A Eastern European Time

 Inter Milan - Pescara 3-0 (video) Serie A Ίντερ - Πεσκάρα 3-0 (video) Σέριε Α

Πλήρης για την επιστροφή στις νίκες μετά από 22 ημέρες!

Complete to return to winning ways after 22 days!

The mission of Atromitos to match the PAS does not have the slightest gap since everyone healthy at the disposal of Giorgos Korakakis.

Ντάρμσταντ - FC Κολωνία 1-6 (video), Ίνγκολσταντ - Αμβούργο 3-1 (video), RB Λειψία - Χοφενχάιμ 2-1 (video), Βέρντερ Βρέμης - Μπάγερν Μονάχου 1-2 (video), Βόλφσμπουργκ - FC Άουγκσμπουργκ 1 -2 (video) Μπουντεσλίγκα

Live Streaming.19:30 Xanthi FC - AEK Athens FC 0-0 Greece Super League Eastern European Timee

 Xanthi FC - AEK Athens FC 0-0 Greece Super League  Περασμένα ξεχασμένα για ΑΕΚ και Ξάνθη!

Live Streaming.19:30 Olympiacos - PAOK Saloniki 3-0 set 25-23,25-16.25-21 Greece Volleyball Men

Olympiacos - PAOK Saloniki 3-0 set 25-23,25-16.25-21 Greece Volleyball Men Ολυμπιακός - ΠΑΟΚ 3-0 BOLLEY LEAGUE CAP (25-23, 25-16, 25-21)

Live Streaming.19:30 Bayer Leverkusen - Borussia Monchengladbach 2-3 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Live Streaming.19:30 Southampton - Arsenal 0-5 (video) FA Cup Eastern European Time

 Southampton - Arsenal 0-5 (video) FA Cup Σαουθάμπτον - Άρσεναλ 0-5 (video) FA Cup

Λίβερπουλ - Γουλβς 1-2 (video) FA Cup

Εκτός αποστολής με Βέροια ο Ανσαριφάρντ

In addition to sending the Veria Ansarifarnt

Can Karim Ansarifarnt be scored on his debut with the shirt of Olympiakos, however the Paulo Bento left him outside mission for the game of 18 racing in Veria.

Live Streaming.16:30 Darmstadt - FC Koln 1-6 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Ingolstadt - Hamburger SV 3-1 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 RB Leipzig - Hoffenheim 2-1 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Werder Bremen - Bayern Munchen 1-2 (video),Live Streaming.16:30 Wolfsburg - FC Augsburg 1-2 (video) Bundesliga Eastern European Time

Ο Ροναλντίνιο "επέστρεψε" στην Παρί (video)

The Ronaldinho "returned" in Paris (video)

After several years Ronaldinho visited Paris Saint-Germain, a group from which he started his career in Europe in 2001.